7 research outputs found

    A multi-sensor approach to examining the distribution of total suspended matter (TSM) in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, NC, USA

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    For many coastal waters, total suspended matter (TSM) plays a major role in key biological, chemical and geological processes. Effective mapping and monitoring technologies for TSM are therefore needed to support research investigations and environmental assessment and management efforts. Although several investigators have demonstrated that TSM or suspended sediments can be successfully mapped using MODIS 250 m data for relatively large water bodies, MODIS 250 m data is of more limited use for smaller estuaries and bays or aquatic systems with complex shoreline geometry. To adequately examine TSM in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES) of North Carolina, the large-scale synoptic view of MODIS and the higher spatial resolution of other sensors are required. MODIS, Landsat 7 ETM+ and FORMOSAT-2 remote sensing instrument (RSI) data were collected on 8 November, 24 November and 10 December, 2010. Using TSM images (mg/L) derived from MODIS 250 m band 1 (620–670 nm) data, Landsat 7 ETM+ 30 m band 3 (630–690 nm) and FORMOSAT-2 RSI 8 m band 3 (630−690 nm) atmospherically corrected images were calibrated to TSM for select areas of the APES. There was a significant linear relationship between both Landsat 7 ETM+ (r2 = 0.87, n = 599, P < 0.001) and FORMOSAT-2 RSI (r2 = 0.95, n = 583, P < 0.001) reflectance images and MODIS-derived TSM concentrations, thus providing consistent estimates of TSM at 250, 30 and 8 m pixel resolutions. This multi-sensor approach will support a broad range of investigations on the water quality of the APES and help guide sampling schemes of future field campaigns

    Extraction of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Concentrations of Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter in Poyang Lake Using GF-1 Satellite Data

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    Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. Its ecosystem services and functions, such as water conservation and the sustaining of biodiversity, have significant impacts on the security and sustainability of the regional ecology. The lake and wetlands of the Poyang Lake are among protected aquatic ecosystems with global significance. The Poyang Lake region has recently experienced increased urbanization and anthropogenic disturbances, which has greatly impacted the lake environment. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and total suspended matter (TSM) are important indicators for assessing the water quality of lakes. In this study, we used data from the Gaofen-1 (GF-1) satellite, in situ measurements of the reflectance of the lake water, and the analysis of the Chl-a and TSM concentrations of lake water samples to investigate the spatial and temporal variation and distribution patterns of the concentrations of Chl-a and TSM. We analyzed the measured reflectance spectra and conducted correlation analysis to identify the spectral bands that are sensitive to the concentration of Chl-a and TSM, respectively. The study suggested that the wavelengths corresponding to bands 1, 3, and 4 of the GF-1 images were the most sensitive to changes in the concentration of Chl-a. The results showed that the correlation between the reflectance and TSM concentration was the highest for wavelengths that corresponded to band 3 of the GF-1 satellite images. Based on the analysis, bands 1, 3, and 4 of GF-1 were selected while using the APPEL (APProach by ELimination) model and were used to establish a model for the retrieval of Chl-a concentrations. A single-band model that was based on band 3 of GF-1 was established for the retrieval of TSM concentrations. The modeling results revealed the spatial and temporal variations of water quality in Poyang Lake between 2015 and 2016 and demonstrated the capacities of GF-1 in the monitoring of lake environment

    The use of CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) to trace the dynamics of total suspended matter at an urbanized coastal area

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    The distribution of organic and inorganic particles in the water column, or the total suspended matter (TSM), responds to local and remote oceanographic and meteorological processes, potentially impacting biogeochemical cycles. In shallow coastal areas, where particles have distinct origins and compositions and vary in different time scales, the use of remote sensing tools for monitoring and tracing this material is highly encouraged due to the high temporal and spatial data resolution. The objective of this work was to understand the variability of in situ TSM at Santos Bay (Southeastern Brazil) and its response to oceanographic and meteorological conditions. We also aimed to verify the applicability of the satellite data from CBERS-2 sensor in order to map the dynamics of TSM in this region. Our results have shown that the distribution of TSM in Santos Bay varied consistently with winds, currents and tidal cycles, with significant relationships emphasizing the role of south-western winds and spring tides. Neap tides and eastern winds, along with rainfall, play an important role in the input of organic matter into the bay. In conclusion, our analyses showed that the main patterns observed in situ regarding the responses of TSM to the ocean-meteorological processes could be reproduced in the CBERS-2 satellite data, after simple and standard methods of images processing. TSM data retrieval from CBERS-2 or other satellite sensors were shown to be feasible, becoming an essential tool for synoptic observations of the composition and quality of water, especially at urbanized and impacted coastal areas.A distribuição de partículas orgânicas e inorgânicas na coluna d'água, ou o material em suspensão total (MST), responde a processos oceanográficos e meteorológicos locais e remotos, que potencialmente impactam processos biogeoquímicos. Em áreas costeiras, onde partículas possuem diferentes origens e composições e variam em diferentes escalas de tempo, o uso de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto para monitoramento e mapeamento desse material é altamente indicado devido à alta resolução temporal e espacial dos dados. O objetivo desse trabalho foi compreender a variabilidade do MST in situ na Baía de Santos (sudeste brasileiro) e sua resposta a condições oceanográficas e meteorológicas. Buscou-se também verificar a aplicabilidade dos dados de satélite do sensor CBERS-2 a fim de mapear a dinâmica do MST na região. Nossos resultados mostraram que a distribuição do MST na Baía de Santos variou consistentemente com os ventos, correntes e ciclos de maré, com correlações significantes que enfatizam o papel de ventos de sudoeste e da maré de sizígia. Marés de quadratura e ventos de leste, somados à precipitação, possuem papel importante na entrada de matéria orgânica na baía. Como conclusão, nossas análises mostraram que os principais padrões observados in situ em relação às respostas do MST aos processos meteorológicos e oceanográficos poderiam ser reproduzidas nos dados do satélite CBERS-2, após métodos padrões de processamento de imagens. A obtenção de dados de MST a partir do CBERS-2 ou outros sensores satelitais mostrou-se viável, tornando-se uma ferramenta essencial para observações sinóticas da composição e qualidade da água, especialmente em áreas costeiras urbanizadas e impactadas

    An Integrated Method for Monitoring Material Transport in a Coupled Land-Estuary System Following a Dynamic Storm Event : The Neuse River and Estuary, NC and Hurricane Irene

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    Coastal aquatic environments are complex and dynamic systems that are influenced by both marine and terrestrial processes such as waves, tides, winds and freshwater discharge. Rivers are conduits that transport freshwater and terrestrially derived particulate and dissolved material such as sediment and dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the coastal ocean. Increased concentrations of these in-water constituents can negatively influence aquatic biota. Storm events and associated rainfall often lead to increases in the amount of terrestrial material delivered to coastal waters, however varying storm characteristics such as the location and intensity of rainfall within a river basin results in varying impacts to hydrology and material transport. Due to the dynamic nature of coastal waters, the monitoring of material transport solely by using traditional field measurements proves difficult over large areas and especially during and following storm events where the collection of field samples is often not possible. To offset this limitation, an integrated method incorporating field sampling, numerical modeling, and remote sensing was used to monitor the transport and distribution of terrestrially derived material from the Neuse River basin to the Neuse River and Neuse River Estuary (NRE) following Hurricane Irene in August 2011. Field samples were used to quantitatively characterize changes in the concentration of total suspended matter (TSM), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and salinity in the Neuse River and NRE; numerical modeling was used to simulate the transport and distribution of freshwater and DOC throughout the NRE; and remote sensing was used to provide unique large-scale synoptic views of suspended sediment following the storm. This integrated method was adequate in providing the spatial and temporal resolution needed to examine the land-water processes that govern the transport of material through this coupled land-estuary system. This methodology may be applicable to similar estuarine systems and can help better characterize flow and transport during and following storm events.  M.S

    Analisa distribusi spasial parameter kualitas air menggunakan data MERIS dan Landsat (Studi kasus : Danau Sentani, Jayapura)

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    Waduk dan Danau sangat penting dalam turut menciptakan keseimbangan ekologi dan tata air. Dari sudut ekologi, waduk dan danau merupakan ekosistem yang terdiri dari unsur air, kehidupan akuatik, dan daratan yang dipengaruhi tinggi rendahnya muka air, sehingga kehadiran waduk dan danau akan mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya muka air, selain itu, kehadiran waduk dan danau juga akan mempengaruhi iklim mikro dan keseimbangan ekosistem di sekitarnya. Analisa distribusi spasial parameter kualitas air menggunakan data MERIS dan Landsat Parameter kualitas air dalam sifat fisiknya yang dapat dimodelkan secara optis antara lain yaitu Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Klorofil-a, dan Collored Dissolved Organic Matter(CDOM). Di tahun 2000 kondisi perairannya lebih baik dari pada tahun 2003 dan tahun 2006 lebih baik dari pada tahun 2003. Untuk algoritma dalam pengolahan citra Landsat, hanya Algoritma Jaelani paling mendekati C2WP-Eut yaitu dengan R2 = 0,795 ; RMSE = 0,399 dan RE = 16,08 %. Adapun nilai hubungan algoritma ekstraksi parameter kualitas air menggunakan Case-2 Water Processor dari Citra MERIS yang paling baik adalah Klorofil-A Reg-Eut yang berhubungan dengan rata-rata R2 = 0,807 ; RMSE = 0,682 dan RE = 21,02%. =============================================================================================================== Reservoirs and lakes are very important in helping to make the balance of ecology and hydrology. From the point of ecology, reservoirs and lakes is an ecosystem that consists of elements of water, aquatic life, and land which affected by water surface height, so the presence of reservoirs and lakes will affect the level of the water surface, in addition, the presence of reservoirs and lakes also affect micro climate and balance of the surrounding ecosystem . Analysis of the spatial distribution of water quality parameters using Landsat Data MERIS and water quality parameters in the physical properties that can be modeled optically among others, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Chlorophyll-a, and Collored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM). In 2000 the condition of the waters are better than in 2003 and 2006 is better than in 2003. For algorithms in image processing, only the value of Jaelani Algorithms closest to C2WP-EUT with R2 = 0,795; RMSE = 0,399 and RE = 16,08% .And only Chlorophyll-A Reg-Eut associated with an average R2 = 0,807; RMSE = 0,682 and RE = 21,02%

    A multi-sensor approach to examining the distribution of total suspended matter (TSM) in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, NC, USA

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    For many coastal waters, total suspended matter (TSM) plays a major role in key biological, chemical and geological processes. Effective mapping and monitoring technologies for TSM are therefore needed to support research investigations and environmental assessment and management efforts. Although several investigators have demonstrated that TSM or suspended sediments can be successfully mapped using MODIS 250 m data for relatively large water bodies, MODIS 250 m data is of more limited use for smaller estuaries and bays or aquatic systems with complex shoreline geometry. To adequately examine TSM in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES) of North Carolina, the large-scale synoptic view of MODIS and the higher spatial resolution of other sensors are required. MODIS, Landsat 7 ETM+ and FORMOSAT-2 remote sensing instrument (RSI) data were collected on 8 November, 24 November and 10 December, 2010. Using TSM images (mg/L) derived from MODIS 250 m band 1 (620--670 nm) data, Landsat 7 ETM+ 30 m band 3 (630--690 nm) and FORMOSAT-2 RSI 8 m band 3 (630−690 nm) atmospherically corrected images were calibrated to TSM for select areas of the APES. There was a significant linear relationship between both Landsat 7 ETM+ (r2 = 0.87, n = 599, P &lt; 0.001) and FORMOSAT-2 RSI (r2 = 0.95, n = 583, P &lt; 0.001) reflectance images and MODIS-derived TSM concentrations, thus providing consistent estimates of TSM at 250, 30 and 8 m pixel resolutions. This multi-sensor approach will support a broad range of investigations on the water quality of the APES and help guide sampling schemes of future field campaigns

    Análisis de la variación espacio-temporal de la pluma de sedimentos del río Magdalena

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    El río Magdalena es el principal río de Colombia, su cuenca ocupa el 24% del territorio y alberga alrededor del 80% de la población del país. Dada su importancia, el río y su cuenca son fuente de sustento de una gran cantidad de municipios incluyendo no solamente los ribereños. Ante la creciente presión antrópica y de fenómenos de variabilidad y cambio climático el río Magdalena está siendo sometido a procesos progresivos de degradación a lo largo de su recorrido. La pluma de sedimentos (PS) del río es el área del océano costero en la que el río dispersa todos los sedimentos y materiales al llegar a su desembocadura. Esta pluma representa el punto final donde confluyen y se expresan todos los procesos a que se ha visto sometido el río a lo largo de su recorrido. El tamaño y la direccionalidad de la PS del río Magdalena en la desembocadura de Bocas de Ceniza durante el periodo 2000 a 2017 fue analizada a través de imágenes satelitales capturadas por el sensor ETM+ montado en la plataforma satelital Landsat 7. El área de la PS fue clasificada en zonas de alta (ACS) y baja (BCS) concentración de sedimentos que luego fueron correlacionadas con el fenómeno El Niño/Oscilación del Sur (ENOS) a través del Índice Oceánico El Niño (ONI). El área promedio de la PS fue de 945.3 km2 , con un rango de variación entre 655.4 y 1256.3 km2 . Dentro de la PS, la zona de ACS ocupó en promedio el 19.2%. La PS se dispersó principalmente en dirección Noroeste. Los resultados indicaron una variación intranual de la extensión de la PS, observándose un menor aporte de sedimentos durante la segunda temporada seca del año. El área de ACS presentó una correlación lineal negativa con el ONI de -0.46 la cual fue maximizada a -0.57 al considerar el porcentaje que representaba el área de ACS con respecto al área total de la PS. La aplicación del sensoramiento remoto permitió analizar espacial y temporalmente la PS del río Magdalena evidenciando la posible influencia del fenómeno ENOS. Estos resultados deberán ser validados incluyendo un mayor número de observaciones durante periodos extremos de El Niño y La Niña.#RíoMagdalenaRequerimientos de sistema: Adobe Acrobat ReaderThe Magdalena River is Colombia's main river, its basin occupies 24% of the territory and is home to about 80% of the country's population. Given its importance, the river and its basin are a source of sustenance for a large number of municipalities, including not only those next to the river. Faced with increasing anthropic pressure and phenomena of variability and climate change, the Magdalena River is undergoing progressive degradation processes along its path. The river plume (PS) is the coastal ocean area in which the river disperses all sediments and materials upon reaching its mouth. This plume represents the final point where all the processes that the river has undergone along its course come together and are expressed. The size and directionality of the PS of the Magdalena river at the mouth of Bocas de Ceniza during the period 2000 to 2017 was analyzed through satellite images captured by the ETM + sensor mounted on the satellite platform Landsat 7. The area of the PS was classified in high (ACS) and low (BCS) sediment concentrations zones that were then correlated with the El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon through the El Niño Oceanic Index (ONI). The average area of the PS was 945.3 km2 , with a range of variation between 655.4 and 1256.3 km2 . Within the PS, the ACS area occupied an average of 19.2%. The PS dispersed mainly in the Northwest direction. The results indicated an intranual variation of the extension of the PS, observing a lower contribution of sediments during the second dry season of the year. The ACS area presented a negative linear correlation with the ONI of -0.46 which was maximized to - 0.57 when considering the percentage represented by the ACS area with respect to the total area of the PS. The application of the remote sensing allowed to analyze spatially and temporally the PS of the Magdalena River, evidencing the possible influence of the ENSO phenomenon. These results should be validated including a larger number of observations during extreme periods of El Niño and La Niña