145 research outputs found

    Routing protocol optimization in challenged multihop wireless networks

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    Durant ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherches ont été menés dans le domaine des réseaux multi-sauts sans fil à contraintes (MWNs: Multihop Wireless Networks). Grâce à l'évolution de la technologie des systèmes mico-electro-méchaniques (MEMS) et, depuis peu, les nanotechnologies, les MWNs sont une solution de choix pour une variété de problèmes. Le principal avantage de ces réseaux est leur faible coût de production qui permet de développer des applications ayant un unique cycle de vie. Cependant, si le coût de fabrication des nœuds constituant ce type de réseaux est assez faible, ces nœuds sont aussi limités en capacité en termes de: rayon de transmission radio, bande passante, puissance de calcul, mémoire, énergie, etc. Ainsi, les applications qui visent l'utilisation des MWNs doivent être conçues avec une grande précaution, et plus spécialement la conception de la fonction de routage, vu que les communications radio constituent la tâche la plus consommatrice d'énergie.Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser les différents défis et contraintes qui régissent la conception d'applications utilisant les MWNs. Ces contraintes se répartissent tout le long de la pile protocolaire. On trouve au niveau application des contraintes comme: la qualité de service, la tolérance aux pannes, le modèle de livraison de données au niveau application, etc. Au niveau réseau, on peut citer les problèmes de la dynamicité de la topologie réseau, la présence de trous, la mobilité, etc. Nos contributions dans cette thèse sont centrées sur l'optimisation de la fonction de routage en considérant les besoins de l'application et les contraintes du réseau. Premièrement, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage multi-chemin "en ligne" pour les applications orientées QoS utilisant des réseaux de capteurs multimédia. Ce protocole repose sur la construction de multiples chemins durant la transmission des paquets vers leur destination, c'est-à-dire sans découverte et construction des routes préalables. En permettant des transmissions parallèles, ce protocole améliore la transmission de bout-en-bout en maximisant la bande passante du chemin agrégé et en minimisant les délais. Ainsi, il permet de répondre aux exigences des applications orientées QoS.Deuxièmement, nous avons traité le problème du routage dans les réseaux mobiles tolérants aux délais. Nous avons commencé par étudier la connectivité intermittente entre les différents et nous avons extrait un modèle pour les contacts dans le but pouvoir prédire les future contacts entre les nœuds. En se basant sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage, qui met à profit la position géographique des nœuds, leurs trajectoires, et la prédiction des futurs contacts dans le but d'améliorer les décisions de routage. Le protocole proposé permet la réduction des délais de bout-en-bout tout en utilisant d'une manière efficace les ressources limitées des nœuds que ce soit en termes de mémoire (pour le stockage des messages dans les files d'attentes) ou la puissance de calcul (pour l'exécution de l'algorithme de prédiction).Finalement, nous avons proposé un mécanisme de contrôle de la topologie avec un algorithme de routage des paquets pour les applications orientés évènement et qui utilisent des réseaux de capteurs sans fil statiques. Le contrôle de la topologie est réalisé à travers l'utilisation d'un algorithme distribué pour l'ordonnancement du cycle de service (sleep/awake). Les paramètres de l'algorithme proposé peuvent être réglés et ajustés en fonction de la taille du voisinage actif désiré (le nombre moyen de voisin actifs pour chaque nœud). Le mécanisme proposé assure un compromis entre le délai pour la notification d'un événement et la consommation d'énergie globale dans le réseau.Great research efforts have been carried out in the field of challenged multihop wireless networks (MWNs). Thanks to the evolution of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and nanotechnologies, multihop wireless networks have been the solution of choice for a plethora of problems. The main advantage of these networks is their low manufacturing cost that permits one-time application lifecycle. However, if nodes are low-costly to produce, they are also less capable in terms of radio range, bandwidth, processing power, memory, energy, etc. Thus, applications need to be carefully designed and especially the routing task because radio communication is the most energy-consuming functionality and energy is the main issue for challenged multihop wireless networks.The aim of this thesis is to analyse the different challenges that govern the design of challenged multihop wireless networks such as applications challenges in terms of quality of service (QoS), fault-tolerance, data delivery model, etc., but also networking challenges in terms of dynamic network topology, topology voids, etc. Our contributions in this thesis focus on the optimization of routing under different application requirements and network constraints. First, we propose an online multipath routing protocol for QoS-based applications using wireless multimedia sensor networks. The proposed protocol relies on the construction of multiple paths while transmitting data packets to their destination, i.e. without prior topology discovery and path establishment. This protocol achieves parallel transmissions and enhances the end-to-end transmission by maximizing path bandwidth and minimizing the delays, and thus meets the requirements of QoS-based applications. Second, we tackle the problem of routing in mobile delay-tolerant networks by studying the intermittent connectivity of nodes and deriving a contact model in order to forecast future nodes' contacts. Based upon this contact model, we propose a routing protocol that makes use of nodes' locations, nodes' trajectories, and inter-node contact prediction in order to perform forwarding decisions. The proposed routing protocol achieves low end-to-end delays while using efficiently constrained nodes' resources in terms of memory (packet queue occupancy) and processing power (forecasting algorithm). Finally, we present a topology control mechanism along a packet forwarding algorithm for event-driven applications using stationary wireless sensor networks. Topology control is achieved by using a distributed duty-cycle scheduling algorithm. Algorithm parameters can be tuned according to the desired node's awake neighbourhood size. The proposed topology control mechanism ensures trade-off between event-reporting delay and energy consumption.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Safe Routing Approach by Identifying and Subsequently Eliminating the Attacks in MANET

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    Wireless networks that are decentralized and communicate without using existing infrastructure are known as mobile ad-hoc networks. The most common sorts of threats and attacks can affect MANETs. Therefore, it is advised to utilize intrusion detection, which controls the system to detect additional security issues. Monitoring is essential to avoid attacks and provide extra protection against unauthorized access. Although the current solutions have been designed to defeat the attack nodes, they still require additional hardware, have considerable delivery delays, do not offer high throughput or packet delivery ratios, or do not do so without using more energy. The capability of a mobile node to forward packets, which is dependent on the platform's life quality, may be impacted by the absence of the network node power source. We developed the Safe Routing Approach (SRA), which uses behaviour analysis to track and monitor attackers who discard packets during the route discovery process. The attacking node recognition system is made for irregular routing node detection to protect the controller network's usual properties from becoming recognized as an attack node. The suggested method examines the nearby attack nodes and conceals the trusted node in the routing pathway. The path is instantly assigned after the initial discovery of trust nodes based on each node's strength value. It extends the network's life span and reduces packet loss. In terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), energy consumption, network performance, and detection of attack nodes, the suggested approach is contrasted with AIS, ZIDS, and Improved AODV. The findings demonstrate that the recommended strategy performs superior in terms of PDR, residual energy, and network throughput

    Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization Using Competitive Swarm Optimization for DSR Protocol in MANET

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    Portable impromptu organization is a self-putting together, major construction-less, independent remote versatile hub that exists without even a trace of a determined base station or government association. MANET requires no extraordinary foundation as the organization is unique. Multicasting is an urgent issue in correspondence organizations. Multicast is one of the effective methods in MANET. In multicasting, information parcels from one hub are communicated to a bunch of recipient hubs all at once, at a similar time. In this research work, Failure Node Detection and Efficient Node Localization in a MANET situation are proposed. Localization in MANET is a main area that attracts significant research interest. Localization is a method to determine the nodes’ location in the communication network. A novel routing algorithm, which is used for Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization using a Genetic Algorithm with Competitive Swarm Optimization (PRLFL-GACSO) Algorithm is proposed in this study to calculate and recover link failure in MANET. The process of link failure detection is accomplished using mathematical modelling of the genetic algorithm and the routing is attained using the Competitive Swarm optimization technique. The result proposed MANET method makes use of the CSO algorithm, which facilitates a well-organized packet transfer from the source node to the destination node and enhances DSR routing performance. Based on node movement, link value, and endwise delay, the optimal route is found. The main benefit of the PRLFL-GACSO Algorithm is it achieves multiple optimal solutions over global information. Further, premature convergence is avoided using Competitive Swarm Optimization (CSO). The suggested work is measured based on the Ns simulator. The presentation metrix are PDR, endwise delay, power consumption, hit ratio, etc. The presentation of the proposed method is almost 4% and 5% greater than the present TEA-MDRP, RSTA-AOMDV, and RMQS-ua methods. After, the suggested method attains greater performance for detecting and recovering link failure. In future work, the hybrid multiway routing protocols are presented to provide link failure and route breakages and liability tolerance at the time of node failure, and it also increases the worth of service aspects, respectively

    Neighbour-disjoint multipath for low-power and lossy networks

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    In this article, we describe a neighbour disjoint multipath (NDM) scheme that is shown to be more resilient amidst node or link failures compared to the two well-known node disjoint and edge disjoint multipath techniques. A centralised NDM was first conceptualised in our initial published work utilising the spatial diversity among multiple paths to ensure robustness against localised poor channel quality or node failures. Here, we further introduce a distributed version of our NDM algorithm adapting to the low-power and lossy network (LLN) characteristics. We implement our distributed NDM algorithm in Contiki OS on top of LOADng—a lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance Vector Routing protocol. We compare this implementation's performance with a standard IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks (RPL), and also with basic LOADng, running in the Cooja simulator. Standard performance metrics such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end latency, overhead and average routing table size are identified for the comparison. The results and observations are provided considering a few different application traffic patterns, which serve to quantify the improvements in robustness arising from NDM. The results are confirmed by experiments using a public sensor network testbed with over 100 nodes

    Enhanced multichannel routing protocols in MANET

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    Utilising multiple non-overlapping channels in MANET networking can improve performance and capacity. Most multichannel MAC and routing protocols rely on an extra radio interface, a common control channel or time synchronisation to support channel selection and routing, but only at the expense of hardware and power consumption costs. This thesis considers an alternative type of multichannel wireless network where each node has a single half-duplex radio interface and does not rely on a common control channel or time synchronisation. Multichannel MAC and routing protocols that adopt the Receiver Directed Transmission (RDT) communication scheme are investigated to assess their ability to implement a multichannel MANET. A novel multipath multichannel routing protocol called RMMMC is proposed to enhance reliability and fault-tolerance in the MANET. RMMMC introduces new route discovery and recovery processes. The former establishes multiple node and channel disjointed paths in different channels and accumulates them to acquire a full multi-hop path to each destination. The latter detects broken links and repairs them using pre-discovered backup routes. To enhance communication reliability, a novel cross-layer multichannel MAC mechanism called RIVC is proposed. It mitigates transmitting/rerouting data packets to a node that does not have an updated route information towards a destination and only allows data packets with valid routes to occupy the medium. The optional access mode in the MAC protocol is modified to early detect invalid routes at intermediate nodes and switchover to an alternative path. A new cross-layer multichannel MAC mechanism called MB is proposed to reduce contention in a busy channel and enhance load balancing. MB modifies the MAC back-off algorithm to let a transmitter node invoke an alternative path in the alternative channel when the retry count threshold is reached. The proposed multichannel protocols are implemented and evaluated by extensive NS2 simulation studies

    Mobility in wireless sensor networks : advantages, limitations and effects

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to study the benefits and limitations of using a mobile base station for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. The case of a single mobile base station and mobile relays are considered. A cluster-based algorithm to determine the trajectory of a mobile base station for data gathering within a specified delay time is presented. The proposed algorithm aims for an equal number of sensors in each cluster in order to achieve load balance among the cluster heads. It is shown that there is a tradeoff between data-gathering delay and balancing energy consumption among sensor nodes. An analytical solution to the problem is provided in terms of the speed of the mobile base station. Simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm against the static case and to evaluate the distribution of energy consumption among the cluster heads. It is demonstrated that the use of clustering with a mobile base station can improve the network lifetime and that the proposed algorithm balances energy consumption among cluster heads. The effect of the base station velocity on the number of packet losses is studied and highlights the limitation of using a mobile base station for a large-scale network. We consider a scenario where a number of mobile relays roam through the sensing field and have limited energy resources that cannot reach each other directly. A routing scheme based on the multipath protocol is proposed, and explores how the number of paths and spread of neighbour nodes used by the mobile relays to communicate affects the network overhead. We introduce the idea of allowing the source mobile relay to cache multiple routes to the destination through its neighbour nodes in order to provide redundant paths to destination. An analytical model of network overhead is developed and verified by simulation. It is shown that the desirable number of routes is dependent on the velocity of the mobile relays. In most cases the network overhead is minimized when the source mobile relay caches six paths via appropriately distributed neighbours at the destination. A new technique for estimating routing-path hop count is also proposed. An analytical model is provided to estimate the hop count between source-destination pairs in a wireless network with an arbitrary node degree when the network nodes are uniformly distributed in the sensing field. The proposed model is a significant improvement over existing models, which do not correctly address the low-node density situation

    Reliable many-to-many routing in wireless sensor networks using ant colony optimisation

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    A wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of many simple sensor nodes gathering information, such as air temperature or pollution. Nodes have limited energy resources and computational power. Generally, a WSN consists of source nodes that sense data and sink nodes that require data to be delivered to them; nodes communicate wirelessly to deliver data between them. Reliability is a concern as, due to energy constraints and adverse environments, it is expected that nodes will become faulty. Thus, it is essential to create fault-tolerant routing protocols that can recover from faults and deliver sensed data efficiently. Often studied are networks with a single sink. However, as applications become increasingly sophisticated, WSNs with multiple sources and multiple sinks become increasingly prevalent but the problem is much less studied. Unfortunately, current solutions for such networks are heuristics based on specific network properties, such as number of sources and sinks. It is beneficial to develop efficient (fault-tolerant) routing protocols, independent of network architecture. As such, the use of meta heuristics are advocated. Presented is a solution for efficient many-to-many routing using the meta heuristic Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO). The contributions are: (i) a distributed ACObased many-many routing protocol, (ii) using the novel concept of beacon ants, a fault-tolerant ACO-based routing protocol for many-many WSNs and (iii) demonstrations of how the same framework can be used to generate a routing protocol based on minimum Steiner tree. Results show that, generally, few message packets are sent, so nodes deplete energy slower, leading to longer network lifetimes. The protocol is scalable, becoming more efficient with increasing nodes as routes are proportionally shorter compared to network size. The fault-tolerant variant is shown to recover from failures while remaining efficient, and successful at continuously delivering data. The ACO-based framework is used to create Steiner Trees in WSNs, an NP-hard problem with many potential applications. The ACO concept provides the basis for a framework that enables the generation of efficient routing protocols that can solve numerous problems without changing the ACO concept. Results show the protocols are scalable, efficient, and can successfully deliver data in numerous different topologies


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we propose redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (HWSNs), utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence ofunreliable and malicious nodes. The key concept of our redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. the gain in reliability, timeliness, and security to maximize the system useful lifetime. We formulate the tradeoff as an optimization problem for dynamically determining the best redundancy level to apply to multipath routing for intrusion tolerance so that the query response success probability is maximized while prolonging the useful lifetime. Furthermore, we consider this optimization problem for the case in which a voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to detect and evict malicious nodes in a HWSN. We develop a novel probability model to analyze the best redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and source redundancy, as well as the best intrusion detection settings in terms of the number of voters and the intrusion invocation interval under which the lifetime of a HWSN is maximized. We then apply the analysis results obtained to the design of a dynamic redundancy management algorithm to identify and apply the best design parameter settings at runtime in response to environment changes, to maximize the HWSN lifetime