1,814 research outputs found

    Oil and Gas flow Anomaly Detection on offshore naturally flowing wells using Deep Neural Networks

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceThe Oil and Gas industry, as never before, faces multiple challenges. It is being impugned for being dirty, a pollutant, and hence the more demand for green alternatives. Nevertheless, the world still has to rely heavily on hydrocarbons, since it is the most traditional and stable source of energy, as opposed to extensively promoted hydro, solar or wind power. Major operators are challenged to produce the oil more efficiently, to counteract the newly arising energy sources, with less of a climate footprint, more scrutinized expenditure, thus facing high skepticism regarding its future. It has to become greener, and hence to act in a manner not required previously. While most of the tools used by the Hydrocarbon E&P industry is expensive and has been used for many years, it is paramount for the industry’s survival and prosperity to apply predictive maintenance technologies, that would foresee potential failures, making production safer, lowering downtime, increasing productivity and diminishing maintenance costs. Many efforts were applied in order to define the most accurate and effective predictive methods, however data scarcity affects the speed and capacity for further experimentations. Whilst it would be highly beneficial for the industry to invest in Artificial Intelligence, this research aims at exploring, in depth, the subject of Anomaly Detection, using the open public data from Petrobras, that was developed by experts. For this research the Deep Learning Neural Networks, such as Recurrent Neural Networks with LSTM and GRU backbones, were implemented for multi-class classification of undesirable events on naturally flowing wells. Further, several hyperparameter optimization tools were explored, mainly focusing on Genetic Algorithms as being the most advanced methods for such kind of tasks. The research concluded with the best performing algorithm with 2 stacked GRU and the following vector of hyperparameters weights: [1, 47, 40, 14], which stand for timestep 1, number of hidden units 47, number of epochs 40 and batch size 14, producing F1 equal to 0.97%. As the world faces many issues, one of which is the detrimental effect of heavy industries to the environment and as result adverse global climate change, this project is an attempt to contribute to the field of applying Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas industry, with the intention to make it more efficient, transparent and sustainable

    Data-Driven Mixed-Integer Optimization for Modular Process Intensification

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    High-fidelity computer simulations provide accurate information on complex physical systems. These often involve proprietary codes, if-then operators, or numerical integrators to describe phenomena that cannot be explicitly captured by physics-based algebraic equations. Consequently, the derivatives of the model are either absent or too complicated to compute; thus, the system cannot be directly optimized using derivative-based optimization solvers. Such problems are known as “black-box” systems since the constraints and the objective of the problem cannot be obtained as closed-form equations. One promising approach to optimize black-box systems is surrogate-based optimization. Surrogate-based optimization uses simulation data to construct low-fidelity approximation models. These models are optimized to find an optimal solution. We study several strategies for surrogate-based optimization for nonlinear and mixed-integer nonlinear black-box problems. First, we explore several types of surrogate models, ranging from simple subset selection for regression models to highly complex machine learning models. Second, we propose a novel surrogate-based optimization algorithm for black-box mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. The algorithm systematically employs data-preprocessing techniques, surrogate model fitting, and optimization-based adaptive sampling to efficiently locate the optimal solution. Finally, a case study on modular carbon capture is presented. Simultaneous process optimization and adsorbent selection are performed to determine the optimal module design. An economic analysis is presented to determine the feasibility of a proposed modular facility.Ph.D

    Intelligent feature selection for neural regression : techniques and applications

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    Feature Selection (FS) and regression are two important technique categories in Data Mining (DM). In general, DM refers to the analysis of observational datasets to extract useful information and to summarise the data so that it can be more understandable and be used more efficiently in terms of storage and processing. FS is the technique of selecting a subset of features that are relevant to the development of learning models. Regression is the process of modelling and identifying the possible relationships between groups of features (variables). Comparing with the conventional techniques, Intelligent System Techniques (ISTs) are usually favourable due to their flexible capabilities for handling real‐life problems and the tolerance to data imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, etc. This thesis introduces a novel hybrid intelligent technique, namely Sensitive Genetic Neural Optimisation (SGNO), which is capable of reducing the dimensionality of a dataset by identifying the most important group of features. The capability of SGNO is evaluated with four practical applications in three research areas, including plant science, civil engineering and economics. SGNO is constructed using three key techniques, known as the core modules, including Genetic Algorithm (GA), Neural Network (NN) and Sensitivity Analysis (SA). The GA module controls the progress of the algorithm and employs the NN module as its fitness function. The SA module quantifies the importance of each available variable using the results generated in the GA module. The global sensitivity scores of the variables are used determine the importance of the variables. Variables of higher sensitivity scores are considered to be more important than the variables with lower sensitivity scores. After determining the variables’ importance, the performance of SGNO is evaluated using the NN module that takes various numbers of variables with the highest global sensitivity scores as the inputs. In addition, the symbolic relationship between a group of variables with the highest global sensitivity scores and the model output is discovered using the Multiple‐Branch Encoded Genetic Programming (MBE‐GP). A total of four datasets have been used to evaluate the performance of SGNO. These datasets involve the prediction of short‐term greenhouse tomato yield, prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficients in natural rivers, prediction of wave overtopping at coastal structures and the modelling of relationship between the growth of industrial inputs and the growth of the gross industrial output. SGNO was applied to all these datasets to explore its effectiveness of reducing the dimensionality of the datasets. The performance of SGNO is benchmarked with four dimensionality reduction techniques, including Backward Feature Selection (BFS), Forward Feature Selection (FFS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Genetic Neural Mathematical Method (GNMM). The applications of SGNO on these datasets showed that SGNO is capable of identifying the most important feature groups of in the datasets effectively and the general performance of SGNO is better than those benchmarking techniques. Furthermore, the symbolic relationships discovered using MBE‐GP can generate performance competitive to the performance of NN models in terms of regression accuracies

    Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction

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    Bankruptcy prediction is one of the most important research areas in corporate finance. Bankruptcies are an indispensable element of the functioning of the market economy, and at the same time generate significant losses for stakeholders. Hence, this book was established to collect the results of research on the latest trends in predicting the bankruptcy of enterprises. It suggests models developed for different countries using both traditional and more advanced methods. Problems connected with predicting bankruptcy during periods of prosperity and recession, the selection of appropriate explanatory variables, as well as the dynamization of models are presented. The reliability of financial data and the validity of the audit are also referenced. Thus, I hope that this book will inspire you to undertake new research in the field of forecasting the risk of bankruptcy

    On the Use of Imaging Spectroscopy from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Model Yield and Assess Growth Stages of a Broadacre Crop

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    Snap bean production was valued at $363 million in 2018. Moreover, the increasing need in food production, caused by the exponential increase in population, makes this crop vitally important to study. Traditionally, harvest time determination and yield prediction are performed by collecting limited number of samples. While this approach could work, it is inaccurate, labor-intensive, and based on a small sample size. The ambiguous nature of this approach furthermore leaves the grower with under-ripe and over-mature plants, decreasing the final net profit and the overall quality of the product. A more cost-effective method would be a site-specific approach that would save time and labor for farmers and growers, while providing them with exact detail to when and where to harvest and how much is to be harvested (while forecasting yield). In this study we used hyperspectral (i.e., point-based and image-based), as well as biophysical data, to identify spectral signatures and biophysical attributes that could schedule harvest and forecast yield prior to harvest. Over the past two decades, there have been immense advances in the field of yield and harvest modeling using remote sensing data. Nevertheless, there still exists a wide gap in the literature covering yield and harvest assessment as a function of time using both ground-based and unmanned aerial systems. There is a need for a study focusing on crop-specific yield and harvest assessment using a rapid, affordable system. We hypothesize that a down-sampled multispectral system, tuned with spectral features identified from hyperspectral data, could address the mentioned gaps. Moreover, we hypothesize that the airborne data will contain noise that could negatively impact the performance and the reliability of the utilized models. Thus, We address these knowledge gaps with three objectives as below: 1. Assess yield prediction of snap bean crop using spectral and biophysical data and identify discriminating spectral features via statistical and machine learning approaches. 2. Evaluate snap bean harvest maturity at both the plant growth stage and pod maturity level, by means of spectral and biophysical indicators, and identify the corresponding discriminating spectral features. 3. Assess the feasibility of using a deep learning architecture for reducing noise in the hyperspectral data. In the light of the mentioned objectives, we carried out a greenhouse study in the winter and spring of 2019, where we studied temporal change in spectra and physical attributes of snap-bean crop, from Huntington cultivar, using a handheld spectrometer in the visible- to shortwave-infrared domain (400-2500 nm). Chapter 3 of this dissertation focuses on yield assessment of the greenhouse study. Findings from this best-case scenario yield study showed that the best time to study yield is approximately 20-25 days prior to harvest that would give out the most accurate yield predictions. The proposed approach was able to explain variability as high as R2 = 0.72, with spectral features residing in absorption regions for chlorophyll, protein, lignin, and nitrogen, among others. The captured data from this study contained minimal noise, even in the detector fall-off regions. Moving the focus to harvest maturity assessment, Chapter 4 presents findings from this objective in the greenhouse environment. Our findings showed that four stages of maturity, namely vegetative growth, budding, flowering, and pod formation, are distinguishable with 79% and 78% accuracy, respectively, via the two introduced vegetation indices, as snap-bean growth index (SGI) and normalized difference snap-bean growth index (NDSI), respectively. Moreover, pod-level maturity classification showed that ready-to-harvest and not-ready-to-harvest pods can be separated with 78% accuracy with identified wavelengths residing in green, red edge, and shortwave-infrared regions. Moreover, Chapters 5 and 6 focus on transitioning the learned concepts from the mentioned greenhouse scenario to UAS domain. We transitioned from a handheld spectrometer in the visible to short-wave infrared domain (400-2500 nm) to a UAS-mounted hyperspectral imager in the visible-to-near-infrared region (400-1000 nm). Two years worth of data, at two different geographical locations, were collected in upstate New York and examined for yield modeling and harvest scheduling objectives. For analysis of the collected data, we introduced a feature selection library in Python, named “Jostar”, to identify the most discriminating wavelengths. The findings from the yield modeling UAS study show that pod weight and seed length, as two different yield indicators, can be explained with R2 as high as 0.93 and 0.98, respectively. Identified wavelengths resided in blue, green, red, and red edge regions, and 44-55 days after planting (DAP) showed to be the optimal time for yield assessment. Chapter 6, on the other hand, evaluates maturity assessment, in terms of pod classification, from the UAS perspective. Results from this study showed that the identified features resided in blue, green, red, and red-edge regions, contributing to F1 score as high as 0.91 for differentiating between ready-to-harvest vs. not ready-to-harvest. The identified features from this study is in line with those detected from the UAS yield assessment study. In order to have a parallel comparison of the greenhouse study against the UAS study, we adopted the methodology employed for UAS studies and applied it to the greenhouse studies, in Chapter 7. Since the greenhouse data were captured in the visible-to-shortwave-infrared (400-2500 nm) domain, and the UAS study data were captured in the VNIR (400-1000 nm) domain, we truncated the spectral range of the collected data from the greenhouse study to the VNIR domain. The comparison experiment between the greenhouse study and the UAS studies for yield assessment, at two harvest stages early and late, showed that spectral features in 450-470, 500-520, 650, 700-730 nm regions were repeated on days with highest coefficient of determination. Moreover, 46-48 DAP with high coefficient of determination for yield prediction were repeated in five out of six data sets (two early stages, each three data sets). On the other hand, the harvest maturity comparison between the greenhouse study and the UAS data sets showed that similar identified wavelengths reside in ∼450, ∼530, ∼715, and ∼760 nm regions, with performance metric (F1 score) of 0.78, 0.84, and 0.9 for greenhouse, 2019 UAS, and 2020 UAS data, respectively. However, the incorporated noise in the captured data from the UAS study, along with the high computational cost of the classical mathematical approach employed for denoising hyperspectral data, have inspired us to leverage the computational performance of hyperspectral denoising by assessing the feasibility of transferring the learned concepts to deep learning models. In Chapter 8, we approached hyperspectral denoising in spectral domain (1D fashion) for two types of noise, integrated noise and non-independent and non-identically distributed (non-i.i.d.) noise. We utilized Memory Networks due to their power in image denoising for hyperspectral denoising, introduced a new loss and benchmarked it against several data sets and models. The proposed model, HypeMemNet, ranked first - up to 40% in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for resolving integrated noise, and first or second, by a small margin for resolving non-i.i.d. noise. Our findings showed that a proper receptive field and a suitable number of filters are crucial for denoising integrated noise, while parameter size was shown to be of the highest importance for non-i.i.d. noise. Results from the conducted studies provide a comprehensive understanding encompassing yield modeling, harvest scheduling, and hyperspectral denoising. Our findings bode well for transitioning from an expensive hyperspectral imager to a multispectral imager, tuned with the identified bands, as well as employing a rapid deep learning model for hyperspectral denoising

    Artificial intelligence in construction asset management: a review of present status, challenges and future opportunities

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    The built environment is responsible for roughly 40% of global greenhouse emissions, making the sector a crucial factor for climate change and sustainability. Meanwhile, other sectors (like manufacturing) adopted Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve complex, non-linear problems to reduce waste, inefficiency, and pollution. Therefore, many research efforts in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction community have recently tried introducing AI into building asset management (AM) processes. Since AM encompasses a broad set of disciplines, an overview of several AI applications, current research gaps, and trends is needed. In this context, this study conducted the first state-of-the-art research on AI for building asset management. A total of 578 papers were analyzed with bibliometric tools to identify prominent institutions, topics, and journals. The quantitative analysis helped determine the most researched areas of AM and which AI techniques are applied. The areas were furtherly investigated by reading in-depth the 83 most relevant studies selected by screening the articles’ abstracts identified in the bibliometric analysis. The results reveal many applications for Energy Management, Condition assessment, Risk management, and Project management areas. Finally, the literature review identified three main trends that can be a reference point for future studies made by practitioners or researchers: Digital Twin, Generative Adversarial Networks (with synthetic images) for data augmentation, and Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Handbook of Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing and Production Management

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is simply a way of providing a computer or a machine to think intelligently like human beings. Since human intelligence is a complex abstraction, scientists have only recently began to understand and make certain assumptions on how people think and to apply these assumptions in order to design AI programs. It is a vast knowledge base discipline that covers reasoning, machine learning, planning, intelligent search, and perception building. Traditional AI had the limitations to meet the increasing demand of search, optimization, and machine learning in the areas of large, biological, and commercial database information systems and management of factory automation for different industries such as power, automobile, aerospace, and chemical plants. The drawbacks of classical AI became more pronounced due to successive failures of the decade long Japanese project on fifth generation computing machines. The limitation of traditional AI gave rise to development of new computational methods in various applications of engineering and management problems. As a result, these computational techniques emerged as a new discipline called computational intelligence (CI)

    Low-Carbon City Development based on Land Use Planning

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    Optimising existing digital workflow for structural engineering organisations through the partnering of BIM and Lean processes

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is now seen as one of the leading transformative processes within the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector and has the potential to assist in streamlining the structural design process. However, its practical implementation can often add another layer to the existing workflow and can result, to its detriment, in the primary objective of optimising structural workflows being hindered. This can lead to structural organisations producing 3D models in tandem with traditional drawings, a lack of human intervention regarding software interoperability, and a reluctance to move away from conventional work methods. This paper will explore how a lean approach to BIM adoption can optimise the digital structural workflow, thereby enhancing BIM adoption. Although much research has been conducted on BIM as an enabler of Lean, there remains a gap regarding the synergies in how Lean tools can advance BIM adoption within the structural discipline. The closing of this knowledge gap will be advanced by comparing existing digital workflows within a structural organisation against a proposed integrated BIM workflow underpinned through Lean. The findings highlight that while BIM and Lean offer enhanced digital solutions to modernise structural design office workflows, the true capability of these tools will not be realised without a cultural change

    Advanced Process Monitoring for Industry 4.0

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    This book reports recent advances on Process Monitoring (PM) to cope with the many challenges raised by the new production systems, sensors and “extreme data” conditions that emerged with Industry 4.0. Concepts such as digital-twins and deep learning are brought to the PM arena, pushing forward the capabilities of existing methodologies to handle more complex scenarios. The evolution of classical paradigms such as Latent Variable modeling, Six Sigma and FMEA are also covered. Applications span a wide range of domains such as microelectronics, semiconductors, chemicals, materials, agriculture, as well as the monitoring of rotating equipment, combustion systems and membrane separation processes