5,058 research outputs found

    Improving acoustic vehicle classification by information fusion

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    We present an information fusion approach for ground vehicle classification based on the emitted acoustic signal. Many acoustic factors can contribute to the classification accuracy of working ground vehicles. Classification relying on a single feature set may lose some useful information if its underlying sound production model is not comprehensive. To improve classification accuracy, we consider an information fusion diagram, in which various aspects of an acoustic signature are taken into account and emphasized separately by two different feature extraction methods. The first set of features aims to represent internal sound production, and a number of harmonic components are extracted to characterize the factors related to the vehicle’s resonance. The second set of features is extracted based on a computationally effective discriminatory analysis, and a group of key frequency components are selected by mutual information, accounting for the sound production from the vehicle’s exterior parts. In correspondence with this structure, we further put forward a modifiedBayesian fusion algorithm, which takes advantage of matching each specific feature set with its favored classifier. To assess the proposed approach, experiments are carried out based on a data set containing acoustic signals from different types of vehicles. Results indicate that the fusion approach can effectively increase classification accuracy compared to that achieved using each individual features set alone. The Bayesian-based decision level fusion is found fusion is found to be improved than a feature level fusion approac

    Incorporating Multiresolution Analysis With Multiclassifiers And Decision Fusion For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    The ongoing development and increased affordability of hyperspectral sensors are increasing their utilization in a variety of applications, such as agricultural monitoring and decision making. Hyperspectral Automated Target Recognition (ATR) systems typically rely heavily on dimensionality reduction methods, and particularly intelligent reduction methods referred to as feature extraction techniques. This dissertation reports on the development, implementation, and testing of new hyperspectral analysis techniques for ATR systems, including their use in agricultural applications where ground truthed observations available for training the ATR system are typically very limited. This dissertation reports the design of effective methods for grouping and down-selecting Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients and the design of automated Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) filter tree pruning methods for use within the framework of a Multiclassifiers and Decision Fusion (MCDF) ATR system. The efficacy of the DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF systems are compared to existing ATR methods commonly used in hyperspectral remote sensing applications. The newly developed methods’ sensitivity to operating conditions, such as mother wavelet selection, decomposition level, and quantity and quality of available training data are also investigated. The newly developed ATR systems are applied to the problem of hyperspectral remote sensing of agricultural food crop contaminations either by airborne chemical application, specifically Glufosinate herbicide at varying concentrations applied to corn crops, or by biological infestation, specifically soybean rust disease in soybean crops. The DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF methods significantly outperform conventional hyperspectral ATR methods. For example, when detecting and classifying varying levels of soybean rust infestation, stepwise linear discriminant analysis, results in accuracies of approximately 30%-40%, but WPD MCDF methods result in accuracies of approximately 70%-80%

    Incorporating Multiresolution Analysis With Multiclassifiers And Decision Fusion For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    The ongoing development and increased affordability of hyperspectral sensors are increasing their utilization in a variety of applications, such as agricultural monitoring and decision making. Hyperspectral Automated Target Recognition (ATR) systems typically rely heavily on dimensionality reduction methods, and particularly intelligent reduction methods referred to as feature extraction techniques. This dissertation reports on the development, implementation, and testing of new hyperspectral analysis techniques for ATR systems, including their use in agricultural applications where ground truthed observations available for training the ATR system are typically very limited. This dissertation reports the design of effective methods for grouping and down-selecting Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients and the design of automated Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) filter tree pruning methods for use within the framework of a Multiclassifiers and Decision Fusion (MCDF) ATR system. The efficacy of the DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF systems are compared to existing ATR methods commonly used in hyperspectral remote sensing applications. The newly developed methods’ sensitivity to operating conditions, such as mother wavelet selection, decomposition level, and quantity and quality of available training data are also investigated. The newly developed ATR systems are applied to the problem of hyperspectral remote sensing of agricultural food crop contaminations either by airborne chemical application, specifically Glufosinate herbicide at varying concentrations applied to corn crops, or by biological infestation, specifically soybean rust disease in soybean crops. The DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF methods significantly outperform conventional hyperspectral ATR methods. For example, when detecting and classifying varying levels of soybean rust infestation, stepwise linear discriminant analysis, results in accuracies of approximately 30%-40%, but WPD MCDF methods result in accuracies of approximately 70%-80%

    Limitations of Principal Component Analysis for Dimensionality-Reduction for Classification of Hyperspectral Data

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    It is a popular practice in the remote-sensing community to apply principal component analysis (PCA) on a higher-dimensional feature space to achieve dimensionality-reduction. Several factors that have led to the popularity of PCA include its simplicity, ease of use, availability as part of popular remote-sensing packages, and optimal nature in terms of mean square error. These advantages have prompted the remote-sensing research community to overlook many limitations of PCA when used as a dimensionality-reduction tool for classification and target-detection applications. This thesis addresses the limitations of PCA when used as a dimensionality-reduction technique for extracting discriminating features from hyperspectral data. Theoretical and experimental analyses are presented to demonstrate that PCA is not necessarily an appropriate feature-extraction method for high-dimensional data when the objective is classification or target-recognition. The influence of certain data-distribution characteristics, such as within-class covariance, between-class covariance, and correlation on PCA transformation, is analyzed in this thesis. The classification accuracies obtained using PCA features are compared to accuracies obtained using other feature-extraction methods like variants of Karhunen-Loève transform and greedy search algorithms on spectral and wavelet domains. Experimental analyses are conducted for both two-class and multi-class cases. The classification accuracies obtained from higher-order PCA components are compared to the classification accuracies of features extracted from different regions of the spectrum. The comparative study done on the classification accuracies that are obtained using above feature-extraction methods, ascertain that PCA may not be an appropriate tool for dimensionality-reduction of certain hyperspectral data-distributions, when the objective is classification or target-recognition

    Multispectral Imaging For Face Recognition Over Varying Illumination

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    This dissertation addresses the advantage of using multispectral narrow-band images over conventional broad-band images for improved face recognition under varying illumination. To verify the effectiveness of multispectral images for improving face recognition performance, three sequential procedures are taken into action: multispectral face image acquisition, image fusion for multispectral and spectral band selection to remove information redundancy. Several efficient image fusion algorithms are proposed and conducted on spectral narrow-band face images in comparison to conventional images. Physics-based weighted fusion and illumination adjustment fusion make good use of spectral information in multispectral imaging process. The results demonstrate that fused narrow-band images outperform the conventional broad-band images under varying illuminations. In the case where multispectral images are acquired over severe changes in daylight, the fused images outperform conventional broad-band images by up to 78%. The success of fusing multispectral images lies in the fact that multispectral images can separate the illumination information from the reflectance of objects which is impossible for conventional broad-band images. To reduce the information redundancy among multispectral images and simplify the imaging system, distance-based band selection is proposed where a quantitative evaluation metric is defined to evaluate and differentiate the performance of multispectral narrow-band images. This method is proved to be exceptionally robust to parameter changes. Furthermore, complexity-guided distance-based band selection is proposed using model selection criterion for an automatic selection. The performance of selected bands outperforms the conventional images by up to 15%. From the significant performance improvement via distance-based band selection and complexity-guided distance-based band selection, we prove that specific facial information carried in certain narrow-band spectral images can enhance face recognition performance compared to broad-band images. In addition, both algorithms are proved to be independent to recognition engines. Significant performance improvement is achieved by proposed image fusion and band selection algorithms under varying illumination including outdoor daylight conditions. Our proposed imaging system and image processing algorithms lead to a new avenue of automatic face recognition system towards a better recognition performance than the conventional peer system over varying illuminations

    Principal Component Analysis based Image Fusion Routine with Application to Stamping Split Detection

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    This dissertation presents a novel thermal and visible image fusion system with application in online automotive stamping split detection. The thermal vision system scans temperature maps of high reflective steel panels to locate abnormal temperature readings indicative of high local wrinkling pressure that causes metal splitting. The visible vision system offsets the blurring effect of thermal vision system caused by heat diffusion across the surface through conduction and heat losses to the surroundings through convection. The fusion of thermal and visible images combines two separate physical channels and provides more informative result image than the original ones. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is employed for image fusion to transform original image to its eigenspace. By retaining the principal components with influencing eigenvalues, PCA keeps the key features in the original image and reduces noise level. Then a pixel level image fusion algorithm is developed to fuse images from the thermal and visible channels, enhance the result image from low level and increase the signal to noise ratio. Finally, an automatic split detection algorithm is designed and implemented to perform online objective automotive stamping split detection. The integrated PCA based image fusion system for stamping split detection is developed and tested on an automotive press line. It is also assessed by online thermal and visible acquisitions and illustrates performance and success. Different splits with variant shape, size and amount are detected under actual operating conditions

    Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Towards Education for Disabilities

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    Education is a fundamental right that enriches everyone’s life. However, physically challenged people often debar from the general and advanced education system. Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition (AV-ASR) based system is useful to improve the education of physically challenged people by providing hands-free computing. They can communicate to the learning system through AV-ASR. However, it is challenging to trace the lip correctly for visual modality. Thus, this paper addresses the appearance-based visual feature along with the co-occurrence statistical measure for visual speech recognition. Local Binary Pattern-Three Orthogonal Planes (LBP-TOP) and Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is proposed for visual speech information. The experimental results show that the proposed system achieves 76.60 % accuracy for visual speech and 96.00 % accuracy for audio speech recognition

    Facial emotion recognition using min-max similarity classifier

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    Recognition of human emotions from the imaging templates is useful in a wide variety of human-computer interaction and intelligent systems applications. However, the automatic recognition of facial expressions using image template matching techniques suffer from the natural variability with facial features and recording conditions. In spite of the progress achieved in facial emotion recognition in recent years, the effective and computationally simple feature selection and classification technique for emotion recognition is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose an efficient and straightforward facial emotion recognition algorithm to reduce the problem of inter-class pixel mismatch during classification. The proposed method includes the application of pixel normalization to remove intensity offsets followed-up with a Min-Max metric in a nearest neighbor classifier that is capable of suppressing feature outliers. The results indicate an improvement of recognition performance from 92.85% to 98.57% for the proposed Min-Max classification method when tested on JAFFE database. The proposed emotion recognition technique outperforms the existing template matching methods