8 research outputs found

    Social media and customer relationship management technologies: Influencing buyer-seller information exchanges

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    Highlights Social media and CRM technology aid salespeople in market sensing and customer-linking activities. Social media utilization enhance the competitive information collection abilities of the seller. CRM techpositively affects seller product information communication, which enablesbuyer information sharing intentions. Sellers capture value from buyers by CRM utilization. Seller experience has significant moderating and explanatory power regarding the use of sales technology. Abstract Due to the increasing array of sales technology, salespeople must understand how each application assists them. This study examines how business-to-business salespeople use different forms of sales technology to meet their boundary-spanning roles. Our research draws from social exchange theory and task-technology fit theory to test a model that examines how salespeople use CRM and social media technologies differentially to support competitive information collection, product information communication, and buyer information sharing. Dyadic data from industrial buyers and sellers is used to analyze the technology-behavior relationships. Our study\u27s results reveal social media use and CRM technology both positively influence buyer-seller information exchanges; however, each technology takes a distinct route to enable the information exchange between the buyer and the seller. The results also suggest that managers need to champion the use of both technology applications to their salesforce

    Processing Social Media Posts in Contact Centers

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    This Master’s Thesis explores different aspects of social media use in companies and pro-poses a model for processing social media posts in contact centers. A social media can be used as a tool for customer service and a new channel for customer to contact a company. When the number of social media posts increases, the company must address this challenge. For this purpose, the company needs guidelines and devel-oped processes for handling social media posts. This study was launched due to the new social media engagement products in contact center solutions. These products are new and their practical implementations are still largely absent. The aim of this Thesis is to make a proposal how social media posts can be processed in contact centers. This study was carried out by collecting data through semi-structured interviews from companies operating in different industries. The data were analyzed, and based on the analyses, a model was suggested. The developed model was then discussed with contact center experts. The result of this Thesis is a model for processing social media posts in contact centers. This model is formed taking into account the customer, the process and the economic as-pects. The suggested model can be further modified to serve those companies use, which intend to process social media post in their contact centers

    Exploring the consequence of social media usage on firm performance

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    This study aims to identify the consequence of social media usage on firm performance. To this end, it proposes a conceptual map that shows promising linkages between the maturity level realization of an organization in social media usage and its corresponding performance consequences. The conceptual map was developed by combining two theories: performance theory and theory of growth and maturity in social media, and then through systematic mapping. This map can predict what performance consequences will emerge in the organization for each stage of maturity in social media usage. According to this conceptual map, the organization is expected to benefit from accessing and sharing knowledge by realizing the first stage of maturity. The realization of the second stage is expected to establish more relationships with the customers, and the third stage will be followed by product and new processes development. By promoting the organization to the fourth stage, it is expected that communication with the organization\u27s stakeholders emerges via social media. In the fifth stage, social media will help with value creation. Thus, managers and professionals can predict what performance consequences they will benefit from if each stage of maturity is realized

    Social media adoption, usage and impact in business-to-business (B2B) context: A state-of-the-art literature review

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    YesSocial media plays an important part in the digital transformation of businesses. This research provides a comprehensive analysis of the use of social media by business-to-business (B2B) companies. The current study focuses on the number of aspects of social media such as the effect of social media, social media tools, social media use, adoption of social media use and its barriers, social media strategies, and measuring the effectiveness of use of social media. This research provides a valuable synthesis of the relevant literature on social media in B2B context by analysing, performing weight analysis and discussing the key findings from existing research on social media. The findings of this study can be used as an informative framework on social media for both, academic and practitioners

    Web 2.0 for social learning in higher education

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    Analysemethoden, Anwendungsfälle und Werkzeuge des Social CRM

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    Der Forschungsbericht enthält studentische Arbeiten zu Analysemethoden, Anwendungsfällen und Technologien des Social Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Die einzelnen Beiträge betrachten das Konzept eines integrierten Social CRM aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und anhand konkreter Beispiele. Grundlage des Forschungsberichts sind Ergebnisse aus zurückliegenden Forschungsprojekten des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik und des Seminars Enterprise Systems 2 an der Universität Leipzig.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis V Tabellenverzeichnis VII Abkürzungsverzeichnis VIII Vorwort XI Konzeptionelle Grundlagen Olaf Reinhold Von der Social Media-Nutzung zum Integrierten Social CRM: The-matische Einführung und Strukturierung des Arbeitsheftes 3 Analysemethoden Hans-Georg Wu Text Mining im Social CRM 15 Franziska Suchy Analyseansätze im Social CRM 29 Martin Lebik Methoden zur Ermittlung von Influencern 41 Anwendungsfälle Eva Kahlert Einsatz und Nutzen von Social Media in einem KMU am Beispiel des Outdoor-Unternehmens tapir 63 Veronika Prochotská Szenarios zum Präsenzaufbau im Social CRM 83 Ana Maria Cerlinca Social Media Monitoring und Dashboards zur Unterstützung universitärer Prozesse 97 Richard Stüber Die Social Media-Nutzung einer deutschen und einer brasiliani-schen Universität im Vergleich 111 Werkzeuge Marcel Fischer Prozessunterstützung durch SCRM-Werkzeuge 125 Tom Roick Systeme zur Ermittlung von Influencern 135 Jonas Buch SCRM-Unterstützungssysteme zum Präsenzaufbau im Social Web 147 Datenmanagement im Social CRM Mattis Hartwig Data Aggregation in Social CRM 165 Karsten Stöcker Vergleichende Betrachtung der Application Programming Interfaces sozialer Netzwerke 175 Anhang - Poster 18