18 research outputs found

    Representing Isabelle in LF

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    LF has been designed and successfully used as a meta-logical framework to represent and reason about object logics. Here we design a representation of the Isabelle logical framework in LF using the recently introduced module system for LF. The major novelty of our approach is that we can naturally represent the advanced Isabelle features of type classes and locales. Our representation of type classes relies on a feature so far lacking in the LF module system: morphism variables and abstraction over them. While conservative over the present system in terms of expressivity, this feature is needed for a representation of type classes that preserves the modular structure. Therefore, we also design the necessary extension of the LF module system.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2010, arXiv:1009.218

    Constraints for behavioural specifications

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    Behavioural specifications with constraints for the incremental development of algebraic specifications are presented. The behavioural constraints correspond to the completely defined subparts of a given incomplete behavioural specification. Moreover, the local observability criteria used within a behavioural constraint could not coincide with the global criteria used in the behavioural specification. This is absolutely needed because, otherwise, some constraints could involve only non observable sorts and therefore have trivial semantics. Finally, the extension operations and completion operations for refining specifications are defined. The extension operations correspond to horizontal refinements and build larger specifications on top of existing ones in a conservative way. The completion operations correspond to vertical refinements, they add detail to an incomplete behavioural specification and they do restrict the class of models.Postprint (published version

    On the implementation of abstract data types by programming language constructs

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    AbstractImplementations of abstract data types are defined via enrichments of a target type. We propose to use an extended typed λ-calculus for enrichments in order to meet the conceptual requirement that an implementation has to bring us closer to a (functional) program. Composability of implementations is investigated, the main result being that composition of correct implementations is correct if terminating programs are implemented by terminating programs. Moreover, we provide syntactical criteria to guarantee correctness of composition. The proof is based on strong normalization and Church-Rosser results of the extended λ-calculus which seem to be of interest in their own right

    Behavioural and abstractor specifications

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    AbstractIn the literature, one can distinguish two main approaches to the definition of observational semantics of algebraic specifications. On one hand, observational semantics is defined using a notion of observational satisfaction for the axioms of the specifications and, on the other hand, one can define observational semantics by abstraction with respect to an observational equivalence relation between algebras. In this paper, we present an analysis and a comparative study of the different approaches in a more general framework which subsumes the observational case. The distinction between the different observational concepts is reflected by our notions of behavioural specification and abstractor specification. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the semantical equivalence of both kinds of specifications and we show that behavioural specifications can be characterized by an abstractor construction and, vice versa, abstractor specifications can be characterized in terms of behavioural specifications. Hence, there exists a duality between both concepts which allows to express each one by the other. We also study the relationships to fully abstract algebras which can be used for a further characterization of behavioural semantics. Finally, we provide proof-theoretic results which show that behavioural theories of specifications can be reduced to standard theories of some classes of algebras

    Modular specifications in process algebra

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    In recent years a wide variety of process algebras has been proposed in the literature. Often these process algebras are closely related: they can be viewed as homomorphic images, submodels or restrictions of each other. The aim of this paper is to show how the semantical reality, consisting of a large number of closely related process algebras, can be reflected, and even used, on the level of algebraic specifications and in process verifications. This is done by means of the notion of a module. The simplest modules are building blocks of operators and axioms, each block describing a feature of concurrency in a certain semantical setting. These modules can then be combined by means of a union operator +, an export operator â–¡, allowing to forget some operators in a module, an operator H, changing semantics by taking homomorphic images, and an operator S which takes subalgebras. These operators enable us to combine modules in a subtle way, when the direct combination would be inconsistent. We show how auxiliary process algebra operators can be hidden when this is needed. Moreover it is demonstrated how new process combinators can be defined in terms of the more elementary ones in a clean way. As an illustration of our approach, a methodology is presented that can be used to specify FIFO-queues, and that facilitates verification of concurrent systems containing these queues

    Modular specification of process algebras

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    AbstractThis paper proposes a modular approach to the algebraic specification of process algebras. This is done by means of the notion of a module. The simplest modules are building blocks of operators and axioms, each block describing a feature of concurrency in a certain semantical setting. These modules can then be combined by means of a union operator +, an export operator □, allowing to forget some operators in a module, an operator H, changing semantics by taking homomorphic images, and an operator S which takes subalgebras. These operators enable us to combine modules in a subtle way, when the direct combination would be inconsistent.We give a presentation of equational logic, infinitary conditional equational logic — of which we also prove the completeness — and first-order logic and show how the notion of a formal proof of a formula from a theory can be generalized to that of a proof of a formula from a module. This module logic is then applied in process algebra. We show how auxiliary process algebra operators can be hidden when this is needed. Moreover, we demonstrate how new process combinators can be defined in terms of more elementary ones in a clean way. As an illutration of our approach, we specify some FIFO-queues and verify several of their properties

    Type systems for modular programs and specifications

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