26 research outputs found

    Specification and verification of atomic operations in GPGPU programs

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    We propose a specification and verification technique based on separation logic to reason about data race freedom and functional correctness of GPU kernels that use atomic operations as synchronisation mechanism. Our approach exploits the notion of resource invariant from Concurrent Separation Logic (CSL) to capture the behaviour of atomic operations. However, because of the different memory levels in the GPU architecture, we adapt this notion of resource invariant to these memory levels, i.e., group resource invariants capture the behaviour of atomic operations that access locations in local memory, while kernel resource invariants capture the behaviour of atomic operations that access locations in global memory. We show soundness of our approach and we provide tool support that enables us to verify kernels from standard benchmarks suites

    Correctness by Construction for Pairwise Sequence Alignment Algorithm in Bio-Sequence

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    Pairwise sequence alignment is a classical problem in bioinformatics, aiming at finding the similarity between two sequences, which is important for discovering functional, structural and evolutionary information in biological sequences. More algorithms have been developed for the sequence alignment problem. There is no formal development process for the existing pairwise sequence algorithms and leads to the low trustworthiness of those algorithms. In addition, the application of formal methods in the field of bioinformatics algorithm development is rarely seen. In this paper, we use a formal method PAR to construct a pairwise sequence algorithm, analyze the essence of the pairwise sequence alignment problem, construct the Apla algorithm program by stepwise refinement, and further verify its correctness. Finally a highly reliable and executable pairwise sequence alignment algorithm program is generated from Apla program via PAR platform. The formal construction process ensures the reliability of algorithm, and also demonstrates the algorithm design idea clearly, which makes the originally difficult algorithm design process easier. The successful practice of this method on the pairwise sequence alignment problem in biological sequence analysis can provide a reference for the construction of highly reliable algorithms in complex bioinformatics from both methodological and practical aspects

    The GPUVerify Method: a Tutorial Overview

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    I present a tutorial overview demonstrating the key technique used by GPUVerify, a static verification tool for graphics processing unit (GPU) kernels.  The technique is a method for translating a massively parallel GPU kernel into a sequential program such that correctness of the sequential program implies data race-freedom of the parallel kernel

    Abstraction, Up-To Techniques and Games for Systems of Fixpoint Equations

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    Systems of fixpoint equations over complete lattices, consisting of (mixed) least and greatest fixpoint equations, allow one to express many verification tasks such as model-checking of various kinds of specification logics or the check of coinductive behavioural equivalences. In this paper we develop a theory of approximation for systems of fixpoint equations in the style of abstract interpretation: a system over some concrete domain is abstracted to a system in a suitable abstract domain, with conditions ensuring that the abstract solution represents a sound/complete overapproximation of the concrete solution. Interestingly, up-to techniques, a classical approach used in coinductive settings to obtain easier or feasible proofs, can be interpreted as abstractions in a way that they naturally fit into our framework and extend to systems of equations. Additionally, relying on the approximation theory, we can characterise the solution of systems of fixpoint equations over complete lattices in terms of a suitable parity game, generalising some recent work that was restricted to continuous lattices. The game view opens the way for the development of local algorithms for characterising the solution of such equation systems and we explore some special cases

    The design and implementation of a verification technique for GPU Kernels

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    We present a technique for the formal verification of GPU kernels, addressing two classes of correctness properties: data races and barrier divergence. Our approach is founded on a novel formal operational semantics for GPU kernels termed synchronous, delayed visibility (SDV) semantics, which captures the execution of a GPU kernel by multiple groups of threads. The SDV semantics provides operational definitions for barrier divergence and for both inter- and intra-group data races. We build on the semantics to develop a method for reducing the task of verifying a massively parallel GPU kernel to that of verifying a sequential program. This completely avoids the need to reason about thread interleavings, and allows existing techniques for sequential program verification to be leveraged. We describe an efficient encoding of data race detection and propose a method for automatically inferring the loop invariants that are required for verification. We have implemented these techniques as a practical verification tool, GPUVerify, that can be applied directly to OpenCL and CUDA source code. We evaluate GPUVerify with respect to a set of 162 kernels drawn from public and commercial sources. Our evaluation demonstrates that GPUVerify is capable of efficient, automatic verification of a large number of real-world kernels

    Specification and verification of synchronisation classes in Java:A practical approach

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    Digital services are becoming an essential part of our daily lives. To provide these services, efficient software plays an important role. Concurrent programming is a technique that developers can exploit to gain more performance. In a concurrent program several threads of execution simultaneously are being executed. Sometimes they have to compete to access shared resources, like memory. This race of accessing shared memories can cause unexpected errors. Programmers use synchronisation constructs to tame the concurrency and control the accesses. In order to develop reliable concurrent software, the correctness of these synchronisation constructs is crucial. In this thesis we use a program logic, called permission-based Separation Logic, to statically reason about the correctness of synchronisation constructs. The logic has the power to reason about correct ownership of threads regarding shared memory. A correctly functioning synchroniser is responsible for exchanging a correct permission when a thread requests access to the shared memory. We use our VERCORS verification tool-set to verify the correctness of various synchronisation constructs. In Chapter 1 we discuss the scope of the thesis. All the required technical background about permission-based Separation Logic and synchronisation classes is explained in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3 we discuss how threads' start and join as minimum synchronisation points can be verified. To verify correctness of the synchronisation classes we have to first specify expected behaviour of the classes. This is covered in Chapter 4. In this chapter we present a unified approach to abstractly describe the common behaviour of synchronisers. Using our specifications, one is able to reason about the correctness of the client programs that access the shared state through the synchronisers. The atomic classes of java.util.concurrent are the core element of every synchronisation construct implementation. In Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 we propose a specification for atomic classes. Using this contract, we verified the implementation of synchronisation constructs w.r.t to their specifications from Chapter 4. In our proposed contract the specification of the atomic classes is parameterized with the protocols and resource invariants. Based on the context, the parameters can be defined. In Chapter 7 we propose a verification stack where each layer of stack verifies one particular aspect of a specified concurrent program in which atomic operations are the main synchronisation constructs. We demonstrate how to verify that a non-blocking data structure is data-race free and well connected. Based on the result of the verification from the lower layers, upper layers can reason about the functional properties of the concurrent data structure. In Chapter 8 we present a sound specification and verification technique to reason about data race freedom and functional correctness of GPU kernels that use atomic operations as synchronisation mechanism. Finally, Chapter 9 concludes the thesis with future directions

    Evaluation of the Ada-SPARK Language Effectiveness in Graphics Processing Units for Safety Critical Systems

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    Modern safety critical systems require high levels of performance for the implementation of advanced functionalities, which are not possible with the simple conventional architectures currently used in them. Embedded General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) are among the hardware technologies which can provide the high performance required in these domains. However, their massively parallel nature complicates the verification of their software and increases its cost because it usually involves code coverage through extensive human-driven testing. The Ada-SPARK language has traditionally been used in highly-critical environments for its formal verification capabilities and powerful type system. The use of such tools, especially those being backed up by theorem provers, has significantly lowered the amount of effort needed to validate functionality of safety-critical systems. In this work, we utilize AdaCore's CUDA backend for Ada ---currently in closed beta--- in conjunction with the SPARK language subset to assess the state of static verification for GPU kernels. We show how common programming mistakes in GPU kernels can be prevented, formulate a pattern for buffer overflow detection, and close with a few GPU case studies

    Dynamic task scheduling and binding for many-core systems through stream rewriting

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    This thesis proposes a novel model of computation, called stream rewriting, for the specification and implementation of highly concurrent applications. Basically, the active tasks of an application and their dependencies are encoded as a token stream, which is iteratively modified by a set of rewriting rules at runtime. In order to estimate the performance and scalability of stream rewriting, a large number of experiments have been evaluated on many-core systems and the task management has been implemented in software and hardware.In dieser Dissertation wurde Stream Rewriting als eine neue Methode entwickelt, um Anwendungen mit einer großen Anzahl von dynamischen Tasks zu beschreiben und effizient zur Laufzeit verwalten zu können. Dabei werden die aktiven Tasks in einem Datenstrom verpackt, der zur Laufzeit durch wiederholtes Suchen und Ersetzen umgeschrieben wird. Um die Performance und Skalierbarkeit zu bestimmen, wurde eine Vielzahl von Experimenten mit Many-Core-Systemen durchgeführt und die Verwaltung von Tasks über Stream Rewriting in Software und Hardware implementiert