9,101 research outputs found

    A Structured Design Methodology for High Performance VLSI Arrays

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    abstract: The geometric growth in the integrated circuit technology due to transistor scaling also with system-on-chip design strategy, the complexity of the integrated circuit has increased manifold. Short time to market with high reliability and performance is one of the most competitive challenges. Both custom and ASIC design methodologies have evolved over the time to cope with this but the high manual labor in custom and statistic design in ASIC are still causes of concern. This work proposes a new circuit design strategy that focuses mostly on arrayed structures like TLB, RF, Cache, IPCAM etc. that reduces the manual effort to a great extent and also makes the design regular, repetitive still achieving high performance. The method proposes making the complete design custom schematic but using the standard cells. This requires adding some custom cells to the already exhaustive library to optimize the design for performance. Once schematic is finalized, the designer places these standard cells in a spreadsheet, placing closely the cells in the critical paths. A Perl script then generates Cadence Encounter compatible placement file. The design is then routed in Encounter. Since designer is the best judge of the circuit architecture, placement by the designer will allow achieve most optimal design. Several designs like IPCAM, issue logic, TLB, RF and Cache designs were carried out and the performance were compared against the fully custom and ASIC flow. The TLB, RF and Cache were the part of the HEMES microprocessor.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    Architectural level delay and leakage power modelling of manufacturing process variation

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    PhD ThesisThe effect of manufacturing process variations has become a major issue regarding the estimation of circuit delay and power dissipation, and will gain more importance in the future as device scaling continues in order to satisfy market place demands for circuits with greater performance and functionality per unit area. Statistical modelling and analysis approaches have been widely used to reflect the effects of a variety of variational process parameters on system performance factor which will be described as probability density functions (PDFs). At present most of the investigations into statistical models has been limited to small circuits such as a logic gate. However, the massive size of present day electronic systems precludes the use of design techniques which consider a system to comprise these basic gates, as this level of design is very inefficient and error prone. This thesis proposes a methodology to bring the effects of process variation from transistor level up to architectural level in terms of circuit delay and leakage power dissipation. Using a first order canonical model and statistical analysis approach, a statistical cell library has been built which comprises not only the basic gate cell models, but also more complex functional blocks such as registers, FIFOs, counters, ALUs etc. Furthermore, other sensitive factors to the overall system performance, such as input signal slope, output load capacitance, different signal switching cases and transition types are also taken into account for each cell in the library, which makes it adaptive to an incremental circuit design. The proposed methodology enables an efficient analysis of process variation effects on system performance with significantly reduced computation time compared to the Monte Carlo simulation approach. As a demonstration vehicle for this technique, the delay and leakage power distributions of a 2-stage asynchronous micropipeline circuit has been simulated using this cell library. The experimental results show that the proposed method can predict the delay and leakage power distribution with less than 5% error and at least 50,000 times faster computation time compare to 5000-sample SPICE based Monte Carlo simulation. The methodology presented here for modelling process variability plays a significant role in Design for Manufacturability (DFM) by quantifying the direct impact of process variations on system performance. The advantages of being able to undertake this analysis at a high level of abstraction and thus early in the design cycle are two fold. First, if the predicted effects of process variation render the circuit performance to be outwith specification, design modifications can be readily incorporated to rectify the situation. Second, knowing what the acceptable limits of process variation are to maintain design performance within its specification, informed choices can be made regarding the implementation technology and manufacturer selected to fabricate the design

    Residue Number Systems: a Survey

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    Static noise margin analysis for CMOS logic cells in near-threshold

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    The advancement of semiconductor technology enabled the fabrication of devices with faster switching activity and chips with higher integration density. However, these advances are facing new impediments related to energy and power dissipation. Besides, the increasing demand for portable devices leads the circuit design paradigm to prioritize energy efficiency instead of performance. Altogether, this scenario motivates engineers towards reducing the supply voltage to the near and subthreshold regime to increase the lifespan of battery-powered devices. Even though operating in these regime offer interesting energy-frequency trade-offs, it brings challenges concerning noise tolerance. As the supply voltage reduces, the available noise margins decrease, and circuits become more prone to functional failures. In addition, near and subthreshold circuits are more susceptible to manufacturing variability, hence further aggravating noise issues. Other issues, such as wire minimization and gate fan-out, also contribute to the relevance of evaluating the noise margin of circuits early in the design Accordingly, this work investigates how to improve the static noise margin of digital synchronous circuits that will operate at the near/subthreshold regime. This investigation produces a set of three original contributions. The first is an automated tool to estimate the static noise margin of CMOS combinational cells. The second contribution is a realistic static noise margin estimation methodology that considers process-voltage-temperature variations. Results show that the proposed methodology allows to reduce up to 70% of the static noise margin pessimism. Finally, the third contribution is the noise-aware cell design methodology and the inclusion of a noise evaluation of complex circuits during the logic synthesis. The resulting library achieved higher static noise margin (up to 24%) and less spread among different cells (up to 62%).Os avanços na tecnologia de semicondutores possibilitou que se fabricasse dispositivos com atividade de chaveamento mais rápida e com maior capacidade de integração de transistores. Estes avanços, todavia, impuseram novos empecilhos relacionados com a dissipação de potência e energia. Além disso, a crescente demanda por dispositivos portáteis levaram à uma mudança no paradigma de projeto de circuitos para que se priorize energia ao invés de desempenho. Este cenário motivou à reduzir a tensão de alimentação com qual os dispositivos operam para um regime próximo ou abaixo da tensão de limiar, com o objetivo de aumentar sua duração de bateria. Apesar desta abordagem balancear características de performance e energia, ela traz novos desafios com relação a tolerância à ruído. Ao reduzirmos a tensão de alimentação, também reduz-se a margem de ruído disponível e, assim, os circuitos tornam-se mais suscetíveis à falhas funcionais. Somado à este efeito, circuitos com tensões de alimentação nestes regimes são mais sensíveis à variações do processo de fabricação, logo agravando problemas com ruído. Existem também outros aspectos, tais como a miniaturização das interconexões e a relação de fan-out de uma célula digital, que incentivam a avaliação de ruído nas fases iniciais do projeto de circuitos integrados Por estes motivos, este trabalho investiga como aprimorar a margem de ruído estática de circuitos síncronos digitais que irão operar em tensões no regime de tensão próximo ou abaixo do limiar. Esta investigação produz um conjunto de três contribuições originais. A primeira é uma ferramenta capaz de avaliar automaticamente a margem de ruído estática de células CMOS combinacionais. A segunda contribuição é uma metodologia realista para estimar a margem de ruído estática considerando variações de processo, tensão e temperatura. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a metodologia proposta permitiu reduzir até 70% do pessimismo das margens de ruído estática, Por último, a terceira contribuição é um fluxo de projeto de células combinacionais digitais considerando ruído, e uma abordagem para avaliar a margem de ruído estática de circuitos complexos durante a etapa de síntese lógica. A biblioteca de células resultante deste fluxo obteve maior margem de ruído (até 24%) e menor variação entre diferentes células (até 62%)

    Expansion of CMOS array design techniques

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    The important features of the multiport (double entry) automatic placement and routing programs for standard cells are described. Measured performance and predicted performance were compared for seven CMOS/SOS array types and hybrids designed with the high speed CMOS/SOS cell family. The CMOS/SOS standard cell data sheets are listed and described

    Imperfection-Aware Design of CNFET Digital VLSI Circuits

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    Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNFET) is one of the promising candidates as extensions to silicon CMOS devices. The CNFET, which is a 1-D structure with a near-ballistic transport capability, can potentially offer excellent device characteristics and order-of-magnitude better energy-delay product over standard CMOS devices. Significant challenges in CNT synthesis prevent CNFETs today from achieving such ideal benefits. CNT density variation and metallic CNTs are the dominant type of CNT variations/imperfections that cause performance variation, large static power consumption, and yield degradation. We present an imperfection-aware design technique for CNFET digital VLSI circuits by: 1) Analytical models that are developed to analyze and quantify the effects of CNT density variation on device characteristics, gate and system levels delays. The analytical models, which were validated by comparison to real experimental/simulation data, enables us to examine the space of CNFET combinational, sequential and memory cells circuits to minimize delay variations. Using these model, we drive CNFET processing and circuit design guidelines to manage/overcome CNT density variation. 2) Analytical models that are developed to analyze the effects of metallic CNTs on device characteristics, gate and system levels delay and power consumption. Using our presented analytical models, which are again validated by comparison with simulation data, it is shown that the static power dissipation is a more critical issue than the delay and the dynamic power of CNFET circuits in the presence of m-CNTs. 3) CNT density variation and metallic CNTs can result in functional failure of CNFET circuits. The complete and compact model for CNFET probability of failure that consider CNT density variation and m-CNTs is presented. This analytical model is applied to analyze the logical functional failures. The presented model is extended to predict opportunities and limitations of CNFET technology at todays Gigascale integration and beyond.\u2

    Gate-level timing analysis and waveform evaluation

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    Static timing analysis (STA) is an integral part of modern VLSI chip design. Table lookup based methods are widely used in current industry due to its fast runtime and mature algorithms. Conventional STA algorithms based on table-lookup methods are developed under many assumptions in timing analysis; however, most of those assumptions, such as that input signals and output signals can be accurately modeled as ramp waveforms, are no longer satisfactory to meet the increasing demand of accuracy for new technologies. In this dissertation, we discuss several crucial issues that conventional STA has not taken into consideration, and propose new methods to handle these issues and show that new methods produce accurate results. In logic circuits, gates may have multiple inputs and signals can arrive at these inputs at different times and with different waveforms. Different arrival times and waveforms of signals can cause very different responses. However, multiple-input transition effects are totally overlooked by current STA tools. Using a conventional single-input transition model when multiple-input transition happens can cause significant estimation errors in timing analysis. Previous works on this issue focus on developing a complicated gate model to simulate the behavior of logic gates. These methods have high computational cost and have to make significant changes to the prevailing STA tools, and are thus not feasible in practice. This dissertation proposes a simplified gate model, uses transistor connection structures to capture the behavior of multiple-input transitions and requires no change to the current STA tools. Another issue with table lookup based methods is that the load of each gate in technology libraries is modeled as a single lumped capacitor. But in the real circuit, the Abstract 2 gate connects to its subsequent gates via metal wires. As the feature size of integrated circuit scales down, the interconnection cannot be seen as a simple capacitor since the resistive shielding effect will largely affect the equivalent capacitance seen from the gate. As the interconnection has numerous structures, tabulating the timing data for various interconnection structures is not feasible. In this dissertation, by using the concept of equivalent admittance, we reduce an arbitrary interconnection structure into an equivalent π-model RC circuit. Many previous works have mapped the π-model to an effective capacitor, which makes the table lookup based methods useful again. However, a capacitor cannot be equivalent to a π-model circuit, and will thus result in significant inaccuracy in waveform evaluation. In order to obtain an accurate waveform at gate output, a piecewise waveform evaluation method is proposed in this dissertation. Each part of the piecewise waveform is evaluated according to the gate characteristic and load structures. Another contribution of this dissertation research is a proposed equivalent waveform search method. The signal waveforms can be very complicated in the real circuits because of noises, race hazards, etc. The conventional STA only uses one attribute (i.e., transition time) to describe the waveform shape which can cause significant estimation errors. Our approach is to develop heuristic search functions to find equivalent ramps to approximate input waveforms. Here the transition time of a final ramp can be completely different from that of the original waveform, but we can get higher accuracy on output arrival time and transition time. All of the methods mentioned in this dissertation require no changes to the prevailing STA tools, and have been verified across different process technologies