1,252 research outputs found

    Quatro++: Robust Global Registration Exploiting Ground Segmentation for Loop Closing in LiDAR SLAM

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    Global registration is a fundamental task that estimates the relative pose between two viewpoints of 3D point clouds. However, there are two issues that degrade the performance of global registration in LiDAR SLAM: one is the sparsity issue and the other is degeneracy. The sparsity issue is caused by the sparse characteristics of the 3D point cloud measurements in a mechanically spinning LiDAR sensor. The degeneracy issue sometimes occurs because the outlier-rejection methods reject too many correspondences, leaving less than three inliers. These two issues have become more severe as the pose discrepancy between the two viewpoints of 3D point clouds becomes greater. To tackle these problems, we propose a robust global registration framework, called \textit{Quatro++}. Extending our previous work that solely focused on the global registration itself, we address the robust global registration in terms of the loop closing in LiDAR SLAM. To this end, ground segmentation is exploited to achieve robust global registration. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed method shows a higher success rate than the state-of-the-art global registration methods, overcoming the sparsity and degeneracy issues. In addition, we show that ground segmentation significantly helps to increase the success rate for the ground vehicles. Finally, we apply our proposed method to the loop closing module in LiDAR SLAM and confirm that the quality of the loop constraints is improved, showing more precise mapping results. Therefore, the experimental evidence corroborated the suitability of our method as an initial alignment in the loop closing. Our code is available at https://quatro-plusplus.github.io.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figure

    Energy Efficient Designs for Collaborative Signal and Information Processing inWireless Sensor Networks

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    Collaborative signal and information processing (CSIP) plays an important role in the deployment of wireless sensor networks. Since each sensor has limited computing capability, constrained power usage, and limited sensing range, collaboration among sensor nodes is important in order to compensate for each other’s limitation as well as to improve the degree of fault tolerance. In order to support the execution of CSIP algorithms, distributed computing paradigm and clustering protocols, are needed, which are the major concentrations of this dissertation. In order to facilitate collaboration among sensor nodes, we present a mobile-agent computing paradigm, where instead of each sensor node sending local information to a processing center, as is typical in the client/server-based computing, the processing code is moved to the sensor nodes through mobile agents. We further conduct extensive performance evaluation versus the traditional client/server-based computing. Experimental results show that the mobile agent paradigm performs much better when the number of nodes is large while the client/server paradigm is advantageous when the number of nodes is small. Based on this result, we propose a hybrid computing paradigm that adopts different computing models within different clusters of sensor nodes. Either the client/server or the mobile agent paradigm can be employed within clusters or between clusters according to the different cluster configurations. This new computing paradigm can take full advantages of both client/server and mobile agent computing paradigms. Simulations show that the hybrid computing paradigm performs better than either the client/server or the mobile agent computing. The mobile agent itinerary has a significant impact on the overall performance of the sensor network. We thus formulate both the static mobile agent planning and the dynamic mobile agent planning as optimization problems. Based on the models, we present three itinerary planning algorithms. We have showed, through simulation, that the predictive dynamic itinerary performs the best under a wide range of conditions, thus making it particularly suitable for CSIP in wireless sensor networks. In order to facilitate the deployment of hybrid computing paradigm, we proposed a decentralized reactive clustering (DRC) protocol to cluster the sensor network in an energy-efficient way. The clustering process is only invoked by events occur in the sensor network. Nodes that do not detect the events are put into the sleep state to save energy. In addition, power control technique is used to minimize the transmission power needed. The advantages of DRC protocol are demonstrated through simulations

    Autonomous navigation for guide following in crowded indoor environments

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    The requirements for assisted living are rapidly changing as the number of elderly patients over the age of 60 continues to increase. This rise places a high level of stress on nurse practitioners who must care for more patients than they are capable. As this trend is expected to continue, new technology will be required to help care for patients. Mobile robots present an opportunity to help alleviate the stress on nurse practitioners by monitoring and performing remedial tasks for elderly patients. In order to produce mobile robots with the ability to perform these tasks, however, many challenges must be overcome. The hospital environment requires a high level of safety to prevent patient injury. Any facility that uses mobile robots, therefore, must be able to ensure that no harm will come to patients whilst in a care environment. This requires the robot to build a high level of understanding about the environment and the people with close proximity to the robot. Hitherto, most mobile robots have used vision-based sensors or 2D laser range finders. 3D time-of-flight sensors have recently been introduced and provide dense 3D point clouds of the environment at real-time frame rates. This provides mobile robots with previously unavailable dense information in real-time. I investigate the use of time-of-flight cameras for mobile robot navigation in crowded environments in this thesis. A unified framework to allow the robot to follow a guide through an indoor environment safely and efficiently is presented. Each component of the framework is analyzed in detail, with real-world scenarios illustrating its practical use. Time-of-flight cameras are relatively new sensors and, therefore, have inherent problems that must be overcome to receive consistent and accurate data. I propose a novel and practical probabilistic framework to overcome many of the inherent problems in this thesis. The framework fuses multiple depth maps with color information forming a reliable and consistent view of the world. In order for the robot to interact with the environment, contextual information is required. To this end, I propose a region-growing segmentation algorithm to group points based on surface characteristics, surface normal and surface curvature. The segmentation process creates a distinct set of surfaces, however, only a limited amount of contextual information is available to allow for interaction. Therefore, a novel classifier is proposed using spherical harmonics to differentiate people from all other objects. The added ability to identify people allows the robot to find potential candidates to follow. However, for safe navigation, the robot must continuously track all visible objects to obtain positional and velocity information. A multi-object tracking system is investigated to track visible objects reliably using multiple cues, shape and color. The tracking system allows the robot to react to the dynamic nature of people by building an estimate of the motion flow. This flow provides the robot with the necessary information to determine where and at what speeds it is safe to drive. In addition, a novel search strategy is proposed to allow the robot to recover a guide who has left the field-of-view. To achieve this, a search map is constructed with areas of the environment ranked according to how likely they are to reveal the guide’s true location. Then, the robot can approach the most likely search area to recover the guide. Finally, all components presented are joined to follow a guide through an indoor environment. The results achieved demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed components

    Broadcasting Automata and Patterns on Z^2

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    The Broadcasting Automata model draws inspiration from a variety of sources such as Ad-Hoc radio networks, cellular automata, neighbourhood se- quences and nature, employing many of the same pattern forming methods that can be seen in the superposition of waves and resonance. Algorithms for broad- casting automata model are in the same vain as those encountered in distributed algorithms using a simple notion of waves, messages passed from automata to au- tomata throughout the topology, to construct computations. The waves generated by activating processes in a digital environment can be used for designing a vari- ety of wave algorithms. In this chapter we aim to study the geometrical shapes of informational waves on integer grid generated in broadcasting automata model as well as their potential use for metric approximation in a discrete space. An explo- ration of the ability to vary the broadcasting radius of each node leads to results of categorisations of digital discs, their form, composition, encodings and gener- ation. Results pertaining to the nodal patterns generated by arbitrary transmission radii on the plane are explored with a connection to broadcasting sequences and ap- proximation of discrete metrics of which results are given for the approximation of astroids, a previously unachievable concave metric, through a novel application of the aggregation of waves via a number of explored functions

    Multi-agent Collision Avoidance Using Interval Analysis and Symbolic Modelling with its Application to the Novel Polycopter

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    Coordination is fundamental component of autonomy when a system is defined by multiple mobile agents. For unmanned aerial systems (UAS), challenges originate from their low-level systems, such as their flight dynamics, which are often complex. The thesis begins by examining these low-level dynamics in an analysis of several well known UAS using a novel symbolic component-based framework. It is shown how this approach is used effectively to define key model and performance properties necessary of UAS trajectory control. This is demonstrated initially under the context of linear quadratic regulation (LQR) and model predictive control (MPC) of a quadcopter. The symbolic framework is later extended in the proposal of a novel UAS platform, referred to as the ``Polycopter" for its morphing nature. This dual-tilt axis system has unique authority over is thrust vector, in addition to an ability to actively augment its stability and aerodynamic characteristics. This presents several opportunities in exploitative control design. With an approach to low-level UAS modelling and control proposed, the focus of the thesis shifts to investigate the challenges associated with local trajectory generation for the purpose of multi-agent collision avoidance. This begins with a novel survey of the state-of-the-art geometric approaches with respect to performance, scalability and tolerance to uncertainty. From this survey, the interval avoidance (IA) method is proposed, to incorporate trajectory uncertainty in the geometric derivation of escape trajectories. The method is shown to be more effective in ensuring safe separation in several of the presented conditions, however performance is shown to deteriorate in denser conflicts. Finally, it is shown how by re-framing the IA problem, three dimensional (3D) collision avoidance is achieved. The novel 3D IA method is shown to out perform the original method in three conflict cases by maintaining separation under the effects of uncertainty and in scenarios with multiple obstacles. The performance, scalability and uncertainty tolerance of each presented method is then examined in a set of scenarios resembling typical coordinated UAS operations in an exhaustive Monte-Carlo analysis

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe propose to examine a representation which features combined action and perception signals, i.e., instead of having a purely geometric representation of the perceptual data, we include the motor actions, e.g., aiming a camera at an object, which are al

    An approach to pervasive monitoring in dynamic learning contexts : data sensing, communication support and awareness provision

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    It is within the capabilities of current technology to support the emerging learning paradigms. These paradigms suggest that today’s learning activities and environments are pervas ive and require a higher level of dynamism than the traditional learning contexts. Therefore, we have to rethink our approach to learning and use technology not only as a digital information support, but also as an instrument to reinforce knowledge, foster collaboration, promote creativity and provide richer learning experiences. Particularly, this thesis was motivated by the rapidly growing number of smartphone users and the fact that these devices are increasingly becoming more and more resource-rich, in terms of their communication and sensing technologies, display capabilities battery autonomy, etc. Hence, this dissertation benefits from the ubiquity and development of mobile technology, aiming to bridge the gap between the challenges posed by modern learning requirements and the capabilities of current technology. The sensors embedded in smartphones can be used to capture diverse behavioural and social aspects of the users. For example, using microphone and Bluetooth is possible to identify conversation patterns, discover users in proximity and detect face-to-face meetings. This fact opens up exciting possibilities to monitor the behaviour of the user and to provide meaningful feedback. This feedback offers useful information that can help people be aware of and reflect on their behaviour and its effects, and take the necessary actions to improve them. Consequently, we propose a pervasive monitoring system that take advantage of the capabilities of modern smartphones, us ing them to s upport the awarenes s provis ion about as pects of the activities that take place in today’s pervas ive learning environments. This pervasive monitoring system provides (i) an autonomous sensing platform to capture complex information about processes and interactions that take place across multiple learning environments, (ii) an on-demand and s elf-m anaged communication infras tructure, and (ii) a dis play facility to provide “awarenes s inform ation” to the s tudents and/or lecturers. For the proposed system, we followed a research approach that have three main components. First, the description of a generalized framework for pervasive sensing that enables collaborative sensing interactions between smartphones and other types of devices. By allowing complex data capture interactions with diverse remote sensors, devices and data sources, this framework allows to improve the information quality while saving energy in the local device. Second, the evaluation, through a real-world deployment, of the suitability of ad hoc networks to support the diverse communication processes required for pervasive monitoring. This component also includes a method to improve the scalability and reduce the costs of these networks. Third, the design of two awareness mechanisms to allow flexible provision of information in dynamic and heterogeneous learning contexts. These mechanisms rely on the use of smartphones as adaptable devices that can be used directly as awareness displays or as communication bridges to enable interaction with other remote displays available in the environment. Diverse aspects of the proposed system were evaluated through a number of simulations, real-world experiments, user studies and prototype evaluations. The experimental evaluation of the data capture and communication aspects of the system provided empirical evidence of the usefulness and suitability of the proposed approach to support the development of pervasive monitoring solutions. In addition, the proof-of-concept deployments of the proposed awareness mechanisms, performed in both laboratory and real-world learning environments, provided quantitative and qualitative indicators that such mechanisms improve the quality of the awareness information and the user experienceLa tecnología moderna tiene capacidad de dar apoyo a los paradigmas de aprendizaje emergentes. Estos paradigmas sugieren que las actividades de aprendizaje actuales, caracterizadas por la ubicuidad de entornos, son más dinámicas y complejas que los contextos de aprendizaje tradicionales. Por tanto, tenemos que reformular nuestro acercamiento al aprendizaje, consiguiendo que la tecnología sirva no solo como mero soporte de información, sino como medio para reforzar el conocimiento, fomentar la colaboración, estimular la creatividad y proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje enriquecedoras. Esta tesis doctoral está motivada por el vertiginoso crecimiento de usuarios de smartphones y el hecho de que estos son cada vez más potentes en cuanto a tecnologías de comunicación, sensores, displays, autonomía energética, etc. Por tanto, esta tesis aprovecha la ubicuidad y el desarrollo de esta tecnología, con el objetivo de reducir la brecha entre los desafíos del aprendizaje moderno y las capacidades de la tecnología actual. Los sensores integrados en los smartphones pueden ser utilizados para reconocer diversos aspectos del comportamiento individual y social de los usuarios. Por ejemplo, a través del micrófono y el Bluetooth, es posible determinar patrones de conversación, encontrar usuarios cercanos y detectar reuniones presenciales. Este hecho abre un interesante abanico de posibilidades, pudiendo monitorizar aspectos del comportamiento del usuario y proveer un feedback significativo. Dicho feedback, puede ayudar a los usuarios a reflexionar sobre su comportamiento y los efectos que provoca, con el fin de tomar medidas necesarias para mejorarlo. Proponemos un sistema de monitorización generalizado que aproveche las capacidades de los smartphones para proporcionar información a los usuarios, ayudándolos a percibir y tomar conciencia sobre diversos aspectos de las actividades que se desarrollan en contextos de aprendizaje modernos. Este sistema ofrece: (i) una plataforma de detección autónoma, que captura información compleja sobre los procesos e interacciones de aprendizaje; (ii) una infraestructura de comunicación autogestionable y; (iii) un servicio de visualización que provee “información de percepción” a estudiantes y/o profesores. Para la elaboración de este sistema nos hemos centrado en tres áreas de investigación. Primero, la descripción de una infraestructura de detección generalizada, que facilita interacciones entre smartphones y otros dispositivos. Al permitir interacciones complejas para la captura de datos entre diversos sensores, dispositivos y fuentes de datos remotos, esta infraestructura consigue mejorar la calidad de la información y ahorrar energía en el dispositivo local. Segundo, la evaluación, a través de pruebas reales, de la idoneidad de las redes ad hoc como apoyo de los diversos procesos de comunicación requeridos en la monitorización generalizada. Este área incluye un método que incrementa la escalabilidad y reduce el coste de estas redes. Tercero, el diseño de dos mecanismos de percepción que permiten la provisión flexible de información en contextos de aprendizaje dinámicos y heterogéneos. Estos mecanismos descansan en la versatilidad de los smartphones, que pueden ser utilizados directamente como displays de percepción o como puentes de comunicación que habilitan la interacción con otros displays remotos del entorno. Diferentes aspectos del sistema propuesto han sido evaluados a través de simulaciones, experimentos reales, estudios de usuarios y evaluaciones de prototipos. La evaluación experimental proporcionó evidencia empírica de la idoneidad del sistema para apoyar el desarrollo de soluciones de monitorización generalizadas. Además, las pruebas de concepto realizadas tanto en entornos de aprendizajes reales como en el laboratorio, aportaron indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos de que estos mecanismos mejoran la calidad de la información de percepción y la experiencia del usuario.Postprint (published version