816 research outputs found

    Design methodology for smart actuator services for machine tool and machining control and monitoring

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    This paper presents a methodology to design the services of smart actuators for machine tools. The smart actuators aim at replacing the traditional drives (spindles and feed-drives) and enable to add data processing abilities to implement monitoring and control tasks. Their data processing abilities are also exploited in order to create a new decision level at the machine level. The aim of this decision level is to react to disturbances that the monitoring tasks detect. The cooperation between the computational objects (the smart spindle, the smart feed-drives and the CNC unit) enables to carry out functions for accommodating or adapting to the disturbances. This leads to the extension of the notion of smart actuator with the notion of agent. In order to implement the services of the smart drives, a general design is presented describing the services as well as the behavior of the smart drive according to the object oriented approach. Requirements about the CNC unit are detailed. Eventually, an implementation of the smart drive services that involves a virtual lathe and a virtual turning operation is described. This description is part of the design methodology. Experimental results obtained thanks to the virtual machine are then presented

    Towards Predictive Maintenance for Flexible Manufacturing Using FIWARE

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    Industry 4.0 has shifted the manufacturing related processes from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes across different organizations. For example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. This complex and competitive collaboration requires the underlying system architecture and platform to be flexible and extensible to support the demands of dynamic collaborations as well as advanced functionalities such as big data analytics. Both operation and condition of the production equipment are critical to the whole manufacturing process. Failures of any machine tools can easily have impact on the subsequent value-added processes of the collaboration. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machineries using various analyses. In this context, this paper explores how the FIWARE framework supports predictive maintenance. Specifically, it looks at applying a data driven approach to the Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) model for machine condition and remaining useful life to support predictive maintenance using FIWARE framework in a modular fashion

    A Framework for Industry 4.0

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    The potential of the Industry 4.0 will allow the national industry to develop all kinds of procedures, especially in terms of competitive differentiation. The prospects and motivations behind Industry 4.0 are related to the management that is essentially geared towards industrial internet, to the integrated analysis and use of data, to the digitalization of products and services, to new disruptive business models and to the cooperation within the value chain. It is through the integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), into the maintenance process that it is possible to carry out a continuous monitoring of industrial machines, as well as to apply advanced techniques for predictive and proactive maintenance. The present work is based on the MANTIS project, aiming to construct a specific platform for the proactive maintenance of industrial machines, targeting particularly the case of GreenBender ADIRA Steel Sheet. In other words, the aim is to reduce maintenance costs, increase the efficiency of the process and consequently the profit. Essentially, the MANTIS project is a multinational research project, where the CISTER Research Unit plays a key role, particularly in providing the communications infrastructure for one MANTIS Pilot. The methodology is based on a follow-up study, which is jointly carried with the client, as well as within the scope of the implementation of the ADIRA Pilot. The macro phases that are followed in the present work are: 1) detailed analysis of the business needs; 2) preparation of the architecture specification; 3) implementation/development; 4) tests and validation; 5) support; 6) stabilization; 7) corrective and evolutionary maintenance; and 8) final project analysis and corrective measures to be applied in future projects. The expected results of the development of such project are related to the integration of the industrial maintenance process, to the continuous monitoring of the machines and to the application of advanced techniques of preventive and proactive maintenance of industrial machines, particularly based on techniques and good practices of the Software Engineering area and on the integration of Cyber-Physical Systems.O potencial desenvolvido pela Indústria 4.0 dotará a indústria nacional de capacidades para desenvolver todo o tipo de procedimentos, especialmente a nível da diferenciação competitiva. As perspetivas e as motivações por detrás da Indústria 4.0 estão relacionadas com uma gestão essencialmente direcionada para a internet industrial, com uma análise integrada e utilização de dados, com a digitalização de produtos e de serviços, com novos modelos disruptivos de negócio e com uma cooperação horizontal no âmbito da cadeia de valor. É através da integração dos sistemas ciber-físicos no processo de manutenção que é possível proceder a um monitoramento contínuo das máquinas, tal como à aplicação de técnicas avançadas para a manutenção preditiva e pró-ativa das mesmas. O presente trabalho é baseado no projeto MANTIS, objetivando, portanto, a construção de uma plataforma específica para a manutenção pró-ativa das máquinas industriais, neste caso em concreto das prensas, que serão as máquinas industriais analisadas ao longo do presente trabalho. Dito de um outro modo, objetiva-se, através de uma plataforma em específico, reduzir todos os custos da sua manutenção, aumentando, portanto, os lucros industriais advindos da produção. Resumidamente, o projeto MANTIS consiste num projeto de investigação multinacional, onde a Unidade de Investigação CISTER desenvolve um papel fundamental, particularmente no fornecimento da infraestrutura de comunicação no Piloto MANTIS. A metodologia adotada é baseada num estudo de acompanhamento, realizado em conjunto com o cliente, e no âmbito da implementação do Piloto da ADIRA. As macro fases que são compreendidas por esta metodologia, e as quais serão seguidas, são: 1) análise detalhada das necessidades de negócio; 2) preparação da especificação da arquitetura; 3) implementação/desenvolvimento; 4) testes e validação; 5) suporte; 6) estabilização; 7) manutenção corretiva e evolutiva; e 8) análise final do projeto e medidas corretivas a aplicar em projetos futuros. Os resultados esperados com o desenvolvimento do projeto estão relacionados com a integração do processo de manutenção industrial, a monitorização contínua das máquinas e a aplicação de técnicas avançadas de manutenção preventiva e pós-ativa das máquinas, especialmente com base em técnicas e boas práticas da área de Engenharia de Software

    Managing Access to Service Providers in Federated Identity Environments: A Case Study in a Cloud Storage Service

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    © 2015 IEEE. Currently the diversity of services, which are adhering to Identity Federation, has raised new challenges in the area. Increasingly, service providers need to control the access to their resources by users from the federation as, even though the user is authenticated by the federation, its access to resources cannot be taken for granted. Each Service Provider (SP) of a federation implements their own access control mechanism. Moreover, SPs might need to allow different access control granularity. For instance, all users from a particular Identity Provider (IdP) may access the resources due to some financial agreement. On the other hand, it might be the case that only specific users, or groups of users, have access to the resources. This paper proposes a solution to this problem through a hierarchical authorization system. Our approach, which can be customized to different SPs, allows the SP administrator to manage which IdPs, or users, have access to the provided resources. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we present a case study in the context of a cloud storage solution

    New cognitive info-communication channels for human-machine interaction

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    The main goal of this paper is to discuss a new paradigm for robot teaching and supervising which is based on cognitive info-communication channels for human-machine interaction. According to the studied concept the robot is considered as an unskilled worker “who” (which) is strong and capable for precise manufacturing. “He” (it) has a special kind of intelligence, but “he” is handicapped in some senses, that is why “he” needs special treatment. We must command “him” clearly in a special way and we must supervise “his” work. If we can elaborate a proper way for communicating with this “new worker”, as an additional dimension of robotization, we can get a capable new “colleague”. The ultimate goal is to help the boss to be able to give the daily task to a robot in a similar way as he/she able to give the jobs to the human workers. For example, by providing the CAD documentation with some additional verbal explanation

    Implementation of Digital Twin-based Virtual Commissioning in Machine Tool Manufacturing

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    Virtual commissioning is not a new concept; However, it is all the rage with the introduction of Industry 4.0, in the field of product lifecycle management, computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and within the industrial automation programming frameworks. Although, this is a very active area of research and innovation, these technologies have little implementation in the machine tool industry [11]. There is still no integrated simulation environment for virtual commissioning in the market. In this context, digitalisation is a key driver. The aim of this paper is to describe the practice of virtual commissioning in the machine tool manufacturing industry by identifying available solutions in the market and addressing the challenges faced within the machine tool sector. As a result, a digital twin based virtual commissioning solution has been developed at Danobatgroup, the leading machine tool builder in Spain, which is a step forward towards the digitalisation of machine tool manufacturing

    Machine Tool Communication (MTComm) Method and Its Applications in a Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud

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    The integration of cyber-physical systems and cloud manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize existing manufacturing systems by enabling better accessibility, agility, and efficiency. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish a communication method of manufacturing services over the Internet to access and manage physical machines from cloud applications. Most of the existing industrial automation protocols utilize Ethernet based Local Area Network (LAN) and are not designed specifically for Internet enabled data transmission. Recently MTConnect has been gaining popularity as a standard for monitoring status of machine tools through RESTful web services and an XML based messaging structure, but it is only designed for data collection and interpretation and lacks remote operation capability. This dissertation presents the design, development, optimization, and applications of a service-oriented Internet-scale communication method named Machine Tool Communication (MTComm) for exchanging manufacturing services in a Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud (CPMC) to enable manufacturing with heterogeneous physically connected machine tools from geographically distributed locations over the Internet. MTComm uses an agent-adapter based architecture and a semantic ontology to provide both remote monitoring and operation capabilities through RESTful services and XML messages. MTComm was successfully used to develop and implement multi-purpose applications in in a CPMC including remote and collaborative manufacturing, active testing-based and edge-based fault diagnosis and maintenance of machine tools, cross-domain interoperability between Internet-of-things (IoT) devices and supply chain robots etc. To improve MTComm’s overall performance, efficiency, and acceptability in cyber manufacturing, the concept of MTComm’s edge-based middleware was introduced and three optimization strategies for data catching, transmission, and operation execution were developed and adopted at the edge. Finally, a hardware prototype of the middleware was implemented on a System-On-Chip based FPGA device to reduce computational and transmission latency. At every stage of its development, MTComm’s performance and feasibility were evaluated with experiments in a CPMC testbed with three different types of manufacturing machine tools. Experimental results demonstrated MTComm’s excellent feasibility for scalable cyber-physical manufacturing and superior performance over other existing approaches

    Machine Tool Communication (MTComm) Method and Its Applications in a Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud

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    The integration of cyber-physical systems and cloud manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize existing manufacturing systems by enabling better accessibility, agility, and efficiency. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish a communication method of manufacturing services over the Internet to access and manage physical machines from cloud applications. Most of the existing industrial automation protocols utilize Ethernet based Local Area Network (LAN) and are not designed specifically for Internet enabled data transmission. Recently MTConnect has been gaining popularity as a standard for monitoring status of machine tools through RESTful web services and an XML based messaging structure, but it is only designed for data collection and interpretation and lacks remote operation capability. This dissertation presents the design, development, optimization, and applications of a service-oriented Internet-scale communication method named Machine Tool Communication (MTComm) for exchanging manufacturing services in a Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud (CPMC) to enable manufacturing with heterogeneous physically connected machine tools from geographically distributed locations over the Internet. MTComm uses an agent-adapter based architecture and a semantic ontology to provide both remote monitoring and operation capabilities through RESTful services and XML messages. MTComm was successfully used to develop and implement multi-purpose applications in in a CPMC including remote and collaborative manufacturing, active testing-based and edge-based fault diagnosis and maintenance of machine tools, cross-domain interoperability between Internet-of-things (IoT) devices and supply chain robots etc. To improve MTComm’s overall performance, efficiency, and acceptability in cyber manufacturing, the concept of MTComm’s edge-based middleware was introduced and three optimization strategies for data catching, transmission, and operation execution were developed and adopted at the edge. Finally, a hardware prototype of the middleware was implemented on a System-On-Chip based FPGA device to reduce computational and transmission latency. At every stage of its development, MTComm’s performance and feasibility were evaluated with experiments in a CPMC testbed with three different types of manufacturing machine tools. Experimental results demonstrated MTComm’s excellent feasibility for scalable cyber-physical manufacturing and superior performance over other existing approaches