247,438 research outputs found

    Resolving Stellar Atmospheres I: The H alpha line and comparisons to microlensing observations

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    We present work on H alpha spectral line characteristics in PHOENIX stellar model atmospheres and their comparison to microlensing observations. We examine in detail the H alpha equivalent width (EW) and the line shape characteristics for effective temperatures of 4500K< Teff < 5600K where H alpha is a strong spectral feature. We find that H alpha EW in models calculated under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is up to 15% smaller than in models without this assumption, non-LTE models (NLTE) and that line shapes vary significantly for the two model types. A comparison with available high quality microlensing data, capable of tracing H alpha absorption across the face of one G5III giant, shows that the LTE model that fits the EW best is about 100K hotter than and the best-fitting NLTE model has a similar Teff as predicted by the spectral type analysis of the observed star but agree within the uncertainties of the observationally derived temperature. Neither LTE nor NLTE models fit the line shape well. We suspect unmodelled chromospheric emission. Line shape diagnostics suggest lower gravities than derived for the star and are unacceptable low in the case of the LTE models. We show that EW alone is insufficient for comparison to stellar model atmospheres, but combined with a new shape parameter we define is promising. In stellar parameter ranges where the H alpha line is strong, a NLTE approach of modeling stellar atmospheres is not only beneficial but mandatory.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Absorption Efficiencies of Forsterite. I: DDA Explorations in Grain Shape and Size

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    We compute the absorption efficiency (Qabs) of forsterite using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) in order to identify and describe what characteristics of crystal grain shape and size are important to the shape, peak location, and relative strength of spectral features in the 8-40 {\mu}m wavelength range. Using the DDSCAT code, we compute Qabs for non-spherical polyhedral grain shapes with a_eff = 0.1 {\mu}m. The shape characteristics identified are: 1) elongation/reduction along one of three crystallographic axes; 2) asymmetry, such that all three crystallographic axes are of different lengths; and 3) the presence of crystalline faces that are not parallel to a specific crystallographic axis, e.g., non-rectangular prisms and (di)pyramids. Elongation/reduction dominates the locations and shapes of spectral features near 10, 11, 16, 23.5, 27, and 33.5 {\mu}m, while asymmetry and tips are secondary shape effects. Increasing grain sizes (0.1-1.0 {\mu}m) shifts the 10, 11 {\mu}m features systematically towards longer wavelengths and relative to the 11 {\mu}m feature increases the strengths and slightly broadens the longer wavelength features. Seven spectral shape classes are established for crystallographic a-, b-, and c-axes and include columnar and platelet shapes plus non-elongated or equant grain shapes. The spectral shape classes and the effects of grain size have practical application in identifying or excluding columnar, platelet or equant forsterite grain shapes in astrophysical environs. Identification of the shape characteristics of forsterite from 8-40 {\mu}m spectra provides a potential means to probe the temperatures at which forsterite formed.Comment: 55 pages, 15 figure

    The Mid-Infrared Spectrum of the Zodiacal and Exozodiacal Light

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    The zodiacal light is the dominant source of the mid-infrared sky brightness seen from Earth, and exozodiacal light is the dominant emission from planetary and debris systems around other stars. We observed the zodiacal light spectrum with ISOCAM over 5-16 over a wide range of orientations relative to the Sun and the ecliptic. We present theoretical models for a wide range of particle size distributions and compositions. The observed temperature is as expected for large (>10 um radius), low-albedo (< 0.08), rapidly-rotating, grey particles 1 AU from the Sun. In addition to the continuum, we detect a weak excess in the 9-11 um range, with an amplitude of 6% of the continuum. The shape of the feature can be matched by a mixture of silicates: amorphous forsterite/olivine, dirty crystalline olivine, and a hydrous silicate (montmorillonite). The presence of hydrous silicate suggests the parent bodies of those particles were formed in the inner solar nebula. Large particles dominate the size distribution, but at least some small particles (radii ~1 um) are required to produce the silicate emission feature. To compare the properties of zodiacal dust to dust around other main sequence stars, we reanalyzed the exozodiacal light spectrum for Beta Pic. The exozodiacal spectra are dominated by cold dust, with emission peaking in the far-infrared, while the zodiacal spectrum peaks around 20 um. The shape of the silicate feature from Beta Pic is nearly identical to that derived from the ISO spectrum of 51 Oph; both exozodiacal features are very different from that of the zodiacal light. The exozodiacal features are roughly triangular, peaking at 10.3 um while the zodiacal feature is more boxy.Comment: accepted to Icaru

    A temporal study of oxygen-rich pulsating variable AGB star, T Cep: Investigation on dust formation and dust properties

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    Pulsation is believed to be the leading cause of dusty mass loss from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. We present a temporal study of T Cep, a long-period Mira variable, using seven ISO SWS spectra, covering a 16-month period over a single pulsation cycle. The observed spectral dust features change over the pulsation cycle of this Mira. In general, the overall apparent changes in spectral features can be attributed to changes in the dust temperature, resulting from the intrinsic pulsation cycle of the central star. However, not all feature changes are so easily explained. Based on direct comparison with laboratory spectra of several potential minerals, the dust is best explained by crystalline iron-rich silicates. These findings contradict the currently favored dust formation hypotheses.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. It is tentatively scheduled for the May 10, 2011, v732 -2 issu

    Mid-infrared spectra of late-type stars: Long-term evolution

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    Recent ground-based mid-infrared spectra of 29 late-type stars, most with substantial dust shells, are compared to ground-based spectra of these stars from the 1960s and 1970s and to IRAS-LRS spectra obtained in 1983. The spectra of about half the stars show no detectable changes, implying that their distributions of circumstellar material and associated dust grain properties have changed little over this time interval. However, many of the stars with strong silicate features showed marked changes. In nearly all cases the silicate peak has strengthened with respect to the underlying continuum, although there is one case (VY~CMa) in which the silicate feature has almost completely disappeared. This suggests that, in general, an oxygen-rich star experiences long periods of gradual silicate feature strengthening, punctuated by relatively rare periods when the feature weakens. We discuss various mechanisms for producing the changes, favoring the slow evolution of the intrinsic dust properties (i.e., the chemical composition or grain structure). Although most IRAS spectra agree well with ground-based spectra, there are a number of cases where they fall well outside the expected range of uncertainty. In almost all such cases the slopes of the red and blue LRS spectra do not match in their region of overlap.Comment: Accepted in ApJ, 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl