37 research outputs found

    Substring filtering for low-cost linked data interfaces

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    Recently, Triple Pattern Fragments (TPFS) were introduced as a low-cost server-side interface when high numbers of clients need to evaluate SPARQL queries. Scalability is achieved by moving part of the query execution to the client, at the cost of elevated query times. Since the TPFS interface purposely does not support complex constructs such as SPARQL filters, queries that use them need to be executed mostly on the client, resulting in long execution times. We therefore investigated the impact of adding a literal substring matching feature to the TPFS interface, with the goal of improving query performance while maintaining low server cost. In this paper, we discuss the client/server setup and compare the performance of SPARQL queries on multiple implementations, including Elastic Search and case-insensitive FM-index. Our evaluations indicate that these improvements allow for faster query execution without significantly increasing the load on the server. Offering the substring feature on TPF servers allows users to obtain faster responses for filter-based SPARQL queries. Furthermore, substring matching can be used to support other filters such as complete regular expressions or range queries

    Indexing Highly Repetitive String Collections

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    Two decades ago, a breakthrough in indexing string collections made it possible to represent them within their compressed space while at the same time offering indexed search functionalities. As this new technology permeated through applications like bioinformatics, the string collections experienced a growth that outperforms Moore's Law and challenges our ability of handling them even in compressed form. It turns out, fortunately, that many of these rapidly growing string collections are highly repetitive, so that their information content is orders of magnitude lower than their plain size. The statistical compression methods used for classical collections, however, are blind to this repetitiveness, and therefore a new set of techniques has been developed in order to properly exploit it. The resulting indexes form a new generation of data structures able to handle the huge repetitive string collections that we are facing. In this survey we cover the algorithmic developments that have led to these data structures. We describe the distinct compression paradigms that have been used to exploit repetitiveness, the fundamental algorithmic ideas that form the base of all the existing indexes, and the various structures that have been proposed, comparing them both in theoretical and practical aspects. We conclude with the current challenges in this fascinating field

    Improving Short DNA Sequence Alignment with Parallel Computing

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    Variations in different types of genomes have been found to be responsible for a large degree of physical diversity such as appearance and susceptibility to disease. Identification of genomic variations is difficult and can be facilitated through computational analysis of DNA sequences. Newly available technologies are able to sequence billions of DNA base pairs relatively quickly. These sequences can be used to identify variations within their specific genome but must be mapped to a reference sequence first. In order to align these sequences to a reference sequence, we require mapping algorithms that make use of approximate string matching and string indexing methods. To date, few mapping algorithms have been tailored to handle the massive amounts of output generated by newly available sequencing technologies. In otrder to handle this large amount of data, we modified the popular mapping software BWA to run in parallel using OpenMPI. Parallel BWA matches the efficiency of multithreaded BWA functions while providing efficient parallelism for BWA functions that do not currently support multithreading. Parallel BWA shows significant wall time speedup in comparison to multithreaded BWA on high-performance computing clusters, and will thus facilitate the analysis of genome sequencing data

    The mapping task and its various applications in next-generation sequencing

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    The aim of this thesis is the development and benchmarking of computational methods for the analysis of high-throughput data from tiling arrays and next-generation sequencing. Tiling arrays have been a mainstay of genome-wide transcriptomics, e.g., in the identification of functional elements in the human genome. Due to limitations of existing methods for the data analysis of this data, a novel statistical approach is presented that identifies expressed segments as significant differences from the background distribution and thus avoids dataset-specific parameters. This method detects differentially expressed segments in biological data with significantly lower false discovery rates and equivalent sensitivities compared to commonly used methods. In addition, it is also clearly superior in the recovery of exon-intron structures. Moreover, the search for local accumulations of expressed segments in tiling array data has led to the identification of very large expressed regions that may constitute a new class of macroRNAs. This thesis proceeds with next-generation sequencing for which various protocols have been devised to study genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic features. One of the first crucial steps in most NGS data analyses is the mapping of sequencing reads to a reference genome. This work introduces algorithmic methods to solve the mapping tasks for three major NGS protocols: DNA-seq, RNA-seq, and MethylC-seq. All methods have been thoroughly benchmarked and integrated into the segemehl mapping suite. First, mapping of DNA-seq data is facilitated by the core mapping algorithm of segemehl. Since the initial publication, it has been continuously updated and expanded. Here, extensive and reproducible benchmarks are presented that compare segemehl to state-of-the-art read aligners on various data sets. The results indicate that it is not only more sensitive in finding the optimal alignment with respect to the unit edit distance but also very specific compared to most commonly used alternative read mappers. These advantages are observable for both real and simulated reads, are largely independent of the read length and sequencing technology, but come at the cost of higher running time and memory consumption. Second, the split-read extension of segemehl, presented by Hoffmann, enables the mapping of RNA-seq data, a computationally more difficult form of the mapping task due to the occurrence of splicing. Here, the novel tool lack is presented, which aims to recover missed RNA-seq read alignments using de novo splice junction information. It performs very well in benchmarks and may thus be a beneficial extension to RNA-seq analysis pipelines. Third, a novel method is introduced that facilitates the mapping of bisulfite-treated sequencing data. This protocol is considered the gold standard in genome-wide studies of DNA methylation, one of the major epigenetic modifications in animals and plants. The treatment of DNA with sodium bisulfite selectively converts unmethylated cytosines to uracils, while methylated ones remain unchanged. The bisulfite extension developed here performs seed searches on a collapsed alphabet followed by bisulfite-sensitive dynamic programming alignments. Thus, it is insensitive to bisulfite-related mismatches and does not rely on post-processing, in contrast to other methods. In comparison to state-of-the-art tools, this method achieves significantly higher sensitivities and performs time-competitive in mapping millions of sequencing reads to vertebrate genomes. Remarkably, the increase in sensitivity does not come at the cost of decreased specificity and thus may finally result in a better performance in calling the methylation rate. Lastly, the potential of mapping strategies for de novo genome assemblies is demonstrated with the introduction of a new guided assembly procedure. It incorporates mapping as major component and uses the additional information (e.g., annotation) as guide. With this method, the complete mitochondrial genome of Eulimnogammarus verrucosus has been successfully assembled even though the sequencing library has been heavily dominated by nuclear DNA. In summary, this thesis introduces algorithmic methods that significantly improve the analysis of tiling array, DNA-seq, RNA-seq, and MethylC-seq data, and proposes standards for benchmarking NGS read aligners. Moreover, it presents a new guided assembly procedure that has been successfully applied in the de novo assembly of a crustacean mitogenome.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und dem Benchmarken von Verfahren zur Analyse von Daten aus Hochdurchsatz-Technologien, wie Tiling Arrays oder Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung. Tiling Arrays bildeten lange Zeit die Grundlage für die genomweite Untersuchung des Transkriptoms und kamen beispielsweise bei der Identifizierung funktioneller Elemente im menschlichen Genom zum Einsatz. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues statistisches Verfahren zur Auswertung von Tiling Array-Daten vorgestellt. Darin werden Segmente als exprimiert klassifiziert, wenn sich deren Signale signifikant von der Hintergrundverteilung unterscheiden. Dadurch werden keine auf den Datensatz abgestimmten Parameterwerte benötigt. Die hier vorgestellte Methode erkennt differentiell exprimierte Segmente in biologischen Daten bei gleicher Sensitivität mit geringerer Falsch-Positiv-Rate im Vergleich zu den derzeit hauptsächlich eingesetzten Verfahren. Zudem ist die Methode bei der Erkennung von Exon-Intron Grenzen präziser. Die Suche nach Anhäufungen exprimierter Segmente hat darüber hinaus zur Entdeckung von sehr langen Regionen geführt, welche möglicherweise eine neue Klasse von macroRNAs darstellen. Nach dem Exkurs zu Tiling Arrays konzentriert sich diese Arbeit nun auf die Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung, für die bereits verschiedene Sequenzierungsprotokolle zur Untersuchungen des Genoms, Transkriptoms und Epigenoms etabliert sind. Einer der ersten und entscheidenden Schritte in der Analyse von Sequenzierungsdaten stellt in den meisten Fällen das Mappen dar, bei dem kurze Sequenzen (Reads) auf ein großes Referenzgenom aligniert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt algorithmische Methoden vor, welche das Mapping-Problem für drei wichtige Sequenzierungsprotokolle (DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq und MethylC-Seq) lösen. Alle Methoden wurden ausführlichen Benchmarks unterzogen und sind in der segemehl-Suite integriert. Als Erstes wird hier der Kern-Algorithmus von segemehl vorgestellt, welcher das Mappen von DNA-Sequenzierungsdaten ermöglicht. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung wurde dieser kontinuierlich optimiert und erweitert. In dieser Arbeit werden umfangreiche und auf Reproduzierbarkeit bedachte Benchmarks präsentiert, in denen segemehl auf zahlreichen Datensätzen mit bekannten Mapping-Programmen verglichen wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass segemehl nicht nur sensitiver im Auffinden von optimalen Alignments bezüglich der Editierdistanz sondern auch sehr spezifisch im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden ist. Diese Vorteile sind in realen und simulierten Daten unabhängig von der Sequenzierungstechnologie oder der Länge der Reads erkennbar, gehen aber zu Lasten einer längeren Laufzeit und eines höheren Speicherverbrauchs. Als Zweites wird das Mappen von RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten untersucht, welches bereits von der Split-Read-Erweiterung von segemehl unterstützt wird. Aufgrund von Spleißen ist diese Form des Mapping-Problems rechnerisch aufwendiger. In dieser Arbeit wird das neue Programm lack vorgestellt, welches darauf abzielt, fehlende Read-Alignments mit Hilfe von de novo Spleiß-Information zu finden. Es erzielt hervorragende Ergebnisse und stellt somit eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu Analyse-Pipelines für RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten dar. Als Drittes wird eine neue Methode zum Mappen von Bisulfit-behandelte Sequenzierungsdaten vorgestellt. Dieses Protokoll gilt als Goldstandard in der genomweiten Untersuchung der DNA-Methylierung, einer der wichtigsten epigenetischen Modifikationen in Tieren und Pflanzen. Dabei wird die DNA vor der Sequenzierung mit Natriumbisulfit behandelt, welches selektiv nicht methylierte Cytosine zu Uracilen konvertiert, während Methylcytosine davon unberührt bleiben. Die hier vorgestellte Bisulfit-Erweiterung führt die Seed-Suche auf einem reduziertem Alphabet durch und verifiziert die erhaltenen Treffer mit einem auf dynamischer Programmierung basierenden Bisulfit-sensitiven Alignment-Algorithmus. Das verwendete Verfahren ist somit unempfindlich gegenüber Bisulfit-Konvertierungen und erfordert im Gegensatz zu anderen Verfahren keine weitere Nachverarbeitung. Im Vergleich zu aktuell eingesetzten Programmen ist die Methode sensitiver und benötigt eine vergleichbare Laufzeit beim Mappen von Millionen von Reads auf große Genome. Bemerkenswerterweise wird die erhöhte Sensitivität bei gleichbleibend guter Spezifizität erreicht. Dadurch könnte diese Methode somit auch bessere Ergebnisse bei der präzisen Bestimmung der Methylierungsraten erreichen. Schließlich wird noch das Potential von Mapping-Strategien für Assemblierungen mit der Einführung eines neuen, Kristallisation-genanntes Verfahren zur unterstützten Assemblierung aufgezeigt. Es enthält Mapping als Hauptbestandteil und nutzt Zusatzinformation (z.B. Annotationen) als Unterstützung. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte die erfolgreiche Assemblierung des kompletten mitochondrialen Genoms von Eulimnogammarus verrucosus trotz einer vorwiegend aus nukleärer DNA bestehenden genomischen Bibliothek. Zusammenfassend stellt diese Arbeit algorithmische Methoden vor, welche die Analysen von Tiling Array, DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq und MethylC-Seq Daten signifikant verbessern. Es werden zudem Standards für den Vergleich von Programmen zum Mappen von Daten der Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung vorgeschlagen. Darüber hinaus wird ein neues Verfahren zur unterstützten Genom-Assemblierung vorgestellt, welches erfolgreich bei der de novo-Assemblierung eines mitochondrialen Krustentier-Genoms eingesetzt wurde

    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas

    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas.Postprint (published version

    Genome Informatics for High-Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis: Methods and Applications

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    This thesis introduces three different algorithmical and statistical strategies for the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data. First, we introduce a heuristic method based on enhanced suffix arrays to map short sequences to larger reference genomes. The algorithm builds on the idea of an error-tolerant traversal of the suffix array for the reference genome in conjunction with the concept of matching statistics introduced by Chang and a bitvector based alignment algorithm proposed by Myers. The algorithm supports paired-end and mate-pair alignments and the implementation offers methods for primer detection, primer and poly-A trimming. In our own benchmarks as well as independent bench- marks this tool outcompetes other currently available tools with respect to sensitivity and specificity in simulated and real data sets for a large number of sequencing protocols. Second, we introduce a novel dynamic programming algorithm for the spliced alignment problem. The advantage of this algorithm is its capability to not only detect co-linear splice events, i.e. local splice events on the same genomic strand, but also circular and other non-collinear splice events. This succinct and simple algorithm handles all these cases at the same time with a high accuracy. While it is at par with other state- of-the-art methods for collinear splice events, it outcompetes other tools for many non-collinear splice events. The application of this method to publically available sequencing data led to the identification of a novel isoform of the tumor suppressor gene p53. Since this gene is one of the best studied genes in the human genome, this finding is quite remarkable and suggests that the application of our algorithm could help to identify a plethora of novel isoforms and genes. Third, we present a data adaptive method to call single nucleotide variations (SNVs) from aligned high-throughput sequencing reads. We demonstrate that our method based on empirical log-likelihoods automatically adjusts to the quality of a sequencing experiment and thus renders a \"decision\" on when to call an SNV. In our simulations this method is at par with current state-of-the-art tools. Finally, we present biological results that have been obtained using the special features of the presented alignment algorithm.Diese Arbeit stellt drei verschiedene algorithmische und statistische Strategien für die Analyse von Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierungsdaten vor. Zuerst führen wir eine auf enhanced Suffixarrays basierende heuristische Methode ein, die kurze Sequenzen mit grossen Genomen aligniert. Die Methode basiert auf der Idee einer fehlertoleranten Traversierung eines Suffixarrays für Referenzgenome in Verbindung mit dem Konzept der Matching-Statistik von Chang und einem auf Bitvektoren basierenden Alignmentalgorithmus von Myers. Die vorgestellte Methode unterstützt Paired-End und Mate-Pair Alignments, bietet Methoden zur Erkennung von Primersequenzen und zum trimmen von Poly-A-Signalen an. Auch in unabhängigen Benchmarks zeichnet sich das Verfahren durch hohe Sensitivität und Spezifität in simulierten und realen Datensätzen aus. Für eine große Anzahl von Sequenzierungsprotokollen erzielt es bessere Ergebnisse als andere bekannte Short-Read Alignmentprogramme. Zweitens stellen wir einen auf dynamischer Programmierung basierenden Algorithmus für das spliced alignment problem vor. Der Vorteil dieses Algorithmus ist seine Fähigkeit, nicht nur kollineare Spleiß- Ereignisse, d.h. Spleiß-Ereignisse auf dem gleichen genomischen Strang, sondern auch zirkuläre und andere nicht-kollineare Spleiß-Ereignisse zu identifizieren. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Genauigkeit aus: während es bei der Erkennung kollinearer Spleiß-Varianten vergleichbare Ergebnisse mit anderen Methoden erzielt, schlägt es die Wettbewerber mit Blick auf Sensitivität und Spezifität bei der Vorhersage nicht-kollinearer Spleißvarianten. Die Anwendung dieses Algorithmus führte zur Identifikation neuer Isoformen. In unserer Publikation berichten wir über eine neue Isoform des Tumorsuppressorgens p53. Da dieses Gen eines der am besten untersuchten Gene des menschlichen Genoms ist, könnte die Anwendung unseres Algorithmus helfen, eine Vielzahl weiterer Isoformen bei weniger prominenten Genen zu identifizieren. Drittens stellen wir ein datenadaptives Modell zur Identifikation von Single Nucleotide Variations (SNVs) vor. In unserer Arbeit zeigen wir, dass sich unser auf empirischen log-likelihoods basierendes Modell automatisch an die Qualität der Sequenzierungsexperimente anpasst und eine \"Entscheidung\" darüber trifft, welche potentiellen Variationen als SNVs zu klassifizieren sind. In unseren Simulationen ist diese Methode auf Augenhöhe mit aktuell eingesetzten Verfahren. Schließlich stellen wir eine Auswahl biologischer Ergebnisse vor, die mit den Besonderheiten der präsentierten Alignmentverfahren in Zusammenhang stehen

    Content-aware compression for big textual data analysis

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    A substantial amount of information on the Internet is present in the form of text. The value of this semi-structured and unstructured data has been widely acknowledged, with consequent scientific and commercial exploitation. The ever-increasing data production, however, pushes data analytic platforms to their limit. This thesis proposes techniques for more efficient textual big data analysis suitable for the Hadoop analytic platform. This research explores the direct processing of compressed textual data. The focus is on developing novel compression methods with a number of desirable properties to support text-based big data analysis in distributed environments. The novel contributions of this work include the following. Firstly, a Content-aware Partial Compression (CaPC) scheme is developed. CaPC makes a distinction between informational and functional content in which only the informational content is compressed. Thus, the compressed data is made transparent to existing software libraries which often rely on functional content to work. Secondly, a context-free bit-oriented compression scheme (Approximated Huffman Compression) based on the Huffman algorithm is developed. This uses a hybrid data structure that allows pattern searching in compressed data in linear time. Thirdly, several modern compression schemes have been extended so that the compressed data can be safely split with respect to logical data records in distributed file systems. Furthermore, an innovative two layer compression architecture is used, in which each compression layer is appropriate for the corresponding stage of data processing. Peripheral libraries are developed that seamlessly link the proposed compression schemes to existing analytic platforms and computational frameworks, and also make the use of the compressed data transparent to developers. The compression schemes have been evaluated for a number of standard MapReduce analysis tasks using a collection of real-world datasets. In comparison with existing solutions, they have shown substantial improvement in performance and significant reduction in system resource requirements