12 research outputs found

    A Logic of Reachable Patterns in Linked Data-Structures

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    We define a new decidable logic for expressing and checking invariants of programs that manipulate dynamically-allocated objects via pointers and destructive pointer updates. The main feature of this logic is the ability to limit the neighborhood of a node that is reachable via a regular expression from a designated node. The logic is closed under boolean operations (entailment, negation) and has a finite model property. The key technical result is the proof of decidability. We show how to express precondition, postconditions, and loop invariants for some interesting programs. It is also possible to express properties such as disjointness of data-structures, and low-level heap mutations. Moreover, our logic can express properties of arbitrary data-structures and of an arbitrary number of pointer fields. The latter provides a way to naturally specify postconditions that relate the fields on entry to a procedure to the fields on exit. Therefore, it is possible to use the logic to automatically prove partial correctness of programs performing low-level heap mutations


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    On Verifying Complex Properties using Symbolic Shape Analysis

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    One of the main challenges in the verification of software systems is the analysis of unbounded data structures with dynamic memory allocation, such as linked data structures and arrays. We describe Bohne, a new analysis for verifying data structures. Bohne verifies data structure operations and shows that 1) the operations preserve data structure invariants and 2) the operations satisfy their specifications expressed in terms of changes to the set of objects stored in the data structure. During the analysis, Bohne infers loop invariants in the form of disjunctions of universally quantified Boolean combinations of formulas. To synthesize loop invariants of this form, Bohne uses a combination of decision procedures for Monadic Second-Order Logic over trees, SMT-LIB decision procedures (currently CVC Lite), and an automated reasoner within the Isabelle interactive theorem prover. This architecture shows that synthesized loop invariants can serve as a useful communication mechanism between different decision procedures. Using Bohne, we have verified operations on data structures such as linked lists with iterators and back pointers, trees with and without parent pointers, two-level skip lists, array data structures, and sorted lists. We have deployed Bohne in the Hob and Jahob data structure analysis systems, enabling us to combine Bohne with analyses of data structure clients and apply it in the context of larger programs. This report describes the Bohne algorithm as well as techniques that Bohne uses to reduce the ammount of annotations and the running time of the analysis

    Propositional Reasoning about Safety and Termination of Heap-Manipulating Programs

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    This paper shows that it is possible to reason about the safety and termination of programs handling potentially cyclic, singly-linked lists using propositional reasoning even when the safety invariants and termination arguments depend on constraints over the lengths of lists. For this purpose, we propose the theory SLH of singly-linked lists with length, which is able to capture non-trivial interactions between shape and arithmetic. When using the theory of bit-vector arithmetic as a background, SLH is efficiently decidable via a reduction to SAT. We show the utility of SLH for software verification by using it to express safety invariants and termination arguments for programs manipulating potentially cyclic, singly-linked lists with unrestricted, unspecified sharing. We also provide an implementation of the decision procedure and use it to check safety and termination proofs for several heap-manipulating programs

    Graph Abstraction and Abstract Graph Transformation

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    Many important systems like concurrent heap-manipulating programs, communication networks, or distributed algorithms are hard to verify due to their inherent dynamics and unboundedness. Graphs are an intuitive representation of states of these systems, where transitions can be conveniently described by graph transformation rules. We present a framework for the abstraction of graphs supporting abstract graph transformation. The abstraction method naturally generalises previous approaches to abstract graph transformation. The set of possible abstract graphs is finite. This has the pleasant consequence of generating a finite transition system for any start graph and any finite set of transformation rules. Moreover, abstraction preserves a simple logic for expressing properties on graph nodes. The precision of the abstraction can be adjusted according to properties expressed in this logic to be verified

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We present a new decidable logic called TREX for expressing constraints about imperative tree data structures. In particular, TREX supports a transitive closure operator that can express reachability constraints, which often appear in data structure invariants. We show that our logic is closed under weakest precondition computation, which enables its use for automated software verification. We further show that satisfiability of formulas in TREX is decidable in NP. The low complexity makes it an attractive alternative to more expensive logics such as monadic second-order logic (MSOL) over trees, which have been traditionally used for reasoning about tree data structures

    Simulating reachability using first-order logic with applications to verification of linked data structures

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    This paper shows how to harness existing theorem provers for first-order logic to automatically verify safety properties of imperative programs that perform dynamic storage allocation and destructive updating of pointer-valued structure fields. One of the main obstacles is specifying and proving the (absence) of reachability properties among dynamically allocated cells. The main technical contributions are methods for simulating reachability in a conservative way using first-order formulas--the formulas describe a superset of the set of program states that would be specified if one had a precise way to express reachability. These methods are employed for semi-automatic program verification (i.e., using programmer-supplied loop invariants) on programs such as mark-and-sweep garbage collection and destructive reversal of a singly linked list. (The mark-and-sweep example has been previously reported as being beyond the capabilities of ESC/Java.)Comment: 30 pages, LMC

    Learning Program Specifications from Sample Runs

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    With science fiction of yore being reality recently with self-driving cars, wearable computers and autonomous robots, software reliability is growing increasingly important. A critical pre-requisite to ensure the software that controls such systems is correct is the availability of precise specifications that describe a program\u27s intended behaviors. Generating these specifications manually is a challenging, often unsuccessful, exercise; unfortunately, existing static analysis techniques often produce poor quality specifications that are ineffective in aiding program verification tasks. In this dissertation, we present a recent line of work on automated synthesis of specifications that overcome many of the deficiencies that plague existing specification inference methods. Our main contribution is a formulation of the problem as a sample driven one, in which specifications, represented as terms in a decidable refinement type representation, are discovered from observing a program\u27s sample runs in terms of either program execution paths or input-output values, and automatically verified through the use of expressive refinement type systems. Our approach is realized as a series of inductive synthesis frameworks, which use various logic-based or classification-based learning algorithms to provide sound and precise machine-checked specifications. Experimental results indicate that the learning algorithms are both efficient and effective, capable of automatically producing sophisticated specifications in nontrivial hypothesis domains over a range of complex real-world programs, going well beyond the capabilities of existing solutions

    Verification of Pointer-Based Programs with Partial Information

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    The proliferation of software across all aspects of people's life means that software failure can bring catastrophic result. It is therefore highly desirable to be able to develop software that is verified to meet its expected specification. This has also been identified as a key objective in one of the UK Grand Challenges (GC6) (Jones et al., 2006; Woodcock, 2006). However, many difficult problems still remain in achieving this objective, partially due to the wide use of (recursive) shared mutable data structures which are hard to keep track of statically in a precise and concise way. This thesis aims at building a verification system for both memory safety and functional correctness of programs manipulating pointer-based data structures, which can deal with two scenarios where only partial information about the program is available. For instance the verifier may be supplied with only partial program specification, or with full specification but only part of the program code. For the first scenario, previous state-of-the-art works (Nguyen et al., 2007; Chin et al., 2007; Nguyen and Chin, 2008; Chin et al, 2010) generally require users to provide full specifications for each method of the program to be verified. Their approach seeks much intellectual effort from users, and meanwhile users are liable to make mistakes in writing such specifications. This thesis proposes a new approach to program verification that allows users to provide only partial specification to methods. Our approach will then refine the given annotation into a more complete specification by discovering missing constraints. The discovered constraints may involve both numerical and multiset properties that could be later confirmed or revised by users. Meanwhile, we further augment our approach by requiring only partial specification to be given for primary methods of a program. Specifications for loops and auxiliary methods can then be systematically discovered by our augmented mechanism, with the help of information propagated from the primary methods. This work is aimed at verifying beyond shape properties, with the eventual goal of analysing both memory safety and functional properties for pointer-based data structures. Initial experiments have confirmed that we can automatically refine partial specifications with non-trivial constraints, thus making it easier for users to handle specifications with richer properties. For the second scenario, many programs contain invocations to unknown components and hence only part of the program code is available to the verifier. As previous works generally require the whole of program code be present, we target at the verification of memory safety and functional correctness of programs manipulating pointer-based data structures, where the program code is only partially available due to invocations to unknown components. Provided with a Hoare-style specification ({Pre} prog {Post}) where program (prog) contains calls to some unknown procedure (unknown), we infer a specification (mspecu) for the unknown part (unknown) from the calling contexts, such that the problem of verifying program (prog) can be safely reduced to the problem of proving that the unknown procedure (unknown) (once its code is available) meets the derived specification (mspecu). The expected specification (mspecu) is automatically calculated using an abduction-based shape analysis specifically designed for a combined abstract domain. We have implemented a system to validate the viability of our approach, with encouraging experimental results