84 research outputs found

    Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Gas Turbine Engine using Autoregressive Model

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    Gas turbine (GT) engines are known for their high availability and reliability and are extensively used for power generation, marine and aero-applications. Maintenance of such complex machines should be done proactively to reduce cost and sustain high availability of the GT. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of autoregressive (AR) models to predict remaining useful life (RUL) of a GT engine. The Turbofan Engine data from NASA benchmark data repository is used as case study. The parametric investigation is performed to check on any effect of changing model parameter on modelling accuracy. Results shows that a single sensory data cannot accurately predict RUL of GT and further research need to be carried out by incorporating multi-sensory data. Furthermore, the predictions made using AR model seems to give highly pessimistic values for RUL of GT

    Intelligent Condition Monitoring and Prognostic Methods with Applications to Dynamic Seals in the Oil & Gas Industry

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    The capital-intensive oil & gas industry invests billions of dollars in equipment annually and it is important to keep the equipment in top operating condition to help maintain efficient process operations and improve the rate of return by predicting failures before incidents. Digitalization has taken over the world with advances in sensor technology, wireless communication and computational capabilities, however oil & gas industry has not taken full advantage of this despite being technology centric. Dynamic seals are a vital part of reciprocating and rotary equipment such as compressor, pumps, engines, etc. and are considered most frequently failing component. Polymeric seals are increasingly complex and non-linear in behavior and have been the research of interest since 1950s. Most of the prognostic studies on seals are physics-based and requires direct estimation of different physical parameters to assess the degradation of seals, which are often difficult to obtain during operation. Another feasible approach to predict the failure is from performance related sensor data and is termed as data-driven prognostics. The offline phase of this approach is where the performance related data from the component of interest are acquired, pre-processed and artificial intelligence tools or statistical methods are used to model the degradation of a system. The developed models are then deployed online for a real-time condition monitoring. There is a lack of research on the data-driven based tools and methods for dynamic seal prognosis. The primary goal in this dissertation is to develop offline data-driven intelligent condition monitoring and prognostic methods for two types of dynamic seals used in the oil & gas industry, to avoid fatal breakdown of rotary and reciprocating equipment. Accordingly, the interest in this dissertation lies in developing models to effectively evaluate and classify the running condition of rotary seals; assess the progression of degradation from its incipient to failure and to estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) of reciprocating seals. First, a data-driven prognostic framework is developed to classify the running condition of rotary seals. An accelerated aging and testing procedure simulating rotary seal operation in oil field is developed to capture the behavior of seals through their cycle of operation until failure. The diagnostic capability of torque, leakage and vibration signal in differentiating the health states of rotary seals using experiments are compared. Since the key features that differentiate the health condition of rotary seals are unknown, an extensive feature extraction in time and frequency domain is carried out and a wrapper-based feature selection approach is used to select relevant features, with Multilayer Perceptron neural network utilized as classification technique. The proposed approach has shown that features extracted from torque and leakage lack a better discriminating power on its own, in classifying the running condition of seals throughout its service life. The classifier built using optimal set of features from torque and leakage collectively has resulted in a high classification accuracy when compared to random forest and logistic regression, even for the data collected at a different operating condition. Second, a data-driven approach to predict the degradation process of reciprocating seals based on friction force signal using a hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization - Support Vector Machine is presented. There is little to no knowledge on the feature that reflects the degradation of reciprocating seals and on the application of SVM in predicting the future running condition of polymeric components such as seals. Controlled run-to-failure experiments are designed and performed, and data collected from a dedicated experimental set-up is used to develop the proposed approach. A degradation feature with high monotonicity is used as an indicator of seal degradation. The pseudo nearest neighbor is used to determine the essential number of inputs for forecasting the future trend. The most challenging aspect of tuning parameters in SVM is framed in terms of an optimization problem aimed at minimizing the prediction error. The results indicate the effectiveness and better accuracy of the proposed approach when compared to GA-SVM and XGBoost. Finally, a deep neural network-based approach for estimating remaining useful life of reciprocating seals, using force and leakage signals is presented. Time domain and frequency domain statistical features are extracted from the measurements. An ideal prognostic feature should be well correlated with degradation time, monotonically increasing or decreasing and robust to outliers. The identified metrics namely: monotonicity, correlation and robustness are used to evaluate the goodness of extracted features. Each of the three metric carries a relative importance in the RUL estimation and a weighted linear combination of the metrics are used to rank and select the best set of prognostic features. The redundancy in the selected features is eliminated using Kelley-Gardner-Sutcliffe penalty function-based correlation-clustering algorithm to select a representative feature from each of the clusters. Finally, RUL estimation is modeled using a deep neural network model. Run-to-failure data collected from a reciprocating set-up was used to validate this approach and the findings show that the proposed approach can improve the accuracy of RUL prediction when compared to PSO-SVM and XGBoost regression. This research has important contribution and implications to rotary and reciprocating seal domain in utilizing sensors along with machine learning algorithms in assessing the health state and prognosis of seals without any direct measurements. This research has paved the way to move from a traditional fail-and-fix to predict-and-prevent approach in maintenance of seals. The findings of this research are foundational for developing an online degradation assessment platform which can remotely monitor the performance degradation of seals and provide action recommendations on maintenance decisions. This would be of great interest to customers and oil field operators to improve equipment utilization, control maintenance cost by enabling just-in-time maintenance and increase rate of return on equipment by predicting failures before incidents

    A Review: Prognostics and Health Management in Automotive and Aerospace

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    Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) attracts increasing interest of many researchers due to its potentially important applications in diverse disciplines and industries. In general, PHM systems use real-time and historical state information of subsystems and components of the operating systems to provide actionable information, enabling intelligent decision-making for improved performance, safety, reliability, and maintainability. Every year, a substantial number of papers in this area including theory and practical applications, appear in academic journals, conference proceedings and technical reports. This paper aims to summarize and review researches, developments and recent contributions in PHM for automotive- and aerospace industries. It can also be considered as the starting point for researchers and practitioners in general to assist them through PHM implementation and help them to accomplish their work more easily.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Degrader Analysis for Diagnostic and Predictive Capabilities: A Demonstration of Progress in DoD CBM+ Initiatives

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    This paper presents a modified reliability centered maintenance (RCM) methodology developed by The Applied Research Laboratory at The Pennsylvania State University (ARL Penn State) to meet challenges in decreasing life cycle sustainment costs for critical Naval assets. The focus of this paper is on the requirements for the development of the on-board Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) system with a discussion on the implementation progress for two systems: the high pressure air compressor (HPAC), and the advanced carbon dioxide removal unit (ACRU). Recent Department of Defense (DoD) guidance calls for implementing Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) as an alternative to traditional reactive and preventative maintenance strategies that rely on regular and active participation from subject matter experts to evaluate the health condition of critical systems. The RCM based degrader analysis utilizes data from multiple sources to provide a path for selecting systems and components most likely to benefit from the implementation of diagnostic and predictive capabilities for monitoring and managing failure modes by determining various options of possible CBM system designs that provide the highest potential ROI. Sensor data collected by the PHM system can be used with machine learning applications to develop failure mode predictive algorithms with greatest benefit in terms of performance, sustainment costs, and increasing platform operational availability. The approach supports traditional maintenance strategy development by assessing the financial benefit of the PHM technology implementation with promising potential for many industrial and military complex adaptive system applications

    Review of Health Prognostics and Condition Monitoring of Electronic Components

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    To meet the specifications of low cost, highly reliable electronic devices, fault diagnosis techniques play an essential role. It is vital to find flaws at an early stage in design, components, material, or manufacturing during the initial phase. This review paper attempts to summarize past development and recent advances in the areas about green manufacturing, maintenance, remaining useful life (RUL) prediction, and like. The current state of the art in reliability research for electronic components, mainly includes failure mechanisms, condition monitoring, and residual lifetime evaluation is explored. A critical analysis of reliability studies to identify their relative merits and usefulness of the outcome of these studies' vis-a-vis green manufacturing is presented. The wide array of statistical, empirical, and intelligent tools and techniques used in the literature are then identified and mapped. Finally, the findings are summarized, and the central research gap is highlighted

    A Literature Review of Fault Diagnosis Based on Ensemble Learning

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    The accuracy of fault diagnosis is an important indicator to ensure the reliability of key equipment systems. Ensemble learning integrates different weak learning methods to obtain stronger learning and has achieved remarkable results in the field of fault diagnosis. This paper reviews the recent research on ensemble learning from both technical and field application perspectives. The paper summarizes 87 journals in recent web of science and other academic resources, with a total of 209 papers. It summarizes 78 different ensemble learning based fault diagnosis methods, involving 18 public datasets and more than 20 different equipment systems. In detail, the paper summarizes the accuracy rates, fault classification types, fault datasets, used data signals, learners (traditional machine learning or deep learning-based learners), ensemble learning methods (bagging, boosting, stacking and other ensemble models) of these fault diagnosis models. The paper uses accuracy of fault diagnosis as the main evaluation metrics supplemented by generalization and imbalanced data processing ability to evaluate the performance of those ensemble learning methods. The discussion and evaluation of these methods lead to valuable research references in identifying and developing appropriate intelligent fault diagnosis models for various equipment. This paper also discusses and explores the technical challenges, lessons learned from the review and future development directions in the field of ensemble learning based fault diagnosis and intelligent maintenance

    Least squares smoothed k-nearest neighbors online prediction of the remaining useful life of a NASA turbofan

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    An accurate prediction of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of aircraft engines plays a fundamental role in the aerospace field since it is both mission and safety critical. In fact, a reliable estimate of the RUL can effectively reduce the maintenance costs while fostering safety. This paper proposes a novel data-driven method to increase accuracy of the RUL prediction for real-time prognostic systems, considering multiple degradation mechanisms and making the model easy to implement. The proposed method exploits a novel modified k-Nearest Neighbors Interpolation (kNNI) with an a posteriori Least Square Smoothing (LSS) automatically optimized to obtain the minimum prediction error. The LSS novel formulation was also generalized and proved to be equivalent to a Cumulative and Moving Average (CMA) mixture filter, which can be easily implemented online. The method was developed and validated based on a new NASA dataset generated by the dynamic model Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (N-CMAPSS) with run-to-failure data related to a small fleet of aircraft engines under realistic flight conditions. Finally, a refer- ence kNN-based method already known in the literature was compared to the novel proposed one to demonstrate the goodness of the results and the performance improvements

    Challenges and opportunities of deep learning models for machinery fault detection and diagnosis: a review

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    In the age of industry 4.0, deep learning has attracted increasing interest for various research applications. In recent years, deep learning models have been extensively implemented in machinery fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) systems. The deep architecture's automated feature learning process offers great potential to solve problems with traditional fault detection and diagnosis (TFDD) systems. TFDD relies on manual feature selection, which requires prior knowledge of the data and is time intensive. However, the high performance of deep learning comes with challenges and costs. This paper presents a review of deep learning challenges related to machinery fault detection and diagnosis systems. The potential for future work on deep learning implementation in FDD systems is briefly discussed

    Contribution to intelligent monitoring and failure prognostics of industrial systems.

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    This thesis was conducted within the framework of SMART project funded by a European program, Interreg POCTEFA. The project aims to support small and medium-sized companies to increase their competitiveness in the context of Industry 4.0 by developing intelligent monitoring tools for autonomous system health management. To do so, in this work, we propose efficient data-driven algorithms for prognostics and health management of industrial systems. The first contribution consists of the construction of a new robust health indicator that allows clearly separating different fault states of a wide range of systems’ critical components. This health indicator is also efficient when considering multiples monitoring parameters under various operating conditions. Next, the second contribution addresses the challenges posed by online diagnostics of unknown fault types in dynamic systems, particularly the detection, localization, and identification of the robot axes drifts origin when these drifts have not been learned before. For this purpose, a new online diagnostics methodology based on information fusion from direct and indirect monitoring techniques is proposed. It uses the direct monitoring way to instantaneously update the indirect monitoring model and diagnose online the origin of new faults. Finally, the last contribution deals with the prognostics issue of systems failure in a controlled industrial process that can lead to negative impacts in long-term predictions. To remedy this problem, we developed a new adaptive prognostics approach based on the combination of multiple machine learning predictions in different time horizons. The proposed approach allows capturing the degradation trend in long-term while considering the state changes in short-term caused by the controller activities, which allows improving the accuracy of prognostics results. The performances of the approaches proposed in this thesis were investigated on different real case studies representing the demonstrators of the thesis partners
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