89,437 research outputs found

    Towards Smart Hybrid Fuzzing for Smart Contracts

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    Smart contracts are Turing-complete programs that are executed across a blockchain network. Unlike traditional programs, once deployed they cannot be modified. As smart contracts become more popular and carry more value, they become more of an interesting target for attackers. In recent years, smart contracts suffered major exploits, costing millions of dollars, due to programming errors. As a result, a variety of tools for detecting bugs has been proposed. However, majority of these tools often yield many false positives due to over-approximation or poor code coverage due to complex path constraints. Fuzzing or fuzz testing is a popular and effective software testing technique. However, traditional fuzzers tend to be more effective towards finding shallow bugs and less effective in finding bugs that lie deeper in the execution. In this work, we present CONFUZZIUS, a hybrid fuzzer that combines evolutionary fuzzing with constraint solving in order to execute more code and find more bugs in smart contracts. Evolutionary fuzzing is used to exercise shallow parts of a smart contract, while constraint solving is used to generate inputs which satisfy complex conditions that prevent the evolutionary fuzzing from exploring deeper paths. Moreover, we use data dependency analysis to efficiently generate sequences of transactions, that create specific contract states in which bugs may be hidden. We evaluate the effectiveness of our fuzzing strategy, by comparing CONFUZZIUS with state-of-the-art symbolic execution tools and fuzzers. Our evaluation shows that our hybrid fuzzing approach produces significantly better results than state-of-the-art symbolic execution tools and fuzzers

    A mixed integer quadratic programming formulation for the economic dispatch of generators with prohibited operating zones

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    In this paper, an optimisation-based approach is proposed using a mixed integer quadratic programming model for the economic dispatch of electrical power generators with prohibited zones of operation. The main advantage of the proposed approach is its capability to solve case studies from the literature to global optimality quickly and without any targeting of solution procedures. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Exploiting Tournament Selection for Efficient Parallel Genetic Programming

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    Genetic Programming (GP) is a computationally intensive technique which is naturally parallel in nature. Consequently, many attempts have been made to improve its run-time from exploiting highly parallel hardware such as GPUs. However, a second methodology of improving the speed of GP is through efficiency techniques such as subtree caching. However achieving parallel performance and efficiency is a difficult task. This paper will demonstrate an efficiency saving for GP compatible with the harnessing of parallel CPU hardware by exploiting tournament selection. Significant efficiency savings are demonstrated whilst retaining the capability of a high performance parallel implementation of GP. Indeed, a 74% improvement in the speed of GP is achieved with a peak rate of 96 billion GPop/s for classification type problems

    A Neuroevolutionary Approach to Stochastic Inventory Control in Multi-Echelon Systems

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    Stochastic inventory control in multi-echelon systems poses hard problems in optimisation under uncertainty. Stochastic programming can solve small instances optimally, and approximately solve larger instances via scenario reduction techniques, but it cannot handle arbitrary nonlinear constraints or other non-standard features. Simulation optimisation is an alternative approach that has recently been applied to such problems, using policies that require only a few decision variables to be determined. However, to find optimal or near-optimal solutions we must consider exponentially large scenario trees with a corresponding number of decision variables. We propose instead a neuroevolutionary approach: using an artificial neural network to compactly represent the scenario tree, and training the network by a simulation-based evolutionary algorithm. We show experimentally that this method can quickly find high-quality plans using networks of a very simple form

    A generic optimising feature extraction method using multiobjective genetic programming

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    In this paper, we present a generic, optimising feature extraction method using multiobjective genetic programming. We re-examine the feature extraction problem and show that effective feature extraction can significantly enhance the performance of pattern recognition systems with simple classifiers. A framework is presented to evolve optimised feature extractors that transform an input pattern space into a decision space in which maximal class separability is obtained. We have applied this method to real world datasets from the UCI Machine Learning and StatLog databases to verify our approach and compare our proposed method with other reported results. We conclude that our algorithm is able to produce classifiers of superior (or equivalent) performance to the conventional classifiers examined, suggesting removal of the need to exhaustively evaluate a large family of conventional classifiers on any new problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Incorporating Road Networks into Territory Design

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    Given a set of basic areas, the territory design problem asks to create a predefined number of territories, each containing at least one basic area, such that an objective function is optimized. Desired properties of territories often include a reasonable balance, compact form, contiguity and small average journey times which are usually encoded in the objective function or formulated as constraints. We address the territory design problem by developing graph theoretic models that also consider the underlying road network. The derived graph models enable us to tackle the territory design problem by modifying graph partitioning algorithms and mixed integer programming formulations so that the objective of the planning problem is taken into account. We test and compare the algorithms on several real world instances
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