1,504 research outputs found

    Locality-aware parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using the Chunks and Tasks programming model

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    We present a method for parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on distributed memory clusters. By using a quadtree matrix representation, data locality is exploited without prior information about the matrix sparsity pattern. A distributed quadtree matrix representation is straightforward to implement due to our recent development of the Chunks and Tasks programming model [Parallel Comput. 40, 328 (2014)]. The quadtree representation combined with the Chunks and Tasks model leads to favorable weak and strong scaling of the communication cost with the number of processes, as shown both theoretically and in numerical experiments. Matrices are represented by sparse quadtrees of chunk objects. The leaves in the hierarchy are block-sparse submatrices. Sparsity is dynamically detected by the matrix library and may occur at any level in the hierarchy and/or within the submatrix leaves. In case graphics processing units (GPUs) are available, both CPUs and GPUs are used for leaf-level multiplication work, thus making use of the full computing capacity of each node. The performance is evaluated for matrices with different sparsity structures, including examples from electronic structure calculations. Compared to methods that do not exploit data locality, our locality-aware approach reduces communication significantly, achieving essentially constant communication per node in weak scaling tests.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Secure Numerical and Logical Multi Party Operations

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    We derive algorithms for efficient secure numerical and logical operations using a recently introduced scheme for secure multi-party computation~\cite{sch15} in the semi-honest model ensuring statistical or perfect security. To derive our algorithms for trigonometric functions, we use basic mathematical laws in combination with properties of the additive encryption scheme in a novel way. For division and logarithm we use a new approach to compute a Taylor series at a fixed point for all numbers. All our logical operations such as comparisons and large fan-in AND gates are perfectly secure. Our empirical evaluation yields speed-ups of more than a factor of 100 for the evaluated operations compared to the state-of-the-art

    Hierarchical approach for deriving a reproducible unblocked LU factorization

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    [EN] We propose a reproducible variant of the unblocked LU factorization for graphics processor units (GPUs). For this purpose, we build upon Level-1/2 BLAS kernels that deliver correctly-rounded and reproducible results for the dot (inner) product, vector scaling, and the matrix-vector product. In addition, we draw a strategy to enhance the accuracy of the triangular solve via iterative refinement. Following a bottom-up approach, we finally construct a reproducible unblocked implementation of the LU factorization for GPUs, which accommodates partial pivoting for stability and can be eventually integrated in a high performance and stable algorithm for the (blocked) LU factorization.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The simulations were performed on resources provided by the Swed-ish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at PDC Centre for High Performance Computing (PDC-HPC). This work was also granted access to the HPC resources of The Institute for Scientific Computing and Simulation financed by Region Ile-de-France and the project Equip@Meso (reference ANR-10-EQPX-29-01) overseen by the French National Agency for Research (ANR) as part of the Investissements d Avenir pro-gram. This work was also partly supported by the FastRelax (ANR-14-CE25-0018-01) project of ANR.Iakymchuk, R.; Graillat, S.; Defour, D.; Quintana-Orti, ES. (2019). Hierarchical approach for deriving a reproducible unblocked LU factorization. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 33(5):791-803. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019832968S791803335Arteaga, A., Fuhrer, O., & Hoefler, T. (2014). Designing Bit-Reproducible Portable High-Performance Applications. 2014 IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. doi:10.1109/ipdps.2014.127Bientinesi, P., Quintana-Ortí, E. S., & Geijn, R. A. van de. (2005). Representing linear algebra algorithms in code: the FLAME application program interfaces. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 31(1), 27-59. doi:10.1145/1055531.1055533Chohra, C., Langlois, P., & Parello, D. (2016). Efficiency of Reproducible Level 1 BLAS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 99-108. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31769-4_8Collange, S., Defour, D., Graillat, S., & Iakymchuk, R. (2015). Numerical reproducibility for the parallel reduction on multi- and many-core architectures. Parallel Computing, 49, 83-97. doi:10.1016/j.parco.2015.09.001Demmel, J., & Hong Diep Nguyen. (2013). Fast Reproducible Floating-Point Summation. 2013 IEEE 21st Symposium on Computer Arithmetic. doi:10.1109/arith.2013.9Demmel, J., & Nguyen, H. D. (2015). Parallel Reproducible Summation. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(7), 2060-2070. doi:10.1109/tc.2014.2345391Dongarra, J. J., Du Croz, J., Hammarling, S., & Duff, I. S. (1990). A set of level 3 basic linear algebra subprograms. 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