1,212 research outputs found

    Towards binocular active vision in a robot head system

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    This paper presents the first results of an investigation and pilot study into an active, binocular vision system that combines binocular vergence, object recognition and attention control in a unified framework. The prototype developed is capable of identifying, targeting, verging on and recognizing objects in a highly-cluttered scene without the need for calibration or other knowledge of the camera geometry. This is achieved by implementing all image analysis in a symbolic space without creating explicit pixel-space maps. The system structure is based on the ‘searchlight metaphor’ of biological systems. We present results of a first pilot investigation that yield a maximum vergence error of 6.4 pixels, while seven of nine known objects were recognized in a high-cluttered environment. Finally a “stepping stone” visual search strategy was demonstrated, taking a total of 40 saccades to find two known objects in the workspace, neither of which appeared simultaneously within the Field of View resulting from any individual saccade

    Real Time Panoramic Image Processing

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    Image stitching algorithms are able to join sets of images together and provide a wider field of a vision when compared with an image from a single standard camera. Traditional techniques for accomplishing this are able to adequately produce a stitch for a static set of images, but suffer when differing lighting conditions exist between the two images. Additionally, traditional techniques suffer from processing times that are too slow for real time use cases. We propose a solution which resolves the issues encountered by traditional image stitching techniques. To resolve the issues with lighting difference, two blending schemes have been implemented, a standard approach and a superpixel approach. To verify the integrity of the cached solution, a validation scheme has been implemented. Using this scheme, invalid solutions can be detected, and the cache regenerated. Finally, these components are packaged together in a parallel processing architecture to ensure that frame processing is never interrupted

    Real-time near replica detection over massive streams of shared photos

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    Aquest treball es basa en la detecció en temps real de repliques d'imatges en entorns distribuïts a partir de la indexació de vectors de característiques locals

    A visual sensor network for object recognition: Testbed realization

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    This work describes the implementation of an object recognition service on top of energy and resource-constrained hardware. A complete pipeline for object recognition based on the BRISK visual features is implemented on Intel Imote2 sensor devices. The reference implementation is used to assess the performance of the object recognition pipeline in terms of processing time and recognition accuracy

    A SIFT-Based Fingerprint Verification System Using Cellular Neural Networks

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    Recently, with the increasing demand of high security, person identification has become more and more important in our everyday life. The purpose of establishing the identity is to ensure that only a legitimate user, and not anyone else, accesses the rendered services. The traditional identification methods are based on “something that you possess ” and “somethin

    FPGA synthesis of an stereo image matching architecture for autonomous mobile robots

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    This paper describes a hardware proposal to speed up the process of image matching in stereo vision systems like those employed by autonomous mobile robots. This proposal combines a classical window-based matching approach with a previous stage, where key points are selected from each image of the stereo pair. In this first step the key point extraction method is based on the SIFT algorithm. Thus, in the second step, the window-based matching is only applied to the set of selected key points, instead of to the whole images. For images with a 1% of key points, this method speeds up the matching four orders of magnitude. This proposal is, on the one hand, a better parallelizable architecture than the original SIFT, and on the other, a faster technique than a full image windows matching approach. The architecture has been implemented on a lower power Virtex 6 FPGA and it achieves a image matching speed above 30 fps.This work has been funded by Spanish government project TEC2015-66878-C3-2-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    Hardware Accelarated Visual Tracking Algorithms. A Systematic Literature Review

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    Many industrial applications need object recognition and tracking capabilities. The algorithms developed for those purposes are computationally expensive. Yet ,real time performance, high accuracy and small power consumption are essential measures of the system. When all these requirements are combined, hardware acceleration of these algorithms becomes a feasible solution. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of these hardware acceleration solutions, which algorithms have been implemented in hardware and what modifications have been done in order to adapt these algorithms to hardware.Siirretty Doriast