79 research outputs found

    Learning perceptual similarity from crowds and machines

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    How might we teach machine learning systems about what wine tastes like, or how to appreciate the similarities in different kinds of artwork? On its face, this question seems absurd because these notions of similarity are impossible to characterize in meaningful ways. Our work explores what happens when we can embrace this ambiguity. We use new kinds of semi-supervision to learn abstract, intuitive notions of perceptual similarity when labels or dense similarity measures are not available. Before we can learn about perceptual similarity, we must first show how to capture intuitive notions of similarity from humans in an efficient and principled way that makes as few assumptions as possible about the data structure. Then, we outline ways to combine expensive human expertise with dense machine kernels to ease the human annotation burden. Finally, we will discuss our work on creating a large-scale dataset of artwork that the research community can use to explore these ideas

    An Exercise in Sitting with Discomfort: Towards more equitable support for international relocation in North-South contexts

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    Temporary international relocation initiatives (TIRIs) for artists and cultural workers are a form of international solidarity. Yet they are embedded in a context shaped by colonial history and global North-South power dynamics. In this report, the authors draw on the experiences of relocated artists as well as those of team members within TIRIs and host organisations to examine if TIRIs are currently equipped to identify power asymmetries, injustice, discrimination and racism at individual, institutional and structural levels and to effectively mitigate them. Finally, they develop holistic practical recommendations for greater equity and justice as well as an anti-racist approach for TIRIs and host organisations. This report addresses decision-makers and teams in TIRIs and host organisations, arts institutions, funders and policymakers. Both recognizing the existence of structural, systemic and individual injustice, racism and discrimination, and contributing to their eradication requires discomfort and constant self-reflection. Therefore, this report is an exercise in sitting with discomfort. The authors see this discomfort as a catalyst for change processes - an engine to sustain pressure to enact this change that cannot simply be dissolved by individual action. The summary report can be downloaded here: https://doi.org/10.17901/akbp1.23.202

    And now for something completely different: Visual novelty in an online network of designers

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    Novelty is a key ingredient of innovation but quantifying it is difficult. This is especially true for visual work like graphic design. Using designs shared on an online social network of professional digital designers, we measure visual novelty using statistical learning methods to compare an images features with those of images that have been created before. We then relate social network position to the novelty of the designers images. We find that on this professional platform, users with dense local networks tend to produce more novel but generally less successful images, with important exceptions. Namely, users making novel images while embedded in cohesive local networks are more successful.Comment: accepted to 10th International ACM Web Science Conference, 2018, May 27-30, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 pages, 6 figures, 60 reference

    Design students meet industry players: Feedback and creativity in communities of practice

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    This work investigates the social collaboration and creative outcomes of teams of learners in Higher Education (HE) Design studies, in the context of cross-organizational (university/industry) Communities of Practice (CoP). These refer to groups of people who share a common interest in a field and connect to co-create knowledge. The study focuses on the feedback delivered by the industrial members of the CoP through collaboration technologies, to complement academic feedback. Findings have shown a twofold effect on learners. On the one hand, critical feedback on the deliverables increased both the time-pressure and the complexity of the work, affecting the teams’ perception of their performances. On the other hand, feedback appeared to inspire better creative outcomes while improving the teams’ metacognitive activity and learning regulation. Furthermore, it enabled learners to pragmatically realize their status within the broader geography of professional practice and reconfigure their achievement goals accordingly. These findings confirm the contribution of cross-organizational CoPs in HE and are discussed with reference to the CoP theory and modes of belonging,as fundamental for learning and identity evolution

    Information Technology Training to Promote Collaboration Among Multiple Generations

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    The decision to implement information technology (IT) initiatives to enhance collaboration among veterans, baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Fifth Generation employees continues to challenge organizational leaders. The purpose of this nonexperimental study was to identify how the implementation of information technology initiatives, coupled with the knowledge of learning styles, might enhance collaboration among generational cohort employees. The generational cohort theory, Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs theory, and the technology acceptance model were the theoretical frameworks used to develop an understanding of the relationships among the cohorts and the acceptance of technology to enhance collaboration. Data were collected from a survey of 335 respondents from the five generational cohorts who worked in small, medium, and large not-for-profit firms that used IT processes, in the Southeastern United States. Data analysis included Welch ANOVA with the Games-Howell post hoc test, Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn\u27s Bonferroni adjustment, and chi-square tests. Findings revealed no significant differences in learning style preferences among the cohorts, and no significant differences among factors influencing preferences for technology activity. Irrespective of generational cohorts, individuals displayed common degrees of comfort with IT training activities. Findings may be used by organizational leaders to implement technology training activities without focus on preferences for training among multigenerational employees. Findings may also be used to enhance collaboration by focusing on commonalities rather than differences among generational cohorts

    Hybrid toy construction

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    Este proyecto, 'Hybrid Toy Construction', se enfoca en enriquecer la experiencia de juego de los niños a través de los juguetes. Al comparar las diferentes experiencias de juego de los niños con una interfaz de usuario tangible (TUI), una interfaz de usuario física (PUI) y una interfaz de usuario gráfica (GUI), se comprobó que los niños prefieren usar un juguete con una GUI sobre una TUI o una PUI. El objetivo del proyecto es la creación de un juguete híbrido para niños de cinco a seis años. Para ello, el juguete contiene elementos físicos (PUI) en forma de un tren, pistas, estaciones y otros objetos inteligentes, así como elementos digitales (GUI) en forma de aplicación. Ambas realidades (la física y la digital) se comunican mediante Bluetooth, estando relacionadas a través de una aplicación para enriquecer la experiencia del usuario. El juguete tiene el propósito de estimular los sentidos de los niños y fomentar su desarrollo mediante el uso de la diversión y juegos educacionalesDepartamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosGrado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Product

    Netflix phenomenon: The new pervasive subject interacting with the traditional film industry.

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    Questa ricerca mira a concentrare la sua attenzione sul campo dell'intrattenimento, considerando in particolar modo l'impatto della produzione Netflix sull'industria cinematografica. Lo studio vuole approfondire: la creazione di Netflix (1997, California), le sue organizzazioni e ideologie, le strategie graduali di espansione dei prodotti in Europa (2015, in Italia) e in altri paesi del mondo, gli algoritmi e i dati utilizzati dal team per comprendere quale sarà il il miglior posizionamento dell’azienda a livello nazionale e globale. Il focus sarà incentrato sull’abilità da parte del mercato del cinema di adattarsi e aprirsi ai nuovi orizzonti e aspetti importati dall'evoluzione dei prodotti on-demand. Per comprendere le dinamiche di crescita di Netflix è importante presentarne la sua storia e ideologie, ma anche non perdere di vista la particolare strategia usata dallo stesso colosso nel creare piccoli mercati nazionali che si sviluppano in modo parallelo con la strategia a livello globale. L'obiettivo finale di questo studio è capire come Netflix crei un doppio mercato parallelo - locale e globale - per poter sostenere le proprie infrastrutture alimentando l'attenzione verso i suoi prodotti anche partecipando ai più importanti festival mondiali, entrando quindi in un settore che prima ad ora veniva considerato in parte elitario e legato alla tradizione del cinema. Infatti, nell’ultimo capitolo, sarà fatta attenzione alle dinamiche instaurate tra i più conosciuti festival europei (Cannes, Venezia, Berlino) per comprendere come questi abbiano reagito in modo differente, con supporto e scetticismo davanti alla partecipazione di una piattaforma SVOD come Netflix. Questo lavoro si propone di concludere la possibile e costante convivenza del servizio Netflix VOD (video-on-demand) e il campo del cinema tradizionale grazie al sostegno reciproco dei due. La chiave di lettura per la riuscita di questa nuova sfida è senz’altro una maturazione graduale verso le nuove esigenze di fruizione da parte del pubblico che porta, per forza di cose, all’esigenza di creare sinergie e partnership nel mercato cinematografico attuale coinvolge vecchi e nuovi attori del settore. Contemporaneamente lo studio, vuole comprendere come l’attività di collaborazione tra il settore del cinema e la piattaforma nasca proprio dall’esigenza di rinnovare il sistema normativo istituzionale, responsabile di delineare le linee guida nazionali in modo da rendere il settore cinematografico sempre più accessibile agli investimenti apportati da Netflix.This research aims to focus on the entertainment field elaborating on Netflix's production impact on the cinema industry. This study delves into the creation of Netflix (1997, California), its organizations and ideologies, the gradual strategies of expansion of products in Europe (2015, in Italy) and other countries in the world, algorithms and data used by the team to comprehend what will be the next perfect product to create for their audiences. To understand the dynamics of Netflix’s growth it is important to introduce its story and ideologies, with an emphasis on the strong strategy to create small national markets, how they attract their audience, at the same time working globally and aiming to extend itself in an increasing number of territories. The final goal of this study is to understand how Netflix creates a double parallel market - local and global - to be able to sustain their infrastructures feeding attention and participating in the most important global festivals. Particular attention is given to some considerations about the reactions provoked by Netflix with its participation in Festivals, sharing a short list of the major and widely preferred award-winning movies and subsequently explaining various skepticism and optimistic reactions to the participation of Netflix. This work aims to conclude the possible coexistence of the Netflix VOD service (video-on-demand) and the cinema field thanks to the mutual support comprehending how indispensable it is for the future of the film market to create synergies and partnerships. Simultaneously, it wants to elaborate on the collaboration between the institutional regulatory system, responsible to outline the guideline with the increasingly innovative and changing strategies designed by the global company of Netflix