182 research outputs found

    Finding the best tour for travelling salesman problem using artificial ecosystem optimization

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    This paper presents a new method based on the artificial ecosystem optimization (AEO) algorithm for finding the shortest tour of the travelling salesman problem (TSP). Wherein, AEO is a newly developed algorithm based on the idea of the energy flow of living organisms in the ecosystem consisting of production, consumption and decomposition mechanisms. In order to improve the efficiency of the AEO for the TSP problem, the 2-opt movement technique is equipped to enhance the quality of the solutions created by the AEO. The effectiveness of AEO for the TSP problem has been verified on four TSP instances consisting of the 14, 30, 48 and 52 cities. Based on the calculated results and the compared results with the previous methods, the proposed AEO method is one of the effective approaches for solving the TSP problem

    The AddACO: A bio-inspired modified version of the ant colony optimization algorithm to solve travel salesman problems

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    The Travel Salesman Problem (TSP) consists in finding the minimal-length closed tour that connects the entire group of nodes of a given graph. We propose to solve such a combinatorial optimization problem with the AddACO algorithm: it is a version of the Ant Colony Optimization method that is characterized by a modified probabilistic law at the basis of the exploratory movement of the artificial insects. In particular, the ant decisional rule is here set to amount in a linear convex combination of competing behavioral stimuli and has therefore an additive form (hence the name of our algorithm), rather than the canonical multiplicative one. The AddACO intends to address two conceptual shortcomings that characterize classical ACO methods: (i) the population of artificial insects is in principle allowed to simultaneously minimize/maximize all migratory guidance cues (which is in implausible from a biological/ecological point of view) and (ii) a given edge of the graph has a null probability to be explored if at least one of the movement trait is therein equal to zero, i.e., regardless the intensity of the others (this in principle reduces the exploratory potential of the ant colony). Three possible variants of our method are then specified: the AddACO-V1, which includes pheromone trail and visibility as insect decisional variables, and the AddACO-V2 and the AddACO-V3, which in turn add random effects and inertia, respectively, to the two classical migratory stimuli. The three versions of our algorithm are tested on benchmark middle-scale TPS instances, in order to assess their performance and to find their optimal parameter setting. The best performing variant is finally applied to large-scale TSPs, compared to the naive Ant-Cycle Ant System, proposed by Dorigo and colleagues, and evaluated in terms of quality of the solutions, computational time, and convergence speed. The aim is in fact to show that the proposed transition probability, as long as its conceptual advantages, is competitive from a performance perspective, i.e., if it does not reduce the exploratory capacity of the ant population w.r.t. the canonical one (at least in the case of selected TSPs). A theoretical study of the asymptotic behavior of the AddACO is given in the appendix of the work, whose conclusive section contains some hints for further improvements of our algorithm, also in the perspective of its application to other optimization problems

    Image Segmentation Using Ant System-based Clustering Algorithm

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    Industrial applications of computer vision sometimes require detection of atypical objects that occur as small groups of pixels in digital images. These objects are difficult to single out because they are small and randomly distributed. In this work we propose an image segmentation method using the novel Ant System-based Clustering Algorithm (ASCA). ASCA models the foraging behaviour of ants, which move through the data space searching for high data-density regions, and leave pheromone trails on their path. The pheromone map is used to identify the exact number of clusters, and assign the pixels to these clusters using the pheromone gradient. We applied ASCA to detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms and compared its performance with state-of-the-art clustering algorithms such as 1D Self-Organizing Map, k-Means, Fuzzy c-Means and Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means. The main advantage of ASCA is that the number of clusters needs not to be known a priori. The experimental results show that ASCA is more efficient than the other algorithms in detecting small clusters of atypical data

    Learn global and optimize local:A data-driven methodology for last-mile routing

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    In last-mile routing, the task of finding a route is often framed as a Traveling Salesman Problem to minimize travel time and associated cost. However, solutions stemming from this approach do not match the realized paths as drivers deviate due to navigational considerations and preferences. To prescribe routes that incorporate this tacit knowledge, a data-driven model is proposed that aligns well with the hierarchical structure of delivery data wherein each stop belongs to a zone — a geographical area. First, on the global level, a zone sequence is established as a result of a minimization over a cost matrix which is a weighted combination of historical information and distances (travel times) between zones. Subsequently, within zones, sequences of stops are determined, such that, integrated with the predetermined zone sequence, a full solution is obtained. The methodology is particularly promising as it propels itself within the top-tier of submissions to the Last-Mile Routing Research Challenge while maintaining an elegant decomposition that ensures a feasible implementation into practice. The concurrence between prescribed and realized routes underpins the adequateness of a hierarchical breakdown of the problem, and the fact that drivers make a series of locally optimal decisions when navigating. Furthermore, experimenting with the balance between historical information and distance exposes that historic information is pivotal in deciding a starting zone of a route. The experiments also reveal that at the end of a route, historical information can best be discarded, making the time it takes to return to the station the primary concern.</p

    Swarm intelligence: novel tools for optimization, feature extraction, and multi-agent system modeling

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    Abstract Animal swarms in nature are able to adapt to dynamic changes in their envi-ronment, and through cooperation they can solve problems that are crucial for their survival. Only by means of local interactions with other members of the swarm and with the environment, they can achieve a common goal more efficiently than it would be done by a single individual. This problem-solving behavior that results from the multiplicity of such interactions is referred to as Swarm Intelligence. The mathematical models of swarming behavior in nature were initially proposed to solve optimization problems. Nevertheless, this decentralized approach can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications, where emerging global patterns represent a solution to the task at hand. Methods for the solution of difficult computational problems based on Swarm Intelligence have been experimentally demonstrated and reported in the literature. However, a general framework that would facilitate their design does not exist yet. In this dissertation, a new general design methodology for Swarm Intelligence tools is proposed. By defining a discrete space in which the members of the swarm can move, and by modifying the rules of local interactions and setting the adequate objective function for solutions evaluation, the proposed methodology is tested in various domains. The dissertation presents a set of case studies, and focuses on two general approaches. One approach is to apply Swarm Intelligence as a tool for optimization and feature extraction, and the other approach is to model multi-agent systems such that they resemble swarms of animals in nature providing them with the ability to autonomously perform a task at hand. Artificial swarms are designed to be autonomous, scalable, robust, and adaptive to the changes in their environment. In this work, the methods that exploit one or more of these features are presented. First, the proposed methodology is validated in a real-world scenario seen as a combinatorial optimization problem. Then a set of novel tools for feature extraction, more precisely the adaptive edge detection and the broken-edge linking in digital images is proposed. A novel data clustering algorithm is also proposed and applied to image segmentation. Finally, a scalable algorithm based on the proposed methodology is developed for distributed task allocation in multi-agent systems, and applied to a swarm of robots. The newly proposed general methodology provides a guideline for future developers of the Swarm Intelligence tools. Los enjambres de animales en la naturaleza son capaces de adaptarse a cambios dinamicos en su entorno y, por medio de la cooperación, pueden resolver problemas ´ cruciales para su supervivencia. Unicamente por medio de interacciones locales con otros miembros del enjambre y con el entorno, pueden lograr un objetivo común de forma más eficiente que lo haría un solo individuo. Este comportamiento problema-resolutivo que es resultado de la multiplicidad de interacciones se denomina Inteligencia de Enjambre. Los modelos matemáticos de comportamiento de enjambres en entornos naturales fueron propuestos inicialmente para resolver problemas de optimización. Sin embargo, esta aproximación descentralizada puede ser una herramienta valiosa en una variedad de aplicaciones donde patrones globales emergentes representan una solución de las tareas actuales. Aunque en la literatura se muestra la utilidad de los métodos de Inteligencia de Enjambre, no existe un entorno de trabajo que facilite su diseño. En esta memoria de tesis proponemos una nueva metodologia general de diseño para herramientas de Inteligencia de Enjambre. Desarrollamos herramientas noveles que representan ejem-plos ilustrativos de su implementación. Probamos la metodología propuesta en varios dominios definiendo un espacio discreto en el que los miembros del enjambre pueden moverse, modificando las reglas de las interacciones locales y fijando la función objetivo adecuada para evaluar las soluciones. La memoria de tesis presenta un conjunto de casos de estudio y se centra en dos aproximaciones generales. Una aproximación es aplicar Inteligencia de Enjambre como herramienta de optimización y extracción de características mientras que la otra es modelar sistemas multi-agente de tal manera que se asemejen a enjambres de animales en la naturaleza a los que se les confiere la habilidad de ejecutar autónomamente la tarea. Los enjambres artificiales están diseñados para ser autónomos, escalables, robustos y adaptables a los cambios en su entorno. En este trabajo, presentamos métodos que explotan una o más de estas características. Primero, validamos la metodología propuesta en un escenario del mundo real visto como un problema de optimización combinatoria. Después, proponemos un conjunto de herramientas noveles para ex-tracción de características, en concreto la detección adaptativa de bordes y el enlazado de bordes rotos en imágenes digitales, y el agrupamiento de datos para segmentación de imágenes. Finalmente, proponemos un algoritmo escalable para la asignación distribuida de tareas en sistemas multi-agente aplicada a enjambres de robots. La metodología general recién propuesta ofrece una guía para futuros desarrolladores deherramientas de Inteligencia de Enjambre

    Mining Aircraft Telemetry Data With Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The Ganged Phased Array Radar - Risk Mitigation System (GPAR-RMS) was a mobile ground-based sense-and-avoid system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations developed by the University of North Dakota. GPAR-RMS detected proximate aircraft with various sensor systems, including a 2D radar and an Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver. Information about those aircraft was then displayed to UAS operators via visualization software developed by the University of North Dakota. The Risk Mitigation (RM) subsystem for GPAR-RMS was designed to estimate the current risk of midair collision, between the Unmanned Aircraft (UA) and a General Aviation (GA) aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in the surrounding airspace, for UAS operations in Class E airspace (i.e. below 18,000 feet MSL). However, accurate probabilistic models for the behavior of pilots of GA aircraft flying under VFR in Class E airspace were needed before the RM subsystem could be implemented. In this dissertation the author presents the results of data mining an aircraft telemetry data set from a consecutive nine month period in 2011. This aircraft telemetry data set consisted of Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) data obtained from Garmin G1000 devices onboard every Cessna 172 in the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet. Data from aircraft which were potentially within the controlled airspace surrounding controlled airports were excluded. Also, GA aircraft in the FDM data flying in Class E airspace were assumed to be flying under VFR, which is usually a valid assumption. Complex subpaths were discovered from the aircraft telemetry data set using a novel application of an ant colony algorithm. Then, probabilistic models were data mined from those subpaths using extensions of the Genetic K-Means (GKA) and Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithms. The results obtained from the subpath discovery and data mining suggest a pilot flying a GA aircraft near to an uncontrolled airport will perform different maneuvers than a pilot flying a GA aircraft far from an uncontrolled airport, irrespective of the altitude of the GA aircraft. However, since only aircraft telemetry data from the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet were data mined, these results are not likely to be applicable to GA aircraft operating in a non-training environment

    From classical to quantum machine learning: survey on routing optimization in 6G software defined networking

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    The sixth generation (6G) of mobile networks will adopt on-demand self-reconfiguration to fulfill simultaneously stringent key performance indicators and overall optimization of usage of network resources. Such dynamic and flexible network management is made possible by Software Defined Networking (SDN) with a global view of the network, centralized control, and adaptable forwarding rules. Because of the complexity of 6G networks, Artificial Intelligence and its integration with SDN and Quantum Computing are considered prospective solutions to hard problems such as optimized routing in highly dynamic and complex networks. The main contribution of this survey is to present an in-depth study and analysis of recent research on the application of Reinforcement Learning (RL), Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), and Quantum Machine Learning (QML) techniques to address SDN routing challenges in 6G networks. Furthermore, the paper identifies and discusses open research questions in this domain. In summary, we conclude that there is a significant shift toward employing RL/DRL-based routing strategies in SDN networks, particularly over the past 3 years. Moreover, there is a huge interest in integrating QML techniques to tackle the complexity of routing in 6G networks. However, considerable work remains to be done in both approaches in order to accomplish thorough comparisons and synergies among various approaches and conduct meaningful evaluations using open datasets and different topologies

    Energy-Efficient and Fresh Data Collection in IoT Networks by Machine Learning

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is rapidly changing our lives in almost every field, such as smart agriculture, environmental monitoring, intelligent manufacturing system, etc. How to improve the efficiency of data collection in IoT networks has attracted increasing attention. Clustering-based algorithms are the most common methods used to improve the efficiency of data collection. They group devices into distinct clusters, where each device belongs to one cluster only. All member devices sense their surrounding environment and transmit the results to the cluster heads (CHs). The CHs then send the received data to a control center via single-hop or multi-hops transmission. Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect data in IoT networks is another effective method for improving the efficiency of data collection. This is because UAVs can be flexibly deployed to communicate with ground devices via reliable air-to-ground communication links. Given that energy-efficient data collection and freshness of the collected data are two important factors in IoT networks, this thesis is concerned with designing algorithms to improve the energy efficiency of data collection and guarantee the freshness of the collected data. Our first contribution is an improved soft-k-means (IS-k-means) clustering algorithm that balances the energy consumption of nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The techniques of “clustering by fast search and find of density peaks” (CFSFDP) and kernel density estimation (KDE) are used to improve the selection of the initial cluster centers of the soft k-means clustering algorithm. Then, we utilize the flexibility of the soft-k-means and reassign member nodes by considering their membership probabilities at the boundary of clusters to balance the number of nodes per cluster. Furthermore, we use multi-CHs to balance the energy consumption within clusters. Extensive simulation results show that, on average, the proposed algorithm can postpone the first node death, the half of nodes death, and the last node death when compared to various clustering algorithms from the literature. The second contribution tackles the problem of minimizing the total energy consumption of the UAV-IoT network. Specifically, we formulate and solve the optimization problem that jointly finds the UAV’s trajectory and selects CHs in the IoT network. The formulated problem is a constrained combinatorial optimization and we develop a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) with a sequential model strategy to solve it. The proposed method can effectively learn the policy represented by a sequence-to-sequence neural network for designing the UAV’s trajectory in an unsupervised manner. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed DRL method can find the UAV’s trajectory with much less energy consumption when compared to other baseline algorithms and achieves close-to-optimal performance. In addition, simulation results show that the model trained by our proposed DRL algorithm has an excellent generalization ability, i.e., it can be used for larger-size problems without the need to retrain the model. The third contribution is also concerned with minimizing the total energy consumption of the UAV-aided IoT networks. A novel DRL technique, namely the pointer network-A* (Ptr-A*), is proposed, which can efficiently learn the UAV trajectory policy for minimizing the energy consumption. The UAV’s start point and the ground network with a set of pre-determined clusters are fed to the Ptr-A*, and the Ptr-A* outputs a group of CHs and the visiting order of CHs, i.e., the UAV’s trajectory. The parameters of the Ptr-A* are trained on problem instances having small-scale clusters by using the actor-critic algorithm in an unsupervised manner. Simulation results show that the models trained based on 20- clusters and 40-clusters have a good generalization ability to solve the UAV’s trajectory planning problem with different numbers of clusters, without the need to retrain the models. Furthermore, the results show that our proposed DRL algorithm outperforms two baseline techniques. In the last contribution, the new concept, age-of-information (AoI), is used to quantify the freshness of collected data in IoT networks. An optimization problem is formulated to minimize the total AoI of the collected data by the UAV from the ground IoT network. Since the total AoI of the IoT network depends on the flight time of the UAV and the data collection time at hovering points, we jointly optimize the selection of the hovering points and the visiting order to these points. We exploit the state-of-the-art transformer and the weighted A* to design a machine learning algorithm to solve the formulated problem. The whole UAV-IoT system, including all ground clusters and potential hovering points of the UAV, is fed to the encoder network of the proposed algorithm, and the algorithm’s decoder network outputs the visiting order to ground clusters. Then, the weighted A* is used to find the hovering point for each cluster in the ground IoT network. Simulation results show that the model trained by the proposed algorithm has a good generalization ability to generate solutions for IoT networks with different numbers of ground clusters, without the need to retrain the model. Furthermore, results show that our proposed algorithm can find better UAV trajectories with the minimum total AoI when compared to other algorithms
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