10 research outputs found

    The Largest Respectful Function

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    Respectful functions were introduced by Sangiorgi as a compositional tool to formulate short and clear bisimulation proofs. Usually, the larger the respectful function, the easier the bisimulation proof. In particular the largest respectful function, defined as the pointwise union of all respectful functions, has been shown to be very useful. We here provide an explicit and constructive characterization of it

    The Largest Respectful Function

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    Formalising the pi-calculus using nominal logic

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    We formalise the pi-calculus using the nominal datatype package, based on ideas from the nominal logic by Pitts et al., and demonstrate an implementation in Isabelle/HOL. The purpose is to derive powerful induction rules for the semantics in order to conduct machine checkable proofs, closely following the intuitive arguments found in manual proofs. In this way we have covered many of the standard theorems of bisimulation equivalence and congruence, both late and early, and both strong and weak in a uniform manner. We thus provide one of the most extensive formalisations of a process calculus ever done inside a theorem prover. A significant gain in our formulation is that agents are identified up to alpha-equivalence, thereby greatly reducing the arguments about bound names. This is a normal strategy for manual proofs about the pi-calculus, but that kind of hand waving has previously been difficult to incorporate smoothly in an interactive theorem prover. We show how the nominal logic formalism and its support in Isabelle accomplishes this and thus significantly reduces the tedium of conducting completely formal proofs. This improves on previous work using weak higher order abstract syntax since we do not need extra assumptions to filter out exotic terms and can keep all arguments within a familiar first-order logic.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanizing a Process Algebra for Network Protocols

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    This paper presents the mechanization of a process algebra for Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Wireless Mesh Networks, and the development of a compositional framework for proving invariant properties. Mechanizing the core process algebra in Isabelle/HOL is relatively standard, but its layered structure necessitates special treatment. The control states of reactive processes, such as nodes in a network, are modelled by terms of the process algebra. We propose a technique based on these terms to streamline proofs of inductive invariance. This is not sufficient, however, to state and prove invariants that relate states across multiple processes (entire networks). To this end, we propose a novel compositional technique for lifting global invariants stated at the level of individual nodes to networks of nodes.Comment: This paper is an extended version of arXiv:1407.3519. The Isabelle/HOL source files, and a full proof document, are available in the Archive of Formal Proofs, at http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/AWN.shtm

    Formalisation de HOCore en Coq

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    National audienceNous présentons les premiers résultats de la formalisation de propriétés du calcul de processus d'ordre supérieur HOCore [I. Lanese, J. A. Pérez, D. Sangiorgi et A. Schmitt : On the expressiveness and decidability of higher-order process calculi. Information and Computation, 209(2):198-226, fév. 2011.] dans l'assistant de preuve Coq. Nous décrivons notre choix de représentation des lieurs de HOCore, nous basant sur l'approche canonique de Pollack et al .[R. Pollack, M. Sato et W. Ricciotti : A canonical locally named representation of binding. Journal of Automated Reasoning, p. 1-23, mai 2011. 10.1007/s10817-011-9229-y.] Nous donnons la représentation de différentes notions de bissimulations, puis la preuve formelle de la correction de l'IO-bissimilarité par rapport à l'équivalence contextuelle barbue, correspondant à un des théorÚmes fondamentaux de [I. Lanese, J. A. Pérez, D. Sangiorgi et A. Schmitt : On the expressiveness and decidability of higher-order process calculi. Information and Computation, 209(2):198-226, fév. 2011.]. Nous montrons également que l'IO-bissimilarité est décidable. L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer l'utilité de Coq et de la représentation canonique pour prouver des propriétés de calculs d'ordre supérieur

    Proof-relevant pi-calculus

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    Formalising the pi-calculus is an illuminating test of the expressiveness of logical frameworks and mechanised metatheory systems, because of the presence of name binding, labelled transitions with name extrusion, bisimulation, and structural congruence. Formalisations have been undertaken in a variety of systems, primarily focusing on well-studied (and challenging) properties such as the theory of process bisimulation. We present a formalisation in Agda that instead explores the theory of concurrent transitions, residuation, and causal equivalence of traces, which has not previously been formalised for the pi-calculus. Our formalisation employs de Bruijn indices and dependently-typed syntax, and aligns the "proved transitions" proposed by Boudol and Castellani in the context of CCS with the proof terms naturally present in Agda's representation of the labelled transition relation. Our main contributions are proofs of the "diamond lemma" for residuation of concurrent transitions and a formal definition of equivalence of traces up to permutation of transitions.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0759

    Psi-calculi in Isabelle

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    Modular coinduction up-to for higher-order languages via first-order transition systems

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    The bisimulation proof method can be enhanced by employing ‘bisimulations up-to’ techniques. A comprehensive theory of such enhancements has been developed for first-order (i.e., CCS-like) labelled transition systems (LTSs) and bisimilarity, based on abstract fixed-point theory and compatible functions. We transport this theory onto languages whose bisimilarity and LTS go beyond those of first-order models. The approach consists in exhibiting fully abstract translations of the more sophisticated LTSs and bisimilarities onto the first-order ones. This allows us to reuse directly the large corpus of up-to techniques that are available on first-order LTSs. The only ingredient that has to be manually supplied is the compatibility of basic up-to techniques that are specific to the new languages. We investigate the method on the π-calculus, the λ-calculus, and a (call-by-value) λ-calculus with references

    Executable Structural Operational Semantics in Maude

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    This paper describes in detail how to bridge the gap between theory and practice when implementing in Maude structural operational semantics described in rewriting logic, where transitions become rewrites and inference rules become conditional rewrite rules with rewrites in the conditions, as made possible by the new features in Maude 2.0. We validate this technique using it in several case studies: a functional language Fpl (evaluation and computation semantics, including an abstract machine), imperative languages WhileL (evaluation and computation semantics) and GuardL with nondeterminism (computation semantics), Kahn’s functional language Mini-ML (evaluation or natural semantics), Milner’s CCS (with strong and weak transitions), and Full LOTOS (including ACT ONE data type specifications). In addition, on top of CCS we develop an implementation of the Hennessy-Milner modal logic for describing local capabilities of processes, and for LOTOS we build an entire tool where Full LOTOS specifications can be entered and executed (without user knowledge of the underlying implementation of the semantics). We also compare this method based on transitions as rewrites with another one based on transitions as judgements

    Modular coinduction up-to for higher-order languages via first-order transition systems

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    The bisimulation proof method can be enhanced by employing `bisimulations up-to' techniques. A comprehensive theory of such enhancements has been developed for first-order (i.e., CCS-like) labelled transition systems (LTSs) and bisimilarity, based on abstract fixed-point theory and compatible functions. We transport this theory onto languages whose bisimilarity and LTS go beyond those of first-order models. The approach consists in exhibiting fully abstract translations of the more sophisticated LTSs and bisimilarities onto the first-order ones. This allows us to reuse directly the large corpus of up-to techniques that are available on first-order LTSs. The only ingredient that has to be manually supplied is the compatibility of basic up-to techniques that are specific to the new languages. We investigate the method on the pi-calculus, the lambda-calculus, and a (call-by-value) lambda-calculus with references