33 research outputs found

    Weiterentwicklung analytischer Datenbanksysteme

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    This thesis contributes to the state of the art in analytical database systems. First, we identify and explore extensions to better support analytics on event streams. Second, we propose a novel polygon index to enable efficient geospatial data processing in main memory. Third, we contribute a new deep learning approach to cardinality estimation, which is the core problem in cost-based query optimization.Diese Arbeit trägt zum aktuellen Forschungsstand von analytischen Datenbanksystemen bei. Wir identifizieren und explorieren Erweiterungen um Analysen auf Eventströmen besser zu unterstützen. Wir stellen eine neue Indexstruktur für Polygone vor, die eine effiziente Verarbeitung von Geodaten im Hauptspeicher ermöglicht. Zudem präsentieren wir einen neuen Ansatz für Kardinalitätsschätzungen mittels maschinellen Lernens

    Transactions and data management in NoSQL cloud databases

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    NoSQL databases have become the preferred option for storing and processing data in cloud computing as they are capable of providing high data availability, scalability and efficiency. But in order to achieve these attributes, NoSQL databases make certain trade-offs. First, NoSQL databases cannot guarantee strong consistency of data. They only guarantee a weaker consistency which is based on eventual consistency model. Second, NoSQL databases adopt a simple data model which makes it easy for data to be scaled across multiple nodes. Third, NoSQL databases do not support table joins and referential integrity which by implication, means they cannot implement complex queries. The combination of these factors implies that NoSQL databases cannot support transactions. Motivated by these crucial issues this thesis investigates into the transactions and data management in NoSQL databases. It presents a novel approach that implements transactional support for NoSQL databases in order to ensure stronger data consistency and provide appropriate level of performance. The novelty lies in the design of a Multi-Key transaction model that guarantees the standard properties of transactions in order to ensure stronger consistency and integrity of data. The model is implemented in a novel loosely-coupled architecture that separates the implementation of transactional logic from the underlying data thus ensuring transparency and abstraction in cloud and NoSQL databases. The proposed approach is validated through the development of a prototype system using real MongoDB system. An extended version of the standard Yahoo! Cloud Services Benchmark (YCSB) has been used in order to test and evaluate the proposed approach. Various experiments have been conducted and sets of results have been generated. The results show that the proposed approach meets the research objectives. It maintains stronger consistency of cloud data as well as appropriate level of reliability and performance

    Proceedings. 9th 3DGeoInfo Conference 2014, [11-13 November 2014, Dubai]

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    It is known that, scientific disciplines such as geology, geophysics, and reservoir exploration intrinsically use 3D geo-information in their models and simulations. However, 3D geo-information is also urgently needed in many traditional 2D planning areas such as civil engineering, city and infrastructure modeling, architecture, environmental planning etc. Altogether, 3DGeoInfo is an emerging technology that will greatly influence the market within the next few decades. The 9th International 3DGeoInfo Conference aims at bringing together international state-of-the-art researchers and practitioners facilitating the dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geo-information. The conference in Dubai offers an interdisciplinary forum of sub- and above-surface 3D geo-information researchers and practitioners dealing with data acquisition, modeling, management, maintenance, visualization, and analysis of 3D geo-information

    InSight2: An Interactive Web Based Platform for Modeling and Analysis of Large Scale Argus Network Flow Data

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    Monitoring systems are paramount to the proactive detection and mitigation of problems in computer networks related to performance and security. Degraded performance and compromised end-nodes can cost computer networks downtime, data loss and reputation. InSight2 is a platform that models, analyzes and visualizes large scale Argus network flow data using up-to-date geographical data, organizational information, and emerging threats. It is engineered to meet the needs of network administrators with flexibility and modularity in mind. Scalability is ensured by devising multi-core processing by implementing robust software architecture. Extendibility is achieved by enabling the end user to enrich flow records using additional user provided databases. Deployment is streamlined by providing an automated installation script. State-of-the-art visualizations are devised and presented in a secure, user friendly web interface giving greater insight about the network to the end user

    (MASSA: Multi-agent system to support functional annotation)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, leída el 23-11-2015Predecir la función biológica de secuencias de Ácido Desoxirribonucleico (ADN) es unos de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrenta la Bioinformática. Esta tarea se denomina anotación funcional y es un proceso complejo, laborioso y que requiere mucho tiempo. Dado su impacto en investigaciones y anotaciones futuras, la anotación debe ser lo más able y precisa posible. Idealmente, las secuencias deberían ser estudiadas y anotadas manualmente por un experto, garantizando así resultados precisos y de calidad. Sin embargo, la anotación manual solo es factible para pequeños conjuntos de datos o genomas de referencia. Con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías de secuenciación, el volumen de datos ha crecido signi cativamente, haciendo aún más crítica la necesidad de implementaciones automáticas del proceso. Por su parte, la anotación automática es capaz de manejar grandes cantidades de datos y producir un análisis consistente. Otra ventaja de esta aproximación es su rapidez y bajo coste en relación a la manual. Sin embargo, sus resultados son menos precisos que los manuales y, en general, deben ser revisados ( curados ) por un experto. Aunque los procesos colaborativos de la anotación en comunidad pueden ser utilizados para reducir este cuello de botella, los esfuerzos en esta línea no han tenido hasta ahora el éxito esperado. Además, el problema de la anotación, como muchos otros en el dominio de la Bioinformática, abarca información heterogénea, distribuida y en constante evolución. Una posible aproximación para superar estos problemas consiste en cambiar el foco del proceso de los expertos individuales a su comunidad, y diseñar las herramientas de manera que faciliten la gestión del conocimiento y los recursos. Este trabajo adopta esta línea y propone MASSA (Multi-Agent System to Support functional Annotation), una arquitectura de Sistema Multi-Agente (SMA) para Soportar la Anotación funcional...Predicting the biological function of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequences is one of the many challenges faced by Bioinformatics. This task is called functional annotation, and it is a complex, labor-intensive, and time-consuming process. This annotation has to be as accurate and reliable as possible given its impact in further researches and annotations. In order to guarantee a high-quality outcome, each sequence should be manually studied and annotated by an expert. Although desirable, the manual annotation is only feasible for small datasets or reference genomes. As the volume of genomic data has been increasing, specially after the advent of Next Generation Sequencing techniques, automatic implementations of this process are a necessity. The automatic annotation can handle a huge amount of data and produce consistent analyses. Besides, it is faster and less expensive than the manual approach. However, its outcome is less precise than the one predicted manually and often has to be curated by an expert. Although collaborative processes of community annotation could address this expert bottleneck in automatic annotation, these e orts have failed until now. Moreover, the annotation problem, as many others in this domain, has to deal with heterogeneous information that is distributed and constantly evolving. A possible way to overcome these hurdles is with a shift in the focus of the process from individual experts to communities, and with a design of tools that facilitates the management of knowledge and resources. This work follows this approach proposing MASSA, an architecture for a Multi-Agent System (MAS) to Support functional Annotation...Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu