8 research outputs found

    A Method for Reasoning about other Agents\u27 Beliefs from Observations

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    Traditional work in belief revision deals with the question of what an agent should believe upon receiving new information. We will give an overview about what can be concluded about an agent based on an observation of its belief revision behaviour. The observation contains partial information about the revision inputs received by the agent and its beliefs upon receiving them. We will sketch a method for reasoning about past and future beliefs of the agent and predicting which inputs it accepts and rejects. The focus of this talk will be on different degrees of incompleteness of the observation and variants of the general question we are able to deal with

    AGM 25 years: twenty-five years of research in belief change

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    The 1985 paper by Carlos Alchourrón (1931–1996), Peter Gärdenfors, and David Makinson (AGM), “On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Meet Contraction and Revision Functions” was the starting-point of a large and rapidly growing literature that employs formal models in the investigation of changes in belief states and databases. In this review, the first twenty five years of this development are summarized. The topics covered include equivalent characterizations of AGM operations, extended representations of the belief states, change operators not included in the original framework, iterated change, applications of the model, its connections with other formal frameworks, computatibility of AGM operations, and criticism of the model.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Method for Reasoning about other Agents' Beliefs from Observations

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    Belief revision traditionally deals | from a first person perspective | with the question of what an agent should believe given an initial state and a revision input. This question is approached in two main ways: (i) formulating general properties a belief revision operator should satisfy and (ii) constructing specific revision operators. Reasoning about what another agent does in fact believe during a sequence of revisions is equally important as agents are not alone in the world and have to interact successfully with each other. This third person perspective, which we look at in this thesis, has received much less attention so far. In order to allow for a focused investigation, we assume the observed agent to employ a particular framework for iterated non-prioritised revision, i.e., a framework that allows for dealing with sequences of revision inputs that are not necessarily accepted by the agent. One important component of the agent's epistemic state is its core belief | a formula determining which revision inputs are accepted and which are not, a belief the agent commits to at all times

    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2007

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    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2007:Inhalt - Die Research Academy Leipzig - Rede zum einjährigen Jubiläum der Gründung der Research Academy Leipzig - Die Vorteile von Promotionsschulen Eine Betreuerperspektive - Fächerübergreifende Qualifikationsmaßnahmen: Die Veranstaltungen der Research Academy Leipzig 2007 - Präsentation in der Öffentlichkeit - Kleinkindbetreuung für Kinder der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden - Das Graduiertenzentrum Mathematik/Informatik und Naturwissenschaften - Graduiertenschule Leipzig School of Natural Sciences – Building with Molecules and Nano-objects BuildMoNa - Deutsch-Französisches Doktorandenkollegium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems - International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences - International Research Training Group Diffusion in Porous Materials - Graduiertenkolleg Analysis, Geometrie und ihre Verbindung zu den Naturwissenschaften - Graduiertenkolleg Wissensrepräsentation - Graduiertenkolleg Mechanistische und Anwendungsaspekte nichtkonventioneller Oxidationsreaktionen - Internationales Promotionsprogramm Forschung in Grenzgebieten der Chemie - Das Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften - Graduiertenkolleg Interdisziplinäre Ansätze in den Neurowissenschaften InterNeuro - Graduiertenkolleg Funktion von Aufmerksamkeit bei kognitiven Prozessen - Internationales Promotionsprogramm Von der Signalverarbeitung zum Verhalten IPP Signal - International Max Planck Research School The Leipzig School of Human Origins - MD-PhD-Programm der Universität Leipzig - Graduiertenkolleg Universalität und Diversität: Sprachliche Strukturen und Prozesse - Das Graduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften - Internationales Promotionsprogramm Transnationalisierung und Regionalisierung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart - Graduiertenkolleg Bruchzonen der Globalisierung - Deutsch als Fremdsprache Transcultural German Studies - Kultureller Austausch Altertumswissenschaftliche, historische und ethnologische Perspektiven - Praktiken gesellschaftlicher Raumproduktionen in Europa Geographische, historische und soziologische Perspektiven - Bildnachweise - Impressu

    A Method for Reasoning about other Agents' Beliefs from Observations

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    Belief revision traditionally deals | from a first person perspective | with the question of what an agent should believe given an initial state and a revision input. This question is approached in two main ways: (i) formulating general properties a belief revision operator should satisfy and (ii) constructing specific revision operators. Reasoning about what another agent does in fact believe during a sequence of revisions is equally important as agents are not alone in the world and have to interact successfully with each other. This third person perspective, which we look at in this thesis, has received much less attention so far. In order to allow for a focused investigation, we assume the observed agent to employ a particular framework for iterated non-prioritised revision, i.e., a framework that allows for dealing with sequences of revision inputs that are not necessarily accepted by the agent. One important component of the agent's epistemic state is its core belief | a formula determining which revision inputs are accepted and which are not, a belief the agent commits to at all times