39 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambarancustomer relationship management, gambaran loyalitas pelanggan, manifestasi bonding, trust, communication, commitment dan satisfaction pada customer relationship management, manifestasi repurchase intention, word of mouth, customer retentiondan customer value pada loyalitas pelanggan dan pengaruh customer relationship management terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory surveidengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 110 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan alat bantu program AMOSfor Windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran customer relationship management relatif lebih baik dari pada loyalitas pelanggan. Customer relationship managementmemiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kata Kunci: BNI Syariah, Customer Relationship Management, Loyalitas Pelanggan This study aims to obtain a description of customer relationship management, a description of customer loyalty, manifestation of bonding, trust, communication, commitment and satisfaction in customer relationship management, repurchase intention manifestations, word of mouth, customer retention and customer value on customer loyalty and influence of customer relationship management towards customer loyalty. The type of research used is descriptive and verification. The method used is explanatory survey with a sample size of 110 respondents. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM) with the AMOS for Windows program. The findings of this study indicate that the image of customer relationship management is relatively better than customer loyalty. Customer relationship management has a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. Keywords: BNI Syariah, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Loyalt

    Does Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation influence the performance of telecommunication services: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This study examines CRM implementation and proposed a conceptual model linking customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry.The model was developed based on observed practical issues, industry reports and explicit review of empirical literatures on CRM in multidimensional disciplines using qualitative technique.Findings from this research revealed a significant relationship between CRM measurements, customer satisfaction, switching costs and customer loyalty.Although few literatures have established the influence of CRM measurements on customer loyalty effectiveness, this study has further availed scholars/practitioners knowledge of the theoretical relationships as well as the importance of CRM maintenance in predicting successful CRM implementation.It finally recommends that CRM implementing organizations should integrate CRM maintenance as a precondition for CRM sustainability in their organizations

    An empirical study on the factors influencing customers satisfaction among mobile phone users at the University of Benghazi in Libya

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    The company needs an achievement for business continuously in order to sure the satisfaction of customer every day. This is targeting refer to the group whether individual or organizations. The purpose of this study is to understand the effect between customer relationship management (CRM) information systems, service quality, reliability and tangibles on customer satisfaction in the Libyan mobile telecommunication services and also this sector is highly competitive. In addition, the purpose of this research is to gain the knowledge customer relationship management information systems. This is an empirical study using mainly primary data collected through a well-structured questionnaire. This study carried out by covering 132 of customers who using a mobile phone. The results indicate that all of the four hypotheses tested are supported. There is a positive impact and significant relationship between the customer satisfaction and customer relationship management (CRM) information systems, service quality, reliability and tangibles. In conclusion, the present study has its own limitation since this research is only conducted in master program students at Benghazi University in Libya. Therefore the finding of the study is unable to be generalizing for the whole population of hand phone users in Libya as the sample size is considered small


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    This article aims to construct the dimensions of customer relationship management (CRM), which consists of processes, preferences, customization, readiness, and capability in the retail service industry. With a total sample of 257, the results of testing using Structural Equation Modelling show that the fifth dimension of CRM construction contributes significantly to the construction of CRM.The findingsof the study on the construction of CRM customizationshow that there is still a weaknesses in registering valuable loyal customers. The collapse of conventional retail business is caused by not putting the priority of detecting valuable old customers This weaknessbecomes the strength of online retailers who are able to get traditional retail customers to switch to online platforms. CRM customization is also a crucial managerial implication for conventional, digital retailers and digital-conventional retail formats

    Integrated Paradigm of Lean Supply Chain of SMEs by Utilizing Customer Relationship Management Capabilities and Family Distribution Networks

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    This study aims to provide an explanation of the differences in the results of research regarding the relationship between the capabilities of management of customer relationships with marketing performance, through family distribution networks as a part of supply chain management with the object on food and beverage SMEs Banten Province, Indonesia. The testing of this empirical research model uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using several software, namely AMOS 18.0, SPSS 20 and Excel 2013. The unit of analysis in this study was carried out with a census for SME managers with 191 sample sizes. The results reveal that customer relationship management capabilities and value creation in business are significantly related to family distribution networks. In addition, business network accessibility also plays a positive role in improving family distribution networks, and in marketing performance. Family distribution networks, as an originality offered in this study, significantly influence marketing performance. The results of this study underscore the importance of using family distribution networks to improve the effectiveness of supply chain management, physical product distribution and to improve SME marketing performance

    Social CRM Performance Model: An Empirical Evaluation

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    This paper presents an empirical investigation of a Social CRM performance model within an organizational perspective. A constraining factor regarding the implementation of Social CRM and the achievement of its objectives is the lack of an appropriate performance model. Little research has been conducted on a corresponding holistic approach and on the development of formative performance constructs. To address this gap, the article develops and empirically evaluates a Social CRM performance model, including an infrastructure-, process-, customer- and organizational performance construct. The data is analyzed using a structural equation model with a surveying sample of 126 marketing, communication and IT decision makers. The results show that infrastructure performance has an indirect, process performance a direct and customer performance no association with organizational performance. The Social CRM performance model generates deeper insights into a company’s performance interrelationship and provides a control system, in order to assess Social CRM activities and enhance organizational performance

    Music business models and piracy

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    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the scale of illegal file-sharing activity across ten countries and to correlate this activity with country revenues. The work aims to elucidate an under-explored business model challenge which exists in parallel with a music piracy challenge. The study data are drawn from a number of sources, including a data set of a survey of more than 44,000 consumers in ten different countries undertaken in 2010. Following analysis, all findings are validated by a panel of industry experts. Results show that non-legitimate file-sharing activity is a heterogeneous issue across countries. The scale of activity varies from 14 per cent in Germany to 44 per cent in Spain, with an average of 28 per cent. File-sharing activity negatively correlates to music industry revenue per capita. This research finds many consumers are not engaging with online business models. Almost one fourth of the population claim that they do not consume digital music in either legal or illegal forms. This phenomenon is also negatively correlated with sales per capita. Results support the need for policy makers to introduce strong intellectual property rights (IPR) regulation which reduces file-sharing activity. The work also identifies a large percentage of non-participants in the digital market who may be re-engaged with music through business model innovation. This research presents a map of the current file-sharing activity in ten countries using a rich and unique dataset. The work identifies that a country's legal origin correlates to data on file-sharing activity, with countries from a German legal origin illegally file sharing least. Approximately, half of the survey respondents chose not to answer the question related to file-sharing activity. Different estimates of the true scale of file-sharing activity are given based upon three different assumptions of the file sharing activity of non-respondents to this question. The challenge of engaging consumers in the digital market through different business models is discussed in light of digital music's high velocity environment. © 2013, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved

    Evaluating Social CRM Performance: An Organizational Perspective

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    This paper presents a formative measurement model for Social CRM performance in order to achieve and assess company objectives. The current literature for measuring Social CRM performance does not provide a holistic approach and is operationalized with reflective indicators. To address this gap, the article follows the procedure of Moore and Benbasat (1991), including the creation and assessment of new constructs with new developed and evaluated formative indicators. To evaluate the impact of single indicators on their corresponding constructs, the data is analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis using SmartPLS with a surveying sample of 126 marketing, communication and IT decision makers. The results show that the constructs of infrastructure performance, process performance, customer performance and organizational performance measure Social CRM performance. Especially the first-order constructs of indirect customer performance and department-specific processes are important aspects in this context. Generally, the developed formative indicators and new evaluated first- and second-order constructs generate deeper insights through a control system for Social CRM activities, in order to achieve organizational objectives and track them over time

    Validation of a CRM scale for the B2C market: exploratory factor analysis

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    The main objective of this study was to develop and validate in the United States a reliable and valid scale for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the business-to-consumer (B2C). An American sample (N=210) was collected online using MTurk in order to ensure the presence of a broad variety of American customers. The result was a one-factor model with high reliability and good fit. This research is a starting point to provide a comprehensive valid measure of customer relationship management based on customers’ perspectives. As practical implications, the one-factor model can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify aspects in CRM where specific improvements are needed. Also, it can be used as an instrument of evaluation to help managers better understand how to meet client’s needs in order to deliver high-value products and services developing a long-term and profitable relationship

    A model to improve management of banking customers

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to provide a model to assess and classify banking customers based on the concept of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in order to determine which kind of customers creates more value to the bank. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model comprises two sub-models: (sub-model 1) modelling and prediction of CLV in a multiproduct context using Hierarchical Bayesian models as input to (sub-model 2) a value-based segmentation specially designed to manage customers and products using the Latent Class regression. The model is tested using real transaction data of 1,357 randomly-selected customers of a bank. Findings – This research demonstrates which drivers of customer value better predict the contribution margin and product usage for each of the products considered in order to get the CLV measure. Using this measure, the model implements a value-based segmentation, which helps banks to facilitate the process of customer management. Originality/value – Previous CLV models are mostly conceptual, generalization is one of their main concerns, are usually focused on single product categories, and they are not design with a special emphasis on their application as support for managerial decisions. In response to these drawbacks, the proposed model will enable decision-makers to improve the understanding of the value of each customer and their behaviour towards different financial products