5,996 research outputs found

    The residual STL volume as a metric to evaluate accuracy and reproducibility of anatomic models for 3D printing: application in the validation of 3D-printable models of maxillofacial bone from reduced radiation dose CT images.

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    BackgroundThe effects of reduced radiation dose CT for the generation of maxillofacial bone STL models for 3D printing is currently unknown. Images of two full-face transplantation patients scanned with non-contrast 320-detector row CT were reconstructed at fractions of the acquisition radiation dose using noise simulation software and both filtered back-projection (FBP) and Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D (AIDR3D). The maxillofacial bone STL model segmented with thresholding from AIDR3D images at 100 % dose was considered the reference. For all other dose/reconstruction method combinations, a "residual STL volume" was calculated as the topologic subtraction of the STL model derived from that dataset from the reference and correlated to radiation dose.ResultsThe residual volume decreased with increasing radiation dose and was lower for AIDR3D compared to FBP reconstructions at all doses. As a fraction of the reference STL volume, the residual volume decreased from 2.9 % (20 % dose) to 1.4 % (50 % dose) in patient 1, and from 4.1 % to 1.9 %, respectively in patient 2 for AIDR3D reconstructions. For FBP reconstructions it decreased from 3.3 % (20 % dose) to 1.0 % (100 % dose) in patient 1, and from 5.5 % to 1.6 %, respectively in patient 2. Its morphology resembled a thin shell on the osseous surface with average thickness <0.1 mm.ConclusionThe residual volume, a topological difference metric of STL models of tissue depicted in DICOM images supports that reduction of CT dose by up to 80 % of the clinical acquisition in conjunction with iterative reconstruction yields maxillofacial bone models accurate for 3D printing

    Towards patient-specific dose and image quality analysis in CT imaging

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    Iterative CT reconstruction from few projections for the nondestructive post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel assemblies

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    The core components (e.g. fuel assemblies, spacer grids, control rods) of the nuclear reactors encounter harsh environment due to high temperature, physical stress, and a tremendous level of radiation. The integrity of these elements is crucial for safe operation of the nuclear power plants. The Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) can reveal information about the integrity of the elements during normal operations and off‐normal events. Computed tomography (CT) is a tool for evaluating the structural integrity of elements non-destructively. CT requires many projections to be acquired from different view angles after which a mathematical algorithm is adopted for reconstruction. Obtaining many projections is laborious and expensive in nuclear industries. Reconstructions from a small number of projections are explored to achieve faster and cost-efficient PIE. Classical reconstruction algorithms (e.g. filtered back projection) cannot offer stable reconstructions from few projections and create severe streaking artifacts. In this thesis, conventional algorithms are reviewed, and new algorithms are developed for reconstructions of the nuclear fuel assemblies using few projections. CT reconstruction from few projections falls into two categories: the sparse-view CT and the limited-angle CT or tomosynthesis. Iterative reconstruction algorithms are developed for both cases in the field of compressed sensing (CS). The performance of the algorithms is assessed using simulated projections and validated through real projections. The thesis also describes the systematic strategy towards establishing the conditions of reconstructions and finds the optimal imaging parameters for reconstructions of the fuel assemblies from few projections. --Abstract, page iii

    Compressed Sensing Based Reconstruction Algorithm for X-ray Dose Reduction in Synchrotron Source Micro Computed Tomography

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    Synchrotron computed tomography requires a large number of angular projections to reconstruct tomographic images with high resolution for detailed and accurate diagnosis. However, this exposes the specimen to a large amount of x-ray radiation. Furthermore, this increases scan time and, consequently, the likelihood of involuntary specimen movements. One approach for decreasing the total scan time and radiation dose is to reduce the number of projection views needed to reconstruct the images. However, the aliasing artifacts appearing in the image due to the reduced number of projection data, visibly degrade the image quality. According to the compressed sensing theory, a signal can be accurately reconstructed from highly undersampled data by solving an optimization problem, provided that the signal can be sparsely represented in a predefined transform domain. Therefore, this thesis is mainly concerned with designing compressed sensing-based reconstruction algorithms to suppress aliasing artifacts while preserving spatial resolution in the resulting reconstructed image. First, the reduced-view synchrotron computed tomography reconstruction is formulated as a total variation regularized compressed sensing problem. The Douglas-Rachford Splitting and the randomized Kaczmarz methods are utilized to solve the optimization problem of the compressed sensing formulation. In contrast with the first part, where consistent simulated projection data are generated for image reconstruction, the reduced-view inconsistent real ex-vivo synchrotron absorption contrast micro computed tomography bone data are used in the second part. A gradient regularized compressed sensing problem is formulated, and the Douglas-Rachford Splitting and the preconditioned conjugate gradient methods are utilized to solve the optimization problem of the compressed sensing formulation. The wavelet image denoising algorithm is used as the post-processing algorithm to attenuate the unwanted staircase artifact generated by the reconstruction algorithm. Finally, a noisy and highly reduced-view inconsistent real in-vivo synchrotron phase-contrast computed tomography bone data are used for image reconstruction. A combination of prior image constrained compressed sensing framework, and the wavelet regularization is formulated, and the Douglas-Rachford Splitting and the preconditioned conjugate gradient methods are utilized to solve the optimization problem of the compressed sensing formulation. The prior image constrained compressed sensing framework takes advantage of the prior image to promote the sparsity of the target image. It may lead to an unwanted staircase artifact when applied to noisy and texture images, so the wavelet regularization is used to attenuate the unwanted staircase artifact generated by the prior image constrained compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm. The visual and quantitative performance assessments with the reduced-view simulated and real computed tomography data from canine prostate tissue, rat forelimb, and femoral cortical bone samples, show that the proposed algorithms have fewer artifacts and reconstruction errors than other conventional reconstruction algorithms at the same x-ray dose

    Scenario Planning and Multicriteria Analysis in the acquisition of a sophisticated medical equipment: The Case of Instituto PortuguĂȘs de Oncologia

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    Healthcare management is a process that is becoming more and more challenging. Due to constant changes, either economic, political, social or others, the healthcare industry suffers certain uncertainties in their services. One of the challenges is the increase in costs of medical equipment, which is also associated with a fast evolution of technology and lack of good practices of procurement. Being one of the most valuable sources for any company, technology is especially important in healthcare, since it helps to improve the diagnostic and quality of the service provided. But, with the current economic crisis, hospitals are suffering budget cuts, affecting the options available in terms of technology. Hence, the job of healthcare managers is becoming more difficult, but also increasing in importance, since a good decision in necessary to please both customer, and employer. In this work, the case of Instituto PortuguĂȘs de Oncologia de Lisboa will be analysed, where the decision to either acquire, or not, a new computerized axial tomography is being considered. Scenario Planning and the Multicriteria Decision Analysis were the methodology implemented. It was concluded that the best option for IPO is to replace their old computerized axial tomography by a new one, with a leasing contract, instead of direct acquisition

    Computed Tomography in the Modern Slaughterhouse

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    Image quality and dosimetry of a dual source computed tomography scanner with special emphasis on radiation dose of lung in a chest examination

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    The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the Dual Source Computed Tomography scanner in terms of Image quality and dosimetry with special emphasis of radiation dose of lung in a Chest examination.Zielsetzung der Studie war die Evaluation eines Dual-Source-Computertomographen hinsichtlich BildqualitÀt und Dosimetrie mit speziellem Fokus auf der Lungendosis in Thoraxuntersuchungen

    On the clinical potential of ion computed tomography with different detector systems and ion species

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