13 research outputs found

    Achieving a fault tolerant and reliable cloud data center network

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    Adaptive Routing Strategies for Modern High Performance Networks

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    Today鈥檚 scalable high-performance applications heavily depend on the bandwidth characteristics of their commu-nication patterns. Contemporary multi-stage interconnec-tion networks suffer from network contention which might decrease application performance. Our experiments show that the effective bisection bandwidth of a non-blocking 512-node Clos network is as low as 38 % if the network is routed statically. In this paper, we propose and ana-lyze different adaptive routing schemes for those networks. We chose Myrinet/MX to implement our proposed routing schemes. Our best adaptive routing scheme is able to in-crease the effective bisection bandwidth to 77 % for 512 nodes and 100 % for smaller node counts. Thus, we show that our proposed adaptive routing schemes are able to im-prove network throughput significantly.

    Dynamic routing balancing on InfiniBand network

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    InfiniBand (IBA) technology was developed to address the performance issues associated with messages movement among Endnodes and computer I/O devices. However, InfiniBand is also widely deployed within high performance computing (HPC) clusters due to the high bandwidth and low message latency attributes it offers to inter-processor communication systems. An interconnection-network efficient design is mandatory because its great impact on the parallel computer performance. Therefore, a high speed routing scheme that minimizes congestion and avoids hot-spot areas should be included in the network components. We have developed Dynamic Routing Balancing (DRB), an adaptive routing mechanism that balances the communication traffic over the interconnection network. It is based on limited and load-controlled multipath expansion in order to maintain low and bounded network latency. In this work, we propose using DRB as the congestion control mechanism for InfiniBand networks. Experimentation shows that our method achieves significant performance improvement over the original InfiniBand technique which is based on message throttling. An improvement up to 66% for latency and 35% for throughput is achieved for the networks under analysis. Finally, the proposed mechanism use the management model defined in InfiniBand specs, thus full compatibility is provided.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Balanceo distribuido del encaminamiento para el control de congesti贸n en redes infiniband

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    El uso de recursos compartidos en las redes de interconexi贸n de alta performance puede provocar situaciones de congesti贸n de mensajes que degradan notablemente las prestaciones, aumentando la latencia de trasporte y disminuyendo la utilizaci贸n de la red. Hasta el momento las t茅cnicas que intentan solucionar este problema utilizan la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n de mensajes. Esta limitaci贸n de la inyecci贸n traslada la contenci贸n de mensajes desde los conmutadores hacia los nodos fuente, incrementando el valor de la latencia promedio global, pudiendo alcanzar valores muy elevados. En este art铆culo, proponemos una t茅cnica de control de congesti贸n para redes InfiniBand basada en un mecanismo de encaminamiento adaptativo que distribuye el volumen de comunicaciones entre diversas trayectorias alternativas quitando carga de la zona de congesti贸n, lo que permite eliminarla. La experimentaci贸n realizada muestra la mejora obtenida en latencia y throughput, respecto al mecanismo de control de congesti贸n original de InfiniBand basado en la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n. El mecanismo propuesto es totalmente compatible y no requiere que se modifique ning煤n aspecto de la especificaci贸n, debido a que se utilizan componentes de gesti贸n definidos en el est谩ndar InfiniBand.Communications requirements in High Performance Computing (HPC) demand the use of Interconnections Networks to connect processing nodes. Sharing resources in high performance interconnection networks leads to message congestion. Congestion spreading increases latency and reduces network throughput causing important performance degradation. Nowadays most current techniques use message throttling to prevent injection of new messages in network congested region. Message throttling moves contention from switches to sources nodes in order to eliminate congestion, however global latency is highly incremented because of the time that packets must wait in the source node. In this paper, we propose a congestion control mechanism for InfiniBand networks based in an adaptive routing algorithm that perform a communication load balancing over several alternative paths, in order to take load away of the congested network zone, eliminating congestion and maintaining injection rate. Our mechanism鈥檚 experimentation results show latency, throughput and dynamic behaviour improvement over InfiniBand original congestion control mechanism which is based in message throttling. The proposed mechanism use the management model defined in InfiniBand specs, thus full compatibility is provided.VIII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y ParaleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Balanceo distribuido del encaminamiento para el control de congesti贸n en redes infiniband

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    El uso de recursos compartidos en las redes de interconexi贸n de alta performance puede provocar situaciones de congesti贸n de mensajes que degradan notablemente las prestaciones, aumentando la latencia de trasporte y disminuyendo la utilizaci贸n de la red. Hasta el momento las t茅cnicas que intentan solucionar este problema utilizan la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n de mensajes. Esta limitaci贸n de la inyecci贸n traslada la contenci贸n de mensajes desde los conmutadores hacia los nodos fuente, incrementando el valor de la latencia promedio global, pudiendo alcanzar valores muy elevados. En este art铆culo, proponemos una t茅cnica de control de congesti贸n para redes InfiniBand basada en un mecanismo de encaminamiento adaptativo que distribuye el volumen de comunicaciones entre diversas trayectorias alternativas quitando carga de la zona de congesti贸n, lo que permite eliminarla. La experimentaci贸n realizada muestra la mejora obtenida en latencia y throughput, respecto al mecanismo de control de congesti贸n original de InfiniBand basado en la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n. El mecanismo propuesto es totalmente compatible y no requiere que se modifique ning煤n aspecto de la especificaci贸n, debido a que se utilizan componentes de gesti贸n definidos en el est谩ndar InfiniBand.Communications requirements in High Performance Computing (HPC) demand the use of Interconnections Networks to connect processing nodes. Sharing resources in high performance interconnection networks leads to message congestion. Congestion spreading increases latency and reduces network throughput causing important performance degradation. Nowadays most current techniques use message throttling to prevent injection of new messages in network congested region. Message throttling moves contention from switches to sources nodes in order to eliminate congestion, however global latency is highly incremented because of the time that packets must wait in the source node. In this paper, we propose a congestion control mechanism for InfiniBand networks based in an adaptive routing algorithm that perform a communication load balancing over several alternative paths, in order to take load away of the congested network zone, eliminating congestion and maintaining injection rate. Our mechanism鈥檚 experimentation results show latency, throughput and dynamic behaviour improvement over InfiniBand original congestion control mechanism which is based in message throttling. The proposed mechanism use the management model defined in InfiniBand specs, thus full compatibility is provided.VIII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y ParaleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Balanceo distribuido del encaminamiento para el control de congesti贸n en redes infiniband

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    El uso de recursos compartidos en las redes de interconexi贸n de alta performance puede provocar situaciones de congesti贸n de mensajes que degradan notablemente las prestaciones, aumentando la latencia de trasporte y disminuyendo la utilizaci贸n de la red. Hasta el momento las t茅cnicas que intentan solucionar este problema utilizan la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n de mensajes. Esta limitaci贸n de la inyecci贸n traslada la contenci贸n de mensajes desde los conmutadores hacia los nodos fuente, incrementando el valor de la latencia promedio global, pudiendo alcanzar valores muy elevados. En este art铆culo, proponemos una t茅cnica de control de congesti贸n para redes InfiniBand basada en un mecanismo de encaminamiento adaptativo que distribuye el volumen de comunicaciones entre diversas trayectorias alternativas quitando carga de la zona de congesti贸n, lo que permite eliminarla. La experimentaci贸n realizada muestra la mejora obtenida en latencia y throughput, respecto al mecanismo de control de congesti贸n original de InfiniBand basado en la regulaci贸n de la inyecci贸n. El mecanismo propuesto es totalmente compatible y no requiere que se modifique ning煤n aspecto de la especificaci贸n, debido a que se utilizan componentes de gesti贸n definidos en el est谩ndar InfiniBand.Communications requirements in High Performance Computing (HPC) demand the use of Interconnections Networks to connect processing nodes. Sharing resources in high performance interconnection networks leads to message congestion. Congestion spreading increases latency and reduces network throughput causing important performance degradation. Nowadays most current techniques use message throttling to prevent injection of new messages in network congested region. Message throttling moves contention from switches to sources nodes in order to eliminate congestion, however global latency is highly incremented because of the time that packets must wait in the source node. In this paper, we propose a congestion control mechanism for InfiniBand networks based in an adaptive routing algorithm that perform a communication load balancing over several alternative paths, in order to take load away of the congested network zone, eliminating congestion and maintaining injection rate. Our mechanism鈥檚 experimentation results show latency, throughput and dynamic behaviour improvement over InfiniBand original congestion control mechanism which is based in message throttling. The proposed mechanism use the management model defined in InfiniBand specs, thus full compatibility is provided.VIII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y ParaleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Balanceo distribuido del encaminamiento para topolog铆as fat-tree sobre redes Infiniband

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    Las redes de interconexi贸n juegan un papel importante en el rendimiento de los sistemas de altas prestaciones. Actualmente la gesti贸n del encaminamiento de los mensajes es un factor determinante para mantener las prestaciones de la red. Nuestra propuesta es trabajar sobre un algoritmo de encaminamiento adaptativo, que distribuye el encaminamiento de los mensajes para evitar los problemas de congesti贸n en las redes de interconexi贸n, que aparecen por el gran volumen de comunicaciones de aplicaciones cient铆ficas 贸 comerciales. El objetivo es ajustar el algoritmo a una topolog铆a muy utilizada en los sistemas actuales como lo es el fat-tree, e implementarlo en una tecnolog铆a Infiniband. En la experimentaci贸n realizada comparamos el m茅todo de control de congesti贸n de la arquitectura Infiniband, con nuestro algoritmo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que mejoramos los niveles de latencia por encima de un 50% y de throughput entre un 38% y un 81%.Les xarxes de interconnexi贸 juguen un paper molt important en el rendiment dels sistemes d'altes prestacions. Actualment la gesti贸 de l'encaminament dels missatges 茅s un factor determinant per mantenir les prestacions de la xarxa. La nostra proposta 茅s dissenyar un algorisme de encaminament adaptatiu que distribueixi el encaminament dels missatges per evitar els problemes de congesti贸 en les xarxes de interconnexi贸, els quals apareixen pel gran volum de comunicacions de aplicacions cient铆fiques o comercials. L'objectiu 茅s ajustar l'algorisme a una topologia molt utilitzada en els sistemes actuals como ho es el fat-tree, i implementar-ho per a una tecnologia Infiniband. En l'experimentaci贸 realitzada comparem el m猫tode de control de congesti贸 de l使arquitectura Infiniband amb el nostre algorisme. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que millorem els nivells de lat猫ncia per sobre d使un 50% i de throughput entre un 38% i un 81%.Interconnection networks play an important role in the throughput of high performance systems. Currently, the message routing management is a key factor to maintain network performance. Our proposal is to work on an adaptive routing algorithm, which distributes message routing to avoid congestion problems on interconnection networks that appear due to the large volume of scientific or commercial application communications. The aim is to adjust the algorithm to a topology that is widely used in existing systems such as fat-tree, and couple it with Infiniband technology. In our experiments we compare the control congestion method on Infiniband architecture, with our algorithm. The results obtained shown that latency levels have been improved above 50% and throughput between 38% and 81%

    A multiple LID routing scheme for fat-tree-based infiniband networks

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    Scheduling and reconfiguration of interconnection network switches

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    Interconnection networks are important parts of modern computing systems, facilitating communication between a system\u27s components. Switches connecting various nodes of an interconnection network serve to move data in the network. The switch\u27s delay and throughput impact the overall performance of the network and thus the system. Scheduling efficient movement of data through a switch and configuring the switch to realize a schedule are the main themes of this research. We consider various interconnection network switches including (i) crossbar-based switches, (ii) circuit-switched tree switches, and (iii) fat-tree switches. For crossbar-based input-queued switches, a recent result established that logarithmic packet delay is possible. However, this result assumes that packet transmission time through the switch is no less than schedule-generation time. We prove that without this assumption (as is the case in practice) packet delay becomes linear. We also report results of simulations that bear out our result for practical switch sizes and indicate that a fast scheduling algorithm reduces not only packet delay but also buffer size. We also propose a fast mesh-of-trees based distributed switch scheduling (maximal-matching based) algorithm that has polylog complexity. A circuit-switched tree (CST) can serve as an interconnect structure for various computing architectures and models such as the self-reconfigurable gate array and the reconfigurable mesh. A CST is a tree structure with source and destination processing elements as leaves and switches as internal nodes. We design several scheduling and configuration algorithms that distributedly partition a given set of communications into non-conflicting subsets and then establish switch settings and paths on the CST corresponding to the communications. A fat-tree is another widely used interconnection structure in many of today\u27s high-performance clusters. We embed a reconfigurable mesh inside a fat-tree switch to generate efficient connections. We present an R-Mesh-based algorithm for a fat-tree switch that creates buses connecting input and output ports corresponding to various communications using that switch