9 research outputs found

    Investigating biocomplexity through the agent-based paradigm.

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    Capturing the dynamism that pervades biological systems requires a computational approach that can accommodate both the continuous features of the system environment as well as the flexible and heterogeneous nature of component interactions. This presents a serious challenge for the more traditional mathematical approaches that assume component homogeneity to relate system observables using mathematical equations. While the homogeneity condition does not lead to loss of accuracy while simulating various continua, it fails to offer detailed solutions when applied to systems with dynamically interacting heterogeneous components. As the functionality and architecture of most biological systems is a product of multi-faceted individual interactions at the sub-system level, continuum models rarely offer much beyond qualitative similarity. Agent-based modelling is a class of algorithmic computational approaches that rely on interactions between Turing-complete finite-state machines--or agents--to simulate, from the bottom-up, macroscopic properties of a system. In recognizing the heterogeneity condition, they offer suitable ontologies to the system components being modelled, thereby succeeding where their continuum counterparts tend to struggle. Furthermore, being inherently hierarchical, they are quite amenable to coupling with other computational paradigms. The integration of any agent-based framework with continuum models is arguably the most elegant and precise way of representing biological systems. Although in its nascence, agent-based modelling has been utilized to model biological complexity across a broad range of biological scales (from cells to societies). In this article, we explore the reasons that make agent-based modelling the most precise approach to model biological systems that tend to be non-linear and complex

    Improved Slime-Mould-Algorithm with Fitness Distance Balance-based Guiding Mechanism for Global Optimization Problems

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    In this study, the performance of Slime-Mould-Algorithm (SMA), a current Meta-Heuristic Search algorithm, is improved. In order to model the search process lifecycle process more effectively in the SMA algorithm, the solution candidates guiding the search process were determined using the fitness-distance balance (FDB) method. Although the performance of the SMA algorithm is accepted, it is seen that the performance of the FDB-SMA algorithm developed thanks to the applied FDB method is much better. CEC 2020, which has current benchmark problems, was used to test the performance of the developed FDB-SMA algorithm. 10 different unconstrained comparison problems taken from CEC 2020 are designed by arranging them in 30-50-100 dimensions. Experimental studies were carried out using the designed comparison problems and analyzed with Friedman and Wilcoxon statistical test methods. According to the results of the analysis, it has been seen that the FDB-SMA variations outperform the basic algorithm (SMA) in all experimental studies

    Uncovering the social interaction network in swarm intelligence algorithms

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Swarm intelligence is the collective behavior emerging in systems with locally interacting components. Because of their self-organization capabilities, swarm-based systems show essential properties for handling real-world problems, such as robustness, scalability, and flexibility. Yet, we fail to understand why swarm-based algorithms work well, and neither can we compare the various approaches in the literature. The absence of a common framework capable of characterizing these several swarm-based algorithms, transcending their particularities, has led to a stream of publications inspired by different aspects of nature without a systematic comparison over existing approaches. Here we address this gap by introducing a network-based framework—the swarm interaction network—to examine computational swarm-based systems via the optics of the social dynamics. We investigate the structure of social interaction in four swarm-based algorithms, showing that our approach enables researchers to study distinct algorithms from a common viewpoint. We also provide an in-depth case study of the Particle Swarm Optimization, revealing that different communication schemes tune the social interaction in the swarm, controlling the swarm search mode. With the swarm interaction network, researchers can study swarm algorithms as systems, removing the algorithm particularities from the analyses while focusing on the structure of the swarm social interaction

    Scale-free features in collective robot foraging

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    In many complex systems observed in nature, properties such as scalability, adaptivity, or rapid information exchange are often accompanied by the presence of features that are scale-free, i.e., that have no characteristic scale. Following this observation, we investigate the existence of scale-free features in artificial collective systems using simulated robot swarms. We implement a large-scale swarm performing the complex task of collective foraging, and demonstrate that several space and time features of the simulated swarm-such as number of communication links or time spent in resting state-spontaneously approach the scale-free property with moderate to strong statistical plausibility. Furthermore, we report strong correlations between the latter observation and swarm performance in terms of the number of retrieved items

    Morphogenesis in robot swarms

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    Morphogenesis allows millions of cells to self-organize into intricate structures with a wide variety of functional shapes during embryonic development. This process emerges from local interactions of cells under the control of gene circuits that are identical in every cell, robust to intrinsic noise, and adaptable to changing environments. Constructing human technology with these properties presents an important opportunity in swarm robotic applications ranging from construction to exploration. Morphogenesis in nature may use two different approaches: hierarchical, top-down control or spontaneously self-organizing dynamics such as reaction-diffusion Turing patterns. Here, we provide a demonstration of purely self-organizing behaviors to create emergent morphologies in large swarms of real robots. The robots achieve this collective organization without any self-localization and instead rely entirely on local interactions with neighbors. Results show swarms of 300 robots that self-construct organic and adaptable shapes that are robust to damage. This is a step toward the emergence of functional shape formation in robot swarms following principles of self-organized morphogenetic engineering

    Biologically Inspired Connected Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have become commonplace in the automotive industry over the last few decades. Even with the advent of ADAS, however, there are still a significant number of accidents and fatalities. ADAS has in some instances been shown to significantly reduce the number and severity of accidents. Manufacturers are working to avoid ADAS plateauing for effectiveness, which has led the industry to pursue various avenues of investment to ascend the next mountain of challenges – vehicle autonomy, smart mobility, connectivity, and electrification – for reducing accidents and injuries. A number of studies pertaining to ADAS scrutinize a specific ADAS technology for its effectiveness at mitigating accidents and reducing injury severity. A few studies take holistic accounts of ADAS. There are a number of directions ADAS could be further progressed. Industry manufacturers are improving existing ADAS technologies through multiple avenues of technology advancement. A number of ADAS systems have already been improved from passive, alert or warning, systems to active systems which provide early warning and if no action is taken will control the vehicle to avoid a collision or reduce the impact of the collision. Studies about the individual ADAS technologies have found significant improvement for reduction in collisions, but when evaluating the actual vehicles driving the performance of ADAS has been fairly constant since 2015. At the same time, industry is looking at networking vehicle ADAS with fixed infrastructure or with other vehicles’ ADAS. The present literature surrounding connected ADAS be it with fixed systems or other vehicles with ADAS focuses on the why and the how information is passed between vehicles. The ultimate goal of ADAS and connected ADAS is the development of autonomous vehicles. Biologically inspired systems provide an intriguing avenue for examination by applying self-organization found in biological communities to connecting ADAS among vehicles and fixed systems. Biological systems developed over millions of years to become highly organized and efficient. Biological inspiration has been used with much success in several engineering and science disciplines to optimize processes and designs. Applying movement patterns found in nature to automotive transportation is a rational progression. This work strategizes how to further the effectiveness of ADAS through the connection of ADAS with supporting assets both fixed systems and other vehicles with ADAS based on biological inspiration. The connection priorities will be refined by the relative positioning of the assets interacting with a particular vehicle’s ADAS. Then based on the relative positioning data distribution among systems will be stratified based on level of relevance. This will reduce the processing time for incorporating the external data into the ADAS actions. This dissertation contributes to the present understanding of ADAS effectiveness in real-world situations and set forth a method for how to optimally connect local ADAS vehicles following from biological inspiration. Also, there will be a better understanding of how ADAS reduces accidents and injury severity. The method for how to structure an ADAS network will provide a framework for auto-manufacturers for the development of their proprietary networked ADAS. This method will lead to a new horizon for reducing accidents and injury severity through the design of connecting ADAS equipped vehicles.Ph.D

    Formation and organisation in robot swarms.

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    A swarm is defined as a large and independent collection of heterogeneous or homogeneous agents operating in a common environment and seemingly acting in a coherent and coordinated manner. Swarm architectures promote decentralisation and self-organisation which often leads to emergent behaviour. The emergent behaviour of the swarm results from the interactions of the swarm with its environment (or fellow agents), but not as a direct result of design. The creation of artificially simulated swarms or practical robot swarms has become an interesting topic of research in the last decade. Even though many studies have been undertaken using a practical approach to swarm construction, there are still many problems need to be addressed. Such problems include the problem of how to control very simple agents to form patterns; the problem of how an attractor will affect flocking behaviour; and the problem of bridging formation of multiple agents in connecting multiple locations. The central goal of this thesis is to develop early novel theories and algorithms to support swarm robots in. pattern formation tasks. To achieve this, appropriate tools for understanding how to model, design and control individual units have to be developed. This thesis consists of three independent pieces of research work that address the problem of pattern formation of robot swarms in both a centralised and a decentralised way.The first research contribution proposes algorithms of line formation and cluster formation in a decentralised way for relatively simple homogenous agents with very little memory, limited sensing capabilities and processing power. This research utilises the Finite State Machine approach.In the second research contribution, by extending Wilensky's (1999) work on flocking, three different movement models are modelled by changing the maximum viewing angle each agent possesses during the course of changing its direction. An object which releases an artificial potential field is then introduced in the centre of the arena and the behaviours of the collective movement model are studied.The third research contribution studies the complex formation of agents in a task that requires a formation of agents between two locations. This novel research proposes the use Of L-Systems that are evolved using genetic algorithms so that more complex pattern formations can be represented and achieved. Agents will need to have the ability to interpret short strings of rules that form the basic DNA of the formation

    "The Blindness of the Seeing Eye": Testing Anthropocentrism

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    In the main, social and scientific inquiry presume the specificity of human identity and both rest upon anthropocentrism as their unacknowledged and uninterrogated premise. Yet research from multiple fields increasingly raises significant questions regarding the presumption of human exceptionalism. Despite this scholarship, there remains a steadfast belief in, and commitment to, the integrity and unique capacity of human species being. There is a paradox at play here: the presence of, and even engagement with, compelling evidence which undermines the truth of human identity in fundamental ways, alongside a collective faith in this truth that proceeds relatively unshaken. The purpose of this thesis is to make inroads into this paradox and to reorient human identity as more of a question than a fact. In this task, the thesis plaits together sociology, psychoanalytic theory, feminist thought and Derridean deconstruction to explore this commitment to anthropocentrism as it spans a variety of thinkers, fields and empirical sites. The thesis opens with an exploration of how evidence of microbiological cognition is censored and foreclosed within scientific discourse, utilising Émile Durkheim’s work to underscore how this question of mind contains within it the question of species difference. Extrapolating upon this same muted worry regarding animal mind, the following chapter examines the textual unconscious of Jacques Lacan’s scholarship, illustrating how thinkers undermine the humanism of their own arguments in myriad and curious ways. Continuing this demonstration of how theorists struggle in their aim to define and moor human identity, an exploration of the scholarship of Roger Caillois provokes a radical revision of the logic of anthropomorphism, illuminating how it is absolutely constitutive of anthropocentrism. Elucidating the conceptual reliance of the human/animal divide on Cartesianism through a close reading of Sigmund Freud, the fourth chapter makes clear how this inheritance serves anthropocentric aims in its foundational assumption that matter is not itself mindful. Utilising the philosophical insights of Jacques Derrida, the final chapter considers the ways in which, in the ostensible gesture of affirming animal subjectivity, Animal Studies thinkers effectively sacrifice its possibility to the very humanism they claim to contest