459 research outputs found

    Adapting the interior point method for the solution of LPs on serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computers

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    In this paper we describe a unified scheme for implementing an interior point algorithm (IPM) over a range of computer architectures. In the inner iteration of the IPM a search direction is computed using Newton's method. Computationally this involves solving a sparse symmetric positive definite (SSPD) system of equations. The choice of direct and indirect methods for the solution of this system, and the design of data structures to take advantage of serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computer architectures, are considered in detail. We put forward arguments as to why integration of the system within a sparse simplex solver is important and outline how the system is designed to achieve this integration

    Almost Block Diagonal Linear Systems: Sequential and Parallel Solution Techniques, and Applications

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    Almost block diagonal (ABD) linear systems arise in a variety of contexts, specifically in numerical methods for two-point boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations and in related partial differential equation problems. The stable, efficient sequential solution of ABDs has received much attention over the last fifteen years and the parallel solution more recently. We survey the fields of application with emphasis on how ABDs and bordered ABDs (BABDs) arise. We outline most known direct solution techniques, both sequential and parallel, and discuss the comparative efficiency of the parallel methods. Finally, we examine parallel iterative methods for solving BABD systems. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Parallel iterative refinement in polynomial eigenvalue problems

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Campos, C., and Roman, J. E. (2016) Parallel iterative refinement in polynomial eigenvalue problems. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 23: 730–745, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nla.2052. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingMethods for the polynomial eigenvalue problem sometimes need to be followed by an iterative refinement process to improve the accuracy of the computed solutions. This can be accomplished by means of a Newton iteration tailored to matrix polynomials. The computational cost of this step is usually higher than the cost of computing the initial approximations, due to the need of solving multiple linear systems of equations with a bordered coefficient matrix. An effective parallelization is thus important, and we propose different approaches for the message-passing scenario. Some schemes use a subcommunicator strategy in order to improve the scalability whenever direct linear solvers are used. We show performance results for the various alternatives implemented in the context of SLEPc, the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TIN2013-41049-P. Carmen Campos was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through an FPU grant with reference AP2012-0608. The computational experiments of Section 5 were carried out on the supercomputer Tirant at Universitat de Valencia.Campos, C.; Román Moltó, JE. (2016). Parallel iterative refinement in polynomial eigenvalue problems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. 23(4):730-745. https://doi.org/10.1002/nla.2052S73074523

    Computation of periodic solution bifurcations in ODEs using bordered systems

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    We consider numerical methods for the computation and continuation of the three generic secondary periodic solution bifurcations in autonomous ODEs, namely the fold, the period-doubling (or flip) bifurcation, and the torus (or Neimark–Sacker) bifurcation. In the fold and flip cases we append one scalar equation to the standard periodic BVP that defines the periodic solution; in the torus case four scalar equations are appended. Evaluation of these scalar equations and their derivatives requires the solution of linear BVPs, whose sparsity structure (after discretization) is identical to that of the linearization of the periodic BVP. Therefore the calculations can be done using existing numerical linear algebra techniques, such as those implemented in the software AUTO and COLSYS

    pde2path - A Matlab package for continuation and bifurcation in 2D elliptic systems

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    pde2path is a free and easy to use Matlab continuation/bifurcation package for elliptic systems of PDEs with arbitrary many components, on general two dimensional domains, and with rather general boundary conditions. The package is based on the FEM of the Matlab pdetoolbox, and is explained by a number of examples, including Bratu's problem, the Schnakenberg model, Rayleigh-Benard convection, and von Karman plate equations. These serve as templates to study new problems, for which the user has to provide, via Matlab function files, a description of the geometry, the boundary conditions, the coefficients of the PDE, and a rough initial guess of a solution. The basic algorithm is a one parameter arclength continuation with optional bifurcation detection and branch-switching. Stability calculations, error control and mesh-handling, and some elementary time-integration for the associated parabolic problem are also supported. The continuation, branch-switching, plotting etc are performed via Matlab command-line function calls guided by the AUTO style. The software can be downloaded from www.staff.uni-oldenburg.de/hannes.uecker/pde2path, where also an online documentation of the software is provided such that in this paper we focus more on the mathematics and the example systems

    Row Compression and Nested Product Decomposition of a Hierarchical Representation of a Quasiseparable Matrix

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    This research introduces a row compression and nested product decomposition of an nxn hierarchical representation of a rank structured matrix A, which extends the compression and nested product decomposition of a quasiseparable matrix. The hierarchical parameter extraction algorithm of a quasiseparable matrix is efficient, requiring only O(nlog(n))operations, and is proven backward stable. The row compression is comprised of a sequence of small Householder transformations that are formed from the low-rank, lower triangular, off-diagonal blocks of the hierarchical representation. The row compression forms a factorization of matrix A, where A = QC, Q is the product of the Householder transformations, and C preserves the low-rank structure in both the lower and upper triangular parts of matrix A. The nested product decomposition is accomplished by applying a sequence of orthogonal transformations to the low-rank, upper triangular, off-diagonal blocks of the compressed matrix C. Both the compression and decomposition algorithms are stable, and require O(nlog(n)) operations. At this point, the matrix-vector product and solver algorithms are the only ones fully proven to be backward stable for quasiseparable matrices. By combining the fast matrix-vector product and system solver, linear systems involving the hierarchical representation to nested product decomposition are directly solved with linear complexity and unconditional stability. Applications in image deblurring and compression, that capitalize on the concepts from the row compression and nested product decomposition algorithms, will be shown
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