55 research outputs found

    An accurate RSS/AoA-based localization method for internet of underwater things

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    Localization is an important issue for Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) since the performance of a large number of underwater applications highly relies on the position information of underwater sensors. In this paper, we propose a hybrid localization approach based on angle-of-arrival (AoA) and received signal strength (RSS) for IoUT. We consider a smart fishing scenario in which using the proposed approach fishers can find fishes’ locations effectively. The proposed method collects the RSS observation and estimates the AoA based on error variance. To have a more realistic deployment, we assume that the perfect noise information is not available. Thus, a minimax approach is provided in order to optimize the worst-case performance and enhance the estimation accuracy under the unknown parameters. Furthermore, we analyze the mismatch of the proposed estimator using mean-square error (MSE). We then develop semidefinite programming (SDP) based method which relaxes the non-convex constraints into the convex constraints to solve the localization problem in an efficient way. Finally, the Cramer–Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) are derived to bound the performance of the RSS-based estimator. In comparison with other localization schemes, the proposed method increases localization accuracy by more than 13%. Our method can localize 96% of sensor nodes with less than 5% positioning error when there exist 25% anchors

    Target Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis addresses the target localization problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by employing statistical modeling and convex relaxation techniques. The first and the second part of the thesis focus on received signal strength (RSS)- and RSS-angle of arrival (AoA)-based target localization problem, respectively. Both non-cooperative and cooperative WSNs are investigated and various settings of the localization problem are of interest (e.g. known and unknown target transmit power, perfectly and imperfectly known path loss exponent). For all cases, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation problem is first formulated. The general idea is to tightly approximate the ML estimator by another one whose global solution is a close representation of the ML solution, but is easily obtained due to greater smoothness of the derived objective function. By applying certain relaxations, the solution to the derived estimator is readily obtained through general-purpose solvers. Both centralized (assumes existence of a central node that collects all measurements and carries out all necessary processing for network mapping) and distributed (each target determines its own location by iteratively solving a local representation of the derived estimator) algorithms are described. More specifically, in the case of centralized RSS-based localization, second-order cone programming (SOCP) and semidefinite programming (SDP) estimators are derived by applying SOCP and SDP relaxation techniques in non-cooperative and cooperative WSNs, respectively. It is also shown that the derived SOCP estimator can be extended for distributed implementation in cooperative WSNs. In the second part of the thesis, derivation procedure of a weighted least squares (WLS) estimator by converting the centralized non-cooperative RSS-AoA localization problem into a generalized trust region sub-problem (GTRS) framework, and an SDP estimator by applying SDP relaxations to the centralized cooperative RSS-AoA localization problem are described. Furthermore, a distributed SOCP estimator is developed, and an extension of the centralized WLS estimator for non-cooperative WSNs to distributed conduction in cooperative WSNs is also presented. The third part of the thesis is committed to RSS-AoA-based target tracking problem. Both cases of target tracking with fixed/static anchors and mobile sensors are investigated. First, the non-linear measurement model is linearized by applying Cartesian to polar coordinates conversion. Prior information extracted from target transition model is then added to the derived model, and by following maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion, a MAP algorithm is developed. Similarly, by taking advantage of the derived model and the prior knowledge, Kalman filter (KF) algorithm is designed. Moreover, by allowing sensor mobility, a simple navigation routine for sensors’ movement management is described, which significantly enhances the estimation accuracy of the presented algorithms even for a reduced number of sensors. The described algorithms are assessed and validated through simulation results and real indoor measurements

    Source localization via time difference of arrival

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    Accurate localization of a signal source, based on the signals collected by a number of receiving sensors deployed in the source surrounding area is a problem of interest in various fields. This dissertation aims at exploring different techniques to improve the localization accuracy of non-cooperative sources, i.e., sources for which the specific transmitted symbols and the time of the transmitted signal are unknown to the receiving sensors. With the localization of non-cooperative sources, time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the signals received at pairs of sensors is typically employed. A two-stage localization method in multipath environments is proposed. During the first stage, TDOA of the signals received at pairs of sensors is estimated. In the second stage, the actual location is computed from the TDOA estimates. This later stage is referred to as hyperbolic localization and it generally involves a non-convex optimization. For the first stage, a TDOA estimation method that exploits the sparsity of multipath channels is proposed. This is formulated as an f1-regularization problem, where the f1-norm is used as channel sparsity constraint. For the second stage, three methods are proposed to offer high accuracy at different computational costs. The first method takes a semi-definite relaxation (SDR) approach to relax the hyperbolic localization to a convex optimization. The second method follows a linearized formulation of the problem and seeks a biased estimate of improved accuracy. A third method is proposed to exploit the source sparsity. With this, the hyperbolic localization is formulated as an an f1-regularization problem, where the f1-norm is used as source sparsity constraint. The proposed methods compare favorably to other existing methods, each of them having its own advantages. The SDR method has the advantage of simplicity and low computational cost. The second method may perform better than the SDR approach in some situations, but at the price of higher computational cost. The l1-regularization may outperform the first two methods, but is sensitive to the choice of a regularization parameter. The proposed two-stage localization approach is shown to deliver higher accuracy and robustness to noise, compared to existing TDOA localization methods. A single-stage source localization method is explored. The approach is coherent in the sense that, in addition to the TDOA information, it utilizes the relative carrier phases of the received signals among pairs of sensors. A location estimator is constructed based on a maximum likelihood metric. The potential of accuracy improvement by the coherent approach is shown through the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRB). However, the technique has to contend with high peak sidelobes in the localization metric, especially at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Employing a small antenna array at each sensor is shown to lower the sidelobes level in the localization metric. Finally, the performance of time delay and amplitude estimation from samples of the received signal taken at rates lower than the conventional Nyquist rate is evaluated. To this end, a CRB is developed and its variation with system parameters is analyzed. It is shown that while with noiseless low rate sampling there is no estimation accuracy loss compared to Nyquist sampling, in the presence of additive noise the performance degrades significantly. However, increasing the low sampling rate by a small factor leads to significant performance improvement, especially for time delay estimation

    Convex Optimisation for Communication Systems

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    In this thesis new robust methods for the efficient sharing of the radio spectrum for underlay cognitive radio (CR) systems are developed. These methods provide robustness against uncertainties in the channel state information (CSI) that is available to the cognitive radios. A stochastic approach is taken and the robust spectrum sharing methods are formulated as convex optimisation problems. Three efficient spectrum sharing methods; power control, cooperative beamforming and conventional beamforming are studied in detail. The CR power control problem is formulated as a sum rate maximisation problem and transformed into a convex optimisation problem. A robust power control method under the assumption of partial CSI is developed and also transformed into a convex optimisation problem. A novel method of detecting and removing infeasible constraints from the power allocation problem is presented that results in considerably improved performance. The performance of the proposed methods in Rayleigh fading channels is analysed by simulations. The concept of cooperative beamforming for spectrum sharing is applied to an underlay CR relay network. Distributed single antenna relay nodes are utilised to form a virtual antenna array that provides increased gains in capacity through cooperative beamforming. It is shown that the cooperative beamforming problems can be transformed into convex optimisation problems. New robust cooperative beamformers under the assumption of partial and imperfect CSI are developed and also transformed into convex optimisation problems. The performance of the proposed methods in Rayleigh fading channels is analysed by simulations. Conventional beamforming to allow efficient spectrum sharing in an underlay CR system is studied. The beamforming problems are formulated and transformed into convex optimisation problems. New robust beamformers under the assumption of partial and imperfect CSI are developed and also transformed into convex optimisation problems. The performance of the proposed methods in Rayleigh fading channels is analysed by simulations

    Advanced Knowledge Application in Practice

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    The integration and interdependency of the world economy leads towards the creation of a global market that offers more opportunities, but is also more complex and competitive than ever before. Therefore widespread research activity is necessary if one is to remain successful on the market. This book is the result of research and development activities from a number of researchers worldwide, covering concrete fields of research

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1
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