10 research outputs found

    Fast LTL Satisfiability Checking by SAT Solvers

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    Satisfiability checking for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is a fundamental step in checking for possible errors in LTL assertions. Extant LTL satisfiability checkers use a variety of different search procedures. With the sole exception of LTL satisfiability checking based on bounded model checking, which does not provide a complete decision procedure, LTL satisfiability checkers have not taken advantage of the remarkable progress over the past 20 years in Boolean satisfiability solving. In this paper, we propose a new LTL satisfiability-checking framework that is accelerated using a Boolean SAT solver. Our approach is based on the variant of the \emph{obligation-set method}, which we proposed in earlier work. We describe here heuristics that allow the use of a Boolean SAT solver to analyze the obligations for a given LTL formula. The experimental evaluation indicates that the new approach provides a a significant performance advantage

    R2U2: Tool Overview

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    R2U2 (Realizable, Responsive, Unobtrusive Unit) is an extensible framework for runtime System HealthManagement (SHM) of cyber-physical systems. R2U2 can be run in hardware (e.g., FPGAs), or software; can monitorhardware, software, or a combination of the two; and can analyze a range of different types of system requirementsduring runtime. An R2U2 requirement is specified utilizing a hierarchical combination of building blocks: temporal formula runtime observers (in LTL or MTL), Bayesian networks, sensor filters, and Boolean testers. Importantly, the framework is extensible; it is designed to enable definitions of new building blocks in combination with the core structure. Originally deployed on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), R2U2 is designed to run on a wide range of embedded platforms, from autonomous systems like rovers, satellites, and robots, to human-assistive ground systems and cockpits. R2U2 is named after the requirements it satisfies; while the exact requirements vary by platform and mission, the ability to formally reason about realizability, responsiveness, and unobtrusiveness is necessary for flight certifiability, safety-critical system assurance, and achievement of technology readiness levels for target systems. Realizability ensures that R2U2 is suficiently expressive to encapsulate meaningful runtime requirements while maintaining adaptability to run on different platforms, transition between different mission stages, and update quickly between missions. Responsiveness entails continuously monitoring the system under test, real-time reasoning, reporting intermediate status, and as-early-as-possible requirements evaluations. Unobtrusiveness ensures compliance with the crucial properties of the target architecture: functionality, certifiability, timing, tolerances, cost, or other constraints

    On Teaching Applied Formal Methods in Aerospace Engineering

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    As formal methods come into broad industrial use for verification of safety-critical hardware, software, and cyber-physical systems, there is an increasing need to teach practical skills in applying formal methods at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In the aerospace industry, flight certification requirements like the FAA’s DO-178B, DO-178C, DO-333, and DO-254, along with a series of high-profile accidents, have helped turn knowledge of formal methods into a desirable job skill for a wide range of engineering positions. We approach the question of verification from a safety-case perspective: the primary teaching goal is to impart students with the ability to look at a verification question and identify what formal methods are applicable, which tools are available, what the outputs from those tools will say about the system, and what they will not, e.g., what parts of the safety case need to be provided by other means. We overview the lectures, exercises, exams, and student projects in a mixed-level (undergraduate/graduate) Applied Formal Methods course (Additional materials are available on the course website: http://temporallogic.org/courses/AppliedFormalMethods/) taught in an Aerospace Engineering department. We highlight the approach, tools, and techniques aimed at imparting a good sense of both the state of the art and the state of the practice of formal methods in an effort to effectively prepare students headed for jobs in an increasingly formal world

    Efficient Scalable Verification of LTL Specifications

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    Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) has been used in computer science for decades to formally specify programs, systems, desired properties, and relevant behaviors. This paper presents a novel, efficient technique for verifying LTL specifications in a fully automated way. Our technique belongs to the category of Bounded Satisfiability Checking approaches, where LTL formulae are encoded as formulae of another decidable logic that can be solved through modern satisfiability solvers. The target logic in our approach is Bit-Vector Logic. We present our novel encoding, show its correctness, and experimentally compare it against existing encodings implemented in well-known formal verification tools

    Explicit or Symbolic Translation of Linear Temporal Logic to Automata

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    Formal verification techniques are growing increasingly vital for the development of safety-critical software and hardware in practice. Techniques such as requirements-based design and model checking for system verification have been successfully used to verify systems for air traffic control, airplane separation assurance, autopilots, CPU logic designs, life-support, medical equipment, and other functions that ensure human safety. Formal behavioral specifications written early in the system-design process and communicated across all design phases increase the efficiency, consistency, and quality of the system under development. We argue that to prevent introducing design or verification errors, it is crucial to test specifications for satisfiability. We advocate for the adaptation of a new sanity check via satisfiability checking for property assurance. Our focus here is on specifications expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We demonstrate that LTL satisfiability checking reduces to model checking and satisfiability checking for the specification, its complement, and a conjunction of all properties should be performed as a first step to LTL model checking. We report on an experimental investigation of LTL satisfiability checking. We introduce a large set of rigorous benchmarks to enable objective evaluation of LTL-to-automaton algorithms in terms of scalability, performance, correctness, and size of the automata produced. For explicit model checking, we use the Spin model checker; we tested all LTL-to-explicit automaton translation tools that were publicly available when we conducted our study. For symbolic model checking, we use CadenceSMV, NuSMV, and SAL-SMC for both LTL-to-symbolic automaton translation and to perform the satisfiability check. Our experiments result in two major findings. First, scalability, correctness, and other debilitating performance issues afflict most LTL translation tools. Second, for LTL satisfiability checking, the symbolic approach is clearly superior to the explicit approach. Ironically, the explicit approach to LTL-to-automata had been heavily studied while only one algorithm existed for LTL-to-symbolic automata. Since 1994, there had been essentially no new progress in encoding symbolic automata for BDD-based analysis. Therefore, we introduce a set of 30 symbolic automata encodings. The set consists of novel combinations of existing constructs, such as different LTL formula normal forms, with a novel transition-labeled symbolic automaton form, a new way to encode transitions, and new BDD variable orders based on algorithms for tree decomposition of graphs. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates that these encodings translate to significant, sometimes exponential, improvement over the current standard encoding for symbolic LTL satisfiability checking. Building upon these ideas, we return to the explicit automata domain and focus on the most common type of specifications used in industrial practice: safety properties. We show that we can exploit the inherent determinism of safety properties to create a set of 26 explicit automata encodings comprised of novel aspects including: state numbers versus state labels versus a state look-up table, finite versus infinite acceptance conditions, forward-looking versus backward-looking transition encodings, assignment-based versus BDD-based alphabet representation, state and transition minimization, edge abbreviation, trap-state elimination, and determinization either on-the-fly or up-front using the subset construction. We conduct an extensive experimental evaluation and identify an encoding that offers the best performance in explicit LTL model checking time and is constantly faster than the previous best explicit automaton encoding algorithm

    Resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning. On the abstract level, this means to develop new algorithms for automated reasoning about properties of systems which evolve in time. More concretely, we will: 1) show how to adapt the superposition framework to proving theorems in propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), 2) use a connection between superposition and the CDCL calculus of modern SAT solvers to come up with an efficient LTL prover, 3) specialize the previous to reachability properties and discover a close connection to Property Directed Reachability (PDR), an algorithm recently developed for model checking of hardware circuits, 4) further improve PDR by providing a new technique for enhancing clause propagation phase of the algorithm, and 5) adapt PDR to automated planning by replacing the SAT solver inside with a planning-specific procedure. We implemented the proposed ideas and provide experimental results which demonstrate their practical potential on representative benchmark sets. Our system LS4 is shown to be the strongest LTL prover currently publicly available. The mentioned enhancement of PDR substantially improves the performance of our implementation of the algorithm for hardware model checking in the multi-property setting. It is expected that other implementations would benefit from it in an analogous way. Finally, our planner PDRplan has been compared with the state-of-the-art planners on the benchmarks from the International Planning Competition with very promising results.Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, das Potential resolutionsbasierter Methoden zur linearer, temporaler Beweisführung zu untersuchen. Von einem abstrakten Gesichtspunkt aus gesehen bedeutet dies, neue Algorithmen über die Eigenschaften von sich zeitlich entwicklenden Systemen im Bereich des automatischen Theorembeweisens zu entwickeln. Konkreter gesagt werden wir 1) aufzeigen, wie sich das Rahmenprogramm der Superposition so anpassen lässt, damit es Theoreme in propositionaler Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) beweist, 2) eine Verbindung zwischen der Superposition und dem CDCL-Kalkül moderner SAT-Solver nutzen, um mit einem effizienten LTL-Prover aufzuwarten, 3) das Vorangegangene auf Erreichbarkeitseigenschaften spezialisieren, und eine starke Verbindung zu der Property Directed Reachability (PDR), einem jüngst eintwickeltem Model-Checking-Algorithmus für Hardware-Schaltkreise, aufzudecken, 4) PDR durch die Einführung neuer Technik verbessern, die die Clause-Propagation-Phase des Algorithmus beschleunigt, und 5) PDR für das automatisierte Planen anpassen, indem wir den inneren SAT-Solver durch eine planungsspezifische Prozedur ersetzen. Wir haben die vorgeschlagenen Ideen implementiert, und es werden experimentelle Ergebnisse angegeben, die das praktische Potential dieser Ideen auf repräsentativen Benchmarks aufzeigt. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass unser System LS4 der staerkste öffentlich zugängliche LTL-Prover ist. Die erwähnte Erweiterung von PDR verbessern die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Implementierung des Hardware-Model-Checking-Algorithmus substantiell im Bereich der Multi-Property-Einstellungen. Wir erwarten, dass andere Implementierungen in ähnlicher Weise profitieren würden. Schließlich haben wir viel versprechende Ergebnisse durch den Vergleich unser Planer PDRplan mit anderen state-of-the-art Planer auf den Benchmarks der International Planning Competition erzielt