14 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model of Personal Competence Integrator Based on Blockchain Technology

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    Employee competences play a significant role in the labor market, influencing the development of the global economy. Previous studies have largely focused on the management of documents confirming the competence and credibility of these documents. Carrying out an in-depth analysis of acts, vocational regulations, and government reports, a conceptual model was developed that integrates competencies and skills data description, documents and all other forms of confirmation of competence acquisition. Application of blockchain technology allows integration all data into one autonomous system while using exiting competencies ledgers. The developed IT conceptual model meets the requirements of all interested parties: employees, employers and organizations issuing such documents. The findings are of great importance for improving the effectiveness of managing information on individual competencies

    A Literature Review on Intelligent Services Applied to Distance Learning

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    Distance learning has assumed a relevant role in the educational scenario. The use of Virtual Learning Environments contributes to obtaining a substantial amount of educational data. In this sense, the analyzed data generate knowledge used by institutions to assist managers and professors in strategic planning and teaching. The discovery of students’ behaviors enables a wide variety of intelligent services for assisting in the learning process. This article presents a literature review in order to identify the intelligent services applied in distance learning. The research covers the period from January 2010 to May 2021. The initial search found 1316 articles, among which 51 were selected for further studies. Considering the selected articles, 33% (17/51) focus on learning systems, 35% (18/51) propose recommendation systems, 26% (13/51) approach predictive systems or models, and 6% (3/51) use assessment tools. This review allowed for the observation that the principal services offered are recommendation systems and learning systems. In these services, the analysis of student profiles stands out to identify patterns of behavior, detect low performance, and identify probabilities of dropouts from courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A multivariant secure framework for smart mobile health application

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Wiley in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, available online: https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3684 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Wireless sensor network enables remote connectivity of technological devices such as smart mobile with the internet. Due to its low cost as well as easy availability of data sharing and accessing devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown exponentially during the past few years. The availability of these devices plays a remarkable role in the new era of mHealth. In mHealth, the sensors generate enormous amounts of data and the context-aware computing has proven to collect and manage the data. The context aware computing is a new domain to be aware of context of involved devices. The context-aware computing is playing a very significant part in the development of smart mobile health applications to monitor the health of patients more efficiently. Security is one of the key challenges in IoT-based mHealth application development. The wireless nature of IoT devices motivates attackers to attack on application; these vulnerable attacks can be denial of service attack, sinkhole attack, and select forwarding attack. These attacks lead intruders to disrupt the application's functionality, data packet drops to malicious end and changes the route of data and forwards the data packet to other location. There is a need to timely detect and prevent these threats in mobile health applications. Existing work includes many security frameworks to secure the mobile health applications but all have some drawbacks. This paper presents existing frameworks, the impact of threats on applications, on information, and different security levels. From this line of research, we propose a security framework with two algorithms, ie, (i) patient priority autonomous call and (ii) location distance based switch, for mobile health applications and make a comparative analysis of the proposed framework with the existing ones.Published onlin

    Incidence of a semantic correlation model of socioformative data in the evaluation of the curricular planning of a face-to-face classroom subject, 2019.

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    Se presenta una propuesta denominada “Modelo de correlación semántico de datos socioformativos” (MCS), diseñada para apoyar la evaluación de la planeación curricular (EPC). La EPC se realiza con indicadores derivados de los componentes del currículo como perfil de egreso, plan de estudios, plan de área y plan de asignatura. El MCS, por su parte, procesa los datos obtenidos de un cuestionario sobre percepción socioformativa aplicado previamente a una muestra de la comunidad educativa, lo que permite proyectar un criterio comparativo para los indicadores de la EPC. El mecanismo del MCS está basado en correlaciones semánticas, un método utilizado por el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN) para el cálculo de sentido entre conceptos-palabras. Se propone una investigación aplicada de diseño cuasiexperimental con una muestra de 10 estudiantes asistentes de una asignatura presencial. En el primer momento, los estudiantes evalúan la planeación curricular de la asignatura a partir de un cuestionario compuesto por los indicadores derivados de la EPC. Luego, los estudiantes vuelven a responder al mismo cuestionario, posterior a su participación en una sesión de observación con el MCS. Al final, se contrastan los resultados y se hace una prueba Wilcoxon de muestras relacionadas