5 research outputs found

    A Grammar Compression Algorithm based on Induced Suffix Sorting

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    We introduce GCIS, a grammar compression algorithm based on the induced suffix sorting algorithm SAIS, introduced by Nong et al. in 2009. Our solution builds on the factorization performed by SAIS during suffix sorting. We construct a context-free grammar on the input string which can be further reduced into a shorter string by substituting each substring by its correspondent factor. The resulting grammar is encoded by exploring some redundancies, such as common prefixes between suffix rules, which are sorted according to SAIS framework. When compared to well-known compression tools such as Re-Pair and 7-zip, our algorithm is competitive and very effective at handling repetitive string regarding compression ratio, compression and decompression running time

    Acceleration of FM-Index Queries Through Prefix-Free Parsing

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    FM-indexes are a crucial data structure in DNA alignment, but searching with them usually takes at least one random access per character in the query pattern. Ferragina and Fischer [Ferragina and Fischer, 2007] observed in 2007 that word-based indexes often use fewer random accesses than character-based indexes, and thus support faster searches. Since DNA lacks natural word-boundaries, however, it is necessary to parse it somehow before applying word-based FM-indexing. Last year, Deng et al. [Deng et al., 2022] proposed parsing genomic data by induced suffix sorting, and showed the resulting word-based FM-indexes support faster counting queries than standard FM-indexes when patterns are a few thousand characters or longer. In this paper we show that using prefix-free parsing - which takes parameters that let us tune the average length of the phrases - instead of induced suffix sorting, gives a significant speedup for patterns of only a few hundred characters. We implement our method and demonstrate it is between 3 and 18 times faster than competing methods on queries to GRCh38. And was consistently faster on queries made to 25,000, 50,000 and 100,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Hence, it is very clear that our method accelerates the performance of count over all state-of-the-art methods with a minor increase in the memory

    Efficient Construction of the BWT for Repetitive Text Using String Compression

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    Funding Information: Funding Diego Díaz-Domínguez: Academy of Finland Grant 323233 Gonzalo Navarro: ANID Basal Funds FB0001 and Fondecyt Grant 1-200038, Chile Publisher Copyright: © Diego Daz-Domnguez and Gonzalo Navarro; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0We present a new semi-external algorithm that builds the Burrows-Wheeler transform variant of Bauer et al. (a.k.a., BCR BWT) in linear expected time. Our method uses compression techniques to reduce the computational costs when the input is massive and repetitive. Concretely, we build on induced suffix sorting (ISS) and resort to run-length and grammar compression to maintain our intermediate results in compact form. Our compression format not only saves space, but it also speeds up the required computations. Our experiments show important savings in both space and computation time when the text is repetitive. On average, we are 3.7x faster than the baseline compressed approach, while maintaining a similar memory consumption. These results make our method stand out as the only one (to our knowledge) that can build the BCR BWT of a collection of 25 human genomes (75 GB) in about 7.3 hours, and using only 27 GB of working memory.Peer reviewe