139,820 research outputs found

    Grammar writing from a dissertation advisor’s perspective

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    Anyone who intends to produce a grammar of a previously little-described language needs to (1) plan the scope, methods and timetable of the data gathering process, (2) think about the conceptual framework that will shape data-gathering and analysis, (3) gather and organize the data, (4) analyse the data, and (5) plan the structure of the written account and (6) write the grammar. The steps are not simply sequential but are to some extent cyclical. This chapter will look at an advisor’s role in guiding a PhD student through these steps. It will focus on the following questions: What kinds of data, and how much, are sufficient to base a grammar on? What is a realistic size for a PhD dissertation grammar? What are the main alternative ways of organizing a grammatical description, e.g. in terms of topic divisions and sequencing? What are the dos and don’ts to be followed in order to make the grammar as descriptively adequate and user friendly as possible? What are the main reasons why some students take forever to complete the analysis and writing process?National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Neural Machine Translation into Language Varieties

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    Both research and commercial machine translation have so far neglected the importance of properly handling the spelling, lexical and grammar divergences occurring among language varieties. Notable cases are standard national varieties such as Brazilian and European Portuguese, and Canadian and European French, which popular online machine translation services are not keeping distinct. We show that an evident side effect of modeling such varieties as unique classes is the generation of inconsistent translations. In this work, we investigate the problem of training neural machine translation from English to specific pairs of language varieties, assuming both labeled and unlabeled parallel texts, and low-resource conditions. We report experiments from English to two pairs of dialects, EuropeanBrazilian Portuguese and European-Canadian French, and two pairs of standardized varieties, Croatian-Serbian and Indonesian-Malay. We show significant BLEU score improvements over baseline systems when translation into similar languages is learned as a multilingual task with shared representations.Comment: Published at EMNLP 2018: third conference on machine translation (WMT 2018

    Specific strategy instruction to enhance revising and editing skills for the learning disabled

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    For years, research and replications of research have supported the findings that grammar taught in isolation is at best ineffective. As a result, some teachers have abandoned grammar instruction altogether. Other teachers are unaware of the findings or simply choose to ignore them. With so many mildly handicapped students being placed in regular education classes, these curricular decisions are having an impact on their success in producing correct written communication. This study compares eleven learning disabled seventh grade students taught in the mainstream with traditional grammar instruction to nine learning disabled peers taught in a resource center with specific strategy instruction. The Test of Written Language-2 (TOWL-2) measures competence using Form A for a fall pretest and Form B for a spring posttest. A comparison of national percentile rankings by percentage of change (increase or decrease) is the basis for comparison. A self-evaluation questionnaire completed on both testing dates measures confidence. The experimental group improved significantly on all subtests of the TOWL-2 related to revising and editing. Neither group showed any improvement in personal confidence with regard to their revising and/or editing skills

    Grammar-Based Random Walkers in Semantic Networks

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    Semantic networks qualify the meaning of an edge relating any two vertices. Determining which vertices are most "central" in a semantic network is difficult because one relationship type may be deemed subjectively more important than another. For this reason, research into semantic network metrics has focused primarily on context-based rankings (i.e. user prescribed contexts). Moreover, many of the current semantic network metrics rank semantic associations (i.e. directed paths between two vertices) and not the vertices themselves. This article presents a framework for calculating semantically meaningful primary eigenvector-based metrics such as eigenvector centrality and PageRank in semantic networks using a modified version of the random walker model of Markov chain analysis. Random walkers, in the context of this article, are constrained by a grammar, where the grammar is a user defined data structure that determines the meaning of the final vertex ranking. The ideas in this article are presented within the context of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) of the Semantic Web initiative.Comment: First draft of manuscript originally written in November 200

    Grammar-Based Geodesics in Semantic Networks

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    A geodesic is the shortest path between two vertices in a connected network. The geodesic is the kernel of various network metrics including radius, diameter, eccentricity, closeness, and betweenness. These metrics are the foundation of much network research and thus, have been studied extensively in the domain of single-relational networks (both in their directed and undirected forms). However, geodesics for single-relational networks do not translate directly to multi-relational, or semantic networks, where vertices are connected to one another by any number of edge labels. Here, a more sophisticated method for calculating a geodesic is necessary. This article presents a technique for calculating geodesics in semantic networks with a focus on semantic networks represented according to the Resource Description Framework (RDF). In this framework, a discrete "walker" utilizes an abstract path description called a grammar to determine which paths to include in its geodesic calculation. The grammar-based model forms a general framework for studying geodesic metrics in semantic networks.Comment: First draft written in 200

    Estimating the Relationship between School Resources and Pupil Attainment at GCSE

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    TTS – A Treebank Tool Suite

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    Treebanks are important resources in descriptive, theoretical and computational linguistic research, development and teaching. This paper presents a treebank tool suite (TTS) for and derived from the Penn-II treebank resource (Marcus et al, 1993). The tools include treebank inspection and viewing options which support search for CF-PSG rule tokens extracted from the treebank, graphical display of complete trees containing the rule instance, display of subtrees rooted by the rule instance and display of the yield of the subtree (with or without context). The search can be further restricted by constraining the yield to contain particular strings. Rules can be ordered by frequency and the user can set frequency thresholds. To process new text, the tool suite provides a PCFG chart parser (based on the CYK algorithm) operating on CFG grammars extracted from the treebank following the method of (Charniak, 1996) as well as a HMM bi-/trigram tagger trained on the tagged version of the treebank resource. The system is implemented in Java and Perl. We employ the InterArbora module based on the Thistle display engine (LTG, 2001) as our tree grapher

    Progression in Kent: schools taking charge

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    This report sets out research into the practice of careers work in Kent.This report has been prepared by the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) for Kent County Council. iCeGS was commissioned to conduct an independent investigation into the implications of the Education Act 2011 for schools in Kent. The findings were gathered from schools and key stakeholders in Kent. The conclusions do not necessarily represent official Kent County Council policy.Kent County Counci
