248 research outputs found

    Studies in Signal Processing Techniques for Speech Enhancement: A comparative study

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    Speech enhancement is very essential to suppress the background noise and to increase speech intelligibility and reduce fatigue in hearing. There exist many simple speech enhancement algorithms like spectral subtraction to complex algorithms like Bayesian Magnitude estimators based on Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and its variants. A continuous research is going and new algorithms are emerging to enhance speech signal recorded in the background of environment such as industries, vehicles and aircraft cockpit. In aviation industries speech enhancement plays a vital role to bring crucial information from pilot’s conversation in case of an incident or accident by suppressing engine and other cockpit instrument noises. In this work proposed is a new approach to speech enhancement making use harmonic wavelet transform and Bayesian estimators. The performance indicators, SNR and listening confirms to the fact that newly modified algorithms using harmonic wavelet transform indeed show better results than currently existing methods. Further, the Harmonic Wavelet Transform is computationally efficient and simple to implement due to its inbuilt decimation-interpolation operations compared to those of filter-bank approach to realize sub-bands

    Speech enhancement Algorithm based on super-Gaussian modeling and orthogonal polynomials

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    © 2020 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved. Different types of noise from the surrounding always interfere with speech and produce annoying signals for the human auditory system. To exchange speech information in a noisy environment, speech quality and intelligibility must be maintained, which is a challenging task. In most speech enhancement algorithms, the speech signal is characterized by Gaussian or super-Gaussian models, and noise is characterized by a Gaussian prior. However, these assumptions do not always hold in real-life situations, thereby negatively affecting the estimation, and eventually, the performance of the enhancement algorithm. Accordingly, this paper focuses on deriving an optimum low-distortion estimator with models that fit well with speech and noise data signals. This estimator provides minimum levels of speech distortion and residual noise with additional improvements in speech perceptual aspects via four key steps. First, a recent transform based on an orthogonal polynomial is used to transform the observation signal into a transform domain. Second, the noise classification based on feature extraction is adopted to find accurate and mutable models for noise signals. Third, two stages of nonlinear and linear estimators based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and new models for speech and noise are derived to estimate a clean speech signal. Finally, the estimated speech signal in the time domain is determined by considering the inverse of the orthogonal transform. The results show that the average classification accuracy of the proposed approach is 99.43%. In addition, the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms existing speech estimators in terms of quality and intelligibility measures

    Estimation of Laplacian Symbols for Analog Transmission Over MIMO Channels

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    © 2015 IEEE. This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2485216.[Abstract]: The MAP and MMSE estimation of Laplace-distributed symbols transmitted over multiple-input multiple-output channels is studied. This is an important problem in analog joint source channel coding with spiral mappings, where the probability density function of the transmitted symbols approximates a Laplace distribution in the low SNR regime. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the suitability of these estimators in uncoded and coded analog communications.This work was supported by Xunta de Galicia and MINECO of Spain under grants 2012/287 and TEC2013-47141-C4-1-R.Xunta de Galicia; CN 2012/28

    Wavelet Packet Transform based Speech Enhancement via Two-Dimensional SPP Estimator with Generalized Gamma Priors

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    Despite various speech enhancement techniques have been developed for different applications, existing methods are limited in noisy environments with high ambient noise levels. Speech presence probability (SPP) estimation is a speech enhancement technique to reduce speech distortions, especially in low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) scenario. In this paper, we propose a new two-dimensional (2D) Teager-energyoperators (TEOs) improved SPP estimator for speech enhancement in time-frequency (T-F) domain. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) as a multiband decomposition technique is used to concentrate the energy distribution of speech components. A minimum mean-square error (MMSE) estimator is obtained based on the generalized gamma distribution speech model in WPT domain. In addition, the speech samples corrupted by environment and occupational noises (i.e., machine shop, factory and station) at different input SNRs are used to validate the proposed algorithm. Results suggest that the proposed method achieves a significant enhancement on perceptual quality, compared with four conventional speech enhancement algorithms (i.e., MMSE-84, MMSE-04, Wiener-96, and BTW)

    Model-Based Speech Enhancement in the Modulation Domain

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    This paper presents an algorithm for modulationdomain speech enhancement using a Kalman filter. The proposed estimator jointly models the estimated dynamics of the spectral amplitudes of speech and noise to obtain an MMSE estimation of the speech amplitude spectrum with the assumption that the speech and noise are additive in the complex domain. In order to include the dynamics of noise amplitudes with those of speech amplitudes, we propose a statistical “Gaussring” model that comprises a mixture of Gaussians whose centres lie in a circle on the complex plane. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measure, segmental SNR (segSNR) measure and shorttime objective intelligibility (STOI) measure. For speech quality measures, the proposed algorithm is shown to give a consistent improvement over a wide range of SNRs when compared to competitive algorithms. Speech recognition experiments also show that the Gaussring model based algorithm performs well for two types of noise