8 research outputs found

    A Machine-Learning Based Connectivity Model for Complex Terrain Large-Scale Low-Power Wireless Deployments

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    International audienceWe evaluate the accuracy of a machine-learning-based path loss model trained on 42,157,324 RSSI samples collected over one year from an environmental wireless sensor network using 2.4 GHz radios. The 2218 links in the network span a 2000 km 2 basin and are deployed in a complex environment, with large variations of terrain attributes and vegetation coverage. Four candidate machine-learning algorithms were evaluated in order to find the one with lowest error: Random Forest, Adaboost, Neural Networks, and K-Neareast-Neighbors. Of the candidate models, Random Forest showed the lowest error. The independent variables used in the model include path distance, canopy coverage, terrain variability, and path angle. We compare the accuracy of this model to several well-known canonical (Free Space, plane earth) and empirical propagation models (Weissberger, ITU-R, COST235). Unlike canonical models, machine-learning algorithms are not problem-specific: they rely on an extensive dataset and a flexible model architecture to make predictions. We show how this model achieves a 37% reduction in the average prediction error compared to the canonical/empirical model with the best performance. The article presents a in-depth discussion on the strengths and limitations of the proposed approach as well as opportunities for further research

    Machine Learning Classifier Approach with Gaussian Process, Ensemble boosted Trees, SVM, and Linear Regression for 5G Signal Coverage Mapping

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    This article offers a thorough analysis of the machine learning classifiers approaches for the collected Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) samples which can be applied in predicting propagation loss, used for network planning to achieve maximum coverage. We estimated the RMSE of a machine learning classifier on multivariate RSSI data collected from the cluster of 6 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) across a hilly terrain of Uttarakhand-India. Variable attributes comprise topology, environment, and forest canopy. Four machine learning classifiers have been investigated to identify the classifier with the least RMSE: Gaussian Process, Ensemble Boosted Tree, SVM, and Linear Regression. Gaussian Process showed the lowest RMSE, R- Squared, MSE, and MAE of 1.96, 0.98, 3.8774, and 1.3202 respectively as compared to other classifiers

    Channel Estimation via Loss Field: Accurate Site-Trained Modeling for Shadowing Prediction

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    Future mobile ad hoc networks will share spectrum between many users. Channels will be assigned on the fly to guarantee signal and interference power requirements for requested links. Channel losses must be re-estimated between many pairs of users as they move and as environmental conditions change. Computational complexity must be low, precluding the use of some accurate but computationally intensive site-specific channel models. Channel model errors must be low, precluding the use of standard statistical channel models. We propose a new channel model, CELF, which uses channel loss measurements from a deployed network in the area and a Bayesian linear regression method to estimate a site-specific loss field for the area. The loss field is explainable as the site's 'shadowing' of the radio propagation across the area of interest, but it requires no site-specific terrain or building information. Then, for any arbitrary pair of transmitter and receiver positions, CELF sums the loss field near the link line to estimate its channel loss. We use extensive measurements to show that CELF lowers the variance of channel estimates by up to 56%. It outperforms 3 popular machine learning methods in variance reduction and training efficiency

    Development of a modified propagation model of a wireless mobile communication system in a 4G network

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    Pathloss is a key element that causes signal deterioration in the channel as the signal power reduces inversely with propagation distance, this deterioration experienced by the channel is majorly as a result of reflection, absorption, and scattering of the signal. This study however takes into consideration the radio path loss for precise base station (BS), frequency, and power adjustment prediction evaluated over a frequency of 2.3 GHz. With a distance range between 0.1 and 1.5 km for collection of data on the measured received signal strength (MRSS), five empirical models and a modified model were used to validate the measured data to determine their suitability for pathloss prediction at Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), Imo state, Nigeria. The results shows that the root mean square error (RMSE) for the Okumura-Hata, COST 231-Hata, Ericsson model, Lee, Stanford University Interim (SUI), ECC-33, and modified models are 14.33, 9.73, 25.79, 48.4, 33.76, and 8.31 dB respectively. Additionally, the Ericsson model provided 0.498 dB, the COST 231-Hata recorded 0.733 dB, and the modified model provided 0.453 dB for mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Therefore, the improved model produces the best results, consequently, be deployed to approximately predict path loss for mobile radio coverage in Owerri, Nigeria

    Machine learning to empower electrohydrodynamic processing

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    Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) processes are promising healthcare fabrication technologies, as evidenced by the number of commercialised and food-and-drug administration (FDA)-approved products produced by these processes. Their ability to produce both rapidly and precisely nano-sized products provides them with a unique set of qualities that cannot be matched by other fabrication technologies. Consequently, this has stimulated the development of EHD processing to tackle other healthcare challenges. However, as with most technologies, time and resources will be needed to realise fully the potential EHD processes can offer. To address this bottleneck, researchers are adopting machine learning (ML), a subset of artificial intelligence, into their workflow. ML has already made ground-breaking advancements in the healthcare sector, and it is anticipated to do the same in the materials domain. Presently, the application of ML in fabrication technologies lags behind other sectors. To that end, this review showcases the progress made by ML for EHD workflows, demonstrating how the latter can benefit greatly from the former. In addition, we provide an introduction to the ML pipeline, to help encourage the use of ML for other EHD researchers. As discussed, the merger of ML with EHD has the potential to expedite novel discoveries and to automate the EHD workflow

    Real-time Alpine Measurement System Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audienceMonitoring the snow pack is crucial for many stakeholders, whether for hydro-poweroptimization, water management or flood control. Traditional forecasting relies on regressionmethods, which often results in snow melt runoff predictions of low accuracy in non-averageyears. Existing ground-based real-time measurement systems do not cover enough physiographicvariability and are mostly installed at low elevations. We present the hardware and software designof a state-of-the-art distributedWireless Sensor Network (WSN)-based autonomous measurementsystem with real-time remote data transmission that gathers data of snow depth, air temperature,air relative humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature, and solar radiation in physiographicallyrepresentative locations. Elevation, aspect, slope and vegetation are used to select networklocations, and distribute sensors throughout a given network location, since they govern snowpack variability at various scales. Three WSNs were installed in the Sierra Nevada of NorthernCalifornia throughout the North Fork of the Feather River, upstream of the Oroville dam and multiplepowerhouses along the river. The WSNs gathered hydrologic variables and network health statisticsthroughout the 2017 water year, one of northern Sierra’s wettest years on record. These networksleverage an ultra-low-power wireless technology to interconnect their components and offer recoveryfeatures, resilience to data loss due to weather and wildlife disturbances and real-time topologicalvisualizations of the network health. Data show considerable spatial variability of snow depth, evenwithin a 1 km2 network location. Combined with existing systems, these WSNs can better detectprecipitation timing and phase in, monitor sub-daily dynamics of infiltration and surface runoffduring precipitation or snow melt, and inform hydro power managers about actual ablation andend-of-season date across the landscape

    Novel improvements of empirical wireless channel models and proposals of machine-learning-based path loss prediction models for future communication networks.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Path loss is the primary factor that determines the overall coverage of networks. Therefore, designing reliable wireless communication systems requires accurate path loss prediction models. Future wireless mobile systems will rely mainly on the super-high frequency (SHF) and the millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands due to the massively available bandwidths that will meet projected users’ demands, such as the needs of the fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems and other high-speed multimedia services. However, these bands are more sensitive and exhibit a different propagation behavior compared to the frequency bands below 6 GHz. Hence, improving the existing models and developing new models are vital for characterizing the wireless communication channel in both indoor and outdoor environments for future SHF and mmWave services. This dissertation proposes new path loss and LOS probability models and efficiently improves the well-known close-in (CI) free space reference distance model and the floating-intercept (FI) model. Real measured data was taken for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communication scenarios in a typical indoor corridor environment at three selected frequencies within the SHF band, namely 14 GHz, 18 GHz, and 22 GHz. The research finding of this work reveals that the proposed models have better performance in terms of their accuracy in fitting real measured data collected from measurement campaigns. In addition, this research studies the impact of the angle of arrival and the antenna heights on the current and improved CI and FI models. The results show that the proposed improved models provide better stability and sensitivity to the change of these parameters. Furthermore, the mean square error between the models and their improved versions was presented as another proof of the superiority of the proposed improvement. Moreover, this research shows that shadow fading’s standard deviation can have a notable reduction in both the LOS and NLOS scenarios (especially in the NLOS), which means higher precision in predicting the path loss compared to the existing standard models. After that, the dissertation presents investigations on high-ordering the dependency of the standard CI path loss model on the distance between the transmitting and the receiving antennas at the logarithmic scale. Two improved models are provided and discussed: second-order CI and third-order CI models. The main results reveal that the proposed two models outperform the standard CI model and notable reductions in the shadow fading’s standard deviation values as the model’s order increases, which means that more precision is provided. This part of the dissertation also provides a trade-off study between the model’s accuracy and simplicity