5,324 research outputs found

    Various Approaches of Support vector Machines and combined Classifiers in Face Recognition

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    In this paper we present the various approaches used in face recognition from 2001-2012.because in last decade face recognition is using in many fields like Security sectors, identity authentication. Today we need correct and speedy performance in face recognition. This time the face recognition technology is in matured stage because research is conducting continuously in this field. Some extensions of Support vector machine (SVM) is reviewed that gives amazing performance in face recognition.Here we also review some papers of combined classifier approaches that is also a dynamic research area in a pattern recognition

    Automated Protein Structure Classification: A Survey

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    Classification of proteins based on their structure provides a valuable resource for studying protein structure, function and evolutionary relationships. With the rapidly increasing number of known protein structures, manual and semi-automatic classification is becoming ever more difficult and prohibitively slow. Therefore, there is a growing need for automated, accurate and efficient classification methods to generate classification databases or increase the speed and accuracy of semi-automatic techniques. Recognizing this need, several automated classification methods have been developed. In this survey, we overview recent developments in this area. We classify different methods based on their characteristics and compare their methodology, accuracy and efficiency. We then present a few open problems and explain future directions.Comment: 14 pages, Technical Report CSRG-589, University of Toront

    Bibliometric Survey on Incremental Learning in Text Classification Algorithms for False Information Detection

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    The false information or misinformation over the web has severe effects on people, business and society as a whole. Therefore, detection of misinformation has become a topic of research among many researchers. Detecting misinformation of textual articles is directly connected to text classification problem. With the massive and dynamic generation of unstructured textual documents over the web, incremental learning in text classification has gained more popularity. This survey explores recent advancements in incremental learning in text classification and review the research publications of the area from Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and IEEE databases and perform quantitative analysis by using methods such as publication statistics, collaboration degree, research network analysis, and citation analysis. The contribution of this study in incremental learning in text classification provides researchers insights on the latest status of the research through literature survey, and helps the researchers to know the various applications and the techniques used recently in the field

    Mining Aircraft Telemetry Data With Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The Ganged Phased Array Radar - Risk Mitigation System (GPAR-RMS) was a mobile ground-based sense-and-avoid system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations developed by the University of North Dakota. GPAR-RMS detected proximate aircraft with various sensor systems, including a 2D radar and an Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver. Information about those aircraft was then displayed to UAS operators via visualization software developed by the University of North Dakota. The Risk Mitigation (RM) subsystem for GPAR-RMS was designed to estimate the current risk of midair collision, between the Unmanned Aircraft (UA) and a General Aviation (GA) aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in the surrounding airspace, for UAS operations in Class E airspace (i.e. below 18,000 feet MSL). However, accurate probabilistic models for the behavior of pilots of GA aircraft flying under VFR in Class E airspace were needed before the RM subsystem could be implemented. In this dissertation the author presents the results of data mining an aircraft telemetry data set from a consecutive nine month period in 2011. This aircraft telemetry data set consisted of Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) data obtained from Garmin G1000 devices onboard every Cessna 172 in the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet. Data from aircraft which were potentially within the controlled airspace surrounding controlled airports were excluded. Also, GA aircraft in the FDM data flying in Class E airspace were assumed to be flying under VFR, which is usually a valid assumption. Complex subpaths were discovered from the aircraft telemetry data set using a novel application of an ant colony algorithm. Then, probabilistic models were data mined from those subpaths using extensions of the Genetic K-Means (GKA) and Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithms. The results obtained from the subpath discovery and data mining suggest a pilot flying a GA aircraft near to an uncontrolled airport will perform different maneuvers than a pilot flying a GA aircraft far from an uncontrolled airport, irrespective of the altitude of the GA aircraft. However, since only aircraft telemetry data from the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet were data mined, these results are not likely to be applicable to GA aircraft operating in a non-training environment

    CPS Data Streams Analytics based on Machine Learning for Cloud and Fog Computing: A Survey

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    Cloud and Fog computing has emerged as a promising paradigm for the Internet of things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems (CPS). One characteristic of CPS is the reciprocal feedback loops between physical processes and cyber elements (computation, software and networking), which implies that data stream analytics is one of the core components of CPS. The reasons for this are: (i) it extracts the insights and the knowledge from the data streams generated by various sensors and other monitoring components embedded in the physical systems; (ii) it supports informed decision making; (iii) it enables feedback from the physical processes to the cyber counterparts; (iv) it eventually facilitates the integration of cyber and physical systems. There have been many successful applications of data streams analytics, powered by machine learning techniques, to CPS systems. Thus, it is necessary to have a survey on the particularities of the application of machine learning techniques to the CPS domain. In particular, we explore how machine learning methods should be deployed and integrated in cloud and fog architectures for better fulfilment of the requirements, e.g. mission criticality and time criticality, arising in CPS domains. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to systematically study machine learning techniques for CPS data stream analytics from various perspectives, especially from a perspective that leads to the discussion and guidance of how the CPS machine learning methods should be deployed in a cloud and fog architecture

    Building shared knowledge for EOR technologies: Screening guideline constructions, dashboards, and advanced data analysis

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    Successful implementation of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology requires comprehensive knowledge and experiences based on existing EOR projects. EOR screening guidelines and EOR reservoir analog are served as such knowledge which are considered as the first step for a reservoir engineer to determine the next step techniques to improve the ultimate oil recovery from their assets. The objective of this research work is to provide better assistance for EOR selection by using fundamental statistics methods and machine learning techniques. In this dissertation, a total of 977 worldwide EOR projects with the most uniformed, high-quality, and comprehensive information were collected from scattered publications and sources, which lays the foundation for further analysis and reasoning. Conventional screening guidelines for 12 EOR technologies were updated with the augment of critical parameters (e.g. MMP, net thickness) compared with previous studies. Hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis are applied for the construction of advanced EOR screening models. Furthermore, a hybrid EOR screening system was established with the combination of conventional and advanced screening technology. Finally, reservoir analog technology was applied to the steam flooding projects to detect the most similar case to assist the decision-making process with limited data information. The results show wider applicability from conventional guidelines; an advanced EOR selection model with discriminative screening results; a hybrid model which combines the advantages of conventional and advanced screening technologies; and an accurate reservoir analog results for steam flooding projects --Abstract, page iv

    Neuroengineering of Clustering Algorithms

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    Cluster analysis can be broadly divided into multivariate data visualization, clustering algorithms, and cluster validation. This dissertation contributes neural network-based techniques to perform all three unsupervised learning tasks. Particularly, the first paper provides a comprehensive review on adaptive resonance theory (ART) models for engineering applications and provides context for the four subsequent papers. These papers are devoted to enhancements of ART-based clustering algorithms from (a) a practical perspective by exploiting the visual assessment of cluster tendency (VAT) sorting algorithm as a preprocessor for ART offline training, thus mitigating ordering effects; and (b) an engineering perspective by designing a family of multi-criteria ART models: dual vigilance fuzzy ART and distributed dual vigilance fuzzy ART (both of which are capable of detecting complex cluster structures), merge ART (aggregates partitions and lessens ordering effects in online learning), and cluster validity index vigilance in fuzzy ART (features a robust vigilance parameter selection and alleviates ordering effects in offline learning). The sixth paper consists of enhancements to data visualization using self-organizing maps (SOMs) by depicting in the reduced dimension and topology-preserving SOM grid information-theoretic similarity measures between neighboring neurons. This visualization\u27s parameters are estimated using samples selected via a single-linkage procedure, thereby generating heatmaps that portray more homogeneous within-cluster similarities and crisper between-cluster boundaries. The seventh paper presents incremental cluster validity indices (iCVIs) realized by (a) incorporating existing formulations of online computations for clusters\u27 descriptors, or (b) modifying an existing ART-based model and incrementally updating local density counts between prototypes. Moreover, this last paper provides the first comprehensive comparison of iCVIs in the computational intelligence literature --Abstract, page iv