17 research outputs found

    Experimenting with the partnership ability φ-index on a million computer scientists

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    International audienceSchubert introduced the partnership ability φ-index relying on a researcher's number of co-authors and collaboration rate. As a Hirsch-type index, φ was expected to be consistent with Schubert-Glänzel's model of h-index. Schubert demonstrated this relationship with the 34 awardees of the Hevesy medal in the field of nuclear and radiochemistry (r² = 0.8484). In this paper, we upscale this study by testing the φ-index on a million researchers in computer science. We found that the Schubert-Glänzel's model correlates with the million empirical φ values (r² = 0.8695). In addition, machine learning through symbolic regression produces models whose accuracy does not exceed a 6.1% gain (r² = 0.9227). These results suggest that the Schubert-Glänzel's model of φ-index is accurate and robust on the domain-wide bibliographic dataset of computer science

    Academic careers in Computer Science: Continuance and transience of lifetime co-authorships

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    International audienceScholarly publications reify fruitful collaborations between co-authors. A branch of research in the Science Studies focuses on analyzing the co-authorship networks of established scientists. Such studies tell us about how their collaborations developed through their careers. This paper updates previous work by reporting a transversal and a longitudinal studies spanning the lifelong careers of a cohort of researchers from the DBLP bibliographic database. We mined 3,860 researchers' publication records to study the evolution patterns of their co-authorships. Two features of co-authors were considered: 1) their expertise, and 2) the history of their partnerships with the sampled researchers. Our findings reveal the ephemeral nature of most collaborations: 70% of the new co-authors were only one-shot partners since they did not appear to collaborate on any further publications. Overall, researchers consistently extended their co-authorships 1) by steadily enrolling beginning researchers (i.e., people who had never published before), and 2) by increasingly working with confirmed researchers with whom they already collaborated

    A theoretical model of the relationship between the h-index and other simple citation indicators

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    Of the existing theoretical formulas for the h-index, those recently suggested by Burrell (J Informetr 7: 774-783, 2013b) and by Bertoli-Barsotti and Lando (J Informetr 9(4): 762-776, 2015) have proved very effective in estimating the actual value of the h-index Hirsch (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 16569-16572, 2005), at least at the level of the individual scientist. These approaches lead (or may lead) to two slightly different formulas, being based, respectively, on a "standard'' and a "shifted'' version of the geometric distribution. In this paper, we review the genesis of these two formulas-which we shall call the "basic'' and "improved'' Lambert-W formula for the h-index-and compare their effectiveness with that of a number of instances taken from the well-known Glanzel-Schubert class of models for the h-index (based, instead, on a Paretian model) by means of an empirical study. All the formulas considered in the comparison are "ready-to-use'', i.e., functions of simple citation indicators such as: the total number of publications; the total number of citations; the total number of cited paper; the number of citations of the most cited paper. The empirical study is based on citation data obtained from two different sets of journals belonging to two different scientific fields: more specifically, 231 journals from the area of "Statistics and Mathematical Methods'' and 100 journals from the area of "Economics, Econometrics and Finance'', totaling almost 100,000 and 20,000 publications, respectively. The citation data refer to different publication/citation time windows, different types of "citable'' documents, and alternative approaches to the analysis of the citation process ("prospective'' and "retrospective''). We conclude that, especially in its improved version, the Lambert-W formula for the h-index provides a quite robust and effective ready-to-use rule that should be preferred to other known formulas if one's goal is (simply) to derive a reliable estimate of the h-index.Web of Science11131448141

    Ubiquitous learning in arts education and visual languages: Trend Analysis

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    La irrupción de la tecnología digital, en general, e Internet, en particular, en los últimos años, ha provocado cambios relevantes en nuestra sociedad, configurando un nuevo paradigma cultural. Aprender en la era digital es complejo, puesto que es un proceso multifacético y diverso. El aprendizaje ubicuo considerado como aquel que puede darse en cualquier momento y lugar con el apoyo de las tecnologías, otorga nuevas posibilidades aplicadas a áreas como la educación artística universitaria. Así, el objetivo del estudio es identificar las tendencias globales de las publicaciones científicas relacionadas con el aprendizaje ubicuo y su vinculación con el aprendizaje de la educación artística y visual en entornos de educación superior, durante el período 2000-2019. Para ello, se ha aplicado un análisis bibliométrico de 534 artículos, obteniendo resultados de la productividad científica de las revistas, autores, instituciones y países que contribuyen a esta investigación. La evidencia muestra un interés creciente, especialmente en los últimos tres años, por el estudio de la aplicación de la realidad virtual y aumenta en la educación superior. El área temática principal es Ciencias Sociales. Además, el estudio ha detectado cinco direcciones de investigación relacionadas con Internet, educación, visuales, programación de computadoras, aprendizaje, alfabetización en medios digitales y tecnología educativa. Este estudio contribuye a la discusión académica, científica e institucional para mejorar la toma de decisiones con base en la información disponibleThe irruption of digital technology, in general, and the Internet, in particular, in recent years, has caused relevant changes in our society, configuring a new cultural paradigm. Learning in the digital age is complex, since it is a multifaceted and diverse process. The ubiquitous learning considered as that which can occur at any time and place with the support of technologies, provides new possibilities applied to areas such as university art education. Thus, the objective of the study is to identify the global trends of scientific publications related to ubiquitous learning and its link with the learning of artistic and visual education in higher education settings, during the period 2000-2019. for this, a bibliometric analysis of 534 articles has been applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions and countries that contribute to this research. The evidence shows a growing interest, especially in the last three years, in the study of the application of virtual reality and it increases in higher education. The main subject area is Social Sciences. In addition, the study has detected five research directions related to the Internet, education, visuals, computer programming, learning, digital media literacy and educational technology. This study contributes to the academic, scientific and institutional discussion to improve decision-making based on the information availabl

    Implications of Virtual Reality in Arts Education: Research Analysis in the Context of Higher Education

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    Technological advances have posed a challenge in university learning ecosystems in terms of the application of immersive technologies that offer an educational and innovative framework to the student. The evolution of global research on this topic during the period 1980 to 2019 was studied. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis of 1296 articles was applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions, and countries that contribute to this research. The evidence shows a growing interest, especially in the last three years, in the study of the application of virtual reality in higher education. The main subject area is Social Science. The most productive research institution is the Complutense University of Madrid. The United States is the country with the most publications and citations. In addition, The United States, Spain and the United Kingdom are the countries with the most international collaborations in their publications. The study detected five new directions for future research. The growing worldwide trend of scientific production demonstrates the interest in developing aspects of the use of virtual reality in arts education in the context of higher education. This study contributes to the academic, scientific and institutional discussion around the improvement of decision making based on the available information