126 research outputs found

    Robust and Effective Banknote Recognition Model for Aiding Visual Impaired People

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    Visual disabled Ethiopians find great difficulty in recognizing banknotes. Each Ethiopian banknote has an identical feel, with no Braille markings, irregular edges, or other tangible features that make it easily recognizable by blind persons. In Ethiopia, there's only one device available that will assist blind people to acknowledge their notes. Internationally, there are devices available; however, they're expensive, complex, and haven't been developed to cater to Ethiopian currency. Because of these facts, visually impaired people may suffer from recognizing each folding money. This fact necessitates a higher authentication and verification system that will help visually disabled people to simply identify and recognize the banknotes. This paper presents a denomination-specific component-based framework for a banknote recognition system. Within the study, the dominant color of the banknotes was first identified and so the exclusive feature for every denomination-specific ROI was calculated. Finally, the Colour-Momentum, dominant color, and GLCM features were calculated from each denomination-specific ROI. Designing the recognition system by thereby considering the denomination-specific ROI is simpler as compared to considering the entire note in collecting more class-specific information and robust in copying with partial occlusion and viewpoint changes. The performance of the proposed model was verified by using a larger dataset of which containing banknotes in several conditions including occlusion, cluttered background, rotation, and changes of illumination, scaling, and viewpoints. The proposed algorithm achieves a 98% recognition rate on our challenging datasets

    Euro Banknote Recognition System for Blind People

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    [EN] This paper presents the development of a portable system with the aim of allowing blind people to detect and recognize Euro banknotes. The developed device is based on a Raspberry Pi electronic instrument and a Raspberry Pi camera, Pi NoIR (No Infrared filter) dotted with additional infrared light, which is embedded into a pair of sunglasses that permit blind and visually impaired people to independently handle Euro banknotes, especially when receiving their cash back when shopping. The banknote detection is based on the modified Viola and Jones algorithms, while the banknote value recognition relies on the Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) technique. The accuracies of banknote detection and banknote value recognition are 84% and 97.5%, respectively.The work was supported by the project from the Generalitat Valenciana under the number GV/2014/015-Emergency projects.Dunai, L.; Chillarón-Pérez, M.; Peris Fajarnes, G.; Lengua, I. (2017). Euro Banknote Recognition System for Blind People. Sensors. 17(1)(184):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17010184S11417(1)18

    Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier Based Sensor Fusion for Machine Conditioning

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    Texture to the Rescue : Practical Paper Fingerprinting based on Texture Patterns

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    In this article, we propose a novel paper fingerprinting technique based on analyzing the translucent patterns revealed when a light source shines through the paper. These patterns represent the inherent texture of paper, formed by the random interleaving of wooden particles during the manufacturing process. We show that these patterns can be easily captured by a commodity camera and condensed into a compact 2,048-bit fingerprint code. Prominent works in this area (Nature 2005, IEEE S&P 2009, CCS 2011) have all focused on fingerprinting paper based on the paper "surface." We are motivated by the observation that capturing the surface alone misses important distinctive features such as the noneven thickness, random distribution of impurities, and different materials in the paper with varying opacities. Through experiments, we demonstrate that the embedded paper texture provides a more reliable source for fingerprinting than features on the surface. Based on the collected datasets, we achieve 0% false rejection and 0% false acceptance rates. We further report that our extracted fingerprints contain 807 degrees of freedom (DoF), which is much higher than the 249 DoF with iris codes (that have the same size of 2,048 bits). The high amount of DoF for texturebased fingerprints makes our method extremely scalable for recognition among very large databases; it also allows secure usage of the extracted fingerprint in privacy-preserving authentication schemes based on error correction techniques

    Banknote Authentication and Medical Image Diagnosis Using Feature Descriptors and Deep Learning Methods

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    Banknote recognition and medical image analysis have been the foci of image processing and pattern recognition research. As counterfeiters have taken advantage of the innovation in print media technologies for reproducing fake monies, hence the need to design systems which can reassure and protect citizens of the authenticity of banknotes in circulation. Similarly, many physicians must interpret medical images. But image analysis by humans is susceptible to error due to wide variations across interpreters, lethargy, and human subjectivity. Computer-aided diagnosis is vital to improvements in medical analysis, as they facilitate the identification of findings that need treatment and assist the expert’s workflow. Thus, this thesis is organized around three such problems related to Banknote Authentication and Medical Image Diagnosis. In our first research problem, we proposed a new banknote recognition approach that classifies the principal components of extracted HOG features. We further experimented on computing HOG descriptors from cells created from image patch vertices of SURF points and designed a feature reduction approach based on a high correlation and low variance filter. In our second research problem, we developed a mobile app for banknote identification and counterfeit detection using the Unity 3D software and evaluated its performance based on a Cascaded Ensemble approach. The algorithm was then extended to a client-server architecture using SIFT and SURF features reduced by Bag of Words and high correlation-based HOG vectors. In our third research problem, experiments were conducted on a pre-trained mobile app for medical image diagnosis using three convolutional layers with an Ensemble Classifier comprising PCA and bagging of five base learners. Also, we implemented a Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Network to mitigate the effect of the Binary Cross Entropy loss based on a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network as the generator and encoder with Capsule Network as the discriminator while experimenting on images with random composition and translation inferences. Lastly, we proposed a variant of the Single Image Super-resolution for medical analysis by redesigning the Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network to increase the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio during image reconstruction by incorporating a loss function based on the mean square error of pixel space and Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network layers

    Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La permitividad es una propiedad física de los materiales que describe su comportamiento en presencia de un campo electromagnético. Los sensores de microondas pueden desempeñar un papel esencial en las tareas de detección, supervisión o control de procesos, ya que algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos de los materiales producen cambios medibles en las propiedades dieléctricas. Además, la tecnología de calentamiento por microondas está adquiriendo una relevancia creciente para la transición ecológica y la descarbonización de los procesos industriales, y la permitividad es el parámetro esencial para el desarrollo exitoso de estos nuevos procesos. La permitividad depende de muchos factores, por lo que los métodos de medición de la permitividad deben adaptarse a las necesidades del material y del entorno de medición. El número de aplicaciones que requieren la monitorización o medida de las propiedades dieléctricas, las altas dependencias de esta magnitud bajo diferentes condiciones, y la necesidad de poner esta tecnología al alcance de un usuario más amplio y menos especializado, justifican el desarrollo de este trabajo. Esta tesis pretende desarrollar nuevos dispositivos para la monitorización y caracterización de dieléctricos adaptados a diferentes entornos, cubriendo un amplio rango de formatos, formas y propiedades de los materiales. Las dos primeras publicaciones incluidas en la tesis describen dos enfoques diferentes para abordar las mediciones de permitividad. El primer artículo describe un instrumento versátil, autónomo y fácil de usar para medir la permitividad de materiales dentro de tubos. El diseño de la cavidad logró una excelente sensibilidad, y el estudio de la red de acoplamiento permitió la caracterización de materiales de pérdidas bajas, moderadas y altas con una misma configuración. Este dispositivo incluye un reflectómetro vectorial portátil propio, lo que lo hace portátil y asequible. Las características del instrumento desarrollado permiten un uso sencillo por parte de personal no especializado y proporcionan versatilidad en muchas situaciones. La segunda publicación presenta el diseño específico de una sonda coaxial de extremo abierto con una mayor sensibilidad para determinar la permitividad de productos alimenticios de altas pérdidas en función de la temperatura a frecuencias de RF. Este artículo destaca la importancia de seleccionar la técnica de medición más adecuada, adaptada al entorno y a las particularidades del material, para la determinación apropiada de la permitividad. Los dos artículos siguientes describen el desarrollo y la utilización de un microscopio de microondas de campo cercano con resolución micrométrica para determinar mapas de permitividad de materiales planos heterogéneos a frecuencias de microondas. En ambos trabajos se describen los diferentes elementos que componen el instrumento del microscopio y las técnicas de análisis para determinar los valores de permitividad a partir de las medidas de los parámetros de la resonancia. En el primer trabajo se empleó por primera vez la tecnología de microondas en aplicaciones contra la falsificación, obteniendo la marca dieléctrica de la marca de agua de un billete. Además, este estudio demostró la capacidad de la energía de microondas para detectar marcas ocultas detrás de capas dieléctricas o metálicas, lo que abre nuevas posibilidades para el desarrollo de elementos de seguridad ópticamente opacos e imposibles de rastrear por medios ópticos. El segundo estudio demuestra la versatilidad de este sistema para determinar las propiedades dieléctricas de materiales planos heterogéneos midiendo la respuesta dieléctrica de especímenes de roca. Los métodos desarrollados en esta tesis aumentan la cartera de sistemas de caracterización dieléctrica y pueden ayudar a una amplia gama de sectores científicos e industriales en las tareas de monitorización y caracterización dieléctrica, haciendo estos trabajos más cómodos y accesibles.[CA] La permitivitat és una propietat física dels materials que descriu el seu comportament en presència d'un camp electromagnètic. Els sensors de microones poden exercir un paper essencial en les tasques de detecció, supervisió o control de processos, ja que alguns paràmetres fisicoquímics dels materials produeixen canvis mesurables en les propietats dielèctriques. A més, la tecnologia de calfament per microones està adquirint una rellevància creixent per a la transició ecològica i la descarbonització dels processos industrials, i la permitivitat és el paràmetre essencial per al desenvolupament reeixit d'aquests nous processos. La permitivitat depén de molts factors i, per tant, els mètodes de mesurament de la permitivitat han d'adaptar-se a les necessitats del material i de l'entorn de mesurament. El nombre d'aplicacions que requereixen el monitoratge o mesura de les propietats dielèctriques, les altes dependències d'aquesta magnitud sota diferents condicions, i la necessitat de posar aquesta tecnologia a l'abast d'un usuari més ampli i menys especialitzat, justifiquen el desenvolupament d'aquest treball. Aquesta tesi pretén desenvolupar nous dispositius per al monitoratge i caracterització de dielèctrics adaptats a diferents entorns, cobrint un ampli rang de formats, formes i propietats dels materials. Les dues primeres publicacions incloses en la tesi descriuen dos enfocaments diferents per a abordar els mesuraments de permitivitat. El primer article descriu un instrument versàtil, autònom i fàcil d'usar per a mesurar la permitivitat de materials dins de tubs. El disseny de la cavitat va aconseguir una excel·lent sensibilitat, i l'estudi de la xarxa d'acoblament va permetre la caracterització de materials de pèrdues baixes, moderades i altes amb una mateixa configuració. Aquest dispositiu inclou un reflectòmetre vectorial portàtil propi, la qual cosa el fa portàtil i assequible. Les característiques de l'instrument desenvolupat permeten un ús senzill per part de personal no especialitzat i proporcionen versatilitat en moltes situacions. La segona publicació presenta el disseny específic de una sonda coaxial d'extrem obert amb una major sensibilitat per a determinar la permitivitat de productes alimentaris d'altes pèrdues en funció de la temperatura a freqüències de RF. Aquest article destaca la importància de seleccionar la tècnica de mesurament més adequat, adaptada a l'entorn i a les particularitats del material, per a la determinació apropiada de la permitivitat. Els dos articles següents descriuen el desenvolupament i la utilització d'un microscopi de microones de camp pròxim amb resolució micromètrica per a determinar mapes de permitivitat de materials plans heterogenis a freqüències de microones. En tots dos treballs es descriuen els diferents elements que componen l'instrument del microscopi i les tècniques d'anàlisis per a determinar els valors de permitivitat a partir de les mesures dels paràmetres de la ressonància. En el primer treball es va emprar per primera vegada la tecnologia de microones en aplicacions contra la falsificació, obtenint la marca dielèctrica de la marca d'aigua d'un bitllet. A més, aquest estudi va demostrar la capacitat de l'energia de microones per a detectar marques ocultes darrere de capes dielèctriques o metàl·liques, la qual cosa obri noves possibilitats per al desenvolupament d'elements de seguretat òpticament opacs i impossibles de rastrejar per mitjans òptics. El segon estudi demostra la versatilitat d'aquest sistema per a determinar les propietats dielèctriques de materials plans heterogenis mesurant la resposta dielèctrica d'espècimens de roca. Els mètodes desenvolupats en aquesta tesi augmenten la cartera de sistemes de caracterització dielèctrica i poden ajudar a una àmplia gamma de sectors científics i industrials en les tasques de monitoratge i caracterització dielèctrica, fent aquests treballs més còmodes i accessibles.[EN] Permittivity is a physical property of materials describing their behavior in the presence of an electromagnetic field. Microwave sensors can play an essential role in detecting, monitoring, or process control tasks as some physicochemical parameters of materials produce measurable changes in dielectric properties. Besides, microwave heating technology is gaining increasing relevance for the ecological transition and decarbonization of industrial processes, and permittivity is the essential parameter for the successful development of these new processes. Permittivity depends on many factors and thus, permittivity measurement methods must be adapted to the needs of the material and the measurement environment. The number of applications that require the monitoring or measurement of dielectric properties, the high dependencies of this magnitude under different conditions, and the need to make this technology available to a broader and less specialized user justify the development of this work. This thesis aims to develop new devices for the monitoring and characterization of dielectrics adapted to different environments, covering a wide range of materials' formats, shapes, and properties. The first two publications included in the thesis describe two different approaches to address permittivity measurements. The first paper describes a versatile, stand-alone, and easy-to-use instrument for measuring the permittivity materials inside tubes. The design of the cavity achieved an excellent sensitivity, and the study of the coupling network allowed the characterization of low, moderate, and high-loss materials with the same setup. This device included an in-house portable vector reflectometer, making it portable and cost-affordable. The features of the developed instrument allow straightforward use by non-specialized personnel and provide versatility in many situations. The second publication presents a specific open-ended coaxial design with increased sensitivity to determine the permittivity of lossy food products as a function of temperature at RF frequencies. This paper highlight the relevance of selecting the most suitable measurement technique, adapted to the environment and particularities of the material, for the appropriate determination of permittivity. The following two papers describe the development and use of a near-field scanning microwave microscope with micrometric resolution to determine permittivity maps of heterogeneous planar materials at microwave frequencies. The different elements comprising the microscope instrument and the analysis techniques to determine permittivity values from the resonance measurements were described throughout both works. In the first paper, microwave technology was employed for the first time in anti-counterfeiting applications by obtaining the dielectric mark of a banknote watermark. Besides, this study showed the ability of microwave energy to detect hidden marks behind dielectric or metallic layers, opening new possibilities for developing optically opaque security features untraceable by optical means. The second study demonstrates the versatility of this system in determining the dielectric properties of heterogeneous planar materials by measuring the dielectric response of rock specimens. The methods developed in this thesis dissertation increase the portfolio of dielectric characterization systems and can help a wide range of scientific and industrial sectors in dielectric monitoring and characterization tasks, making these works more convenient and accessible.Financial support through the grant reference BES-2016-077296 of the call Convocatoria de las ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores de 2016 by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by European Social Funds (ESF) of European Union is also gratefully acknowledgedGutiérrez Cano, JD. (2022). Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186351TESISCompendi

    Interpol review of fingermarks and other body impressions 2016–2019

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    This review paper covers the forensic-relevant literature in fingerprint and bodily impression sciences from 2016 to 2019 as a part of the 19th Interpol International Forensic Science Managers Symposium. The review papers are also available at the Interpol website at: https://www.interpol.int/content/download/ 14458/file/Interpol%20 Review%20 Papers%202019. pdf