1,066 research outputs found

    Application of Memristors in Microwave Passive Circuits

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    The recent implementation of the fourth fundamental electric circuit element, the memristor, opened new vistas in many fields of engineering applications. In this paper, we explore several RF/microwave passive circuits that might benefit from the memristor salient characteristics. We consider a power divider, coupled resonator bandpass filters, and a low-reflection quasi-Gaussian lowpass filter with lossy elements. We utilize memristors as configurable linear resistors and we propose memristor-based bandpass filters that feature suppression of parasitic frequency pass bands and widening of the desired rejection band. The simulations are performed in the time domain, using LTspice, and the RF/microwave circuits under consideration are modeled by ideal elements available in LTspice

    Wide tuning-range planar filters using lumped-distributed coupled resonators

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    A Reconfigurable Pseudohairpin Filter Based on MEMS Switches

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    This work presents a bandpass-reconfigurable planar pseudohairpin filter based on RF-MEMS switches. Hairpin-line structures are preferred to design microstrip filters because this class of filters offers a more compact size, and, in general, hairpin filters do not need ground connections for resonators. In this work, the U-shape resonators are arranged to obtain an interdigit capacitor to improve the coupling between the resonators. RF-MEMS switches modify the lengths of coupled resonators by adding microstrip segments to control the filter bandwidth, moving the center frequency and the return loss. An experimental hairpin tunable filter prototype based on RF-MEMS has been designed, fabricated, numerically and experimentally assessed, and compared concerning its tunability, quality factor, and capability with standard tunable filters based on PIN diodes. In conclusion, the tunable hairpin filter based on RF-MEMS switches offers the best performance in center frequency tuning range, compactness, and power consumption regarding reconfigurable filters based on standard PIN diodes switches. The obtained results are appealing and demonstrate the capabilities and potentialities of RF-MEMS to operate with the new communication standards that work at high microwave frequency bands

    Miniaturized High-Q Tunable RF Filters

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    This dissertation focuses on the investigation and development of novel efficient tuning techniques and the design of miniaturized high-Q tunable RF filters for high-performance reconfigurable systems and applications. First, a detailed survey of the available tuning concepts and state-of-art tunable filters is provided. Then, a novel so-called inset resonator configuration is presented for the applications of fixed and tunable coaxial filters. The design procedure of frequency tunable filters with constant absolute bandwidth (CABW) is described, and various tunable inset filters are implemented, offering many desirable merits, including the wide tuning range and stable high-Q with minimum variation. For wide octave frequency tuning ranges with CABW, a second novel concept is presented using so-called re-entrant caps tuners. Beside simplicity and compactness, this technique also features enhanced spurious performance and wider tuning capabilities than the conventional means. Also, in this dissertation, various miniaturized reconfigurable dual-band/dual-mode bandpass filters and diplexers are presented using compact dual-mode high-Q TM-mode dielectric resonators. Furthermore, a novel microfluidic-based ultra-wide frequency tuning technique for TM010-mode dielectric resonators and filters is introduced in this dissertation. In addition to the very wide tuning window, this mechanism has key advantages of low-cost, simplicity, and intrinsic switch-off. Lastly, the dissertation includes a novel bandwidth reconfiguration concept with multi-octave tuning using a single element for coaxial bandpass filters. This mechanism brings many features including the fast tuning, constant high-Q, intrinsic switch-off, and wide BW-reconfiguration

    Planar microwave filters with electronically tunability and other novel configurations

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    In order to meet the increasing demands of advance wireless communications and radar systems, several novel types of bandpass filters and bandstop filters have been developed in this thesis. A new type of varactor-tuned dual-mode bandpass filters have been presented to achieve a nearly constant absolute bandwidth over a wide tuning range by using a single DC bias circuit. Since the two operating modes (i.e., the odd and even modes) in a dualmode microstrip open-loop resonator do not couple to each other, tuning the passband frequency is accomplished by merely changing the two modal frequencies proportionally. Design equations and procedures are derived, and two two-pole tunable bandpass filters and a four-pole tunable bandpass filter of this type are demonstrated experimentally. Miniature microstrip doublet dual-mode filters that exhibit quasi-elliptic function response without using any cross coupling have been developed. It shows that a single two-pole filter or the doublet can produce two transmission zeros resulting from a double behaviour of the dual-mode resonator of this type. Electromagnetic (EM) simulation and experiment results of the proposed filters are described. Parallel feed configuration of a microstrip quasi-elliptic function bandpass filter has been built with a pair of open-loop dual-mode resonators. By employing this new coupling scheme, a novel filter topology with three-pole quasi-elliptic function frequency response can be obtained, leading to good passband performance, such as low insertion loss and good matching at the mid-band of passband. A designed three-pole bandpass filter of this type is demonstrated experimentally. A new class of dual-band filters based on non-degenerate dual-mode microstrip slow-wave open-loop resonators, which support two non-degenerate modes that do not couple, have been introduced. Different feed schemes that affect the filtering characteristics are investigated. Examples of dual-band filters of this type are described with simulation and experiment results. iii In order to achieve a wide spurious-free upper passband, a novel design of bandstop filter with cancellation of first spurious mode by using coupled three-section step impedance resonators (SIRs) has been developed. This cancellation occurs when two transmission poles coincide with the first spurious mode (transmission zero) by properly choosing the step impedance ratio and the gap between the SIR and the main transmission line. A stripline bandstop filter and a microstrip bandstop filter of this type are designed, fabricated and tested. As a preliminary investigation, the microstrip filter is tuned electronically using ferroelectric thin film varactors

    Electronically reconfigurable wideband microwave filters

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    Many systems require multi function capability in the filter aspects of systems; the method currently used is filter banks which take up a lot of board space. It is thought that reconfigurable filters hold the key to replacing filter banks in order to save board space and thus potentially increasing functionality of the systems. The aim of this research is to develop electronically reconfigurable microwave filters for future communication systems. The project investigates some key design issues of reconfigurable filters. Circuits were modelled and full-wave electromagnetic simulations were performed for the investigation. Experimental work was carried out to demonstrate advanced reconfigurable microwave devices. The components used in each concept investigated were pin diodes due to their superior performance in wideband and high frequency applications. Firstly a single coupled line concept was looked at for bandwidth reconfigurability. This concept was then further developed for industrial applications by simply cascading these sections to obtain a high selective filter. A design method was developed for any number of cascades both with and without an impedance transformer; the use of LCP was used to increase flexibility due to its desirable characteristics. The most desirable outcome would be filter to simultaneously control bandwidth and frequency. In order to tackle this issue the coupled line concept was adapted to incorporate frequency tunability, along with a design method being presented. Furthermore, a cascaded highpass/ lowpass filter was also explored for this concept for added flexibility in the design of a filter capable of control of both bandwidth and center frequency

    Synthesis, design, and fabrication techniques for reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters

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    As wireless communication becomes increasingly ubiquitous, the need for radio receivers which can dynamically adjust to their operating environment grows more urgent. In order to realize reconfigurable receivers, tunable RF front-end components are needed. This dissertation focuses on the theory, design, and implementation of reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters for use in such receivers. First, a theoretical framework is developed for absorptive bandstop filters, a new class of bandstop filters which overcomes some of the limitations of traditional tunable bandstop filters caused by the use of lossy tunable resonators. This theory is used in conjunction with silicon-micromachining fabrication technology to realize the first ever tunable bandstop filter at W-Band frequencies, as well as a state-of-the-art Ka-band tunable bandstop filter. The problem of bandwidth variation in tunable filters is then addressed. Widely-tunable filters often suffer from variations in bandwidth, excluding them from many applications which require constant bandwidth. A new method for reducing the bandwidth variation of filters using low-loss evanescent-mode cavity resonators is presented, and this technique is used to realize up to 90% reduction of bandwidth variation in octave-tunable bandstop filters. Lastly, a new differential coupling structure for evanescent-mode cavity resonators is developed, enabling the design of fully-balanced and balanced-to-unbalanced (balun) filters. An octave-tunable 3-pole bandpass balun filter using this coupling structure is presented. The balun filter has excellent amplitude and phase balance, resulting in common-mode rejection of greater than 40 dB across its octave tuning range