457,183 research outputs found

    The Generalized Centroid Difference method for lifetime measurements via gamma-gamma coincidences using large fast-timing arrays.

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    A novel method for direct electronic "fast-timing" lifetime measurements of nuclear excited states via gamma-gamma coincidences using an array equipped with N very fast high-resolution LaBr3(Ce) scintillator detectors is presented. The generalized centroid difference method provides two independent "start" and "stop" time spectra obtained without any correction by a superposition of the N(N - 1)/2 calibrated gamma-gamma time difference spectra of the N detector fast-timing system. The two fast-timing array time spectra correspond to a forward and reverse gating of a specific gamma-gamma cascade and the centroid difference as the time shift between the centroids of the two time spectra provides a picosecond-sensitive mirror-symmetric observable of the set-up. The energy-dependent mean prompt response difference between the start and stop events is calibrated and used as a single correction for lifetime determination. These combined fast-timing array mean gamma-gamma zero-time responses can be determined for 40 keV < E-gamma < 1.4 MeV with a precision better than 10 ps using a Eu-152 gamma-ray source. The new method is described with examples of (n,gamma) and (n,f,gamma) experiments performed at the intense cold-neutron beam facility PF1B of the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France, using 16 LaBr3(Ce) detectors within the EXILL&FATIMA campaign in 2013. The results are discussed with respect to possible systematic errors induced by background contributions

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov method for the determination of signal time-shifts

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    A new method for the determination of electric signal time-shifts is introduced. As the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it is based on the comparison of the cumulative distribution functions of the reference signal with the test signal. This method is very fast and thus well suited for on-line applications. It is robust to noise and its performances in terms of precision are excellent for time-shifts ranging from a fraction to several sample durations. PACS. 29.40.Gx (Tracking and position-sensitive detectors), 29.30.Kv (X- and -ray spectroscopy), 07.50.Qx (Signal processing electronics)Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Investigation of top mass measurements with the ATLAS detector at LHC

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    Several methods for the determination of the mass of the top quark with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. All dominant decay channels of the top quark can be explored. The measurements are in most cases dominated by systematic uncertainties. New methods have been developed to control those related to the detector. The results indicate that a total error on the top mass at the level of 1 GeV should be achievable.Comment: 47 pages, 40 figure

    2S hyperfine structure of atomic deuterium

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    We have measured the frequency splitting between the (2S,F=1/2)(2S, F=1/2) and (2S,F=3/2)(2S, F=3/2) hyperfine sublevels in atomic deuterium by an optical differential method based on two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy on a cold atomic beam. The result fHFS(D)(2S)=40924454(7)f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(2S)= 40 924 454(7) Hz is the most precise value for this interval to date. In comparison to the previous radio-frequency measurement we have improved the accuracy by the factor of three. The specific combination of hyperfine frequency intervals for metastable- and ground states in deuterium atom D21=8fHFS(D)(2S)fHFS(D)(1S)D_{21}=8f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(2S)-f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(1S) derived from our measurement is in a good agreement with D21D_{21} calculated from quantum-electrodynamics theory.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Finding critical points using improved scaling Ansaetze

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    Analyzing in detail the first corrections to the scaling hypothesis, we develop accelerated methods for the determination of critical points from finite size data. The output of these procedures are sequences of pseudo-critical points which rapidly converge towards the true critical points. In fact more rapidly than previously existing methods like the Phenomenological Renormalization Group approach. Our methods are valid in any spatial dimensionality and both for quantum or classical statistical systems. Having at disposal fast converging sequences, allows to draw conclusions on the basis of shorter system sizes, and can be extremely important in particularly hard cases like two-dimensional quantum systems with frustrations or when the sign problem occurs. We test the effectiveness of our methods both analytically on the basis of the one-dimensional XY model, and numerically at phase transitions occurring in non integrable spin models. In particular, we show how a new Homogeneity Condition Method is able to locate the onset of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition making only use of ground-state quantities on relatively small systems.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. New version including more general Ansaetze basically applicable to all case

    The Potential-Density Phase Shift Method for Determining the Corotation Radii in Spiral and Barred Galaxies

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    We have developed a new method for determining the corotation radii of density waves in disk galaxies, which makes use of the radial distribution of an azimuthal phase shift between the potential and density wave patterns. The approach originated from improved theoretical understandings of the relation between the morphology and kinematics of galaxies, and on the dynamical interaction between density waves and the basic-state disk stars which results in the secular evolution of disk galaxies. In this paper, we present the rationales behind the method, and the first application of it to several representative barred and grand-design spiral galaxies, using near-infrared images to trace the mass distributions, as well as to calculate the potential distributions used in the phase shift calculations. We compare our results with those from other existing methods for locating the corotations, and show that the new method both confirms the previously-established trends of bar-length dependence on galaxy morphological types, as well as provides new insights into the possible extent of bars in disk galaxies. Application of the method to a larger sample and the preliminary analysis of which show that the phase shift method is likely to be a generally-applicable, accurate, and essentially model-independent method for determining the pattern speeds and corotation radii of single or nested density wave patterns in galaxies. Other implications of this work are: most of the nearby bright disk galaxies appear to possess quasi-stationary spiral modes; that these density wave modes and the associated basic state of the galactic disk slowly transform over time; and that self-consistent N-particle systems contain physics not revealed by the passive orbit analysis approaches.Comment: 48 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    High Precision Astrometric Millimeter VLBI Using a New Method for Atmospheric Calibration

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    We describe a new method which achieves high precision Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) astrometry in observations at millimeter wavelengths. It combines fast frequency-switching observations, to correct for the dominant non-dispersive tropospheric fluctuations, with slow source-switching observations, for the remaining ionospheric dispersive terms. We call this method Source-Frequency Phase Referencing. Provided that the switching cycles match the properties of the propagation media, one can recover the source astrometry. We present an analytic description of the two-step calibration strategy, along with an error analysis to characterize its performance. Also, we provide observational demonstrations of a successful application with observations using the Very Long Baseline Array at 86 GHz of the pairs of sources 3C274 & 3C273 and 1308+326 & 1308+328, under various conditions. We conclude that this method is widely applicable to millimeter VLBI observations of many target sources, and unique in providing bona-fide astrometrically registered images and high precision relative astrometric measurements in mm-VLBI using existing and newly built instruments.Comment: Astronomical Journal, accepted for publicatio

    Hydrogen Spectroscopy with a Lamb-shift Polarimeter - An Alternative Approach Towards Anti-Hydrogen Spectroscopy Experiments

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    A Lamb-shift polarimeter, which has been built for a fast determination of the polarization of protons and deuterons of an atomic-beam source and which is frequently used in the ANKE experiment at COSY-J\"ulich, is shown to be an excellent device for atomic-spectroscopy measurements of metastable hydrogen isotopes. It is demonstrated that magnetic and electric dipole transitions in hydrogen can be measured as a function of the external magnetic field, giving access to the full Breit-Rabi diagram for the 22S1/22^2S_{1/2} and the 22P1/22^2P_{1/2} states. This will allow the study of hyperfine structure, gg factors and the classical Lamb shift. Although the data are not yet competitive with state-of-the-art measurements, the potential of the method is enormous, including a possible application to anti-hydrogen spectroscopy.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by European Physical Journal