351 research outputs found

    Reliable Provisioning of Spot Instances for Compute-intensive Applications

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    Cloud computing providers are now offering their unused resources for leasing in the spot market, which has been considered the first step towards a full-fledged market economy for computational resources. Spot instances are virtual machines (VMs) available at lower prices than their standard on-demand counterparts. These VMs will run for as long as the current price is lower than the maximum bid price users are willing to pay per hour. Spot instances have been increasingly used for executing compute-intensive applications. In spite of an apparent economical advantage, due to an intermittent nature of biddable resources, application execution times may be prolonged or they may not finish at all. This paper proposes a resource allocation strategy that addresses the problem of running compute-intensive jobs on a pool of intermittent virtual machines, while also aiming to run applications in a fast and economical way. To mitigate potential unavailability periods, a multifaceted fault-aware resource provisioning policy is proposed. Our solution employs price and runtime estimation mechanisms, as well as three fault tolerance techniques, namely checkpointing, task duplication and migration. We evaluate our strategies using trace-driven simulations, which take as input real price variation traces, as well as an application trace from the Parallel Workload Archive. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of executing applications on spot instances, respecting QoS constraints, despite occasional failures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A Reliable and Cost-Efficient Auto-Scaling System for Web Applications Using Heterogeneous Spot Instances

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    Cloud providers sell their idle capacity on markets through an auction-like mechanism to increase their return on investment. The instances sold in this way are called spot instances. In spite that spot instances are usually 90% cheaper than on-demand instances, they can be terminated by provider when their bidding prices are lower than market prices. Thus, they are largely used to provision fault-tolerant applications only. In this paper, we explore how to utilize spot instances to provision web applications, which are usually considered availability-critical. The idea is to take advantage of differences in price among various types of spot instances to reach both high availability and significant cost saving. We first propose a fault-tolerant model for web applications provisioned by spot instances. Based on that, we devise novel auto-scaling polices for hourly billed cloud markets. We implemented the proposed model and policies both on a simulation testbed for repeatable validation and Amazon EC2. The experiments on the simulation testbed and the real platform against the benchmarks show that the proposed approach can greatly reduce resource cost and still achieve satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of response time and availability

    A Bag-of-Tasks Scheduler Tolerant to Temporal Failures in Clouds

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    Cloud platforms have emerged as a prominent environment to execute high performance computing (HPC) applications providing on-demand resources as well as scalability. They usually offer different classes of Virtual Machines (VMs) which ensure different guarantees in terms of availability and volatility, provisioning the same resource through multiple pricing models. For instance, in Amazon EC2 cloud, the user pays per hour for on-demand VMs while spot VMs are unused instances available for lower price. Despite the monetary advantages, a spot VM can be terminated, stopped, or hibernated by EC2 at any moment. Using both hibernation-prone spot VMs (for cost sake) and on-demand VMs, we propose in this paper a static scheduling for HPC applications which are composed by independent tasks (bag-of-task) with deadline constraints. However, if a spot VM hibernates and it does not resume within a time which guarantees the application's deadline, a temporal failure takes place. Our scheduling, thus, aims at minimizing monetary costs of bag-of-tasks applications in EC2 cloud, respecting its deadline and avoiding temporal failures. To this end, our algorithm statically creates two scheduling maps: (i) the first one contains, for each task, its starting time and on which VM (i.e., an available spot or on-demand VM with the current lowest price) the task should execute; (ii) the second one contains, for each task allocated on a VM spot in the first map, its starting time and on which on-demand VM it should be executed to meet the application deadline in order to avoid temporal failures. The latter will be used whenever the hibernation period of a spot VM exceeds a time limit. Performance results from simulation with task execution traces, configuration of Amazon EC2 VM classes, and VMs market history confirms the effectiveness of our scheduling and that it tolerates temporal failures

    Reducing the price of resource provisioning using EC2 spot instances with prediction models

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    The increasing demand of computing resources has boosted the use of cloud computing providers. This has raised a new dimension in which the connections between resource usage and costs have to be considered from an organizational perspective. As a part of its EC2 service, Amazon introduced spot instances (SI) as a cheap public infrastructure, but at the price of not ensuring reliability of the service. On the Amazon SI model, hired instances can be abruptly terminated by the service provider when necessary. The interface for managing SI is based on a bidding strategy that depends on non-public Amazon pricing strategies, which makes complicated for users to apply any scheduling or resource provisioning strategy based on such (cheaper) resources. Although it is believed that the use of the EC2 SIs infrastructure can reduce costs for final users, a deep review of literature concludes that their characteristics and possibilities have not yet been deeply explored. In this work we present a framework for the analysis of the EC2 SIs infrastructure that uses the price history of such resources in order to classify the SI availability zones and then generate price prediction models adapted to each class. The proposed models are validated through a formal experimentation process. As a result, these models are applied to generate resource provisioning plans that get the optimal price when using the SI infrastructure in a real scenario. Finally, the recent changes that Amazon has introduced in the SI model and how this work can adapt to these changes is discussed

    Resource Provisioning Exploiting Cost and Performance Diversity within IaaS Cloud Providers

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    IaaS platforms such as Amazon EC2 allow clients access to massive computational power in the form of instances. Amazon hosts three different instance purchasing options, each with its own SLA covering pricing and availability. Amazon also offers access to a number of geographical regions, zones, and instance types to select from. In this thesis, the problem of utilizing Spot and On-Demand instances is analyzed and two approaches are presented in order to exploit the cost and performance diversity among different instance types and availability zones, and among the Spot markets they represent. We first develop RAMP, a framework designed to calculate the expected profit of using a specific Spot or On-Demand instance through an evaluation of instance reliability. RAMP is extended to develop RAMC-DC, a framework designed to allocate the most cost effective instance through strategies that facilitate interchangeability of instances among short jobs, reliability of instances among long jobs, and a comparison of the estimated costs of possible allocations. RAMC-DC achieves fault tolerance through comparisons of the price dynamics across instance types and availability zones, and through an examination of three basic checkpointing methods. Evaluations demonstrate that both frameworks take a large step toward low-volatility, high cost-efficiency resource provisioning. While achieving early-termination rates as low as 2.2%, RAMP can completely offset the total cost when charging the user just 17.5% of the On-Demand price. Moreover, the increases in profit resulting from relatively small additional charges to users are notably high, i.e., 100% profit compared to the resource provisioning cost with 35% of the equivalent On-Demand price. RAMC-DC can maintain deadline breaches below 1.8% of all jobs, achieve both early-termination and deadline breach rates as low as 0.5% of all jobs, and lowers total costs by between 80% and 87% compared to using only On-Demand instances

    Resource Provisioning Exploiting Cost and Performance Diversity within IaaS Cloud Providers

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    IaaS platforms such as Amazon EC2 allow clients access to massive computational power in the form of instances. Amazon hosts three different instance purchasing options, each with its own SLA covering pricing and availability. Amazon also offers access to a number of geographical regions, zones, and instance types to select from. In this thesis, the problem of utilizing Spot and On-Demand instances is analyzed and two approaches are presented in order to exploit the cost and performance diversity among different instance types and availability zones, and among the Spot markets they represent. We first develop RAMP, a framework designed to calculate the expected profit of using a specific Spot or On-Demand instance through an evaluation of instance reliability. RAMP is extended to develop RAMC-DC, a framework designed to allocate the most cost effective instance through strategies that facilitate interchangeability of instances among short jobs, reliability of instances among long jobs, and a comparison of the estimated costs of possible allocations. RAMC-DC achieves fault tolerance through comparisons of the price dynamics across instance types and availability zones, and through an examination of three basic checkpointing methods. Evaluations demonstrate that both frameworks take a large step toward low-volatility, high cost-efficiency resource provisioning. While achieving early-termination rates as low as 2.2%, RAMP can completely offset the total cost when charging the user just 17.5% of the On-Demand price. Moreover, the increases in profit resulting from relatively small additional charges to users are notably high, i.e., 100% profit compared to the resource provisioning cost with 35% of the equivalent On-Demand price. RAMC-DC can maintain deadline breaches below 1.8% of all jobs, achieve both early-termination and deadline breach rates as low as 0.5% of all jobs, and lowers total costs by between 80% and 87% compared to using only On-Demand instances
