3 research outputs found

    Finite-Time Synchronization of the Rabinovich and Rabinovich-Fabrikant Chaotic Systems for Different Evolvable Parameters

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    This paper addresses the challenge of synchronizing the dynamics of two distinct 3D chaotic systems, specifically the Rabinovich and Rabinovich-Fabrikant systems, employing a finite-time synchronization approach. These chaotic systems exhibit diverse characteristics and evolving chaotic attractors, influenced by specific parameters and initial conditions. Our proposed low-cost finite-time synchronization method leverages the signum function's tracking properties to facilitate controlled coupling within a finite time frame. The design of finite-time control laws is rooted in Lyapunov stability criteria and lemmas. Numerical experiments conducted within the MATLAB simulation environment demonstrate the successful asymptotic synchronization of the master and slave systems within finite time. To assess the global robustness of our control scheme, we applied it across various system parameters and initial conditions. Remarkably, our results reveal consistent synchronization times and dynamics across these different scenarios. In summary, this study presents a finite-time synchronization solution for non-identical 3D chaotic systems, showcasing the potential for robust and reliable synchronization under varying conditions

    Criptografia baseada em caos : aplicação usando um sistema hipercaótico

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.Neste trabalho se propõe um esquema para telecomunicação segura baseado na sincroni zação de um sistema nonodimensional hipercaotico e analise de Lyapunov. Ao contrário da maioria dos esquemas usualmente encontrados na literatura, o esquema proposto requer apenas que o controle atue em uma das equações de estado do sistema escravo. Foi verificada mate maticamente a convergência do erro de sincronização para um conjunto compacto arbitrário, permitindo-se obter um erro convergente a uma vizinhança da origem. Com um circuito caótico transmissor (ou mestre) codifica-se o sinal (ou mensagem) e com outro circuito caótico receptor (ou escravo) recupera-se a mensagem. O esquema proposto tem como vantagens ser robusto contra perturbações (internas e externas) e ser estruturalmente simples, quando comparado com as propostas existentes na literatura, o que é importante, uma vez que leva a redução de custos quando implementado utilizando eletrônica analógica. Para validar a robustez e simplicidade do esquema proposto, simulações computacionais utilizando software MATLAB/Simulink foram realizadas.This work proposes a scheme for secure telecommunication based on the synchronization of a hyperchaotic system and Lyapunov analysis. Unlike most schemes usually found in the literature, the proposed scheme only requires that the control act on one of the slave state equa tions. The convergence of the synchronization error to an arbitrary compact set was verified mathematically, allowing a convergent error to be arbitrarily small neighborhood of the origin. With a transmitting (or master) chaotic circuit the signal (or message) is encoded and with another receiving (or slave) chaotic circuit the message is retrieved. The proposed scheme has the advantages of being robust against disturbances (internal and external) and being structu rally simple when compared to the existing proposals in the literature, which is important as it leads to cost savings when implemented using analog electronics. To validate the robust ness and simplicity of the proposed scheme, computer simulations using MATLAB/Simulink software were performed

    Dynamic state estimation for mobile robots

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    The scientific goal of this thesis is to tackle different approaches for effective state estimation and modelling of relevant problems in the context of mobile robots. The starting point of this dissertation is the concept of probabilistic robotics, an emerging paradigm that combines state-of-the-art methods with the classic probabilistic theory, developing stochastic frameworks for understanding the uncertain nature of the interaction between a robot and its environment. This allows introducing relevant concepts which are the foundation of the localisation system implemented on the main experimental platform used on this dissertation. An accurate estimation of the position of a robot with respect to a fixed frame is fundamental for building navigation systems that can work in dynamic unstructured environments. This development also allows introducing additional contributions related with global localisation, dynamic obstacle avoidance, path planning and position tracking problems. Kinematics on generalised manipulators are characterised for dealing with complex nonlinear systems. Nonlinear formulations are needed to properly model these systems, which are not always suitable for real-time realisation, lacking analytic formulations in most cases. In this context, this thesis tackles the serial-parallel dual kinematic problem with a novel approach, demonstrating state-of-the-art accuracy and real-time performance. With a spatial decomposition method, the forward kinematics problem on parallel robots and the inverse kinematics problem on serial manipulators is solved modelling the nonlinear behaviour of the pose space using Support Vector Machines. The results are validated on different topologies with the analytic solution for such manipulators, which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method. Modelling and control of complex dynamical systems is another relevant field with applications on mobile robots. Nonlinear techniques are usually applied to tackle problems like feature or object tracking. However, some nonlinear integer techniques applied for tasks like position tracking in mobile robots with complex dynamics have limited success when modelling such systems. Fractional calculus has demonstrated to be suitable to model complex processes like viscoelasticity or super diffusion. These tools, that take advantage of the generalization of the derivative and integral operators to a fractional order, have been applied to model and control different topics related with robotics in recent years with remarkable success. With the proposal of a fractional-order PI controller, a suitable controller design method is presented to solve the position tracking problem. This is applied to control the distance of a self-driving car with respect to an objective, which can also be applied to other tracking applications like following a navigation path. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a novel fractional-order hyperchaotic system, stabilised with a full-pseudo-state-feedback controller and a located feedback method. This theoretical contribution of a chaotic system is introduced hoping to be useful in this context. Chaos theory has recently started to be applied to study manipulators, biped robots and autonomous navigation, achieving new and promising results, highlighting the uncertain and chaotic nature which also has been found on robots. All together, this thesis is devoted to different problems related with dynamic state estimation for mobile robots, proposing specific contributions related with modelling and control of complex nonlinear systems. These findings are presented in the context of a self-driving electric car, Verdino, jointly developed in collaboration with the Robotics Group of Universidad de La Laguna (GRULL)