7,859 research outputs found

    Law of Genome Evolution Direction : Coding Information Quantity Grows

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    The problem of the directionality of genome evolution is studied. Based on the analysis of C-value paradox and the evolution of genome size we propose that the function-coding information quantity of a genome always grows in the course of evolution through sequence duplication, expansion of code, and gene transfer from outside. The function-coding information quantity of a genome consists of two parts, p-coding information quantity which encodes functional protein and n-coding information quantity which encodes other functional elements except amino acid sequence. The evidences on the evolutionary law about the function-coding information quantity are listed. The needs of function is the motive force for the expansion of coding information quantity and the information quantity expansion is the way to make functional innovation and extension for a species. So, the increase of coding information quantity of a genome is a measure of the acquired new function and it determines the directionality of genome evolution.Comment: 16 page

    Single-molecule real-time sequencing combined with optical mapping yields completely finished fungal genome

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have increased the scalability, speed, and resolution of genomic sequencing and, thus, have revolutionized genomic studies. However, eukaryotic genome sequencing initiatives typically yield considerably fragmented genome assemblies. Here, we assessed various state-of-the-art sequencing and assembly strategies in order to produce a contiguous and complete eukaryotic genome assembly, focusing on the filamentous fungus Verticillium dahliae. Compared with Illumina-based assemblies of the V. dahliae genome, hybrid assemblies that also include PacBio- generated long reads establish superior contiguity. Intriguingly, provided that sufficient sequence depth is reached, assemblies solely based on PacBio reads outperform hybrid assemblies and even result in fully assembled chromosomes. Furthermore, the addition of optical map data allowed us to produce a gapless and complete V. dahliae genome assembly of the expected eight chromosomes from telomere to telomere. Consequently, we can now study genomic regions that were previously not assembled or poorly assembled, including regions that are populated by repetitive sequences, such as transposons, allowing us to fully appreciate an organism’s biological complexity. Our data show that a combination of PacBio-generated long reads and optical mapping can be used to generate complete and gapless assemblies of fungal genomes. IMPORTANCE Studying whole-genome sequences has become an important aspect of biological research. The advent of nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) technologies has nowadays brought genomic science within reach of most research laboratories, including those that study nonmodel organisms. However, most genome sequencing initiatives typically yield (highly) fragmented genome assemblies. Nevertheless, considerable relevant information related to genome structure and evolution is likely hidden in those nonassembled regions. Here, we investigated a diverse set of strategies to obtain gapless genome assemblies, using the genome of a typical ascomycete fungus as the template. Eventually, we were able to show that a combination of PacBiogenerated long reads and optical mapping yields a gapless telomere-to-telomere genome assembly, allowing in-depth genome sanalyses to facilitate functional studies into an organism’s biology

    Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the world’s most important non-grain food crop and is central to global food security. It is clonally propagated, highly heterozygous, autotetraploid, and suffers acute inbreeding depression. Here we use a homozygous doubled-monoploid potato clone to sequence and assemble 86% of the 844-megabase genome. We predict 39,031 protein-coding genes and present evidence for at least two genome duplication events indicative of a palaeopolyploid origin. As the first genome sequence of an asterid, the potato genome reveals 2,642 genes specific to this large angiosperm clade. We also sequenced a heterozygous diploid clone and show that gene presence/absence variants and other potentially deleterious mutations occur frequently and are a likely cause of inbreeding depression. Gene family expansion, tissue-specific expression and recruitment of genes to new pathways contributed to the evolution of tuber development. The potato genome sequence provides a platform for genetic improvement of this vital cro

    Whole genome sequencing of a banana wild relative Musa itinerans provides insights into lineage-specific diversification of the Musa genus

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    Crop wild relatives are valuable resources for future genetic improvement. Here, we report the de novo genome assembly of Musa itinerans, a disease-resistant wild banana relative in subtropical China. The assembled genome size was 462.1 Mb, covering 75.2% of the genome (615.2Mb) and containing 32, 456 predicted protein-coding genes. Since the approximate divergence around 5.8 million years ago, the genomes of Musa itinerans and Musa acuminata have shown conserved collinearity. Gene family expansions and contractions enrichment analysis revealed that some pathways were associated with phenotypic or physiological innovations. These include a transition from wood to herbaceous in the ancestral Musaceae, intensification of cold and drought tolerances, and reduced diseases resistance genes for subtropical marginally distributed Musa species. Prevalent purifying selection and transposed duplications were found to facilitate the diversification of NBS-encoding gene families for two Musa species. The population genome history analysis of M. itinerans revealed that the fluctuated population sizes were caused by the Pleistocene climate oscillations, and that the formation of Qiongzhou Strait might facilitate the population downsizing on the isolated Hainan Island about 10.3 Kya. The qualified assembly of the M. itinerans genome provides deep insights into the lineage-specific diversification and also valuable resources for future banana breeding

    Plasma Biomarkers for Monitoring Brain Pathophysiology in FMR1 Premutation Carriers.

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    Premutation carriers have a 55-200 CGG expansion in the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Currently, 1.5 million individuals are affected in the United States, and carriers are at risk of developing the late-onset neurodegenerative disorder Fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Limited efforts have been made to develop new methods for improved early patient monitoring, treatment response, and disease progression. To this end, plasma metabolomic phenotyping was obtained for 23 premutation carriers and 16 age- and sex-matched controls. Three biomarkers, phenylethylamine normalized by either aconitate or isocitrate and oleamide normalized by isocitrate, exhibited excellent model performance. The lower phenylethylamine and oleamide plasma levels in carriers may indicate, respectively, incipient nigrostriatal degeneration and higher incidence of substance abuse, anxiety and sleep disturbances. Higher levels of citrate, isocitrate, aconitate, and lactate may reflect deficits in both bioenergetics and neurotransmitter metabolism (Glu, GABA). This study lays important groundwork by defining the potential utility of plasma metabolic profiling to monitor brain pathophysiology in carriers before and during the progression of FXTAS, treatment efficacy and evaluation of side effects

    Fast, Quantitative and Variant Enabled Mapping of Peptides to Genomes.

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    Current tools for visualization and integration of proteomics with other omics datasets are inadequate for large-scale studies and capture only basic sequence identity information. Furthermore, the frequent reformatting of annotations for reference genomes required by these tools is known to be highly error prone. We developed PoGo for mapping peptides identified through mass spectrometry to overcome these limitations. PoGo reduced runtime and memory usage by 85% and 20%, respectively, and exhibited overall superior performance over other tools on benchmarking with large-scale human tissue and cancer phosphoproteome datasets comprising ∼3 million peptides. In addition, extended functionality enables representation of single-nucleotide variants, post-translational modifications, and quantitative features. PoGo has been integrated in established frameworks such as the PRIDE tool suite and OpenMS, as well as a standalone tool with user-friendly graphical interface. With the rapid increase of quantitative high-resolution datasets capturing proteomes and global modifications to complement orthogonal genomics platforms, PoGo provides a central utility enabling large-scale visualization and interpretation of transomics datasets

    Efficient Algorithms for Prokaryotic Whole Genome Assembly and Finishing

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    De-novo genome assembly from DNA fragments is primarily based on sequence overlap information. In addition, mate-pair reads or paired-end reads provide linking information for joining gaps and bridging repeat regions. Genome assemblers in general assemble long contiguous sequences (contigs) using both overlapping reads and linked reads until the assembly runs into an ambiguous repeat region. These contigs are further bridged into scaffolds using linked read information. However, errors can be made in both phases of assembly due to high error threshold of overlap acceptance and linking based on too few mate reads. Identical as well as similar repeat regions can often cause errors in overlap and mate-pair evidence. In addition, the problem of setting the correct threshold to minimize errors and optimize assembly of reads is not trivial and often requires a time-consuming trial and error process to obtain optimal results. The typical trial-and-error with multiple assembler, which can be computationally intensive, and is very inefficient, especially when users must learn how to use a wide variety of assemblers, many of which may be serial requiring long execution time and will not return usable or accurate results. Further, we show that the comparison of assembly results may not provide the users with a clear winner under all circumstances. Therefore, we propose a novel scaffolding tool, Correlative Algorithm for Repeat Placement (CARP), capable of joining short low error contigs using mate pair reads, computationally resolved repeat structures and synteny with one or more reference organisms. The CARP tool requires a set of repeat sequences such as insertion sequences (IS) that can be found computationally found without assembling the genome. Development of methods to identify such repeating regions directly from raw sequence reads or draft genomes led to the development of the ISQuest software package. ISQuest identifies bacterial ISs and their sequence elements—inverted and direct repeats—in raw read data or contigs using flexible search parameters. ISQuest is capable of finding ISs in hundreds of partially assembled genomes within hours; making it a valuable high-throughput tool for a global search of IS and repeat elements. The CARP tool matches very low error contigs with strong overlap using the ambiguous partial repeat sequence at the ends of the contig annotated using the repeat sequences discovered using ISQuest. These matches are verified by synteny with genomes of one or more reference organisms. We show that the CARP tool can be used to verify low mate pair evidence regions, independently find new joins and significantly reduce the number of scaffolds. Finally, we are demonstrate a novel viewer that presents to the user the computationally derived joins along with the evidence used to make the joins. The viewer allows the user to independently assess their confidence in the joins made by the finishing tools and make an informed decision of whether to invest the resources necessary to confirm a particular portion of the assembly. Further, we allow users to manually record join evidence, re-order contigs, and track the assembly finishing process

    Analysis of Novel Mycobacteriophages Indicates the Existence of Different Strategies for Phage Inheritance in Mycobacteria

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    Mycobacteriophages have been essential in the development of mycobacterial genetics through their use in the construction of tools for genetic manipulation. Due to the simplicity of their isolation and variety of exploitable molecular features, we searched for and isolated 18 novel mycobacteriophages from environmental samples collected from several geographic locations. Characterization of these phages did not differ from most of the previously described ones in the predominant physical features (virion size in the 100?400 nm, genome size in the 50?70 kbp, morphological features compatible with those corresponding to the Siphoviridae family), however novel characteristics for propagation were noticed. Although all the mycobacteriophages propagated at 30uC, eight of them failed to propagate at 37uC. Since some of our phages yielded pinpoint plaques, we improved plaque detection by including sub-inhibitory concentrations of isoniazid or ampicillin-sulbactam in the culture medium. Thus, searches for novel mycobacteriophages at low temperature and in the presence of these drugs would allow for the isolation of novel members that would otherwise not be detected. Importantly, while eight phages lysogenized Mycobacterium smegmatis, four of them were also capable of lysogenizing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Analysis of the complete genome sequence obtained for twelve mycobacteriophages (the remaining six rendered partial genomic sequences) allowed for the identification of a new singleton. Surprisingly, sequence analysis revealed the presence of parA or parA/parB genes in 7/18 phages including four that behaved as temperate in M. tuberculosis. In summary, we report here the isolation and preliminary characterization of mycobacteriophages that bring new information to the field.Fil: Stella, Emma Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Escuela de Cs.medicas. Cat.de Microbiologia,parasitologia y Virologia;Fil: Franceschelli, Jorgelina Judith. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Escuela de Cs.medicas. Cat.de Microbiologia,parasitologia y Virologia;Fil: Tasselli, Sabrina Emilse. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Escuela de Cs.medicas. Cat.de Microbiologia,parasitologia y Virologia;Fil: Morbidoni, Héctor Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Escuela de Cs.medicas. Cat.de Microbiologia,parasitologia y Virologia
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