21 research outputs found

    The modular structure of the adaptive machine learning system

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    Machine learning system based on the modular structure can tune to particular subject area flexibly and form the optimal individual educational trajector

    Algorithm for individual learning content formation in automated machine learning system

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    The study describes the algorithms used in the formation of individual learning content which can be used in machine learning. The algorithm for generating educational content based on the input test procedure, thereby reducing the number of elementary units of knowledge in the educational conten

    An innovative approach to study the impact of different blends of learning on learning performance in higher education

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    This study investigates the differential impact of blended learning (BL), face-to-face (F2F) and eLearning (EL) on learning performance (LP), also considering the effect of particular variables (self-efficacy (SE), intrinsic motivation(IM) and flexibility). Students were randomly allocated to one of the four experimental conditions (n F2F= 22, n BL1= 22, n EL= 23, n BL2= 23). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to study the differential impact of teaching approaches. The results reflect a significant difference in LP after studying in a particular higher education setup [F(3,86) = 9.44, p<. 001], R-2= 22.1. Learning performance was superior in both blended learning conditions. Though the different teaching setups resulted in small significant differences in mediating variables, these did not interact significantly with the research conditions. Based on the present findings, blended learning instruction could be put forward as a promising alley to enhance students' performance

    MOOCs and Foucault’s Heterotopia: On Community and Self-Efficacy

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) present challenges for individual student self-efficacy and relational communities of learners. Faucault’s concept of the “heterotopia” is examined as a lens of the no-place place by which barriers between the individual and the community are called into question as seemingly disparate concepts. Contextually mitigated with Freire’s “problem-posing” and Siemens’ “connectivism,” it is further argued that self-efficacy and relational community are congruous and dependent entities which provide insight to the future of digital architecture

    Constructos y variables del ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, desde la perspectiva del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

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    Este artículo presenta el diseño y los resultados de un proyecto de investigación. Se inicia con la contextualización en el área educativa y enseguida se describe una aproximación a la revisión de la literatura sobre el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje y el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. En la fundamentación, se explican las teorías de la acción razonada, la del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología, la del modelo de éxito de los sistemas de información y la del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Mediante el método, se logra recopilar 1175 artículos de distintas revistas científicas. A partir de estos y con la aplicación de una serie de criterios se identifica una muestra representativa de 421. Los resultados dan cuenta de los constructos, las variables y el tipo de teorías aplicadas en los ambientes virtuales investigados. Por último, la discusión y las conclusiones están referidas a las asociaciones entre los elementos de los modelos publicados por sus autores

    An analysis of online and blended learning environments : measuring approach and learning outcomes in corporate settings

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    Organizations use training as an investment with the desirable end goal of gaining a valuable employee, despite cost and time constraints on their organization. This review investigates how e-Learning and blended learning training methods are currently used in organizations. It measures the Return-On-Investment of e-Learning and blended learning training methods within corporate learning environments and examines means to improve learning outcomes for learners and the organization. For this review, peer-reviewed journals were evaluated to analyze e-Learning and blended learning methods and outcomes. Conclusions reveal that both e-Learning and blended learning training models are being successfully used in corporate training modules. Factors such as development costs, training time, and course design will affect learner outcome and productivity and profitability for organizations. Additional research is needed to verify long term ROI for organizations using online or blended learning methods for means of training

    Relationship between learning flow and academic performance among students: a systematic evaluation and meta-analysis

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    IntroductionThe concept of “flow experience,” characterized by a state of immersive enjoyment and profound engagement, pertains to individuals’ deep involvement in intriguing and pleasant tasks. In the field of study, individuals are in a state of flow when encountering challenging tasks, which matters considerably in completing the tasks. Therefore, learning flow is considered a hotspot in education that may be related to improving academic performance. Nonetheless, there remains contention regarding the extent of learning flow’s impact on academic performance. To this end, meta-learning was hereby used to provide evidenced on the relationship between them.MethodsA systematic review was conducted under the guidance of PRISMA to examine the evidence of learning flow and academic performance, check the potential mechanism and evaluate the current evidence. Clinical research or empirical research on the influence of learning flow on academic achievement was collected by searching four databases. The literature retrieval spanned from each database’s inception until June 2023, specifically covering the PubMed (2000–2023.6), Embase (1974–2023.6), Cochrane Library (1993–2023.6), and the Web of Science (1807–2023.6), with particular attention to the period between 2000 and 2023.ResultsThirteen RCTs were included, the total sample size used in the study was 3,253. Using the NOS evaluation tool of queue study, the average evaluation score of the included literatures was 7.46, indicating that the overall literature was above average. Besides, the data software StataSE was used to test the heterogeneity of the data, and the correlation coefficient and 95% confidence interval effect were found to be 0.43 (0.28, 0.57).DiscussionOur research indicates a link between learning flow and academic performance, that is, students with high learning flow levels tend to have better academic performance. At the same time, this conclusion needs to be verified by more high-quality literature and larger sample data.Systematic review registrationhttps://inplasy.com, identifier INPLASY202360079

    Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemlerinin Gerçekleşen Kullanımını Belirleyici Faktörler: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) Çalışması

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    E-Learning has been an emerging topic for education world for two decades, and due to this fact; it has been analyzed with all of its dimensions and factors. However, the evaluation and assessment issues of e-learning can be assumed as untouched especially in students’ perspective. Evaluation and assessment concepts of students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral domains have a lot of variables that affect each other. In this study, predictors of students’ actual usage of online education systems and their relations are designed as a new theoretical framework, and analyzed by applying Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. For this analysis, an online questionnaire is applied to the students who have been using a uniquely designed online evaluation and assessment system (OEAS) for five years in a governmental high school. As a result of the study, “self-efficacy” and “user interface design” are found as significantly effective on “perceived ease of use”, while “self-efficacy” and “perceived ease of use” have significant influence on “perceived usefulness”. In addition, it is found that actual usage of online evaluation and assessment system is directly and significantly affected from “perceived usefulness”, “technical support” and “service quality”. To sum up, the conclusions of the study, in students’ perspective, are advisable for the educational technologists.Son yirmi yıldır e-öğrenme eğitim dünyası için yükselen bir eğilimdir ve bundan dolayı bütün boyutları ve faktörleri ile analiz edilmektedir. Buna karşın, e-öğrenmenin ölçme ve değerlendirme kısımları, özellikle öğrenci bakış açısından, el değmemiş alanlar olarak kabul edilebilir. Öğrencilerin bilişsel, duyuşsal ve davranışsal düzeylerdeki ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi kavramları birbirini etkileyen birçok değişkene sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi eğitim sistemlerini kullanımlarının belirleyici faktörleri ve bunların arasındaki ilişkilerin oluşturduğu yeni bir kuramsal çerçeve tasarlanmış ve Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) uygulanarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu analiz için, bir devlet lisesinde özgün tasarımlı bir Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi’ni (ÇÖDS) beş yıldır kullanan öğrencilere bir çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “algılanan kullanım kolaylığının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık” üstünde anlamlı etkisi varken, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “kullanıcı arayüzü tasarımının” da “algılanan kullanım kolaylığı” üzerinde anlamlı olarak etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak, çevrimiçi ölçme ve değerlendirme sisteminin “gerçekleşen kullanımının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık”, “teknik destek” ve “servis kalitesinden” doğrudan ve anlamlı olarak etkilendiği görülmüştür. Özetle, çalışmanın sonuçları, eğitim teknoloji uzmanları için öğrencilerin bakış açısından önemli bir tavsiye niteliğindedir

    Success factors for e-learning in business organizations: a qualitative study

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies Managemente-learning has received a consistent upswing during the last years. Promising individualized and costeffective facilitation of knowledge transfer, many business organizations have already adopted elearning initiatives. Despite this importance, however, the study situation covering its success factors is fragmented. A large majority studied e-learning in the university context, while others focused on the influence of specific factors, resulting in findings that are only partially transferable. Following a natural science research approach, this study seeks to close this research gap and provide a better understanding of e-learning success in (business) organizations. By conducting extensive literature research, it first identifies the most prevalent success factors for organizational e-learning and groups them into four domains. A bibliographical analysis then unveils four potential interrelationships among these domains. Based on these findings, eight assumptions are developed and consolidated into a research model. Through a focus group study with six participants experienced in organizational elearning, the model is consequently validated. The results show that all four identified success domains and their respective success factors exert a significant influence on organizational e-learning success. In addition, three of the four identified interrelationships between these success domains are confirmed. Ultimately, the adapted success model provides an actionable and holistic reference point for e-learning decision-makers to optimize their organizational e-learning initiatives

    Corporate E-learning: Perceptions of Persistence and Satisfaction

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    This study examined eLearning perception factors of persistence and satisfaction in a for-profit business setting. The input of 32 company leaders, eLearning content designers, and course participants was investigated to identify the convergent and divergent eLearning beliefs of stakeholders. Using the Delphi consensus-building method, results suggested three salient course elements influenced eLearning persistence and satisfaction. Findings highlight the importance of being cognizant to include specific factors in eLearning courses when designing and implementing online learning, while also acknowledging and navigating the divergent eLearning beliefs of corporate stakeholders