295 research outputs found

    MIMO-aided near-capacity turbo transceivers: taxonomy and performance versus complexity

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    In this treatise, we firstly review the associated Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system theory and review the family of hard-decision and soft-decision based detection algorithms in the context of Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM) systems. Our discussions culminate in the introduction of a range of powerful novel MIMO detectors, such as for example Markov Chain assisted Minimum Bit-Error Rate (MC-MBER) detectors, which are capable of reliably operating in the challenging high-importance rank-deficient scenarios, where there are more transmitters than receivers and hence the resultant channel-matrix becomes non-invertible. As a result, conventional detectors would exhibit a high residual error floor. We then invoke the Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO) MIMO detectors for creating turbo-detected two- or three-stage concatenated SDM schemes and investigate their attainable performance in the light of their computational complexity. Finally, we introduce the powerful design tools of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT)-charts and characterize the achievable performance of the diverse near- capacity SISO detectors with the aid of EXIT charts

    Linear Precoding with Low-Resolution DACs for Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink

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    We consider the downlink of a massive multiuser (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in which the base station (BS) is equipped with low-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs). In contrast to most existing results, we assume that the system operates over a frequency-selective wideband channel and uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to simplify equalization at the user equipments (UEs). Furthermore, we consider the practically relevant case of oversampling DACs. We theoretically analyze the uncoded bit error rate (BER) performance with linear precoders (e.g., zero forcing) and quadrature phase-shift keying using Bussgang's theorem. We also develop a lower bound on the information-theoretic sum-rate throughput achievable with Gaussian inputs, which can be evaluated in closed form for the case of 1-bit DACs. For the case of multi-bit DACs, we derive approximate, yet accurate, expressions for the distortion caused by low-precision DACs, which can be used to establish lower bounds on the corresponding sum-rate throughput. Our results demonstrate that, for a massive MU-MIMO-OFDM system with a 128-antenna BS serving 16 UEs, only 3--4 DAC bits are required to achieve an uncoded BER of 10^-4 with a negligible performance loss compared to the infinite-resolution case at the cost of additional out-of-band emissions. Furthermore, our results highlight the importance of taking into account the inherent spatial and temporal correlations caused by low-precision DACs

    Link level performance evaluation and link abstraction for LTE/LTE-advanced downlink

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    Els objectius principals d'aquesta tesis són l'avaluació del rendiment a nivell d'enllaç i l'estudi de l'abstracció de l'enllaç pel LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. S’ha desenvolupat un simulador del nivell d'enllaç E-UTRA DL basat en la tecnologia MIMO-OFDM. Es simulen els errors d'estimació de canal amb un model d'error de soroll additiu Gaussià anomenat CEEM. El resultat d'aquest simulador serveix per avaluar el rendiment a nivell d'enllaç del LTE/LTE-Advanced DL en diferents entorns . La idea bàsica dels mètodes d'abstracció de l'enllaç és mapejar el vector de SNRs de les subportadores a un valor escalar, l'anomenada ESNR, la qual és usada per a predir la BLER. Proposem un innovador mètode d'abstracció de l'enllaç que pot predir la BLER amb bona precisió en esvaïments multicamí i que inclouen els efectes de les retransmissions HARQ. El mètode proposat es basa amb l'estimació de la informació mútua entre els bits transmesos i els LLRs rebuts.The main objectives of this dissertation are the evaluation of the link level performance and the study of link abstraction for LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. An E-UTRA DL link level simulator has been developed based on MIMO-OFDM technology. We simulate channel estimation errors by a Gaussian additive noise error model called CEEM. The result of this simulator serves to evaluate the MIMO-OFDM LTE/LTE-Advanced DL link level performance in different environments. The basic idea of link abstraction methods is to map the vector of the subcarrier SNRs to a single scalar, the ESNR, which is then used to predict the BLER. We propose a novel link abstraction method that can predict the BLER with good accuracy in multipath fading and including the effects of HARQ retransmissions. The proposed method is based on estimating the mutual information between the transmitted bits and the received LLRs.Postprint (published version

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMultiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) technique has emerged as a key feature for future generations of wireless communication systems. It increases the channel capacity proportionate to the minimum number of transmit and receive antennas. This dissertation addresses the receiver design for high-rate MIMO communications in at fading environments. The emphasis of the thesis is on the cases where channel state information (CSI) is not available and thus, clever channel estimation algorithms have to be developed to bene t from the maximum available channel capacity. The thesis makes four distinct novel contributions. First, we note that the conventional MCMC-MIMO detector presented in the prior work may deteriorate as SNR increases. We suggest and show through computer simulations that this problem to a great extent can be solved by initializing the MCMC detector with regulated states which are found through linear detectors. We also introduce the novel concept of staged-MCMC in a turbo receiver, where we start the detection process at a lower complexity and increase complexity only if the data could not be correctly detected in the present stage of data detection. Second, we note that in high-rate MIMO communications, joint data detection and channel estimation poses new challenges when a turbo loop is used to improve the quality of the estimated channel and the detected data. Erroneous detected data may propagate in the turbo loop and, thus, degrade the performance of the receiver signi cantly. This is referred to as error propagation. We propose a novel receiver that decorrelates channel estimation and the detected data to avoid the detrimental e ect of error propagation. Third, the dissertation studies joint channel estimation and MIMO detection over a continuously time-varying channel and proposes a new dual-layer channel estimator to overcome the complexity of optimal channel estimators. The proposed dual-layer channel estimator reduces the complexity of the MIMO detector with optimal channel estimator by an order of magnitude at a cost of a negligible performance degradation, on the order of 0.1 to 0.2 dB. The fourth contribution of this dissertation is to note that the Wiener ltering techniques that are discussed in this dissertation and elsewhere in the literature assume that channel (time-varying) statistics are available. We propose a new method that estimates such statistics using the coarse channel estimates obtained through pilot symbols. The dissertation also makes an additional contribution revealing di erences between the MCMC-MIMO and LMMSE-MIMO detectors. We nd that under the realistic condition where CSI has to be estimated, hence the available channel estimate will be noisy, the MCMC-MIMO detector outperforms the LMMSE-MIMO detector with a signi cant margin

    Code-rate-optimized differentially modulated near-capacity cooperation

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    It is widely recognized that half-duplex-relay-aided differential decode-and-forward (DDF) cooperative transmission schemes are capable of achieving a cooperative diversity gain, while circumventing the potentially excessive-complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, especially in mobile environments. However, when a cooperative wireless communication system is designed to approach the maximum achievable spectral efficiency by taking the cooperation-induced multiplexing loss into account, it is not obvious whether or not the relay-aided system becomes superior to its direct-transmission based counterpart, especially, when advanced channel coding techniques are employed. Furthermore, the optimization of the transmit-interval durations required by the source and relay is an open issue, which has not been well understood in the context of half-duplex relaying schemes. Hence, we first find the optimum transmission duration, which is proportional to the adaptive channel-code rate of the source and relay in the context of Code-Rate-Optimized (CRO) TDMA-based DDF-aided half-duplex systems for the sake of maximizing the achievable network throughput. Then, we investigate the benefits of introducing cooperative mechanisms into wireless networks, which may be approached in the context of the proposed CRO cooperative system both from a pure capacity perspective and from the practical perspective of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channel (DCMC) capacity with the aid of the proposed Irregular Distributed Differential (IrDD) coding aided scheme. In order to achieve a near-capacity performance at a low-complexity, an adaptive-window-duration based Multiple-Symbol Differential Sphere Detection (MSDSD) scheme is employed in the iterative detection aided receiver. Specifically, upon using the proposed near-capacity system design, the IrDD coding scheme devised becomes capable of performing within about 1.8 dB from the corresponding single-relay-aided DDF cooperative system’s DCMC capacity

    Iterative Detection for Overloaded Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systems

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    Inspired by multiuser detection (MUD) and the ‘Turbo principle’, this thesis deals with iterative interference cancellation (IIC) in overloaded multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Linear detection schemes, such as zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) cannot be used for the overloaded system because of the rank deficiency of channel matrix, while the optimal approach, the maximum likelihood (ML) detection has high computational complexity. In this thesis, an iterative interference cancellation (IIC) multiuser detection scheme with matched filter and convolutional codes is considered. The main idea of this combination is a low complexity receiver. Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is employed to improve the multiuser receiver performance for overloaded systems. A log-likelihood ratio (LLR) converter is proposed to further improve the reliability of the soft value converted from the output of the matched filter. Simulation results show that the bit error rate (BER) performance of this method is close to the optimal approach for a two user system. However, for the four user or more user system, it has an error floor of the BER performance. For this case, a channel selection scheme is proposed to distinguish whether the channel is good or bad by using the mutual information based on the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart. The mutual information can be predicted in a look-up table which greatly reduces the complexity. For those ‘bad’ channels identified by the channel selection, we introduce two adaptive transmission methods to deal with such channels: one uses a lower code rate, and the other is multiple transmissions. The use of an IIC receiver with the interleave-division multiple access (IDMA) to further improve the BER performance without any channel selection is also investigated. It has been shown that this approach can remove the error floor. Finally, the influence of channel accuracy on the IIC is investigated. Pilot-based Wiener filter channel estimation is used to test and verify how much the IIC is influenced by the channel accuracy

    Iterative Receiver Techniques for Data-Driven Channel Estimation and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications

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    Wireless mobile communications were initially a way for people to communicate through low data rate voice call connections. As data enabled devices allow users the ability to do much more with their mobile devices, so to will the demand for more reliable and pervasive wireless data. This is being addressed by so-called 4th generation wireless systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems. Mobile wireless customers are becoming more demanding and expecting to have a great user experience over high speed broadband access at any time and anywhere, both indoor and outdoor. However, these promising improvements cannot be realized without an e±cient design of the receiver. Recently, receivers utilizing iterative detection and decoding have changed the fundamental receiver design paradigm from traditional separated parameter estimation and data detection blocks to an integrated iterative parameter estimator and data detection unit. Motivated by this iterative data driven approach, we develop low complexity iterative receivers with improved sensitivity compared to the conventional receivers, this brings potential benefits for the wireless communication system, such as improving the overall system throughput, increasing the macro cell coverage, and reducing the cost of the equipments in both the base station and mobile terminal. It is a challenge to design receivers that have good performance in a highly dynamic mobile wireless environment. One of the challenges is to minimize overhead reference signal energy (preamble, pilot symbols) without compromising the performance. We investigate this problem, and develop an iterative receiver with enhanced data-driven channel estimation. We discuss practical realizations of the iterative receiver for SISO-OFDM system. We utilize the channel estimation from soft decoded data (the a priori information) through frequency-domain combining and time-domain combining strategies in parallel with limited pilot signals. We analyze the performance and complexity of the iterative receiver, and show that the receiver's sensitivity can be improved even with this low complexity solution. Hence, seamless communications can be achieved with better macro cell coverage and mobility without compromising the overall system performance. Another challenge is that a massive amount of interference caused by MIMO transmission (spatial multiplexing MIMO) reduces the performance of the channel estimation, and further degrades data detection performance. We extend the iterative channel estimation from SISO systems to MIMO systems, and work with linear detection methods to perform joint interference mitigation and channel estimation. We further show the robustness of the iterative receivers in both indoor and outdoor environment compared to the conventional receiver approach. Finally, we develop low complexity iterative spatial multiplexed MIMO receivers for nonlinear methods based on two known techniques, that is, the Sphere Decoder (SD) method and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. These methods have superior performance, however, they typically demand a substantial increase in computational complexity, which is not favorable in practical realizations. We investigate and show for the first time how to utilize the a priori information in these methods to achieve performance enhancement while simultaneously substantially reducing the computational complexity. In our modified sphere decoder method, we introduce a new accumulated a priori metric in the tree node enumeration process. We show how we can improve the performance by obtaining the reliable tree node candidate from the joint Maximum Likelihood (ML) metric and an approximated a priori metric. We also show how we can improve the convergence speed of the sphere decoder (i.e., reduce the com- plexity) by selecting the node with the highest a priori probability as the starting node in the enumeration process. In our modified MCMC method, the a priori information is utilized for the firrst time to qualify the reliably decoded bits from the entire signal space. Two new robust MCMC methods are developed to deal with the unreliable bits by using the reliably decoded bit information to cancel the interference that they generate. We show through complexity analysis and performance comparison that these new techniques have improved performance compared to the conventional approaches, and further complexity reduction can be obtained with the assistance of the a priori information. Therefore, the complexity and performance tradeoff of these nonlinear methods can be optimized for practical realizations

    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants