370,628 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium dynamics and entropy production in the human brain

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    Living systems operate out of thermodynamic equilibrium at small scales, consuming energy and producing entropy in the environment in order to perform molecular and cellular functions. However, it remains unclear whether non-equilibrium dynamics manifest at macroscopic scales, and if so, how such dynamics support higher-order biological functions. Here we present a framework to probe for non-equilibrium dynamics by quantifying entropy production in macroscopic systems. We apply our method to the human brain, an organ whose immense metabolic consumption drives a diverse range of cognitive functions. Using whole-brain imaging data, we demonstrate that the brain fundamentally operates out of equilibrium at large scales. Moreover, we find that the brain produces more entropy -- operating further from equilibrium -- when performing physically and cognitively demanding tasks. By simulating an Ising model, we show that macroscopic non-equilibrium dynamics can arise from asymmetries in the interactions at the microscale. Together, these results suggest that non-equilibrium dynamics are vital for cognition, and provide a general tool for quantifying the non-equilibrium nature of macroscopic systems.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Walking, Running, Swimming: An Analysis of the Effects of Land and Water Aerobic Exercises on Cognitive Functions and Neural Substrat

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    In the brain and cognitive reserves framework, aerobic exercise is considered as a protective lifestyle factor able to induce positive effects on both brain structure and function. However, specific aspects of such a beneficial effect still need to be completely clarified. To this aim, the present narrative review focused on the potential brain/cognitive/neural reserve–construction mechanisms triggered by different aerobic exercise types (land activities; such as walking or running; vs. water activities; such as swimming), by considering human and animal studies on healthy subjects over the entire lifespan. The literature search was conducted in PubMed database. The studies analyzed here indicated that all the considered kinds of activities exert a beneficial effect on cognitive/behavioral functions and on the underlying brain neurobiological processes. In particular, the main effects observed involve the cognitive domains of memory and executive functions. These effects appear related to structural and functional changes mainly involving the fronto-hippocampal axis. The present review supports the requirement of further studies that investigate more specifically and systematically the effects of each type of aerobic activity, as a basis to plan more effective and personalized interventions on individuals as well as prevention and healthy promotion policies for the general population

    An alternative to domain-general or domain-specific frameworks for theorizing about human evolution and ontogenesis

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    This paper maintains that neither a domain-general nor a domain-specific framework is appropriate for furthering our understanding of human evolution and ontogenesis. Rather, as we learn increasingly more about the dynamics of gene-environment interaction and gene expression, theorists should consider a third alternative: a domain-relevant approach, which argues that the infant brain comes equipped with biases that are relevant to, but not initially specific to, processing different kinds of input. The hypothesis developed here is that domain-specific core knowledge/specialized functions do not constitute the start state; rather, functional specialization emerges progressively through neuronal competition over developmental time. Thus, the existence of category-specific deficits in brain-damaged adults cannot be used to bolster claims that category-specific or domain-specific modules underpin early development, because neural specificity in the adult brain is likely to have been the emergent property over time of a developing, self-structuring system in interaction with the environment

    Evaluating weaknesses of "perceptual-cognitive training" and "brain training" methods in sport: An ecological dynamics critique

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    The recent upsurge in "brain training and perceptual-cognitive training," proposing to improve isolated processes, such as brain function, visual perception, and decision-making, has created significant interest in elite sports practitioners, seeking to create an "edge" for athletes. The claims of these related "performance-enhancing industries" can be considered together as part of a process training approach proposing enhanced cognitive and perceptual skills and brain capacity to support performance in everyday life activities, including sport. For example, the "process training industry" promotes the idea that playing games not only makes you a better player but also makes you smarter, more alert, and a faster learner. In this position paper, we critically evaluate the effectiveness of both types of process training programmes in generalizing transfer to sport performance. These issues are addressed in three stages. First, we evaluate empirical evidence in support of perceptual-cognitive process training and its application to enhancing sport performance. Second, we critically review putative modularized mechanisms underpinning this kind of training, addressing limitations and subsequent problems. Specifically, we consider merits of this highly specific form of training, which focuses on training of isolated processes such as cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking) and visual perception processes, separately from performance behaviors and actions. We conclude that these approaches may, at best, provide some "general transfer" of underlying processes to specific sport environments, but lack "specificity of transfer" to contextualize actual performance behaviors. A major weakness of process training methods is their focus on enhancing the performance in body "modules" (e.g., eye, brain, memory, anticipatory sub-systems). What is lacking is evidence on how these isolated components are modified and subsequently interact with other process "modules," which are considered to underlie sport performance. Finally, we propose how an ecological dynamics approach, aligned with an embodied framework of cognition undermines the rationale that modularized processes can enhance performance in competitive sport. An ecological dynamics perspective proposes that the body is a complex adaptive system, interacting with performance environments in a functionally integrated manner, emphasizing that the inter-relation between motor processes, cognitive and perceptual functions, and the constraints of a sport task is best understood at the performer-environment scale of analysis

    Source localization of reaction-diffusion models for brain tumors

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    We propose a mathematically well-founded approach for locating the source (initial state) of density functions evolved within a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model. The reconstruction of the initial source is an ill-posed inverse problem since the solution is highly unstable with respect to measurement noise. To address this instability problem, we introduce a regularization procedure based on the nonlinear Landweber method for the stable determination of the source location. This amounts to solving a sequence of well-posed forward reaction-diffusion problems. The developed framework is general, and as a special instance we consider the problem of source localization of brain tumors. We show numerically that the source of the initial densities of tumor cells are reconstructed well on both imaging data consisting of simple and complex geometric structures

    The role of prefrontal cortex in working-memory capacity, executive attention, and general fluid intelligence: An individual-differences perspective

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    We provide an "executive-attention" framework for organizing the cognitive neuroscience research on the constructs of working-memory capacity (WMC), general fluid intelligence, and prefrontal cortex (PFC) function. Rather than provide a novel theory of PFC function, we synthesize a wealth of single-cell, brain-imaging, and neuropsychological research through the lens of our theory of normal individual differences in WMC and attention control (Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999; Engle, Tuholski, Laughlin, & Conway, 1999). Our critical review confirms the prevalent view that dorsolateral PFC circuitry is critical to executive-attention functions. Moreover, although the dorsolateral PFC is but one critical structure in a network of anterior and posterior "attention control" areas, it does have a unique executive-attention role in actively maintaining access to stimulus representations and goals in interference-rich contexts. Our review suggests the utility of an executive-attention framework for guiding future re-search on both PFC function and cognitive control

    PID control as a process of active inference with linear generative models

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    In the past few decades, probabilistic interpretations of brain functions have become widespread in cognitive science and neuroscience. In particular, the free energy principle and active inference are increasingly popular theories of cognitive functions that claim to offer a unified understanding of life and cognition within a general mathematical framework derived from information and control theory, and statistical mechanics. However, we argue that if the active inference proposal is to be taken as a general process theory for biological systems, it is necessary to understand how it relates to existing control theoretical approaches routinely used to study and explain biological systems. For example, recently, PID control has been shown to be implemented in simple molecular systems and is becoming a popular mechanistic explanation of behaviours such as chemotaxis in bacteria and amoebae, and robust adaptation in biochemical networks. In this work, we will show how PID controllers can fit a more general theory of life and cognition under the principle of (variational) free energy minimisation when using approximate linear generative models of the world. This more general interpretation provides also a new perspective on traditional problems of PID controllers such as parameter tuning as well as the need to balance performances and robustness conditions of a controller. Specifically, we then show how these problems can be understood in terms of the optimisation of the precisions (inverse variances) modulating different prediction errors in the free energy functional

    Multiorder Laplacian for synchronization in higher-order networks

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    Traditionally, interaction systems have been described as networks, where links encode information on the pairwise influences among the nodes. Yet, in many systems, interactions take place in larger groups. Recent work has shown that higher-order interactions between oscillators can significantly affect synchronization. However, these early studies have mostly considered interactions up to 4 oscillators at time, and analytical treatments are limited to the all-to-all setting. Here, we propose a general framework that allows us to effectively study populations of oscillators where higher-order interactions of all possible orders are considered, for any complex topology described by arbitrary hypergraphs, and for general coupling functions. To this scope, we introduce a multi-order Laplacian whose spectrum determines the stability of the synchronized solution. Our framework is validated on three structures of interactions of increasing complexity. First, we study a population with all-to-all interactions at all orders, for which we can derive in a full analytical manner the Lyapunov exponents of the system, and for which we investigate the effect of including attractive and repulsive interactions. Second, we apply the multi-order Laplacian framework to synchronization on a synthetic model with heterogeneous higher-order interactions. Finally, we compare the dynamics of coupled oscillators with higher-order and pairwise couplings only, for a real dataset describing the macaque brain connectome, highlighting the importance of faithfully representing the complexity of interactions in real-world systems. Taken together, our multi-order Laplacian allows us to obtain a complete analytical characterization of the stability of synchrony in arbitrary higher-order networks, paving the way towards a general treatment of dynamical processes beyond pairwise interactions.Comment: Was "A multi-order Laplacian framework for the stability of higher-order synchronization

    SEREEGA: Simulating Event-Related EEG Activity

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    Abstract Electroencephalography (EEG) is a popular method to monitor brain activity, but it can be difficult to evaluate EEG-based analysis methods because no ground-truth brain activity is available for comparison. Therefore, in order to test and evaluate such methods, researchers often use simulated EEG data instead of actual EEG recordings, ensuring that it is known beforehand which e ects are present in the data. As such, simulated data can be used, among other things, to assess or compare signal processing and machine learn-ing algorithms, to model EEG variabilities, and to design source reconstruction methods. In this paper, we present SEREEGA, short for Simulating Event-Related EEG Activity . SEREEGA is a MATLAB-based open-source toolbox dedicated to the generation of sim-ulated epochs of EEG data. It is modular and extensible, at initial release supporting ve different publicly available head models and capable of simulating multiple different types of signals mimicking brain activity. This paper presents the architecture and general work ow of this toolbox, as well as a simulated data set demonstrating some of its functions. Highlights Simulated EEG data has a known ground truth, which can be used to validate methods. We present a general-purpose open-source toolbox to simulate EEG data. It provides a single framework to simulate many different types of EEG recordings. It is modular, extensible, and already includes a number of head models and signals. It supports noise, oscillations, event-related potentials, connectivity, and more
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