48 research outputs found

    Workshop on "Robotic assembly of 3D MEMS".

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    Proceedings of a workshop proposed in IEEE IROS'2007.The increase of MEMS' functionalities often requires the integration of various technologies used for mechanical, optical and electronic subsystems in order to achieve a unique system. These different technologies have usually process incompatibilities and the whole microsystem can not be obtained monolithically and then requires microassembly steps. Microassembly of MEMS based on micrometric components is one of the most promising approaches to achieve high-performance MEMS. Moreover, microassembly also permits to develop suitable MEMS packaging as well as 3D components although microfabrication technologies are usually able to create 2D and "2.5D" components. The study of microassembly methods is consequently a high stake for MEMS technologies growth. Two approaches are currently developped for microassembly: self-assembly and robotic microassembly. In the first one, the assembly is highly parallel but the efficiency and the flexibility still stay low. The robotic approach has the potential to reach precise and reliable assembly with high flexibility. The proposed workshop focuses on this second approach and will take a bearing of the corresponding microrobotic issues. Beyond the microfabrication technologies, performing MEMS microassembly requires, micromanipulation strategies, microworld dynamics and attachment technologies. The design and the fabrication of the microrobot end-effectors as well as the assembled micro-parts require the use of microfabrication technologies. Moreover new micromanipulation strategies are necessary to handle and position micro-parts with sufficiently high accuracy during assembly. The dynamic behaviour of micrometric objects has also to be studied and controlled. Finally, after positioning the micro-part, attachment technologies are necessary

    Microgripper design and evaluation for automated ”-wire assembly: a survey

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    Microgrippers are commonly used for micromanipulation of micro-objects from 1 to 100 ”m and attain features of reliable accuracy, low cost, wide jaw aperture and variable applied force. This paper aim is to review the design of different microgrippers which can manipulate and assemble ”-wire to PCB connectors. A review was conducted on microgrippers’ technologies, comparing fundamental components of structure and actuators’ types, which determined the most suitable design for the required micromanipulation task. Various microgrippers’ design was explored to examine the suitability and the execution of requirements needed for successful micromanipulation

    On the Dependency of the Electromechanical Response of Rotary MEMS/NEMS on Their Embedded Flexure Hinges’ Geometry

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    This paper investigates how the electromechanical response of MEMS/NEMS devices changes when the geometrical characteristics of their embedded flexural hinges are modified. The research is dedicated particularly to MEMS/NEMS devices which are actuated by means of rotary comb-drives. The electromechanical behavior of a chosen rotary device is assessed by studying the rotation of the end effector, the motion of the comb-drive mobile fingers, the actuator’s maximum operating voltage, and the stress sustained by the flexure when the flexure’s shape, length, and width change. The results are compared with the behavior of a standard revolute joint. Outcomes demonstrate that a linear flexible beam cannot perfectly replace the revolute joint as it induces a translation that strongly facilitates the pull-in phenomenon and significantly increases the risk of ruptures of the comb-drives. On the other hand, results show how curved beams provide a motion that better resembles the revolute motion, preserving the structural integrity of the device and avoiding the pull-in phenomenon. Finally, results also show that the end effector motion approaches most precisely the revolute motion when a fine tuning of the beam’s length and width is performed

    Shape Memory Alloy Actuated Switch (SMAAS)

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    In the light of recent research advancements in the field of shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators and devices, an idea of employing shape memory alloys in an electric switching device emerged. In this SMA actuated switch, SMA members are used as resistively heated actuators to separate or engage electric contacts for load circuit(s). Advantages of using SMA actuators in electric switching include; no holding power requirement (unlike some electromagnetic and solid-state relays), low power losses at the contacts (using metallic contacts as opposed to semiconductor junctions) and ease of miniaturization. One potential application for this device is the smart photovoltaic nonplanar skin made of individual PV cells arranged together into pixels that can adapt to environmental conditions. One smart method of adaptation is to use miniature switches embedded onto the PV skin to group homogenous cells (according to exposure, solar intensity and other environmental conditions) to yield maximum energy harvest. Therefore, this research work investigates the feasibility of bi-stable shape memory alloy actuated switches and develops a framework for designing, optimizing and manufacturing them with respect to the intended application. In this thesis, 15 conceptual designs for the SMAAS (inspired by the literature and novel concepts) are presented, 5 of which were down-selected as having the most potential in terms of robustness, manufacturability and scalability. The governing equations for the SMAAS concepts are formulated in the form of analytical and empirical models. In addition, two functional proof of concept prototypes for the switch are presented in this document as well as case studies for the optimization and manufacturing of some of the down selected SMAAS concepts in the micro level. The outcome of this work is a proof of the feasibility of the SMAAS and its potential for miniaturization as well as the detailed design and manufacturing framework for SMA-based devices. An extension of this research work would be to develop and manufacture an energy-optimal micro SMAAS that satisfies the PV skin application’s constraints and objectives

    Design process and simulation testing of a shape memory alloy actuated robotic microgripper

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    Microgrippers are commonly used for micromanipulation of micro-objects with dimensions from 1 to 100 ”m and attain features of reliable accuracy, low cost, wide jaw aperture and variable applied force. This paper studies the design process, simulation, and testing of a microgripper which can manipulate and assemble a platinum resistance temperature probe, made from a 25 ”m diameter platinum wire, a 20 mm diameter tinned copper wire, and a printed circuit board type connector. Various microgripper structures and actuator types were researched and reviewed to determine the most suitable design for the required micromanipulation task. Operation tests using SolidWorks and ANSYS software were conducted to test a parallelogram structure with flexible single-notch hinges. The best suited material was found to be Aluminium alloy 7075-T6 as it was capable of producing a large jaw tip displacement of 0.7 mm without exceeding its tensile yield strength limit. A shape memory alloy was chosen as a choice of actuator to close the microgripper jaws. To ensure a repeatably accurate datum point, the final microgripper consisted of a fixed arm and a flexible arm. An optimisation process using ANSYS studied the hinge thickness and radius dimensions of the microgripper which improved its deflection whilst reducing the experienced stress

    Adaptive and reconfigurable robotic gripper hands with a meso-scale gripping range

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    Grippers and robotic hands are essential and important end-effectors of robotic manipulators. Developing a gripper hand that can grasp a large variety of objects precisely and stably is still an aspiration even though research in this area has been carried out for several decades. This thesis provides a development approach and a series of gripper hands which can bridge the gap between micro-gripper and macro-gripper by extending the gripping range to the mesoscopic scale (meso-scale). Reconfigurable topology and variable mobility of the design offer versatility and adaptability for the changing environment and demands. By investigating human grasping behaviours and the unique structures of human hand, a CFB-based finger joint for anthropomorphic finger is developed to mimic a human finger with a large grasping range. The centrodes of CFB mechanism are explored and a contact-aided CFB mechanism is developed to increase stiffness of finger joints. An integrated gripper structure comprising cross four-bar (CFB) and remote-centre-of-motion (RCM) mechanisms is developed to mimic key functionalities of human hand. Kinematics and kinetostatic analyses of the CFB mechanism for multimode gripping are conducted to achieve passive-adjusting motion. A novel RCM-based finger with angular, parallel and underactuated motion is invented. Kinematics and stable gripping analyses of the RCM-based multi-motion finger are also investigated. The integrated design with CFB and RCM mechanisms provides a novel concept of a multi-mode gripper that aims to tackle the challenge of changing over for various sizes of objects gripping in mesoscopic scale range. Based on the novel designed mechanisms and design philosophy, a class of gripper hands in terms of adaptive meso-grippers, power-precision grippers and reconfigurable hands are developed. The novel features of the gripper hands are one degree of freedom (DoF), self-adaptive, reconfigurable and multi-mode. Prototypes are manufactured by 3D printing and the grasping abilities are tested to verify the design approach.EPSR

    Stimuli-Responsive Microtools for Biomedical and Defense Applications

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    We live in a 3D world which has embraced ever shrinking technologies, yet the techniques used to create these micro- and nanoscale technologies are inherently 2D. Self-assembly of 2D templates into 3D devices enables the creation of complex tools cheaply, efficiently, and in mass quantity. I utilize this technique to create stimuli-responsive microgrippers, which are shaped like hands with flexible joints and rigid phalanges and range in size from 10 ”m to 4 mm. Intrinsic stress within the hinges provides all the energy necessary for gripping, and thus they require no wires or batteries for operation. Here, I demonstrate their use for both biomedical and defense applications. These microgrippers can be used as microsurgical tools, gripping onto tissue in response to body temperature and excising tissue from the gastrointestinal tract in both in vivo and ex vivo porcine models. A Monte Carlo model confirmed that these tiny tools has a higher probability of sampling tissue from a lesion as compared to the traditional biopsy foreceps. These grippers were scaled down to 10 ”m and used to capture single cells for in vitro isolation, imaging, and assays. All-polymeric, porous, stimuli-responsive therapeutic grippers or “theragrippers” which swell and de-swell around body temperature were created for drug delivery applications. These theragrippers can be loaded with commercial drugs for biphasic, site-specific controlled release and were successfully demonstrated in an in vitro and an in vivo model. For defense applications, integrating microelectronics like RFID’s onto the microgrippers creates tagging, tracking, and locating (TTL) devices capable of latching onto clothing, hair, and moving animal targets. This integrated design is enabled using high throughput solder-based self-assembly. This defense application, particularly reliant on covert, wireless technology, benefits from our novel photothermal actuation mechanism using low power, handheld lasers. In addition to triggering microgripper closing, this actuation scheme also enables complex sequential folding pathways, a step towards programmable matter

    3D and 4D assembly of functional structures using shape-morphing materials for biological applications

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    3D structures are crucial to biological function in the human body, driving interest in their in vitro fabrication. Advances in shape-morphing materials allow the assembly of 3D functional materials with the ability to modulate the architecture, flexibility, functionality, and other properties of the final product that suit the desired application. The principles of these techniques correspond to the principles of origami and kirigami, which enable the transformation of planar materials into 3D structures by folding, cutting, and twisting the 2D structure. In these approaches, materials responding to a certain stimulus will be used to manufacture a preliminary structure. Upon applying the stimuli, the architecture changes, which could be considered the fourth dimension in the manufacturing process. Here, we briefly summarize manufacturing techniques, such as lithography and 3D printing, that can be used in fabricating complex structures based on the aforementioned principles. We then discuss the common architectures that have been developed using these methods, which include but are not limited to gripping, rolling, and folding structures. Then, we describe the biomedical applications of these structures, such as sensors, scaffolds, and minimally invasive medical devices. Finally, we discuss challenges and future directions in using shape-morphing materials to develop biomimetic and bioinspired designs

    Honeybee-inspired electrostatic microparticle manipulation system based on triboelectric nanogenerator

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    Electrostatic manipulation of particles or droplets has raised huge interests across many fields including biomedical analysis, microchemistry and microfabrication/patterning, because of its merits of simple configu- ration and easy operation. However, traditionally applied bulky high voltage sources for electrostatic manipu- lation not only have potential safety risk to the operator and the devices, but also limit the portability. Here, we proposed an electrostatic microparticle manipulation system (EMMS) based on a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG). Inspired from the pollen collection principle of honeybees, the EMMS featured a simple pin-to-plate electrodes system, which was electrostatically powered by the high voltage of the TENG. Different manipula- tion modes, including contact manipulation and noncontact manipulation were systematically studied. With a sliding displacement of 5 cm, the TENG delivered an output voltage of ± 3.2 kV, which could manipulate dielectric microparticles with weights of 1.7 mg, 0.9 mg and 13.3 mg at contact manipulation mode, noncontact manipulation (vertical lift) and noncontact manipulation (parallel move) mode, respectively. Manipulation mechanisms for both dielectric and conductive microparticles under different configurations of the pin-to-plate electrodes system were investigated. Finally, potential applications including micropatterning, dust remove and drug release/microchemistry were demonstrated to show the great prospects of the proposed TENG-based EMM