1,459 research outputs found

    Interacting with the biomolecular solvent accessible surface via a haptic feedback device

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    Background: From the 1950s computer based renderings of molecules have been produced to aid researchers in their understanding of biomolecular structure and function. A major consideration for any molecular graphics software is the ability to visualise the three dimensional structure of the molecule. Traditionally, this was accomplished via stereoscopic pairs of images and later realised with three dimensional display technologies. Using a haptic feedback device in combination with molecular graphics has the potential to enhance three dimensional visualisation. Although haptic feedback devices have been used to feel the interaction forces during molecular docking they have not been used explicitly as an aid to visualisation. Results: A haptic rendering application for biomolecular visualisation has been developed that allows the user to gain three-dimensional awareness of the shape of a biomolecule. By using a water molecule as the probe, modelled as an oxygen atom having hard-sphere interactions with the biomolecule, the process of exploration has the further benefit of being able to determine regions on the molecular surface that are accessible to the solvent. This gives insight into how awkward it is for a water molecule to gain access to or escape from channels and cavities, indicating possible entropic bottlenecks. In the case of liver alcohol dehydrogenase bound to the inhibitor SAD, it was found that there is a channel just wide enough for a single water molecule to pass through. Placing the probe coincident with crystallographic water molecules suggests that they are sometimes located within small pockets that provide a sterically stable environment irrespective of hydrogen bonding considerations. Conclusion: By using the software, named HaptiMol ISAS (available from http://​www.​haptimol.​co.​uk), one can explore the accessible surface of biomolecules using a three-dimensional input device to gain insights into the shape and water accessibility of the biomolecular surface that cannot be so easily attained using conventional molecular graphics software

    Adaptive GPU-accelerated force calculation for interactive rigid molecular docking using haptics

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    Molecular docking systems model and simulate in silico the interactions of intermolecular binding. Haptics-assisted docking enables the user to interact with the simulation via their sense of touch but a stringent time constraint on the computation of forces is imposed due to the sensitivity of the human haptic system. To simulate high fidelity smooth and stable feedback the haptic feedback loop should run at rates of 500 Hz to 1 kHz. We present an adaptive force calculation approach that can be executed in parallel on a wide range of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for interactive haptics-assisted docking with wider applicability to molecular simulations. Prior to the interactive session either a regular grid or an octree is selected according to the available GPU memory to determine the set of interatomic interactions within a cutoff distance. The total force is then calculated from this set. The approach can achieve force updates in less than 2 ms for molecular structures comprising hundreds of thousands of atoms each, with performance improvements of up to 90 times the speed of current CPU-based force calculation approaches used in interactive docking. Furthermore, it overcomes several computational limitations of previous approaches such as pre-computed force grids, and could potentially be used to model receptor flexibility at haptic refresh rates

    Interactive Chemical Reactivity Exploration

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    Elucidating chemical reactivity in complex molecular assemblies of a few hundred atoms is, despite the remarkable progress in quantum chemistry, still a major challenge. Black-box search methods to find intermediates and transition-state structures might fail in such situations because of the high-dimensionality of the potential energy surface. Here, we propose the concept of interactive chemical reactivity exploration to effectively introduce the chemist's intuition into the search process. We employ a haptic pointer device with force-feedback to allow the operator the direct manipulation of structures in three dimensions along with simultaneous perception of the quantum mechanical response upon structure modification as forces. We elaborate on the details of how such an interactive exploration should proceed and which technical difficulties need to be overcome. All reactivity-exploration concepts developed for this purpose have been implemented in the Samson programming environment.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    A real-time proximity querying algorithm for haptic-based molecular docking

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    Intermolecular binding underlies every metabolic and regulatory processes of the cell, and the therapeutic and pharmacological properties of drugs. Molecular docking systems model and simulate these interactions in silico and allow us to study the binding process. Haptic-based docking provides an immersive virtual docking environment where the user can interact with and guide the molecules to their binding pose. Moreover, it allows human perception, intuition and knowledge to assist and accelerate the docking process, and reduces incorrect binding poses. Crucial for interactive docking is the real-time calculation of interaction forces. For smooth and accurate haptic exploration and manipulation, force-feedback cues have to be updated at a rate of 1 kHz. Hence, force calculations must be performed within 1ms. To achieve this, modern haptic-based docking approaches often utilize pre-computed force grids and linear interpolation. However, such grids are time-consuming to pre-compute (especially for large molecules), memory hungry, can induce rough force transitions at cell boundaries and cannot be applied to flexible docking. Here we propose an efficient proximity querying method for computing intermolecular forces in real time. Our motivation is the eventual development of a haptic-based docking solution that can model molecular flexibility. Uniquely in a haptics application we use octrees to decompose the 3D search space in order to identify the set of interacting atoms within a cut-off distance. Force calculations are then performed on this set in real time. The implementation constructs the trees dynamically, and computes the interaction forces of large molecular structures (i.e. consisting of thousands of atoms) within haptic refresh rates. We have implemented this method in an immersive, haptic-based, rigid-body, molecular docking application called Haptimol_RD. The user can use the haptic device to orientate the molecules in space, sense the interaction forces on the device, and guide the molecules to their binding pose. Haptimol_RD is designed to run on consumer level hardware, i.e. there is no need for specialized/proprietary hardware

    Simulating molecular docking with haptics

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    Intermolecular binding underlies various metabolic and regulatory processes of the cell, and the therapeutic and pharmacological properties of drugs. Molecular docking systems model and simulate these interactions in silico and allow the study of the binding process. In molecular docking, haptics enables the user to sense the interaction forces and intervene cognitively in the docking process. Haptics-assisted docking systems provide an immersive virtual docking environment where the user can interact with the molecules, feel the interaction forces using their sense of touch, identify visually the binding site, and guide the molecules to their binding pose. Despite a forty-year research e�ort however, the docking community has been slow to adopt this technology. Proprietary, unreleased software, expensive haptic hardware and limits on processing power are the main reasons for this. Another signi�cant factor is the size of the molecules simulated, limited to small molecules. The focus of the research described in this thesis is the development of an interactive haptics-assisted docking application that addresses the above issues, and enables the rigid docking of very large biomolecules and the study of the underlying interactions. Novel methods for computing the interaction forces of binding on the CPU and GPU, in real-time, have been developed. The force calculation methods proposed here overcome several computational limitations of previous approaches, such as precomputed force grids, and could potentially be used to model molecular exibility at haptic refresh rates. Methods for force scaling, multipoint collision response, and haptic navigation are also reported that address newfound issues, particular to the interactive docking of large systems, e.g. force stability at molecular collision. The i ii result is a haptics-assisted docking application, Haptimol RD, that runs on relatively inexpensive consumer level hardware, (i.e. there is no need for specialized/proprietary hardware)

    Exploration of Reaction Pathways and Chemical Transformation Networks

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    For the investigation of chemical reaction networks, the identification of all relevant intermediates and elementary reactions is mandatory. Many algorithmic approaches exist that perform explorations efficiently and automatedly. These approaches differ in their application range, the level of completeness of the exploration, as well as the amount of heuristics and human intervention required. Here, we describe and compare the different approaches based on these criteria. Future directions leveraging the strengths of chemical heuristics, human interaction, and physical rigor are discussed.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figure

    Constraint-based technique for haptic volume exploration

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    Journal ArticleWe present a haptic rendering technique that uses directional constraints to facilitate enhanced exploration modes for volumetric datasets. The algorithm restricts user motion in certain directions by incrementally moving a proxy point along the axes of a local reference frame. Reaction forces are generated by a spring coupler between the proxy and the data probe, which can be tuned to the capabilities of the haptic interface. Secondary haptic effects including field forces, friction, and texture can be easily incorporated to convey information about additional characteristics of the data. We illustrate the technique with two examples: displaying fiber orientation in heart muscle layers and exploring diffusion tensor fiber tracts in brain white matter tissue. Initial evaluation of the approach indicates that haptic constraints provide an intuitive means for displaying directional information in volume data

    DockPro: A VR-Based Tool for Protein-Protein Docking Problem

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    Proteins are large molecules that are vital for all living organisms and they are essential components of many industrial products. The process of binding a protein to another is called protein-protein docking. Many automated algorithms have been proposed to find docking configurations that might yield promising protein-protein complexes. However, these automated methods are likely to come up with false positives and have high computational costs. Consequently, Virtual Reality has been used to take advantage of user's experience on the problem; and proposed applications can be further improved. Haptic devices have been used for molecular docking problems; but they are inappropriate for protein-protein docking due to their workspace limitations. Instead of haptic rendering of forces, we provide a novel visual feedback for simulating physicochemical forces of proteins. We propose an interactive 3D application, DockPro, which enables domain experts to come up with dockings of protein-protein couples by using magnetic trackers and gloves in front of a large display
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