11 research outputs found

    Multiple Parallel Concatenated Gallager Codes and Their Applications

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    Due to the increasing demand of high data rate of modern wireless communications, there is a significant interest in error control coding. It now plays a significant role in digital communication systems in order to overcome the weaknesses in communication channels. This thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of a class of error control codes known as Multiple Parallel Concatenated Gallager Codes (MPCGCs) obtained by the parallel concatenation of well-designed LDPC codes. MPCGCs are constructed by breaking a long and high complexity of conventional single LDPC code into three or four smaller and lower complexity LDPC codes. This design of MPCGCs is simplified as the option of selecting the component codes completely at random based on a single parameter of Mean Column Weight (MCW). MPCGCs offer flexibility and scope for improving coding performance in theoretical and practical implementation. The performance of MPCGCs is explored by evaluating these codes for both AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels and investigating the puncturing of these codes by a proposed novel and efficient puncturing methods for improving the coding performance. Another investigating in the deployment of MPCGCs by enhancing the performance of WiMAX system. The bit error performances are compared and the results confirm that the proposed MPCGCs-WiMAX based IEEE 802.16 standard physical layer system provides better gain compared to the single conventional LDPC-WiMAX system. The incorporation of Quasi-Cyclic QC-LDPC codes in the MPCGC structure (called QC-MPCGC) is shown to improve the overall BER performance of MPCGCs with reduced overall decoding complexity and improved flexibility by using Layered belief propagation decoding instead of the sum-product algorithm (SPA). A proposed MIMO-MPCGC structure with both a 2X2 MIMO and 2X4 MIMO configurations is developed in this thesis and shown to improve the BER performance over fading channels over the conventional LDPC structure

    New Identification and Decoding Techniques for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    Error-correction coding schemes are indispensable for high-capacity high data-rate communication systems nowadays. Among various channel coding schemes, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes introduced by pioneer Robert G. Gallager are prominent due to the capacity-approaching and superior error-correcting properties. There is no hard constraint on the code rate of LDPC codes. Consequently, it is ideal to incorporate LDPC codes with various code rate and codeword length in the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) systems which change the encoder and the modulator adaptively to improve the system throughput. In conventional AMC systems, a dedicated control channel is assigned to coordinate the encoder/decoder changes. A questions then rises: if the AMC system still works when such a control channel is absent. This work gives positive answer to this question by investigating various scenarios consisting of different modulation schemes, such as quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM), frequency-shift keying (FSK), and different channels, such as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and fading channels. On the other hand, LDPC decoding is usually carried out by iterative belief-propagation (BP) algorithms. As LDPC codes become prevalent in advanced communication and storage systems, low-complexity LDPC decoding algorithms are favored in practical applications. In the conventional BP decoding algorithm, the stopping criterion is to check if all the parities are satisfied. This single rule may not be able to identify the undecodable blocks, as a result, the decoding time and power consumption are wasted for executing unnecessary iterations. In this work, we propose a new stopping criterion to identify the undecodable blocks in the early stage of the iterative decoding process. Furthermore, in the conventional BP decoding algorithm, the variable (check) nodes are updated in parallel. It is known that the number of iterations can be reduced by the serial scheduling algorithm. The informed dynamic scheduling (IDS) algorithms were proposed in the existing literatures to further reduce the number of iterations. However, the computational complexity involved in finding the update node in the existing IDS algorithms would not be neglected. In this work, we propose a new efficient IDS scheme which can provide better performance-complexity trade-off compared to the existing IDS ones. In addition, the iterative decoding threshold, which is used for differentiating which LDPC code is better, is investigated in this work. A family of LDPC codes, called LDPC convolutional codes, has drawn a lot of attentions from researchers in recent years due to the threshold saturation phenomenon. The IDT for an LDPC convolutional code may be computationally demanding when the termination length goes to thousand or even approaches infinity, especially for AWGN channels. In this work, we propose a fast IDT estimation algorithm which can greatly reduce the complexity of the IDT calculation for LDPC convolutional codes with arbitrary large termination length (including infinity). By utilizing our new IDT estimation algorithm, the IDTs for LDPC convolutional codes with arbitrary large termination length (including infinity) can be quickly obtained

    Enumerative sphere shaping techniques for short blocklength wireless communications

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    Enumerative sphere shaping techniques for short blocklength wireless communications

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    Location-aware and Cooperative Communication in an OFDM based Ultra-wideband Radio System

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    Die auf dem orthogonalen Frequenzmultiplex (OFDM, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) basierende Ultra-Breitband-(UWB, Ultra-wideband) Technologie stellt eine verheißungsvolle Technologie dar, um hohe Datenübertragungsraten und Lokalisierungs- und deren Tracking-Anwendungen zu realisieren. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Systemen ist die Reichweite von OFDM UWB Systemen durch eine strenge Regulierung sehr stark begrenzt. Darüber hinaus ist die Lokalisierung nicht zufriedenstellend. Damit sind bereits die beiden größten Nachteile im Bezug auf bestehende OFDM UWB System benannt. Die Motivation und Hauptaufgabe dieser Arbeit ist damit die Lösung der eben genannten Nachteile. Es wird ein OFDM UWB System vorgestellt, das Space Frequency Block Coding (SFBC) und FFH OFDM miteinander verbindet. Dieses vereinte System wertet die räumliche und frequentielle Diversität eines OFDM-Symbols aus und zeigt dabei eine hohe Güte in der Punkt-zu-Punkt Kommunikation. Beim Design von kooperativen UWB-Systemen wird ein AF-(Amplify-and-Forward) basiertes echtzeitfähriges SFBC-TFC (Time Frequency Code) Protokoll vorgestellt. In Kombination mit den oben genannten Strategien, kann eine Erhöhung in den Reichweite von OFDM UWB Systemen erreicht werden. In den Ausführungen zur Ortung anhand von OFDM UWB Signalen wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der aufgrund einer Kanalschätzung eine Minimierung des Phasenversatzes zwischen geschätztem und realem Kanal im Frequenzbereich durchführt. Diese Minimierung erwirkt eine Unterdrückung der Energie am Ende der Kanalimpulsantwort (CIR, Channel Impulse Response) im Zeitbereich. Zum Zweck der einfachen Implementierbarkeit wird das RTT (Round-Trip-Time) Messprotokoll in WiMedia UWB Systemen dahingehend verändert, dass das mobile Gerät keine Minimierung vornimmt. Es leitet seine Informationen an das mit ihm Kommunizierende, stationäre Gerät weiter, das direkt den gesamten Zeitversatz innerhalb des RTT berechnet. Der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus und das vorgeschlagene Protokoll haben ein besseres Ortungsvermögen als bekannte UWB Lokalisierungsprozeduren und bedürfen nur etwas zusätzlicher Berechnungsleistung. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass Systeme mit hohen Datenraten wie OFDM UWB auch eine gute Lokalisierungsgenauigkeit erreichen können. Zusätzlich ist die Schwachstelle einer limitierten Reichweite ebenso kompensiert worden. Diese Erweiterungen dienen der Entwicklung von nützlichen UWB-Applikationen und sichern den Anteil der OFDM UWB Technik im Markt der drahtlosen Kommunikationssysteme der Zukunft.The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based Ultra-wideband (UWB) is one of the most promising technologies for high data rate transmission and localization and tracking applications. However, the restricted transmit power causes a shorter communication range compared to other indoor radio systems. In addition, the ranging functionality is still not well supported by the current OFDM based UWB technology. These two drawbacks are the main disadvantages existing in the current OFDM UWB systems. To get rid of the two drawbacks, is the motivation and main task of this thesis. Within the scope of this thesis, a joint design of Space Frequency Block Coding (SFBC) with Fast Frequency Hopping (FFH) OFDM scheme is investigated in a multiple antenna OFDM UWB system. The joint scheme is able to exploit spatial and frequency domain diversity within one OFDM symbol, and can improve the data transmission quality in point-to-point communication. To the cooperative communication in UWB systems, an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) based distributed SFBC-TFC (Time Frequency Code) protocol is designed. In combination with the aforementioned strategies an increase in the communication range is achieved. Within the scope of this thesis, accurate ranging schemes for the OFDM UWB systems are designed. Fine ToA detection method based on the estimated channel is developed. The fine ToA is estimated by minimizing the accumulated energy of the tail taps of the estimated Channel Impulse Response (CIR). For the purpose of a feasible implementation, the Round-Trip-Time (RTT) measurement protocol in [WiM09] is modified in a way that the complicated computational tasks are burden onto the powerful device. The proposed fine ToA detection method and modified RTT protocol provides an accurate ranging capability and ensures feasible implementation to the MB-OFDM UWB systems. In carrying out this scheme, only some computational tasks are needed, no extra hardware support is required. It is shown in this thesis, OFDM UWB systems with very high data rate transmission and good ranging capability could be achieved, and the weakness of limited communication range is also compensated. These improvements will cause the rise of more valuable UWB applications for customers and ensures a bright future for the OFDM UWB technique

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Bowdoin Orient v.134, no.1-24 (2004-2005)

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