20 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Type-2 Trapezoid Methods for Decision Making Salt Farmer Mapping

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    The need for domestic salt every year has increased, both for consumption and industrial salt. Some of the fisheries service programs include providing assistance to people's businesses, providing geomembrane, and online marketing training. A large number of salt farmers and official work programs have caused the implementation of the program to be less than optimal, resulting in low salt production. This study uses a type-2 fuzzy method by integrating two methods, namely type-2 Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP (FAHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Fuzzy type-2 has higher accuracy than fuzzy type-1 and is more efficient and more flexible in determining the linguistic scale for criteria. The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP (FAHP) interval is used to determine the weight of the salt farmer mapping criteria. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS), used to determine. The findings of this study are that the indicators that most influence the mapping of salt farmers are land area, marketing, and market. The results of the mapping of salt farmers are the classification of salt farmer class groups and recommendations for improvement for each salt farmer. Hybrid type-2 Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP (FAHP) method and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), can be used for mapping salt farmers based on the consistency ratio value below 10 percent, 37 percent enter high class, 28 percent enter the middle class and 35 percent enter low clas

    Assessing the Remanufacturability of Office Furiniture: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach

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    While the average life cycle of consumer goods is continuously decreasing, the amount of used product at their end-of-life (EOL) is accumulating fast at and at the same pace. Most EOL products end up in landfills, and many of which are not biodegradable. These two challenges have necessitated renewed global interest in product EOL management strategies by manufacturers, third party companies, consumers and governments. Remanufacturing is one of the EOL strategies which is highly environmental-friendly. Additionally, remanufacturing is seen as one of the highly profitable re-use business strategies. The selling price of remanufactured products is usually about 50—80% of a new one, making remanufacturing a win—win solution, saving both money and preserving the environment as well as raising the bottom-line of enterprises. Through the literature review of remanufacturing, we realize many researchers in this area have focused on a few product categories such as automotive, electrical and electronic equipment as well as ink cartridge, thus accelerating innovations for the remanufacture of these product categories. There is therefore, a need to explore the remanufaturability of other products, especially the ones with high market potential growth as well as profit margin. Furniture industry is the one that fits the description and is the focus of this thesis. The goal of this exploratory research is to present the first framework of its kind that aims at assessing the remanufacturability of office furniture. The proposed evaluation model considers three aspects of the assessment problem: economic, social and environmental to obtain a holistic view of remanufacturability of office furniture. We apply the fuzzy TOPSIS methodology to deal with incomplete and often subjective information during the evaluation. Furthermore, we validate our evaluation model using published research data for a multi-criteria allocation decision making (MCDM) problem. Through the model validation, we show that the proposed evaluation model has the capability to solve MCDM problems. Lastly, a case study which involves three pieces of office furniture is used to illustrate the function of the proposed model

    Gestão de Recursos Finitos em Empresas

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    The present work has as goal aiding decision makers, researchers, enterprises and practitioners by developing a proper literature review as a base for comparison among multiple-criteria decision making methods in finite resources management according to each of the most important areas of a business environment. Efficient resource management decision making in companies impacts its value creation capability and, therefore, its competitiveness and ultimate success. The methodology for paper research follows the PRISMA flow diagram, for correct paper filtrations according to the set of criteria stablished in alignment with the thesis goal. The papers included in the study are any that employ multiple-criteria decision making methods in their pure forms, in combination with each other forming hybrids, or in combination with other mathematical techniques for solving decision making problems across five major areas of a company’s body. The five major areas are: (1) Supply Chain Management and Logistics; (2) Environmental Management; (3) Business and Marketing Management; (4) Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Systems; and (5) Human Resources Management. The 204 final papers are presented separated by their corresponding application areas, ordered by number of citations, which is used as a measure of their scientific community relevance. They are also classified by, author, nationality, journal, year, type of research and methods used. All collected data is used for quantitative statistical analysis, with which is possible to collect more in-depth information on the literature research. Focused comments on the main methods are also present in this work, with observations made on the many applications and variations each of them had throughout the articles in the research. The AHP and TOPSIS approaches, either with their fuzzy set variations are by far the most popular methods in the referred applications. However, besides them other 51 MCDM or other mathematical techniques are employed in many different combinations and approaches, bringing a very interesting diversity to the study that is very useful for it to be used as a base for comparison among methods. A total number of 111 journals and authors and co-authors of 41 nationalities are involved in the publications between 2012 and 2018, with more than half of papers coming from either India, Turkey or Iran. Many other results are obtained, bringing the readers different perspectives on the subject. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge with a great and insightful overview on MCDM methods application in aiding in challenges part of a business environment, so that companies can better manage their resources and be more prosperous. It is a vast database that allows many comparisons and evaluations, offering more analysis than the standard literature review articles.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo auxiliar os tomadores de decisão, pesquisadores e profissionais, ao desenvolver uma revisão bibliográfica adequada como base para comparação entre os métodos de decisão multicritério na gestão de recursos finitos de acordo com cada uma das áreas mais importantes de um ambiente de negócios. A tomada eficiente de decisões de gestão de recursos nas empresas afeta sua capacidade de criação de valor e, portanto, sua competitividade e sucesso finais. A metodologia da investigação baseou-se na metodologia PRISMA, para a correta filtração das publicações de acordo com o conjunto de critérios estabelecidos, em alinhamento com o objetivo da tese. Os artigos incluídos no estudo são aqueles que apresentam métodos de decisão com critérios múltiplos em suas formas puras, em combinação uns com os outros ao formar híbridos, ou com outras técnicas matemáticas para resolver problemas em cinco áreas principais das empresas. As cinco áreas são: (1) Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos e Logística; (2) Gestão Ambiental; (3) Gestão de Negócios e Marketing; (4) Sistemas de Projeto, Engenharia e Manufatura; e (5) Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Os 204 artigos finais são apresentados de acordo com as áreas de aplicação correspondentes, ordenadas por número de citações, que são usadas como uma medida de sua relevância na comunidade científica. Eles são, ainda, classificados por autor, nacionalidade, revista, ano, tipo de pesquisa e métodos utilizados. Todos os dados coletados são utilizados para análise estatística quantitativa, com a qual é possível recolher informações mais aprofundadas sobre a pesquisa bibliográfica. São realizados comentários sobre os principais métodos e as maneiras que foram apresentados ao longo do estudo de todos os artigos durante a pesquisa. As abordagens AHP e TOPSIS, com suas variações em conjuntos difusos ou fuzzy, são de longe os métodos mais populares nas aplicações referidas. No entanto, além destes, outros 51 MCDM e outras técnicas são utilizadas em muitas combinações e abordagens, trazendo uma diversidade muito interessante para o estudo, servindo de base para comparação dos métodos. Um total de 111 revistas e autores e coautores de 41 nacionalidades estão envolvidos nas publicações entre 2012 e 2018, com mais de metade dos artigos provenientes da Índia, Turquia ou Irão. Estes e outros resultados levam aos leitores diferentes perspectivas sobre o assunto. Este documento contribui para o estado da arte, com um conhecimento geral excelente e perspicaz sobre a aplicação de métodos MCDM para ajudar nos desafios de um ambiente de negócios, para que as empresas possam melhor gerenciar seus recursos e serem mais prósperas. É um vasto banco de dados que permite muitas comparações e avaliações, oferecendo mais análises do que os artigos de revisão de literatura padrão

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on methods to aid decision making in the last 40 years

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    Purpose: Multicriteria methods have gained traction in both academia and industry practices for effective decision-making over the years. This bibliometric study aims to explore and provide an overview of research carried out on multicriteria methods, in its various aspects, over the past forty-four years. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched for publications from January 1945 to April 29, 2021, on multicriteria methods in titles, abstracts, and keywords. The bibliographic data were analyzed using the R bibliometrix package. Findings: This bibliometric study asserts that 29,050 authors have produced 20,861 documents on the theme of multicriteria methods in 131 countries in the last forty-four years. Scientific production in this area grows at a rate of 13.88 per year. China is the leading country in publications with 14.14%; India with 10.76%; and Iran with 8.09%. Islamic Azad University leads others with 504 publications, followed by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University with 456 and the National Institute of Technology with 336. As for journals, Expert Systems With Applications; Sustainability; and Journal of Cleaner Production are the leading journals, which account for more than 4.67% of all indexed literature. Furthermore, Zavadskas E. and Wang J have the highest publications in the multicriteria methods domain regarding the authors. Regarding the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making methods, AHP is the most favored approach among the ten countries with the most publications in this research area, followed by TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, and ANP. Practical implications: The bibliometric literature review method allows the researchers to explore the multicriteria research area more extensively than the traditional literature review method. It enables a large dataset of bibliographic records to be systematically analyzed through statistical measures, yielding informative insights. Originality/value: The usefulness of this bibliometric study is summed in presenting an overview of the topic of the multicriteria methods during the previous forty-four years, allowing other academics to use this research as a starting point for their research

    Ekologiczny łańcuch dostaw: narzędzia do oceny E-odpadów – globalna perspektywa

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    When a company's supply chain has achieved a desirable degree of eco-friendliness in all regards, from a sustainability perspective, its performance will be satisfactory. Since the closed-loop e-waste supply chain's operations are primarily focused on achieving sustainability objectives related to the manufacturing, distribution, reusing, and discarding electrical components, it is crucial to evaluate its success in this area. In order to monitor the performance of supply chains and enhance the processes, the supply chain operations reference model offers suggestions and benchmarking tools. In this study, a conceptual framework is illustrated to show how these standards could be used in the E-waste supply chain to link business processes, metrics, industry standards, and technology in order to enhance the relationship and coordination between the supply chain members and to increase sustainability throughout the supply chain. Insufficient attention so far has been paid to the SCOR model's sustainability criteria, according to an assessment of the literature. Consequently, in the wake of portraying the structure of Supply Chain Operation Reference model, we make sense of which credits should be included in Supply Chain Operation Reference so to reflect manageability and which cycles and practices are related with every standard or should be remembered for Supply Chain Operation Reference to lay out the connection between execution, cycles, and practices.Kiedy łańcuch dostaw firmy osiągnie pożądany stopień przyjazności dla środowiska pod każdym względem, z punktu widzenia zrównoważonego rozwoju, jego wyniki będą zadowalające. Ponieważ operacje łańcucha dostaw E-odpadów w obiegu zamkniętym koncentrują się przede wszystkim na osiąganiu celów zrównoważonego rozwoju związanych z produkcją, dystrybucją, ponownym użyciem i utylizacją komponentów elektrycznych, kluczowe znaczenie ma ocena jego sukcesu w tej dziedzinie. Aby monitorować wydajność łańcuchów dostaw i ulepszać procesy, model referencyjny operacji łańcucha dostaw oferuje sugestie i narzędzia do analizy porównawczej. W tym badaniu nakreślono ramy koncepcyjne, aby pokazać, w jaki sposób standardy te można wykorzystać w łańcuchu dostaw elektrośmieci w powiązaniu z procesami biznesowymi, wskaźnikami, standardami branżowymi i technologią w celu wzmocnienia relacji i koordynacji między członkami łańcucha dostaw i aby zwiększyć poziom zrównoważonego rozwoju w całym łańcuchu dostaw. Jak dotąd, co potwierdza dokonany przegląd literatury, kryteria zrównoważonego rozwoju modelu SCOR nie poświęcano wystarczającej uwagi. W związku z tym, po przedstawieniu struktury Modelu referencyjnego operacji łańcucha dostaw, rozumiemy, które kredyty powinny zostać uwzględnione w referencyjnej operacji łańcucha dostaw, aby odzwierciedlić łatwość zarządzania oraz które cykle i praktyki są związane z każdym standardem lub należy o nich pamiętać w odniesieniu do łańcucha dostaw, co umożliwia ukazanie związku pomiędzy wykonaniem, cyklami i praktykami

    Closed Loop Supply Chain: Evaluating Ecological Footprint

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    Purpose:  The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success of the closed-loop E-waste supply chain operations, primarily focused on achieving sustainability objectives related to the manufacturing, distribution, reusing, and discarding of electrical components. Methodology: The supply chain operations reference model offers suggestions and benchmarking tools to monitor the performance of supply chains and enhance the processes. This study illustrates a conceptual framework to show how these standards could be used in the E-waste supply chain to link business processes, metrics, industry standards, and technology to enhance the relationship and coordination between the supply chain members and to increase sustainability throughout the supply chain. Findings: According to an assessment of the literature, insufficient attention has been paid to the SCOR model's sustainability criteria. Consequently, in the wake of portraying the structure of the Supply Chain Operation Reference model, we make sense of which credits should be included in the Supply Chain Operation Reference to reflect manageability and which cycles and practices are related to every standard or should be remembered for Supply Chain Operation Reference to lay out the connection between execution, cycles, and practices. Conclusions: When a company's supply chain has achieved a desirable degree of eco-friendliness in all regards, its performance will be improved and satisfactory from a sustainability perspectiv


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    Supply Chain Management dalam Pengelolaan Industri dan Energi Nasional Menuju Industri yang Berdaya Sain

    Proceeding 1st Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering

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