388 research outputs found

    Non-linear actuators and simulation tools for rehabilitation devices

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorRehabilitation robotics is a field of research that investigates the applications of robotics in motor function therapy for recovering the motor control and motor capability. In general, this type of rehabilitation has been found effective in therapy for persons suffering motor disorders, especially due to stroke or spinal cord injuries. This type of devices generally are well tolerated by the patients also being a motivation in rehabilitation therapy. In the last years the rehabilitation robotics has become more popular, capturing the attention at various research centers. They focused on the development more effective devices in rehabilitation therapy, with a higher acceptance factor of patients tacking into account: the financial cost, weight and comfort of the device. Among the rehabilitation devices, an important category is represented by the rehabilitation exoskeletons, which in addition to the human skeletons help to protect and support the external human body. This became more popular between the rehabilitation devices due to the easily adapting with the dynamics of human body, possibility to use them such as wearable devices and low weight and dimensions which permit easy transportation. Nowadays, in the development of any robotic device the simulation tools play an important role due to their capacity to analyse the expected performance of the system designed prior to manufacture. In the development of the rehabilitation devices, the biomechanical software which is capable to simulate the behaviour interaction between the human body and the robotics devices, play an important role. This helps to choose suitable actuators for the rehabilitation device, to evaluate possible mechanical designs, and to analyse the necessary controls algorithms before being tested in real systems. This thesis presents a research proposing an alternative solution for the current systems of actuation on the exoskeletons for robotic rehabilitation. The proposed solution, has a direct impact, improving issues like device weight, noise, fabrication costs, size an patient comfort. In order to reach the desired results, a biomechanical software based on Biomechanics of Bodies (BoB) simulator where the behaviour of the human body and the rehabilitation device with his actuators can be analysed, was developed. In the context of the main objective of this research, a series of actuators have been analysed, including solutions between the non-linear actuation systems. Between these systems, two solutions have been analysed in detail: ultrasonic motors and Shape Memory Alloy material. Due to the force - weight characteristics of each device (in simulation with the human body), the Shape Memory Alloy material was chosen as principal actuator candidate for rehabilitation devices. The proposed control algorithm for the actuators based on Shape Memory Alloy, was tested over various configurations of actuators design and analysed in terms of energy eficiency, cooling deformation and movement. For the bioinspirated movements, such as the muscular group's biceps-triceps, a control algorithm capable to control two Shape Memory Alloy based actuators in antagonistic movement, has been developed. A segmented exoskeleton based on Shape Memory Alloy actuators for the upper limb evaluation and rehabilitation therapy was proposed to demosntrate the eligibility of the actuation system. This is divided in individual rehabilitation devices for the shoulder, elbow and wrist. The results of this research was tested and validated in the real elbow exoskeleton with two degrees of freedom developed during this thesis.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Eduardo Rocón de Lima.- Secretario: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Martin Stoele

    Robust simultaneous myoelectric control of multiple degrees of freedom in wrist-hand prostheses by real-time neuromusculoskeletal modeling

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    Objectives: Robotic prosthetic limbs promise to replace mechanical function of lost biological extremities and restore amputees' capacity of moving and interacting with the environment. Despite recent advances in biocompatible electrodes, surgical procedures, and mechatronics, the impact of current solutions is hampered by the lack of intuitive and robust man-machine interfaces. Approach: Based on authors' developments, this work presents a biomimetic interface that synthetizes the musculoskeletal function of an individual's phantom limb as controlled by neural surrogates, i.e. electromyography-derived neural activations. With respect to current approaches based on machine learning, our method employs explicit representations of the musculoskeletal system to reduce the space of feasible solutions in the translation of electromyograms into prosthesis control commands. Electromyograms are mapped onto mechanical forces that belong to a subspace contained within the broader operational space of an individual's musculoskeletal system. Results: Our results show that this constraint makes the approach applicable to real-world scenarios and robust to movement artefacts. This stems from the fact that any control command must always exist within the musculoskeletal model operational space and be therefore physiologically plausible. The approach was effective both on intact-limbed individuals and a transradial amputee displaying robust online control of multi-functional prostheses across a large repertoire of challenging tasks. Significance: The development and translation of man-machine interfaces that account for an individual's neuromusculoskeletal system creates unprecedented opportunities to understand how disrupted neuro-mechanical processes can be restored or replaced via biomimetic wearable assistive technologies

    Real-time simulation of three-dimensional shoulder girdle and arm dynamics

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    Electrical stimulation is a promising technology for the restoration of arm function in paralyzed individuals. Control of the paralyzed arm under electrical stimulation, however, is a challenging problem that requires advanced controllers and command interfaces for the user. A real-time model describing the complex dynamics of the arm would allow user-in-the-loop type experiments where the command interface and controller could be assessed. Real-time models of the arm previously described have not included the ability to model the independently controlled scapula and clavicle, limiting their utility for clinical applications of this nature. The goal of this study therefore was to evaluate the performance and mechanical behavior of a real-time, dynamic model of the arm and shoulder girdle. The model comprises seven segments linked by eleven degrees of freedom and actuated by 138 muscle elements. Polynomials were generated to describe the muscle lines of action to reduce computation time, and an implicit, first-order Rosenbrock formulation of the equations of motion was used to increase simulation step-size. The model simulated flexion of the arm faster than real time, simulation time being 92% of actual movement time on standard desktop hardware. Modeled maximum isometric torque values agreed well with values from the literature, showing that the model simulates the moment-generating behavior of a real human arm. The speed of the model enables experiments where the user controls the virtual arm and receives visual feedback in real time. The ability to optimize potential solutions in simulation greatly reduces the burden on the user during development

    Anatomical parameters for musculoskeletal modeling of the hand and wrist

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    A musculoskeletal model of the hand and wrist can provide valuable biomechanical and neurophysiological insights, relevant for clinicians and ergonomists. Currently, no consistent data-set exists comprising the full anatomy of these upper extremity parts. The aim of this study was to collect a complete anatomical data-set of the hand and wrist, including the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. One right lower arm, taken from a fresh frozen female specimen, was studied. Geometrical data for muscles and joints were digitized using a 3D optical tracking system. For each muscle, optimal fiber length and physiological cross-sectional area were assessed based on muscle belly mass, fiber length, and sarcomere length. A brief description of model, in which these data were imported as input, is also provided. Anatomical data including muscle morphology and joint axes (48 muscles and 24 joints) and mechanical representations of the hand are presented. After incorporating anatomical data in the presented model, a good consistency was found between outcomes of the model and the previous experimental studies

    Concept of an exoskeleton for industrial applications with modulated impedance based on Electromyographic signal recorded from the operator

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    The introduction of an active exoskeleton that enhances the operator power in the manufacturing field was demonstrated in literature to lead to beneficial effects in terms of reducing fatiguing and the occurrence of musculo-skeletal diseases. However, a large number of manufacturing operations would not benefit from power increases because it rather requires the modulation of the operator stiffness. However, in literature, considerably less attention was given to those robotic devices that regulate their stiffness based on the operator stiffness, even if their introduction in the line would aid the operator during different manipulations respect with the exoskeletons with variable power. In this thesis the description of the command logic of an exoskeleton for manufacturing applications, whose stiffness is modulated based on the operator stiffness, is described. Since the operator stiffness cannot be mechanically measured without deflecting the limb, an estimation based on the superficial Electromyographic signal is required. A model composed of 1 joint and 2 antagonist muscles was developed to approximate the elbow and the wrist joints. Each muscle was approximated as the Hill model and the analysis of the joint stiffness, at different joint angle and muscle activations, was performed. The same Hill muscle model was then implemented in a 2 joint and 6 muscles (2J6M) model which approximated the elbow-shoulder system. Since the estimation of the exerted stiffness with a 2J6M model would be quite onerous in terms of processing time, the estimation of the operator end-point stiffness in realtime would therefore be questionable. Then, a linear relation between the end-point stiffness and the component of muscle activation that does not generate any end-point force, is proposed. Once the stiffness the operator exerts was estimated, three command logics that identifies the stiffness the exoskeleton is required to exert are proposed. These proposed command logics are: Proportional, Integral 1 s, and Integral 2 s. The stiffening exerted by a device in which a Proportional logic is implemented is proportional, sample by sample, to the estimated stiffness exerted by the operator. The stiffening exerted by the exoskeleton in which an Integral logic is implemented is proportional to the stiffness exerted by the operator, averaged along the previous 1 second (Integral 1 s) or 2 seconds (Integral 2 s). The most effective command logic, among the proposed ones, was identified with empirical tests conducted on subjects using a wrist haptic device (the Hi5, developed by the Bioengineering group of the Imperial College of London). The experimental protocol consisted in a wrist flexion/extension tracking task with an external perturbation, alternated with isometric force exertion for the estimation of the occurrence of the fatigue. The fatigue perceived by the subject, the tracking error, defined as the RMS of the difference between wrist and target angles, and the energy consumption, defined as the sum of the squared signals recorded from two antagonist muscles, indicated the Integral 1 s logic to be the most effective for controlling the exoskeleton. A logistic relation between the stiffness exerted by the subject and the stiffness exerted by the robotic devices was selected, because it assured a smooth transition between the maximum and the minimum stiffness the device is required to exert. However, the logistic relation parameters are subject-specific, therefore an experimental estimation is required. An example was provided. Finally, the literature about variable stiffness actuators was analyzed to identify the most suitable device for exoskeleton stiffness modulation. This actuator is intended to be integrated on an existing exoskeleton that already enhances the operator power based on the operator Electromyographic signal. The identified variable stiffness actuator is the DLR FSJ, which controls its stiffness modulating the preload of a single spring

    Anatomical parameters for musculoskeletal modeling of the hand and wrist

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    International audienceA musculoskeletal model of the hand and wrist can provide valuable biomechanical and neurophysiological insights, relevant for clinicians and ergonomists. Currently, no consistent data-set exists comprising the full anatomy of these upper extremity parts. The aim of this study was to collect a complete anatomical data-set of the hand and wrist, including the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. One right lower arm, taken from a fresh frozen female specimen, was studied. Geometrical data for muscles and joints were digitized using a 3D optical tracking system. For each muscle, optimal fiber length and physiological cross-sectional area were assessed based on muscle belly mass, fiber length, and sarcomere length. A brief description of model, in which these data were imported as input, is also provided. Anatomical data including muscle morphology and joint axes (48 muscles and 24 joints) and mechanical representations of the hand are presented. After incorporating anatomical data in the presented model, a good consistency was found between outcomes of the model and the previous experimental studies


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    Biomechanics is a vast discipline within the field of Biomedical Engineering. It explores the underlying mechanics of how biological and physiological systems move. It encompasses important clinical applications to address questions related to medicine using engineering mechanics principles. Biomechanics includes interdisciplinary concepts from engineers, physicians, therapists, biologists, physicists, and mathematicians. Through their collaborative efforts, biomechanics research is ever changing and expanding, explaining new mechanisms and principles for dynamic human systems. Biomechanics is used to describe how the human body moves, walks, and breathes, in addition to how it responds to injury and rehabilitation. Advanced biomechanical modeling methods, such as inverse dynamics, finite element analysis, and musculoskeletal modeling are used to simulate and investigate human situations in regard to movement and injury. Biomechanical technologies are progressing to answer contemporary medical questions. The future of biomechanics is dependent on interdisciplinary research efforts and the education of tomorrow’s scientists

    Muscle activation mapping of skeletal hand motion: an evolutionary approach.

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    Creating controlled dynamic character animation consists of mathe- matical modelling of muscles and solving the activation dynamics that form the key to coordination. But biomechanical simulation and control is com- putationally expensive involving complex di erential equations and is not suitable for real-time platforms like games. Performing such computations at every time-step reduces frame rate. Modern games use generic soft- ware packages called physics engines to perform a wide variety of in-game physical e ects. The physics engines are optimized for gaming platforms. Therefore, a physics engine compatible model of anatomical muscles and an alternative control architecture is essential to create biomechanical charac- ters in games. This thesis presents a system that generates muscle activations from captured motion by borrowing principles from biomechanics and neural con- trol. A generic physics engine compliant muscle model primitive is also de- veloped. The muscle model primitive forms the motion actuator and is an integral part of the physical model used in the simulation. This thesis investigates a stochastic solution to create a controller that mimics the neural control system employed in the human body. The control system uses evolutionary neural networks that evolve its weights using genetic algorithms. Examples and guidance often act as templates in muscle training during all stages of human life. Similarly, the neural con- troller attempts to learn muscle coordination through input motion samples. The thesis also explores the objective functions developed that aids in the genetic evolution of the neural network. Character interaction with the game world is still a pre-animated behaviour in most current games. Physically-based procedural hand ani- mation is a step towards autonomous interaction of game characters with the game world. The neural controller and the muscle primitive developed are used to animate a dynamic model of a human hand within a real-time physics engine environment